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利用微滤和超滤技术研究了九龙江河口区表层水中铀及其同位素组成的粒级分布和地球化学行为.结果表明,溶解态(<0.4μm)中低分子量组分(<10 000 u)占主要份额,胶体态(10 000 u~0.4μm)238U所占比例不足1%,且随盐度的增加其所占份额逐渐降低.溶解态、低分子量组分和胶体态238U的比活度与盐度之间存在良好的线性正相关关系,证实它们在九龙江河口区呈现保守行为.在颗粒态(>0.4μm)中,各粒级组分238U所占份额主要受控于相应颗粒物的浓度,在盐度小于20的区域,各粒级颗粒组分238U占颗粒态的份额有如下变化次序:10~53μm>2~10μm>0.4~2μm>大于53μm,而在盐度大于30的近外海站位,该次序发生一些变化:0.4~2μm>10~53μm>2~10μm>大于53μm,最小粒级颗粒组分238U的贡献有所增加,反映了自生铀贡献的加强.九龙江河口区表层水中溶解态(包括低分子量组分和胶体态)的234U/238U)A.R.均大于1,显示出234U过剩的特征,而各粒级颗粒组分中的234U/238U)A.R.则接近于平衡值(1.0).这一现象与陆地岩石风化过程中水体对铀的淋滤释出量及234U的优先浸出有关.对232Th/238U质量比的研究显示,溶解态及其所包括的低分子量组分和胶体态的232Th/238U质量比均小于1,而颗粒态及其所包括的4个粒级组分中的232Th/238U质量比均大于1,反映了向外海输送过程中铀、钍地球化学行为的差异.  相似文献   
赣北芙蓉―周溪断面下蜀黄土粒度特征及其指示意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赣北鄱阳湖地区沙山南部近南北向的芙蓉―周溪断面上,分布由FZ-01、FZ-02~FZ-05和FZ-06~FZ-12三部分组成的下蜀土剖面,粒度分析结果表明:1)下蜀黄土砂粒组分自北往南变化为27.29%、1.94%~7.23%和0.45%~7.27%;粉砂组分质量分数大,且存在差异变化,分别为68.23%、81.71%~87.20%和66.9%~79.39%;黏土组分自北向南质量分数增加,变化为4.48%、8.46%~16.35%和18.13%~32.07%,总体表现为砂黄土―黄土―黏黄土等相态的逐渐过渡;2)粒度三组分、粒度参数散点图等均表现为从北而南的阶段性系统渐变特征;3)各种粒度参数与距长江的远近,均服从对数函数变化关系。这些特征初步揭示研究区的下蜀黄土是风成的,并可能与同样是风成堆积的沙山的形成存在某种联系,属于区域性风沙-风尘堆积体系。  相似文献   
北冰洋、白令海226Ra的分布及其水文学意义   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
中国首次北极科学考察期间(1999年7~9月), 于北冰洋、白令海分别采集了13份和20份大体积水样, 用于226Ra的分析. 结果表明, 北冰洋、白令海表层海水中226Ra含量分别介于0.28~1.56和0.25~1.26 Bq/m3之间, 平均含量分别为0.76和0.71 Bq/m3, 明显低于其他中低纬度开阔大洋表层水的数值, 说明部分研究海域受海冰融化水的影响. 白令海表层水226Ra的空间分布呈现由南向北降低的趋势, 体现出低226Ra海冰融化水与高226Ra太平洋水的混合交换. 北冰洋表层水中226Ra的空间分布呈现由南向北、由西向东增加之态势, 与水团组成中河水份额的变化趋势相一致. 这与河水具有高226Ra的特征相吻合. 北冰洋加拿大海盆226Ra的垂直分布显示, “上跃层水”所处的200 m深度存在226Ra的极大值, 鉴于高226Ra特征主要出现在太平洋水或与沉积物交换的水体中, 说明该极大值主要来自太平洋水或底部陆架水的输入, 与2H和18O示踪剂获得的结果相吻合.  相似文献   
毛乌素沙地丘间低地植物群落分类与排序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究植物群落分布格局与环境因子间的相互关系,在群落样方调查的基础上,对毛乌素沙地丘间低地植被复合体的主要植物群落进行TWINSPAN分类和PCA排序,对土壤环境因子进行DCCA排序。结果表明:调查区内53个物种分属21科46属,其中菊科(Compositae,11种)、禾本科(Gramineae,7种)、莎草科(Cyperaceae,7种)、豆科(Leguminosae,5种)、藜科(Chenopodiaceae,4种)等科所含物种数较多,分别占20.8%、13.2%、13.2%、9.4%、7.5%,生活型以多年生草本为主,水分生态类型以中生植物为主。应用TWINSPAN将67个样方划分为17个组,依据《中国植被》的分类原则和系统确定为21个群丛。对PCA排序的第一轴起主要作用的是以北沙柳(Salix psammophila)、假苇拂子茅(Calamagrostis pseudophragmites)和碱茅(Puccinelia distans)为建群种的群落,对第二轴起主要作用的是以寸草苔(Carex duriuscula)为建群种的群落。植物群落分布DCCA排序第一轴主要与地下水位、HCO3-含量负相关,与土壤粗砂粒正相关;第二轴主要与土壤Ca2+、K+和Na+含量正相关,与土壤容重负相关;其中地下水位和土壤Ca2+、K+和Na+含量是环境因子中影响丘间低地植物群落特征和分布的主要因子。  相似文献   
根据连续沥取实验结果及相关文献,富钴结壳的生长可用一个双阶段胶体-化学吸附模型来说明.第一阶段是混合胶体的形成及元素的清除与富集,富氧的底层水与缺氧、富Mn2+的中层水体混合,Mn2+被氧化而形成MnO2胶体,并与水柱中的Fe(OH)3、Al(OH)3、SiO2、Ti(OH)4等胶体形成多种混合胶体[MnO2-Fe(OH)3、Fe(OH)3-Ti(OH)4和Fe(OH)3-Al(OH)3-SiO2],后者根据各自的表面物理化学特征吸附和富集不同的元素;第二阶段是混合胶体的沉积及富钴结壳的生长,第一阶段形成的混合胶体在海山基岩上以氧化物或氢氧化物的形式沉积,吸附的元素结合进矿物点阵,然后通过自催化或自反馈的方式生长.在富钴结壳生长中,生物起着重要的作用,包括为富钴结壳的生长提供大量的成矿物质、对Mn2+的催化氧化作用及在铁锰胶体的沉淀及富钴结壳壳层的生长过程中的媒介作用.  相似文献   
