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To understand the deformation mechanism and seismic anisotropy in the uppermost mantle beneath Spitsbergen, Svalbard, in the Arctic, the deformation microstructures of olivine in the peridotite of Spitsbergen were studied. Seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle can be explained mainly by the lattice-preferred orientation (LPO) of olivine. The LPOs of the olivine in the peridotites were determined using electron backscattered diffraction patterns. Eight specimens out of 10 showed that the [100] axis of the olivine was aligned subparallel to the lineation and that the (010) plane was subparallel to the foliation, showing a type A LPO. In the other two specimens the [100] axis of olivine was aligned subparallel to the lineation and both the [010] and [001] axes were distributed in a girdle nearly perpendicular to the lineation, showing a type D LPO. The dislocation density of the olivine in the samples showing a type D LPO was higher than that in the samples showing a type A LPO. The result of an Fourier transformation infrared study showed that both the types A and D samples were dry. These observations were in good agreement with a previous experimental study ( Tectonophysics , 421 , 2006, 1 ): samples showing a type D LPO for olivine were observed at a high stress condition and samples showing both types A and D LPO were deformed under dry condition. Observations of both strong LPOs and dislocations of olivine indicate that the peridotites studied were deformed by dislocation creep. The seismic anisotropy calculated from the LPOs of the olivine could be used to explain the seismic anisotropy of P - and S -waves in the lithospheric mantle beneath Spitsbergen, Svalbard.  相似文献   
The long-term adjustment processes of atmosphere and ocean in response to gradually increased atmospheric CO2 concentration have been analyzed in 70 and 140a integrations with NCAR fully-coupled climate system model (CSM). In these experiments the CO2 concentration has been increased to double and quadruples the initial concentration, respectively. After 70a, at the time of CO2 doubling, the model predicts surface air temperature rises by 1.2 and 1.5K for the globe and the northwestern Pacific Ocean, respectively. The behavior of the quadrupling run is similar: each global and regional mean surface air temperatures increase by 2.8 and 3.0K at the time of CO2 quadrupling. From the experiments, surface air temperature changes in the northwestern Pacific Ocean will be more distinctive compared with the global average, mainly due to exceptionally large warming and sea level change near the entrance of the Kuroshio extension.  相似文献   
本文是中、韩国际合作项目“黄海地质地球物理场特征研究”的一部分 .具体研究了格列菲列岛的基础地质问题及地球物理场特征 .格列菲列岛是由三个小岛组成的位于黄海中部的一组群岛 ,位于朝鲜半岛布格重力异常正值区 ,莫霍面埋深在 2 9km左右 .三个岛屿主要由安山集块岩构成 .安山集块岩是由大小不同的火成岩碎块和熔岩混合而成 .火成岩的碎块成分主要为石英岩、片岩、片麻岩、玄武岩、安山岩和流纹岩 .主要节理方向为NE10°~NE2 0°,倾角近乎垂直 ;另一组节理为NW70°~NW80° ,倾角也近垂直 .本研究为我们了解这个地区的基础地质情况 ,岩石物性和随后进行的黄海海域典型剖面的地球物理物性反演工作以及地质模型的建立 ,打下重要基础 .  相似文献   
With the implementation of the Jason-1 satellite altimeter mission, the goal of reaching the 1-cm level in orbit accuracy was set. To support the Precision Orbit Determination (POD) requirements, the Jason-1 spacecraft carries receivers for DORIS (Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite) and GPS (Global Positioning System), as well as a retroreflector for SLR (Satellite Laser Ranging). The overall orbit accuracy for Jason will depend on the quality and the relative weighting of the available tracking data. In this study, the relative importance of the SLR, DORIS, and GPS tracking data is assessed along with the most effective parameterization for accounting for the unmodeled accelerations through the application of empirical accelerations. The optimal relative weighting for each type of tracking data was examined. It is demonstrated that GPS tracking alone is capable of supporting a radial orbit accuracy for Jason-1 at the 1-cm level, and that including SLR tracking provides additional benefits. It is also shown that the GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) gravity model GGM01S provides a significant improvement in the orbit accuracy and reduction in the level of geographically correlated orbit errors.  相似文献   
A standard skill assessment(SA) tool was developed and implemented to evaluate the performance of operational forecast models in the Korea operational oceanographic system.The SA tool provided a robust way to assess model skill in the system by comparing predictions and observations,and involved the computation of multiple skill metrics including correlation and error skills.User-and system-based acceptance criteria of skill metrics were applied to determine whether predictions were acceptable for the system.To achieve this,the tool produced a time series comparison plot,a skill score table,and an advanced summarized diagram to effectively demonstrate the multiple skill scores.Moreover,the SA was conducted to evaluate both atmospheric and hydrodynamic forecast variables.For the atmospheric variables,acceptable error criteria were preferable to acceptable correlation criteria over short timescales,since the mean square error overwhelmed the observation variance.Conversely,for the hydrodynamic variables,acceptable root mean square percentage error(e.g.,p erms) criteria were preferable to acceptable error(e.g.,erms) criteria owing to the spatially variable tidal intensity around the Korean Peninsula.Furthermore,the SA indicated that predetermined acceptance error criteria were appropriate to satisfy a target central frequency(fc) for which errors fell within the specified limits(i.e.,the fc equals 70%).  相似文献   
