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In the present investigation, an attempt has been made to explore the possibility of hydrocarbon prospects in the carbonaceous shale deposits of Spiti and Chikkim formations exposed in the Spiti valley of the Tethys Himalaya. Twenty samples, collected from successive levels of these litho-units, have been subjected to maceral analysis, Rock-Eval Pyrolysis and six samples to Fourier Transform Infra-red Spectroscopy (FTIR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analyses. The study reveals the presence of mainly kerogen-III type of organic matter but some of the shale samples have shown a good amount of total organic carbon (TOC) to the tune of 3.19% which is sufficient to produce hydrocarbon. The results indicate the presence of methane occurring as free and fixed hydrocarbon in the shale samples. Few levels are especially rich in hydrocarbon. They have shown encouraging results with potential for generating liquid as well as lighter hydrocarbon. The data is also supported by the FTIR and NMR studies.  相似文献   
Yadav  Ganesh  Singh  R. B.  Anand  Subhash  Pandey  B. W.  Mohanty  Ashutosh  Dash  Sushree Sangita 《GeoJournal》2021,87(4):469-483

Ambient air pollution, particularly in the urban environment of developing countries, has turned out to be a major health risk factor. We explore the compounded impact of age sensitivity, exposure, poverty, co-morbidity, etc., along with composite air pollution in determining morbidity and health burden of people in Lucknow, India. This cross-sectional study is confined to analyse respiratory health status across different socio-economic and geographic locations using n = 140 in-depth questionnaire method. We used mean daily ambient air pollution data of PM10, PM2.5, SO2, and NO2 for the 2008–2018 period. We used the ecological model framework to assess the risk at different hierarchical levels and compounded severity on a spatial scale. We also used Logistic regression model with log odds and odds ratio to analyze the association of risks outcomes with composite air pollution scores calculated using the principal component analysis method. There is a strong association of location-specific respiratory disease prevalence with an overall 32 percent prevalence. The prevalence of ecological model 1 (individual domain) is 4.3 percent, while ecological model 2 (community domain) has the highest prevalence at 32.4 percent. The logistic regression model shows that respiratory disease load is positively associated with age sensitivity (P < .001) and composite pollution level (P < .001). For another model with suffocation as the outcome variable, composite pollution level (P < .001) and exposure (P < .001) are positively associated. Optimum interventions are required at Ecological models 1, 2, and 3 levels for better respiratory health outcomes.

Thick, commonly lateritic, regoliths are widespread in inter-tropical regions of the world and present particular challenges in exploration. These are best tackled through a sound understanding of the evolution of the landscapes in which they occur. The regoliths formed under humid, warm to tropical conditions and, although they may have been modified by later climatic changes, i.e., to more humid or more arid conditions, many chemical and mineralogical characteristics are retained. These include the geochemical expressions of concealed mineralization. Erosional and depositional processes control the preservation and occurrence of specific regolith units that may be used as sample media and, in turn, target size, element associations and contrast, thereby influencing sampling procedures, analysis and data interpretation. These parameters are best summarized in terms geochemical dispersion models based on the degree of preservation of the pre-existing lateritic regolith. Regolith–landform mapping permits an assessment of the terrain in terms of such models. In relict regolith–landform regimes, in which the lateritic regolith is largely preserved, broad multi-element anomalies in the upper ferruginous horizons (lateritic residuum) can be detected using sample intervals of 1 km or more. In contrast, in erosional regimes, where this material is absent, anomalies in upper saprolite, and the soil and lag derived from it, are more restricted in area and closer sampling intervals, (200×40 m or less) may be necessary. Lag and soil are, generally, ineffective in depositional areas, except where the sediments are very thin (e.g.,<2 m) or overburden provenance can be established. Stratigraphic drilling is necessary to establish whether the overburden overlies a buried lateritic horizon or an erosion surface