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随着全国范围内土地复垦工作的广泛开展,对于土地复垦项目的评价变得越来越重要。通过选取实验区域,获取实验区的相关实地数据及遥感影像,研究处理和解译实验区遥感影像,对影像进行分类处理,提取了土地复垦项目的工程量指标,并对其进行精度分析,建立了土地复垦项目的工程量评价体系,结果与实地数据一致,说明遥感评价方法具有实际可行性。  相似文献   
In the summers of 1998 and 2010, severe floods occurred in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Although an El Niño event took place preceding each of the summer floods, significant differences between the two summer floods and the two El Niño events were identified. The 1997/98 El Niño is a conventional one with strongest warming in the central-eastern Pacific, whereas the 2009/10 event is an El Niño Modoki with strongest warming in the central Pacific. In this study, summer rainfall anomalies (SRA) in the two years were first compared based on the rainfall data at 160 stations in mainland China, and a significant difference in SRA was found. To understand the underlying mechanism for the difference, the atmospheric circulation systems, particularly the western North Pacific anticyclone (WNPAC), the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH), and the low-level air flows, were compared in the two years by using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. The results display that the WNPAC was stronger in 2010 than in 1998, along with a northwestward shift, causing weakened southwesterly from the Bay of Bengal to the South China Sea but intensified southerly in eastern China. This resulted in less water vapor transport from the tropical Indian Ocean and the South China Sea but more from the subtropical western Pacific to East Asia. Subsequently, the rainband in 2010 shifted northward. The difference in the WNPAC was caused by the anomalous ascending motion associated with the warming location in the two El Niño events. Furthermore, the role of tropical sea surface temperature (SST) in modulating these differences was investigated by conducting sensitivity experiments using GFDL AM2.1 (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Atmospheric Model). Two experiments were performed, one with the observed monthly SST and the other with June SST persisting through the whole summer. The results suggest that the model well reproduced the primary differences in the atmospheric circulation systems in the two years. It is found that the difference in El Niño events has shaped the rainfall patterns in the two years of 1998 and 2010. At last, the case of 2010 was compared with the composite of historical El Niño Modoki events, and the results indicate that the impact of El Niño Modoki varies from case to case and is more complicated than previously revealed.  相似文献   
中国近54年来夏季极端降水事件特征研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
利用1960~2013年中国6~8月无缺测的571站逐日降水资料,定义7个极端降水指数,研究中国夏季极端降水事件特征。结果表明:(1)极端降水事件空间分布存在明显的区域性差异,长江中下游地区、华南地区、西北地区表现为增加趋势,东北地区、华北地区、西南部分地区表现为减少趋势;时间分布表现出具有显著的年际和年代际变化特征,极端降水事件有增加趋势,在20世纪90年代初期有明显转折。(2)M-K检验表现出极端降水事件在20世纪90年代初发生突变,突变前(后)偏弱(强)。(3)极端降水指数周期振荡不完全一致,准15年周期振荡为主,其次是准7年周期,最强振动出现在1998年。(4)除持续干期指数外,其他极端降水指数间存在较好的相关性。  相似文献   
王钦  李双林  付建建  李国平 《气象学报》2012,70(6):1207-1222
1998和2010年夏季长江流域均发生了明显的洪涝灾害,且都是厄尔尼诺事件的次年(衰亡位相).不同的是:1997/1998年冬季的厄尔尼诺事件是传统东部型,而2009/2010年冬季的厄尔尼诺事件是中部型(EL Ni(n)o Modoki).首先利用中国160个台站月降水观测资料,对比了1998和2010年降水异常情况,结果显示除长江流域多降水这一共同特征外,1998和2010年降水分布还存在一定差异.利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对比了大气环流异常特征.结果表明:与1998年相比,2010年西北太平洋对流层低层异常反气旋中心位置偏北偏西,西太平洋副热带高压偏强、脊线偏北,使得南海孟加拉湾西南风减弱而东亚南风加强,导致自印度洋、南海向内陆的水汽输送减少,而自西太平洋的水汽输送增加并输送到偏北的位置,雨带比1998年偏北,中国西南地区降水比1998年偏少.进一步分析厄尔尼诺的影响,揭示环流形势的变化与中部型厄尔尼诺年赤道太平洋异常上升气流比传统厄尔尼诺年偏西、西太平洋异常下沉气流随之变化有关.利用GFDL大气环流模式AM2.1,进行了给定1998和2010年实际观测海温强迫的试验,显示海温差异能够部分解释观测到的环流异常.最后,将这两个个例与历史合成进行了比较,发现2010年与历史合成的中部型厄尔尼诺存在较大差异,表明中部型厄尔尼诺对中国夏季降水的影响比以前所认识的要复杂.  相似文献   
