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以下扬子下寒武统为研究对象,利用野外露头、岩心、岩石微观分析、有机地球化学等资料,在地层对比基础上,开展了下扬子下寒武统岩相古地理研究及烃源岩条件评价。结果表明:下扬子下寒武统主要发育硅质岩、硅质泥页岩、碳质泥页岩、灰质泥页岩、泥灰岩、白云岩6种岩石类型;地层可划分为3段,其中安吉-石台-上海地区三段发育齐全,其他地区一段大部分缺失,二段存在不同程度缺失;沉积相主要发育盆地、陆棚、斜坡、台地边缘、局限台地5种类型;烃源岩主要分布于石台-安吉、滁州-盐城、德兴-桐庐盆地相及周边陆棚相,石台-安吉地区是烃源岩发育最有利区,泥岩厚度300~700m,TOC为3%~9%,平均4.5%~5.76%;德兴-桐庐地区泥岩厚度200~400m,TOC为3%~9%,平均4.96%;滁州-盐城凹陷泥岩厚度50~200m,TOC为2%~4%。下扬子下寒武统烃源岩干酪根类型全部为Ⅰ型,有机质组分主要为腐泥组,以藻类体为主,含少量腐泥无定形体。下扬子下寒武统烃源岩均处于过成熟演化阶段,总体上由皖南盆地区向两侧台地逐渐降低,九江、景德镇、黄山及开化淳安地区受火山岩影响Ro在4.0%以上;安庆-溧阳-南通以南,湖州-苏州以西处于盆地、陆棚及斜披部位,埋深大,Ro为3.0%~4.0%;潜山、南陵、无为、金坛及苏北中新生代凹陷由于后期埋深较大,Ro在3.0%以上;其他区域Ro为2.0%~3.0%。  相似文献   
贺家沟地区位于沂南矽卡岩型金矿典型矿床的外围地区,在矿床成因和成矿模式等方面均具有高度相似性。在该地区开展化探扫面工作,根据化探异常结合该地区的成矿地质条件能快速有效的缩小找矿靶区。本文从化探样品分析数据入手,分别从化探异常下限的确定、化探异常特征、化探元素的组合分类以及主要成矿元素在该地区的分布特征等方面进行分析,从而对该地区的成矿条件有了初步认识。在此基础上圈定了以Au,Ag,Cu,Mo等为主要元素的HS1化探异常,该异常规模较大,浓集中心明显,其中主成矿元素Au具有三级浓度分带,Cu,Ag等其他元素异常亦套合较好。通过开展异常查证工作,在该异常区内发现铜金多金属矿(化)点共3处,矿(化)点与化探异常浓集中心的空间吻合程度较高。该地区化探扫面工作取得了较好的成效,具有较好的找矿前景。  相似文献   
胜利油田渤19区块注交联聚合物开采多年后,因注入水的水质不达标导致聚合物过度交联形成强凝胶,造成聚合物注入区块许多油水井的堵塞。对现场聚合物垢样品所做的化学组分、表面元素能谱及红外光谱的研究表明,垢的主体结构由交联的聚丙烯酰胺组成,交联体吸收了大量水分,在交联体内小环境中因富集而形成氯化物矿物晶体无机垢结构,而在成垢的过程中又将地层内的一些粘土矿物包裹于交联体内,形成具有聚合物-矿物复合结构的强胶凝态物质,严重影响聚合物注入—调剖—驱油过程中的聚合物溶液的流动。  相似文献   
以古近系渐新统下干柴沟组上段(E23)为研究对象,在精细岩芯观察和钻(测)井资料综合分析的基础上,结合重矿物组合、ZTR指数、砂岩碎屑组分、粒度累积概率图和砂地比等参数综合分析结果,对柴达木盆地南八仙地区E23湖盆扩张期弱退积型浅水三角洲物源方向、砂体展布规律和沉积微相发育演化进行了深入研究。结果表明:① 南八仙地区E23沉积时期物源主要来自南祁连山中酸性岩浆岩和中高级变质岩发育区,物源方向为近北东—南西向,稳定重矿物(磁铁矿、石榴子石、白钛矿和锆石)含量高(质量分数介于81. 0%~99. 9%)、不稳定重矿物(绿帘石和角闪石)含量低。② 南八仙地区E23沉积时期为浅水三角洲—滨浅湖沉积环境,主要发育水下分流河道砂体,岩性主要为岩屑长石砂岩,其次为长石岩屑砂岩,砂体的成分成熟度一般中等—较差、分选磨圆度中等—较差,粒度概率图以反映河流作用的一跳跃一悬浮式为主;沉积构造类型多样,主要发育块状层理、正粒序层理、平行层理和槽状交错层理。③ E23沉积时期,南八仙地区继承性发育3条北东—南西向呈条带状展布的砂体富集带(砂地比值介于35%~65%之间),早期到中期砂体发育程度增强,呈进积式;中期到晚期砂体发育程度有所减弱,呈弱退积式。④ E23沉积时期,南八仙地区处于浅水三角洲前缘亚相沉积环境,持续发育3个呈北东—南西向展布的沉积朵叶体,主要发育水下分流河道微相,其次为水下分流间湾微相,早期到中期浅水三角洲前缘发育规模增大,中期到晚期发育规模减小。  相似文献   
下扬子区下古生界油气有利勘探区带探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
下扬子区下古生界具有良好的油气地质条件,具备形成大型油气藏的物质基础,但一直未获得油气勘探的突破。本文通过地质、地球物理综合解释,结合部分地质露头、钻井资料及上扬子勘探成果,重点对下扬子区下古生界构造地质特征与油气地质条件等开展了综合分析研究。从构造沉积充填角度将下扬子区分为4个二级构造单元,中部地区的无锡-黄山断隆带构造相对稳定,分析认为其西北部的无锡-黄桥低褶带为油气勘探的有利区带,具有形成下古生界弱改造型油气藏的勘探前景。  相似文献   
Enclosure is commonly used in the restoration of degraded grasslands. However, the effects of enclosure on grassland plant and soil restoration remain controversial, particularly in deserts. To assess the effects of enclosure on desert plants and soil properties, using high throughput sequencing, the differences between plants and soil were systematically analyzed before and after enclosure construction. The soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and total phosphorus contents of the three desert flora increased and decreased, but the difference was not significant; enclosure increased plant height, coverage, aboveground biomass, and species richness by 58.99%, 59.35%, 33.29%, and 51.21%, respectively, in a Seriphidium transiliense formation; by 15.49%, 33.52%, 20.85%, and 5.13%, respectively, in a Haloxylon persicum formation; and by 83.80%, 31.51%, 76.66% and 33.33%, respectively, in an Anabasis salsa formation. For soil bacteria, enclosure significantly increased the average number of operational taxonomic units and Shannon-Wiener index by 12.74% and 2.92%, respectively, under S. transiliense formation and by 17.08% and 3.17%, respectively, under H. persicum formation. However, enclosure had no significant effect on the average number of operational taxonomic units or Shannon-Wiener index under A. salsa formation. Enclosure significantly increased desert plants, soil bacterial diversity, and desert plant community productivity; however, the increase in soil nutrient content was not significant. These results demonstrate that enclosure is effective for restoring desert ecosystems but may have little effect on the soil nutrient content.  相似文献   