cut in saprolite. Lateritic residuum remains an excellent sample medium if present, again with widespread haloes, but where it is absent, leaching and the restricted haloes in upper saprolite present formidable problems. Ferruginous saprolite or composites across the unconformity may be effective, but otherwise carefully targeted drilling and sampling through saprolite and saprock may be necessary. Partial extraction analyses have yet to demonstrate significant results except in very specific environments. In arid regions, pedogenic carbonate (calcrete, caliche) may be a valuable sample medium for Au exploration, principally in erosional regimes, and in depositional areas where the overburden is shallow. Sample intervals range from 1 km for regional surveys, through to 100×20 m in prospect evaluation. Saprolite is an essential sample medium in all landform environments, but the restricted halos and possibility of leaching requires that drilling and sampling should be at close intervals.  相似文献   
The presence of arsenic (As) in groundwater and its effect on human health has become an issue of serious concern in recent years. The present study assessed the groundwater quality of the Bishnupur District, Manipur, with respect to drinking water standards. Higher concentrations of pH, iron and phosphate were observed at several locations. Phosphate and iron levels were highest in the pre-monsoon, followed by monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. The arsenic concentrations were highest during post-monsoon (1–200 μg L−1) as compared to pre-monsoon (1–108 μg L−1) and monsoon (2–99 μg L−1). Kwakta and Ngakhalawai show higher levels of arsenic concentration as compared to the prescribed World Health Organization (WHO) and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) norms. Arsenic showed a strong positive correlation with phosphate and negative correlation with sulphate, suggesting a partial influence of anthropogenic sources. The study suggests that the Bishnupur area has an arsenic contamination problem, which is expected to increase in the near future.  相似文献   
The age of the marine Nodular Limestone Formation of the Bagh Group is refined at Substage level through ammonoid and inoceramid index taxa. The study is based on the fresh collections from three well-defined successive intervals (Lower Karondia, Upper Karondia and Chirakhan members) of this formation having excellent exposures in different localities of the Narmada Basin, central India. The first record of the widely distributed Turonian ammonoid genera Spathites Kummel and Decker and Collignoniceras Breistroffer from the Nodular Limestone Formation constrained its age exclusively to Turonian. The Early Turonian species Spathites (Jeanrogericeras) aff. revelieranus (Courtiller) and Mytiloides labiatus (Sclotheim) occur in the lower part, while the Middle Turonian marker Collignoniceras cf. carolinum (d’Obrbigny) and Inoceramus hobetsensis (Nagao and Matsumoto) occurs in the upper part of the Karondia Member. The record of the index species Inoceramus teshioensis (Nagao and Matsumoto) in association with Placenticeras mintoi Vredenburg from Chirakhan Member allows a definite Late Turonian age. The present contribution is an attempt to resolve the controversies in the age of the Nodular Limestone Formation and also demarcation of the three divisions (Early, Middle and Late) of the Turonian Stage in the Narmada Basin, central India.  相似文献   
Present study is an effort to distinguish between the contributions of natural weathering and anthropogenic inputs towards high salinity and nutrient concentrations in the groundwater of National Capital Territory (NCT) Delhi, India. Apart from the source identification, the aquifer of entire territory has been characterized and mapped on the basis of salinity in space and water suitability with its depth. Major element chemistry, conventional graphical plots and specific ionic ratio of Na+/Cl, SO4 2−/Cl, Mg2+/Ca2+ and Ca2+/(HCO3  + SO4 2−) are conjointly used to distinguish different salinization sources. Results suggest that leaching from the various unlined landfill sites and drains is the prime cause of NO3 contamination while study area is highly affected with inland salinity which is geogenic in origin. The seasonal water level fluctuation and rising water level increases nutrients concentration in groundwater. Mixing with old saline sub-surface groundwater and dissolution of surface salts in the salt affected soil areas were identified as the principle processes controlling groundwater salinity through comparison of ionic ratio. Only minor increase of salinity is the result of evaporation effect and pollution inflows. The entire territory has characterized into four groups as fresh, freshening, near freshening and saline with respect to salinity in groundwater. The salinity mapping suggests that in general, for drinking needs, groundwater in the fresh, freshening and near freshening zone is suitable up to a depth of 45, 20 and 12 m, respectively, while the saline zones are unsuitable for any domestic use. In the consideration of increasing demand of drinking water in the area; present study is vital and recommends further isotopic investigations and highlights the need of immediate management action for landfill sites and unlined drains.  相似文献   
