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Groundwater has been the main source of water supply for large cities and towns over the last few decades in the upper Blue Nile River Basin, Ethiopia. However, provision is often unsuccessful because of poor well productivity, difficult drilling conditions, poor well positioning, or sometimes due to poor water quality. The growing pressure of urban population and industrial development is focusing unprecedented attention on the groundwater potential of the basin. The purpose of this work is to spatially characterize the groundwater potential of the upper Blue Nile River Basin with respect to variable recharge and geodiversity. The study shows that from the annual recharge obtained using the base flow separation method, the renewable groundwater potential in the basin was estimated to be in the range of 1.2 and 2 billion m3/year. The aquifers in the area are divided into three categories: low to moderate productivity (≈3.5 l/s) which includes crystalline basement rocks, acidic lava flows and domes, and very fine alluvial sediments; moderate to high productivity (≈5.5 l/s) that includes Mesozoic sedimentary rocks (sandstone, limestone, gypsum, dolomite); and high to very high productivity (≈20 l/s) which includes basic lava flows of the Trap series, Quaternary lava flows and alluvial sediments.  相似文献   
The Middle Awash basin is an arid region in Ethiopia where surface waters are scarce and local communities are dependent on groundwater resources for water supply. The complex hydrogeological system of this basin has been conceptualized. Multivariate statistical analysis of hydrochemical variables and water isotopes were used to study the rock?Cwater interaction, geochemical reaction processes and the hydrological link between aquifers. Groundwaters from aquifers of the high-rainfall plateau bounding the rift are slightly mineralized, as well as depleted in ??18O and ??D, and contain 3H above 0.8?TU. This suggests a low degree of rock?Cwater interaction and that groundwater is under recharge from heavy rain that falls on surrounding highlands. On the other hand, groundwaters from aquifers of the rift floor are highly mineralized and show slight enrichment in ??18O and ??D with positive oxygen shift, but contain 3H below 0.8?TU. The positive oxygen shift in rift floor groundwaters may be caused by the isotopic exchange of oxygen between groundwater and aquifer materials during rock?Cwater interaction, whereas the low 3H content could be due to the decay of tritium along relatively long flow paths. The approach utilized in this study may be applicable to understanding hydrogeochemical processes in other complex volcanic terrains.  相似文献   
Although most recharge estimation studies apply multiple methods to identify the possible range in recharge values, many do not distinguish clearly enough between inherent uncertainty of the methods and other factors affecting the results. We investigated the additional value that can be gained from multi-method recharge studies through insights into hydrogeological understanding, in addition to characterizing uncertainty. Nine separate groundwater recharge estimation methods, with a total of 17 variations, were applied at a shallow aquifer in northwest Ethiopia in the context of the potential for shallow groundwater resource development. These gave a wide range of recharge values from 45 to 814 mm/a. Critical assessment indicated that the results depended on what the recharge represents (actual, potential, minimum recharge or change in aquifer storage), and spatial and temporal scales, as well as uncertainties from application of each method. Important insights into the hydrogeological system were gained from this detailed analysis, which also confirmed that the range of values for actual recharge was reduced to around 280-430 mm/a. This study demonstrates that even when assumptions behind methods are violated, as they often are to some degree especially when data are limited, valuable insights into the hydrogeological system can be gained from application of multiple methods.  相似文献   
Hydrogeochemical and isotopic signatures of the waters of the Baro-Akobo River Basin show deviation from signatures in other Ethiopian river basins. In this study, hydrogeochemical and isotope methods were employed to determine regional and local hydrogeology and characteristics of the basin. Optical, thermal and radar remote sensing products were used to update geological and structural maps of the basin and determine sampling points using the judgment sampling method. A total of 363 samples from wells, springs, rivers, lakes, swamps and rain were collected for this study, and an additional 270 water quality data sets were added from previous studies. These data were analyzed for their hydrogeochemical characteristics and isotope signatures. Analysis of the oxygen, deuterium and tritium isotopes shows the groundwater of the basin is modern water. Among all basins in Ethiopia, the Baro-Akobo Basin shows the highest enrichment. This indicates the proximity of the rainfall sources, which presumably are the Sudd and other wetlands in South Sudan. The hydrochemical properties of the waters show evapotranspiration is the dominant hydrologic process in the basin and explains the large amount of water that is lost in the lowland plain. Analysis of radon-222 shows no significant groundwater flux over the wetlands, which are part of Machar Marshes. This shows evaporation to be dominant hydrologic process in this zone. Results from all analyses help explain the limited holding capacity of the aquifers in the recharge zone and their vulnerability to anthropogenic impacts and climate variability. There is a trend of decreasing surface flow and rainfall and increasing water soil erosion.  相似文献   