2007年12月20日,北京国宏宾馆,在业界的热切期待和共同见证下,中望CAD2008向全球60多个国家和地区同步发布,宣告了中国软件产业又一划时代CAD平台软  相似文献   
在浙东天台晚中新世嵊县组发现大量菱属果实化石。该化石保存完好,特征丰富。由于其种类多、性状冗杂不明显,菱属植物的鉴定与分类一直存在很大争议。本研究基于菱属果实化石性状特征多、便于测量记录的特点,通过聚类分析和主成分分析等数值统计方法对菱属果实进行鉴别、归类,寻找鉴定分类中的指导性性状。首先,利用上述方法对现生菱属果实进行数量分析,取得了较好结果。然后,采用同样方法对菱属果实化石进行研究,认为聚类分析和主成分分析法能够对化石种进行有效的鉴定分类,可以成功剔除冗余性状。最后,研究得出果体形状、是否有果冠、果冠是否外翻、顶部形态、肩角生长方向、腰角生长方向、腰角长度、瘤状退化腰角数目等特征是菱属果实化石鉴定的关键性状。基于以上性状,嵊县组菱属果实化石可以分为两个类群。  相似文献   
By using the gauged rainfall in 160 stations within mainland China and the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the impacts of anomalous SST in Kuroshio and its extension on precipitation in Northeast China were investigated. The results show that a difference in the meridional circulation such as the East Asia/Pacific teleconnection pattern(EAP)may be responsible for the difference in rainfall between 1998 and 2010. In comparison with 1998, the anomalous meridional circulation pattern in 2010 shifted northeastward, and then the western subtropical high, the mid-latitudinal trough and the northeastern Asia blocking high also shifted northeastward, causing intensified convergence of the cold and warm air masses at the southern region and thus more rainfall in the southwestern region and less in the northwestern region. In 1998, the anomalous cyclone, one component of the meridional pattern, located at the Songhuajiang-Nengjiang River basin, resulted in more rainfall in the majority of the area. The results of observation and the model show that the difference in SSTA in Kuroshio and its extension under the background of different El Ni觡o events is the key point:(1) The anomalous warmth moved westward from the mid-Pacific to the east of the Philippine Sea during the central event, which led the heat resources shifting to the northeast in 2010; subsequently, a shift occurred to the north of the anomalous ascent and decent, followed by a warm SSTA in the region of Kuroshio's extension in 2010 and Kuroshio in 1998.(2) The warm SSTA in the Kuroshio extension causing the Rossby wave activity flux strengthened in 2010, and then the westerly jet shifted northward and extended eastward. A warm SSTA in Kuroshio and cold SSTA in its extension in 1998 caused the westerly jet to shift southward and weaken. As a result,the anomalous anticyclone and cyclone shifted northward in 2010, and the blocking high also shifted northward.  相似文献   
近年来伴随着国内软件商的不断技术创新,逐渐缩短中国软件产业和国际软件产业的距离。继国内软件商金山香港上市的捷报,2007年12月20日,北京又传来消息:由国产CAD品牌广州中望龙腾软件股  相似文献   
2012年11月7日至10日,澳大利亚西澳洲地质调查局局长瑞克·罗杰森先生、西澳洲政府矿产石油部高级主管高劢女士来山东访问。期间,在山东省国土资源厅办公大楼与山东省国土资源厅、省矿业协会、省地质矿产勘查开发局、省煤田地质局、省地质科学实验研究院等单位进行了会谈。山东省国土资源厅副厅长王玉志、省矿业协会会长邵清纯、省地质矿产勘查开发局副局长刘鲁、省煤田地质局副局长赵广金等与澳方代表举行了座谈。  相似文献   
曾波  谌芸  王钦  徐金霞 《冰川冻土》2019,41(2):444-456
利用四川地区122站逐日降水数据,采用均值、气候趋势系数等统计方法,对1961-2016年不同量级不同持续时间降水的空间和时间变化特征进行了分析,结果表明:盆地和攀西地区小雨、中雨、大雨和总暴雨所占年降水量比例接近,高原地区小雨降水量约占50%以上,中雨约40%,大雨约10%;整个四川地区小雨日数占总降水日数75%以上,量级越高降水日数越少。年降水量在盆地和攀西地区为减少趋势,高原则相反,年降水日数除了在高原局部微弱增加外其他地区皆减少且大部分区域减少趋势通过99%的显著性水平检验,这种趋势显著性主要体现在小雨量级降水。随着降水量级的增加,高原、盆地东北、攀西和盆地东南的部分地区出现了降水量和降水次数增加趋势,这可能说明高原地区年降水量的增加由小雨量级降水效率以及中雨和大雨降水次数增加导致,盆地和攀西部分地区年降水量的增加主要由降水量级大的降水次数增加导致。  相似文献   
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