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Series of white light heliograms and oft- and on-band H filtergrams have been obtained, with an average spatial resolution of 1, to study the flare active McMath region 15403 on 11 July, 1978. A great number of accurate heliographic positions were determined for the umbrae, the white light flare patches and several bright H flare knots, as well as along the principal zero filament and an arch prominence. Using the measured heliographic coordinates of these objects their motions could be analyzed in some detail. The velocities of several different objects could be deduced from the coordinates. Since the heliocentric angle of the region was about 45°, the variation in apparent heliographic coordinates also enabled some variations in heights to be determined.It is pointed out that the flare when fully developed, consisted almost entirely of loops. The zero filament which was activated prior to the flare ran between two umbrae of common penumbra and opposite polarity, one belonging to an old, the other to a new spot group. The white light flare developed on both sides of the filament where it passed between these two umbrae; it was also the place where the flare started. Observational evidence appears to indicate that the erupted filament re-formed from below.An indication has been found that there was a link between the motion of some umbrae and the major flare occurrence.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Zwei von den Verfassern neu aufgefundene Vorkommen von Stilpnomelan in Gesteinen der Prasinit-Phyllit-Serie der Grünschieferzone der Münchberger Gneismasse (NO-Bayern) werden beschrieben und Angaben zur röntgenographischen Identifizierung sowie zum Gesteins- und Mineralchemismus mitgeteilt.Die Stilpnomelanbildung wird in das metamorphe Geschehen des Gesteinskomplexes zeitlich eingeordnet und mit den Mineralneubildungen im Grenzbereich Grünschiefer-Serpentinit verglichen; die dafür auftretenden wahrscheinlichen Druck- und Temperaturbedingungen werden kurz diskutiert.
On stilpnomelane in the Grünschieferzone of the Münchberger Gneismasse
Two new occurrences of stilpnomelane found by the authors in the Prasinite-Phyllite series of the Grünschieferzone of the Münchberger Gneismasse (Northern Bavaria) will be described and information on the x-ray identification as well as on rock- and mineralchemistry will be offered.The crystallization of stilpnomelane will be located chronologically in the metamorphic history of the rock complexes and compared with the recrystalization of other minerals in the border range of the Greenslate-Serpentin rocks; the possible pressure and temperature conditions will be discussed briefly.

Der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft soll für die materielle und apparative Unterstützung der Dank ausgesprochen werden.  相似文献   
Iron is limiting phytoplankton productivity in large parts of today’s oceans, the so-called HNLC (high nutrient low chlorophyll) areas. It is a key component in photosynthesis during which inorganic carbon fixation in most phytoplankton species is sustained by so-called carbon concentrating mechanisms (CCMs). Here we investigate CCM regulation in the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi in response to varying degrees of iron limitation by means of membrane-inlet mass spectrometry. Compared to iron replete conditions rates of both active CO2 and uptake were markedly reduced under iron limitation leading to significantly diminished growth rates. Moreover, there was a concomitant decrease in CCM efficiency, reflected in an increased CO2 loss from the cell in relation to carbon fixation. Under such conditions higher values for carbon isotope fractionation (?p) would be expected. However, direct measurements of ?p showed that carbon isotope fractionation was insensitive to changes in growth rates and CCM activity. This can be explained by concomitant changes in internal DIC fluxes in and out of the chloroplast as demonstrated with a simple cell model comprising two compartments. Thus, carbon isotope fractionation reflects the ability of phytoplankton to actively control their inorganic carbon acquisition depending on environmental conditions. The insensitivity of carbon isotope fractionation to changes in the availability of iron could be of interest for paleoreconstructions in the HNLC areas of today’s oceans.  相似文献   
Static lattice energy calculations, based on empirical pair potentials, were performed for a large set of structures differing in the arrangement of octahedral cations within the garnet 2 × 2 × 2 supercell. The compositions of these structures varied between Ca3Fe2Ge3O12 and Ca4Ge4O12. The energies were cluster expanded using pair and quaternary terms. The derived ordering constants were used to constrain Monte Carlo simulations of temperature-dependent mixing properties in the ranges of 1,073–3,673 K and 0–10 GPa. The free energies of mixing were calculated using the method of thermodynamic integration. The calculations predict a wide miscibility gap between Fe-rich (cubic) and Fe-pure (tetragonal) garnets consistent with recent experimental observations of Iezzi et al. (Phys Chem Miner 32:197–207, 2005). It is shown that the miscibility gap arises due to a very strong cation ordering at the Fe-pure composition, driven by the charge difference between Ca2+ and Ge4+ cations. The structural and thermodynamic analogies between Ca–Ge and Mg–Si systems suggest that a similar miscibility gap should exist between pyrope and Mg–Si-majorite.  相似文献   
Broad-band P - and S -waves from earthquakes in South America recorded at Californian network stations are analysed to image lateral variations of the D"-discontinuity beneath the Cocos plate. We apply two array processing methods to the data set: a simplified migration method to the P -wave data set and a double-array method to both the P - and S -wave data sets, allowing us to compare results from the two methods. The double-array method images a dipping reflector at a depth range from 2650 to 2700 km in the southern part of the study area. We observe a step-like topography of 100 km to a shallower reflector at about 2600 km depth to the north, as well as evidence for a second (deeper) reflector at a depth range from 2700 to 2750 km in the north. Results from the simplified migration agree well with those from the double-array method, similarly locating a large step in reflector depth in a similar location (about 2650 km depth in the south and about 2550 km in the north) as well as the additional deeper reflector at the depth of about 2750 km in the north. Waveform modelling of the reflected waves from both methods suggests a positive velocity contrast for S waves, but a negative velocity contrast for P waves for the upper reflector in agreement with predictions from mineral physical calculations for a post-perovskite phase transition. The data also show some evidence for the existence of another deeper reflector that could indicate a double intersection of the geotherm with the post-perovskite stability field, that is, the back-transformation of post-perovskite to perovskite close to the core–mantle boundary.  相似文献   