Crystalline rocks from the western Ethiopian Precambrian terrain comprise two major rock groups: (1) the often migmatised eastern and western high-grade gneisses; and (2) the central low-grade metavolcanosedimentary rocks. Granitoid bodies of different ages and compositions intrude these rocks. Field observations, petrographic investigations, and geochemical features support a two-fold classification of the granitoid rocks. The volcanic arc granitoids (VAG) are most common and include the Ujjukka granite and granodiorite, and the Dhagaa Booqa and Guttin K-feldspar megacrystic granites. The second and geographically more restricted group represents within-plate or anorogenic (A-type) granitoids, typified by the Tullu Kapii syenite. Geochemically, the Tullu Kapii syenite is characterised by moderate to high contents of SiO2, total alkalis, Y, Nb, Ta, Hf, Zn, Zr, Ga, ΣREE, higher ratios of Fe2O3(total)/MgO, , , and lower contents of CaO, MgO, Sr, and Ba, compared to the other granitoids. The VAG group shows chondrite-normalised REE patterns with slightly enriched LREE and flat HREE patterns without significant Eu anomalies. In contrast, the Tullu Kapii A-type granitoid is characterised by a nearly horizontal REE pattern with variable negative Eu anomalies. The Ujjukka granite and granodiorite; and the Dhagaa Booqa and Guttin K-feldspar megacrystic granites originated in a two-step process, which involves batch equilibrium melting of basaltic or andesitic material producing tonalitic magma, followed by fractional crystallisation. The Tullu Kapii syenite was the product of partial melting of source rocks enriched in high field strength elements.  相似文献   
The implementation of laws relating to transboundary aquifers necessitates field knowledge so that the laws can be coincident with reality on the ground. The definition of ‘shared aquifer’ is more complex than the mere physically shared body of groundwater flowing from country A to country B. The border between Ethiopia and Kenya is characterized by low-volume groundwater storage and low transboundary flows. However, groundwater has visible environmental, social and economic functions. The characteristics of groundwater flow and storage in aquifers shared between Ethiopia and Kenya are different from those used in setting the foundation of the international legal framework on shared aquifers. By describing the characteristics of the groundwaters that are shared between Ethiopia and Kenya, this work demonstrates that the international legal framework is inadequate when applied in this region. The main inadequacies are: (1) international law does not specify the minimum volume of transboundary flow in an aquifer for it to qualify to be treated under the law, and (2) the physical aspects of water get more emphasis than the functions of groundwater. A more adequate international legal framework would be one that considers specific types of groundwater and local needs.  相似文献   
Summary The Precambrian rocks in western Ethiopia consist of high- and low-grade terranes intruded by granitoids with a wide compositional spectrum. The formation ages of these granitoid rocks are, so far, poorly understood. Single-grain zircon Pb/Pb evaporation and conventional U/Pb dating conducted on four granitoids places time constraints on their emplacement and tectonothermal events. Three granitoid magmatic events were identified at 815 Ma, 700–730 Ma, and 620–625 Ma, which were marked by emplacement of the calc-alkaline Ujjukka granite and granodiorite, the anatectic Suqii-Wagga two-mica granite and the Guttin K-feldspar megacrystic granite, and the anorogenic Ganjii monzogranite, respectively. We interpret the 815 Ma age to mark a major magmatic episode in this part of Africa. A tectonothermal event at ∼ 630 Ma preceded the emplacement of the within-plate granitoids at 620–625 Ma. The decrease of ages from the calc-alkaline to anorogenic granitoids suggests a shift of magmatic styles and tectonic setting of the granitoids over a period of 200 million years. The Suqii-Wagga and Guttin granites, representing the granitoid population in the migmatitic terrane, formed as part of the successive evolution of the granitoid magmatism in the region. The presence of xenocrystic zircons of Mesoproterozoic ages in both granitoid populations emplaced into the low-grade volcanosedimentary sequence and the high-grade, often migmatitic, gneisses suggest contribution of pre-Pan-African crust to the origin and evolution of the granitoids. Conventional U/Pb studies of zircons from the Guttin K-feldspar megacrystic granite and the Ganjii monzogranite yielded upper intercept ages of ∼ 3 Ga and ∼ 2 Ga, respectively, possibly indicating the presence of reworked Archean-Proterozoic crustal material.
