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Long term variability in the surface winds over the marginal seas of China is examined with a dominant-mode singular value decomposition method. Both interannual and interdecadal patterns are found to be seasonally and spatially dependent, with reanalyses and satellite remote sensing data yielding highly consistent results. The study reveals that summer monsoon winds over the East China Sea experienced an interdecadal weakening in the late 1960s and began a persistent recovery in 2005. The study also shows gradual weakening of the winter monsoon in the southern South China Sea by more than 2m/s since the 1960s, with corroboration from coastal climate stations in Borneo. This phenomenon has not been reported in previous monsoon studies.  相似文献   
北太平洋副热带环流变异及其对我国近海动力环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国东部陆架海和南海是国防安全的重要门户;位处第二岛链以西的副热带北太平洋既是各国争夺的重要海区,又是我国从近海走向大洋的重要通道.围绕"北太平洋副热带环流变异如何通过黑潮与我国近海动力环境之间相互作用"这一国际前沿科学问题,国家重点基础研究发展计划项目"北太平洋副热带环流变异及其对我国近海动力环境的影响"于2007年9月正式立项.该项目不仅有助于拓展和丰富海洋动力学理论,揭示我国近海及邻近大洋动力环境变异机制,提高预测能力,而且也将为维护我国国防安全和海洋权益,为可持续开发利用海洋资源提供海洋动力环境保障.该项目主要研究内容包括:①北太平洋副热带环流变异和调整机理;②黑潮与我国近海的能量与水体交换过程及机制;③北太平洋副热带环流变异与大气驱动力的耦合效应;④我国近海及邻近大洋动力环境变异的可预测性研究.拟解决的关键科学问题为:北太平洋副热带内区环流变异的机理及其对黑潮的影响;黑潮源头变异机理及其对吕宋海峡水交换的影响和黑潮变异机理及其对东部陆架海域动力环境的影响.  相似文献   
The jet structure of the Southern Ocean front south of Australia is studied in stream-coordinate with a new altimeter product—Absolute Dynamic Topography (ADT) from AVISO. The accuracy of the ADT data is validated with the mooring data from a two-year subantarctic-front experiment. It is demonstrated that the ADT is consistent with in-situ measurements and captures the meso-scale activity of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). Stream-coordinate analysis of ADT surface geostrophic flows finds that ACC jets exhibit large spatio-temporal variability and do not correspond to particular streamfunction values. In the circumpolar scope ACC jets display a transient fragmented pattern controlled by topographic features. The poleward shift of jet in streamfunction space, as revealed by a streamwise correlation method, indicates the presence of meridional fluxes of zonal momentum. Such cross-stream eddy fluxes concentrate the broad ACC baroclinic flow into narrow jets. Combined with a recent discovery of gravest empirical mode (GEM) in the thermohaline fields, the study clarifies the interrelationship among front, jet and streamfunction in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   
In a study of surface monsoon winds over the China marginal seas, Sun et al. (2012) use singular value decomposition method to identify regional dominant modes and analyze their interdecadal variability. This paper continues to evaluate the interannual variability of each dominant mode and its relation to various atmospheric, oceanic and land factors. The findings include: 1) The intensity of the winter monsoon over the East China Sea is highly correlated with the Siberian High intensity and anti-correlated with the latitudinal position of the Aleutian Low as well as the rainfall in eastern China, Korean Peninsula and Japan; 2) The western Pacific subtropical high is significantly correlated with the summer monsoon intensity over the East China Sea and anti-correlated with the summer monsoon over the South China Sea; 3) The winter monsoon in a broad zonal belt through the Luzon Strait is dominated by the ENSO signal, strengthening in the La Ni a phase and weakening in the El Ni o phase. This inverse relation exhibits interdecadal shift with a period of weak correlation in the 1980s; 4) Analysis of tidal records validates the interdecadal weakening of the East Asian summer monsoon and reveals an atmospheric bridge that conveys the ENSO signal into the South China Sea via the winter monsoon.  相似文献   
A key component of the East Asian climate system is seasonally varying monsoon wind. Its interannual and interdecadal variability, as well as underlying oceanic processes, is the subject of a recent project completed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. A series of research progress in the areas of monsoon winds, ocean responses, upwelling and productivity has been made and reviewed by this paper.  相似文献   
台湾东北部黑潮在流函数空间的水文分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用一种流函数投影方法对台湾东北部黑潮近20年的历史水文数据进行了诊断分析。结果表明,苏澳海脊北部位于冲绳海槽西南角的黑潮中层水的盐度明显高于周围海区;而位于1000m以下的冲绳海槽黑潮深层水相对于苏澳海脊以南的黑潮深层水具有高温低盐的特征,反映了苏澳海脊对黑潮水团的阻挡作用;位于300m以浅的冲绳海槽黑潮热带水相对于苏澳海脊以南的黑潮热带水具有低温低盐的特征。对冲绳海槽西南角黑潮中层水高盐中心的成因分析表明,除苏澳海脊的阻挡作用外,台湾东北部常年存在的气旋式冷涡与黑潮主体在陆架坡折交汇区的垂直混合过程也是需要考虑的物理因素。  相似文献   
基于东海PN断面近50年的历史水文数据,本文中作者应用一种斜压流函数空间投影的方法分析冲绳海槽北部黑潮水团的季节性和年代际变异.诊断生成的地转经验模态(GEM)显示黑潮中层水的盐度在夏季相对较低,春季达到最高.通过比较1987年之后CTD数据生成的GEM场与1987年之前BOttle数据生成的GEM场,得以证实黑潮的年代际变化特征,即黑潮表层水近20年来温度升高而盐度减小,同时发现黑潮热带水具有盐度增加而中层水具有盐度减小的趋势.  相似文献   
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