The Chemical Analyser subsystem of the Cosmic Dust Analyser (CDA) aboard the Cassini spacecraft performs in situ measurements of the chemical composition of dust in space. The instrument records time-of-flight mass spectra of cations, extracted from the impact cloud that is created by high-velocity particle impacts onto the detector target. Thus, the spectra not only show signals of particle components but also of ions from the target material and target contamination. The aim of this work is to determine which non-particle ions are to be expected in the spectra obtained in space operation at Saturn.We present an analysis of the contamination state of the instrument's impact target. Beside investigations of the purity of the rhodium target surface, spectra from CDA calibration experiments at the dust accelerator facility are evaluated with regard to contamination signatures. Furthermore, contamination mass lines in spectra obtained by impacts of Jovian and Saturnian dust stream particles are analysed. Due to their small size and high speed, stream particle impacts predominantly produce ions from the target material and therefore the spectra are excellent probes of the contamination state of the target operating in space. With the exception of adsorbed hydrogen and carbon, the level of contamination is very low.Implications for CDA spectra of Saturnian E ring particle impacts are derived. The findings confirm the published interpretations. The low level of alkali metal contamination implies a significant sodium contribution in the composition of E ring ice particles. Additionally, ionisation thresholds for the occurrence of contamination mass lines can be utilised to set limits for the impact velocity.  相似文献   
Paleoclimatic field studies in and along the Qinling Shan (Central China)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent investigations in and along the mountains south of the Loess Plateau (Central China) give no evidence of Pleistocene glaciations below 2800 m asl. Reliable Late-Pleistocene glacial landforms and till only occur in the Qinling Shan (3767 m). The paleosnowline in altitudes of 3250–3300 m was more than 1000 m lower than at present. A Late-Pleistocene periglacial region has been descended to about 2300 m asl, resulting an increase of the sediment yield of the rivers and intensified sediment aggradation in the valleys in and along the Qinling Shan. The Late-Pleistocene descend of the coniferous forest was comparable to the snowline depression. A spruce-fir forest dominated along the northern flank of the mountain range during the time 30-20 ka BP. Towards the end of the Pleistocene glacial periods respectively at the beginning of the following interglacial phase, dissection of alluvial deposits and terracing began in the mountain valleys and in the northern foreland. The replacement of forest vegetation by a more steppe-like vegetation as well as the loess accumulation along the northern Qinling Shan indicates increasing aridity as the climate warmed at the end of the last glacial period and during the Early Holocene. The widespread occurrence of Mid-Holocene paleosols within the loess proves a more moist and warm interval, which is followed by a drier and cooler Late Holocene period.  相似文献   
Two large pegmatitic crystals of sodic pyroxene (aegirine) and sodic amphibole (arfvedsonite) from the agpaitic igneous Ilímaussaq Complex, south Greenland were found to be suitable as reference materials for in situ Li isotope determinations. Lithium concentrations determined by SIMS and micro‐drilled material analysed by MC‐ICP‐MS generally agreed within analytical uncertainty. The arfvedsonite crystal was homogeneous with [Li] = 639 ± 51 μg g?1 (2s, n = 69, MC‐ICP‐MS and SIMS results). The aegirine crystal shows strongly developed sector zoning, which is a common feature of aegirines. Using qualitative element mapping techniques (EPMA), the homogeneous core of the crystal was easily distinguished from the outermost sectors of the crystals. The core had a mean [Li] of 47.6 ± 3.6 μg g?1 (2s, n = 33) as determined by SIMS. The seven micro‐drilled regions measured by solution MC‐ICP‐MS returned slightly lower concentrations (41–46 μg g?1), but still overlap with the SIMS data within uncertainty. Based on MC‐ICP‐MS and SIMS analyses, the variation in δ7Li was about 1‰ in each of the two crystals, which is smaller than that in widely used glass reference materials, making these two samples suitable to serve as reference materials. There was, however, a significant offset between the results of MC‐ICP‐MS and SIMS. The latter deviated from the MC‐ICP‐MS results by ?6.0 ± 1.9‰ (2s) for the amphibole and by ?3.9 ± 1.9‰ (2s) for the aegirine. This indicates the presence of a significant matrix effect in SIMS determinations of Li isotopes for amphibole and pyroxene relative to the basalt glasses used for calibration. Based on the MC‐ICP‐MS results, mean δ7Li values of +0.7 ± 1.2‰ (2s, n = 10) for the arfvedsonite crystal and of ?3.7 ± 1.2‰ (2s, n = 7) for the core of the aegirine crystal were calculated. Adopting these values, SIMS users can correct for the specific IMF (instrumental mass fractionation) of the ion probe used. We propose that these two crystals serve as reference materials for in situ Li isotope determinations by SIMS and pieces of these two crystals are available from the first author upon request.  相似文献   
The mining environment, medical geology and urban geochemistry form a group of related scientific disciplines that have developed strongly during recent years in the Nordic countries. Modern legislation controls the environmental issues. Close co-operation of researchers and legislators has improved the quality and safety of life in the societies of the Nordic countries. In mining environmental studies, methods that are suitable in Arctic conditions have been developed; in medical geology, the input from the Nordic countries has made it an appreciated scientific discipline throughout the world, and in the case of the urban environment, methods developed by our geochemists have especially improved the health conditions, particularly of children.  相似文献   
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