Zusammenfassung U/Pb und Pb/Pb Zirkonalter granitoider Gesteine aus dem Gebiet von Wallagga: Hinweise zur magmatischen und tektonischen Entwicklung pr?kambrischer Gesteine in A¨thiopien Das Pr?kambrium im westlichen ?thiopien besteht aus hoch- und niedrigmetamorphen Basement Serien, die von Granitoiden unterschiedlichster Zusammensetzung intrudiert werden. Die Bildungsalter dieser Magmatite sind bisher nur ungenügend bekannt gewesen. Neue Pb/Pb-Evaporations- und konventionelle U/Pb-Datierungen an Einzelzirkonen von vier verschiedenen Plutoniten erlauben nun Rückschlüsse auf deren Intrusionsalter und die damit verbundene tektonische Entwicklung der Region. Drei zeitlich getrennte magmatische Ereignisse lassen sich unterscheiden: Intrusion der kalk-alkalischen Ujjukka Granite um 815 Ma; Bildung der anatektischen Zweiglimmer Granite der Suqii-Wagga Suite um 700–730 Ma; Intrusion der grob porphyrischen K-Feldspat Granite von Guttin und der anorogenen Ganjii Monzogranite um 620–625 Ma. Das 815 Ma Ereignis wird als wichtige magmatische Phase in diesem Teil von Afrika interpretiert. Ein thermisches Ereignis um 630 Ma geht der Platzname von “within-plate” Granitoiden um 620–625 Ma voraus. Die beobachtete Altersabnahme von den kalk-alkalischen zu den anorogenen Granitoiden spricht für eine pr?gnante ?nderung des tektonischen Regimes über einen Zeitraum von ca. 200 Ma. Die Suquii-Wagga und Guttin Granite sind in das hochgradige, migmatische Basement intrudiert. Dies mag für eine sukzessive tektonische Entwicklung dieser Abfolgen sprechen. Ererbte, mesoproterozoische Zirkone deuten auf die Aufarbeitung pr?-panafrikanischer Gesteine hin. Obere Einstichpunkte von den U/Pb Analysen im Altersbereich von ca. 3 Ga in den Guttin Graniten und von ca. 2 Ga in den Ganjii Monzograniten sprechen ebenfalls für die Inkorporation von proterozoischen bis archaischen Krustenkomponenten.

Received June 7, 2000; accepted October 29, 2000  相似文献   
Experimental research in the Ethiopian highlands found that saturation excess induced runoff and erosion are common in the sub‐humid conditions. Because most erosion simulation models applied in the highlands are based on infiltration excess, we, as an alternative, developed the Parameter Efficient Distributed (PED) model, which can simulate water and sediment fluxes in landscapes with saturation excess runoff. The PED model has previously only been tested at the outlet of a watershed and not for distributed runoff and sediment concentration within the watershed. In this study, we compare the distributed storm runoff and sediment concentration of the PED model against collected data in the 95‐ha Debre Mawi watershed and three of its nested sub‐watersheds for the 2010 and 2011 rainy seasons. In the PED model framework, the hydrology of the watershed is divided between infiltrating and runoff zones, with erosion only taking place from two surface runoff zones. Daily storm runoff and sediment concentration values, ranging from 0.5 to over 30 mm and from 0.1 to 35 g l?1, respectively, were well simulated. The Nash Sutcliffe efficiency values for the daily storm runoff for outlet and sub‐watersheds ranged from 0.66 to 0.82, and the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency for daily sediment concentrations were greater than 0.78. Furthermore, the model uses realistic fractional areas for surface and subsurface flow contributions, for example between saturated areas (15%), degraded areas (30%) and permeable areas (55%) at the main outlet, while close similarity was found for the remaining hydrology and erosion parameter values. One exception occurred for the distinctly greater transport limited parameter at the actively gullying lower part of the watershed. The results suggest that the model based on saturation excess provides a good representation of the observed spatially distributed runoff and sediment concentrations within a watershed by modelling the bottom lands (as opposed to the uplands) as the dominant contributor of the runoff and sediment load. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to investigate technical and socio-political attributes that lead to the underperformance of two selected irrigation schemes (Shina and Bebeks) in the Lake Tana floodplains, Ethiopia. Irrigation application efficiency (AE) at nine experimental fields showed a wide range, from 20 to 80%, but was mostly between 40 and 60%. Irrigation water-use efficiency (IWUE) varied from 1.9 to 7.2 kg m?3 for onion and 0.9 to 1.2 kg m?3 for maize. The lined and earthen canal conveyance losses in Bebeks were 0.037 and 0.047 l s?1 m?1, whereas in Shina they were 0.033 and 0.044 l s?1 m?1, respectively. The overall consumed ratio (OCR) of water was 0.58 for Bebeks and varied from 0.73 to 1.2 in Shina. Both schemes are performing below the standard based on technical performance indicators. Irrigation water user associations (WUAs) were not implemented, but irrigation committees (ICs), composed of local political leaders, are managing both schemes. Canal and reservoir sedimentation from erosion of upstream catchment areas during the rainy season was the major problem.  相似文献   
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