To investigate the formation and early evolution of the lunar mantle and crust we have analysed the oxygen isotopic composition, titanium content and modal mineralogy of a suite of lunar basalts. Our sample set included eight low-Ti basalts from the Apollo 12 and 15 collections, and 12 high-Ti basalts from Apollo 11 and 17 collections. In addition, we have determined the oxygen isotopic composition of an Apollo 15 KREEP (K - potassium, REE - Rare Earth Element, and P - phosphorus) basalt (sample 15386) and an Apollo 14 feldspathic mare basalt (sample 14053). Our data display a continuum in bulk-rock δ18O values, from relatively low values in the most Ti-rich samples to higher values in the Ti-poor samples, with the Apollo 11 sample suite partially bridging the gap. Calculation of bulk-rock δ18O values, using a combination of previously published oxygen isotope data on mineral separates from lunar basalts, and modal mineralogy (determined in this study), match with the measured bulk-rock δ18O values. This demonstrates that differences in mineral modal assemblage produce differences in mare basalt δ18O bulk-rock values. Differences between the low- and high-Ti mare basalts appear to be largely a reflection of mantle-source heterogeneities, and in particular, the highly variable distribution of ilmenite within the lunar mantle. Bulk δ18O variation in mare basalts is also controlled by fractional crystallisation of a few key mineral phases. Thus, ilmenite fractionation is important in the case of high-Ti Apollo 17 samples, whereas olivine plays a more dominant role for the low-Ti Apollo 12 samples.Consistent with the results of previous studies, our data reveal no detectable difference between the Δ17O of the Earth and Moon. The fact that oxygen three-isotope studies have been unable to detect a measurable difference at such high precisions reinforces doubts about the giant impact hypothesis as presently formulated.  相似文献   
Linked twist maps of ergodic theory are modified to provide a model for chaotic orbits in ‘double bowl’ potentials in conservative systems, e.g. direct ‘exchange’ orbits in the planar restricted problem of three bodies. The maps are typically ergodic (and mixing), and provide a clue to the nature of relaxation or diffusion in chaotic Hamiltonian systems.  相似文献   
The electron production rates in the night-time D-region arising from the transit of strong celestial X-ray sources Sco X-1, Tau X-1 and Galactic Center are estimated and compared with the ambient electron production rates resulting from other known stable agencies. Using the experimentally measured values of the night-time electron densities, the number of additional electrons/cc expected from the passage of these sources is computed. For the 164 kHz transmission from Tashkent, received at Ahmedabad, the associated enhancement in the attenuation is calculated using the full wave admittance technique of Barron and Budden. Reasonable agreement is shown to exist between the calculated values of the attenuation and those of direct observations.  相似文献   
The characteristics of directional spread parameters at intermediate water depth are investigated based on a cosine power ‘2s' directional spreading model. This is based on wave measurements carried out using a Datawell directional waverider buoy in 23 m water depth. An empirical equation for the frequency dependent directional spreading parameter is presented. Directional spreading function estimated based on the Maximum Entropy Method is compared with those obtained using a cosine power ‘2s' parameter model. A set of empirical equations relating the directional spreading parameter corresponding to the peak of wave spectrum to other wave parameters like significant wave height and period are obtained. It shows that the wave directional spreading at peak wave frequency can be related to the non-linearity parameter, which allows estimation of directional spreading without reference to wind information.  相似文献   
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