Record-breaking high waves occurred during the passage of the typhoon Bolaven (1215) (TYB) in the East China Sea (ECS) and Yellow Sea (YS) although its intensity did not reach the level of a super typhoon. Winds and directional wave measurements were made using a range of in-situ instruments mounted on an ocean tower and buoys. In order to understand how such high waves with long duration occurred, analyses have been made through measurement and numerical simulations. TYB winds were generated using the TC96 typhoon wind model with the best track data calibrated with the measurements. And then the wind fields were blended with the reanalyzed synoptic-scale wind fields for a wave model. Wave fields were simulated using WAM4.5 with adjustment of Cd for gust of winds and bottom friction for the study area. Thus the accuracy of simulations is considerably enhanced, and the computed results are also in better agreement with measured data than before. It is found that the extremely high waves evolved as a result of the superposition of distant large swells and high wind seas generated by strong winds from the front/right quadrant of the typhoon track. As the typhoon moved at a speed a little slower than the dominant wave group velocity in a consistent direction for two days, the wave growth was significantly enhanced by strong wind input in an extended fetch and non-linear interaction.  相似文献   
对日本海西南陆坡对马暖流主流轴下方高沉积速率沉积物柱状样,进行了沉积学和地球化学系统研究,以探讨全新世以来对马暖流在研究区的形成与演化,并得出了与附近地区古海洋学方法非常相近的结果,从而为今后研究区的对马暖流演化研究提供了沉积学和地球化学指标。据此,该柱状样中所记录的对马暖流演化可划分为5个主要阶段。全新世初期(9.6 kaBP),对马暖流开始进入日本海,其强度较弱,同时,伴随着富营养东海沿岸水的影响,海底环境由还原性向氧化性转变;6.5 kaBP时,对马暖流控制下的日本海南部现代对流模式最终建立起来,东海沿岸水的影响基本消失,随后,对马暖流明显减弱;3.0 kaBP时,对马暖流再次增强并基本达到现在水平,且在随后的3 ka里保持总体稳定,期间在2.0~0.7 kaBP存在一次较弱的减弱过程。  相似文献   
Abstract— Patches of clastic matrix (15 to 730 μm in size) constitute 4.9 vol% of EH3 Yamato (Y‐) 691 and 11.7 vol% of EH3 Allan Hills (ALH) 81189. Individual patches in Y‐691 consist of 1) ?25 vol% relatively coarse opaque grain fragments and polycrystalline assemblages of kamacite, schreibersite, perryite, troilite (some grains with daubréelite exsolution lamellae), niningerite, oldhamite, and caswellsilverite; 2) ?30 vol% relatively coarse silicate grains including enstatite, albitic plagioclase, silica and diopside; and 3) an inferred fine nebular component (?45 vol%) comprised of submicrometer‐size grains. Clastic matrix patches in ALH 81189 contain relatively coarse grains of opaques (?20 vol%; kamacite, schreibersite, perryite and troilite) and silicates (?30 vol%; enstatite, silica and forsterite) as well as an inferred fine nebular component (?50 vol%). The O‐isotopic composition of clastic matrix in Y‐691 is indistinguishable from that of olivine and pyroxene grains in adjacent chondrules; both sets of objects lie on the terrestrial mass‐fractionation line on the standard three‐isotope graph. Some patches of fine‐grained matrix in Y‐691 have distinguishable bulk concentrations of Na and K, inferred to be inherited from the solar nebula. Some patches in ALH 81189 differ in their bulk concentrations of Ca, Cr, Mn, and Ni. The average compositions of matrix material in Y‐691 and ALH 81189 are similar but not identical‐matrix in ALH 81189 is much richer in Mn (0.23 ± 0.05 versus 0.07 ± 0.02 wt%) and appreciably richer in Ni (0.36 ± 0.10 versus 0.18 ± 0.05 wt%) than matrix in Y‐691. Each of the two whole‐rocks exhibits a petrofabric, probably produced by shock processes on their parent asteroid.  相似文献   
The onset of South China Sea summer monsoon in 1998 occurred on May 21st. Using the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction reanalysis data, this paper examines the physical process of the weakening of a subtropical anticyclone in West Pacific during the onset period using the Zwack-Okossi vorticity equation. Results show that during the pre-onset period, the positive vorticity advection in front of an upper tropospheric trough was the most dominant physical mechanism for the increase of the cyclonic vorticity on the 850-hPa layer over the South China Sea and its nearby region. The secondary contribution to the increase of the cyclonic vorticity was the warm-air advection. After the onset, the magnitude of the latent-heat warming term rapidly increased and its effect on the increase of the cyclonic vorticity was about the same as the positive-vorticity advection. The adiabatic term and divergence term contributed negatively to the increase of the cyclonic vorticity most of the time. Thus, the positive vorticity advection is the most important physical mechanism for the weakening of the West Pacific subtropical anticyclone over the South China Sea during the onset period.  相似文献   
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