The Global Warming Potential (GWP) index is currently used to create CO2-equivalent emission totals for multi-gas greenhouse targets. While many alternatives have been proposed, it is not possible to uniquely define a metric that captures the different impacts of emissions of substances with widely disparate atmospheric lifetimes, which leads to a wide range of possible index values. We examine the sensitivity of emissions and climate outcomes to the value of the index used to aggregate methane emissions using a technologically detailed integrated assessment model. The methane index is varied between 4 and 70, with a central value of 21, which is the 100-year GWP value currently used in policy contexts. We find that the sensitivity to index value is, at most, 10–18 % in terms of methane emissions but only 2–3 % in terms of the maximum total radiative forcing change, with larger regional emissions differences in some cases. The choice of index also affects estimates of the cost of meeting a given end of century forcing target, with total two-gas mitigation cost increasing by 7–9 % if the index is increased, and increasing in most scenarios from 4 to 23 % if the index is lowered, with a slight (1 %) decrease in total cost in one case. We find that much of the methane abatement occurs as the induced effect of CO2 abatement rather than explicit abatement, which is one reason why climate outcomes are relatively insensitive to the index value. We also find that the near-term climate benefit of increasing the methane index is small.  相似文献   
A real-time forecast (RTF) system using Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model version 2.2 is used to evaluate the diurnal variation of precipitation over South Korea in the summer (June to August) of 2007. The characteristics of the observed precipitation are also analyzed. The analysis and simulation period is divided into two sub-periods following the end of the changma, or East Asian monsoon, in 2007: Period_1 is from 1 June to 21 July, and Period_2 is from 22 July to 31 August. A 24-h precipitation cycle is observed over the entire period. The diurnal variation of precipitation over the South Korea shows that the nighttime maximum precipitation in Period_1 is affected by a largescale system; in contrast, the daytime maximum precipitation in Period_2 resulted from mesoscale convections is induced by thermal instability and moisture advection. The phases of the diurnal variation of simulated precipitation are consistent with those of the observed precipitation. The daytime rainfall amount of simulated precipitation in Period_2 is overestimated, and the convective rain process significantly affects the simulated total precipitation. The daytime overestimated precipitation is associated with overestimations of low-level temperature and moisture during the daytime in the model simulations as compared with the observations.  相似文献   
鲁西近年来陆续发现了多处金及多金属矿床,如沂南铜井、金场,平邑归来庄、磨坊沟,沂源金星头,临朐铁寨等,但对上述地区以外的找矿工作还相对薄弱。王坟地区作为临朐铁寨金银多金属矿区外围地区,具有相似的成矿地质条件。本次研究通过在王坟地区开展的1∶5万水系沉积物测量工作,对其相关成矿元素进行聚类分析、因子分析等地质统计学分析。结果表明,区内Pb、Ag异常规模大,峰值高,富集特征及浓集中心明显,相关元素套合较好。通过地化剖面及探槽工程等手段进行异常查证,所取样品中Pb、Ag等低温热液元素分析结果与异常特征套合较好,本区内沿断裂带找寻Pb、Ag等低温热液元素矿床或矿化体潜力较大。  相似文献   
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