The Arctic Ocean, the northernmost parts of the earth, covers the total surface area of 14.79 million square kilometers and amounts to only about 4% of global ocean surface area. Although its surface area is the smallest in the four major oceans, the Arct…  相似文献   
Seawater samples are collected in the spring of 2013 from the Taiwan Strait for the analysis of uranium(U)concentrations and isotopic compositions using MC-ICP-MS, and the geochemical behavior patterns of U in the Taiwan Strait are then investigated. Average concentrations of individual U isotopes are(3.23±0.14) μg/kg for 238 U,(2.34±0.09)×10~(–2) μg/kg for ~(235)U and(2.05±0.07)×10~(–4) μg/kg for 234 U. Correspondingly, the U isotopic compositions are 155±18 for δ234U and 138±2 for 238U:235U. The U concentrations and isotopic ratios in the Taiwan Strait are similar to those of open ocean seawater, suggesting the dominance of the open ocean input to the strait's U pool.However, river input, as suggested by the slightly lower salinity than that of the open ocean, also affected the U concentrations and isotopic compositions in the strait. From a compilation of U concentrations in the Taiwan Strait and adjacent areas, including the Jiulong Estuary and Zhujiang Estuary, the Xiamen Bay and the northern South China Sea, a strong and significant relationship between U concentration and salinity [U:S; U=(0.093 4±0.002 4)S+(0.092 0±0.061 5)] is revealed, suggesting conservative mixing of U in the Taiwan Strait. To better understand the U geochemistry in the Taiwan Strait, a multiple endmembers mixing model is applied to estimate the contributions of potential sources. The open ocean seawater contributed 69%–95% of U in the Taiwan Strait, with river water approximately 2%, and dust deposition only around 0.13%. Therefore, the model results supported the open ocean input source and the conservative mixing behavior of U derived from the observation of U concentrations and isotopic ratios and U:S ratios. The sediment interstitial water may be an important source of U to the Taiwan Strait with a possible contribution of 3%–29%, consistent with previous investigations based on radium isotopes.However, further investigations are warranted to examine the U concentration in the sediment interstitial water and its input to the overlying seawater in the Taiwan Strait.  相似文献   
邢娜  黄奕普 《台湾海峡》2007,26(3):443-452
质子激发X射线荧光分析是一种多元素微量分析技术,具有高灵敏度、高空间分辨率和非破坏性等特点,近年来在地球科学诸多领域得到大量应用.本文简介了质子激发X荧光分析技术的基本原理、实验装置及特点,与其他地质学方法进行了比较,并着重介绍该技术在海洋科学领域的应用进展.  相似文献   
对白令海表层海水228Ra的分析表明,白令海表层海水228Ra比活度从低于检测限变化至0.81 Bq/m3,低于西北冰洋陆架区的报道值。表层水228Ra比活度和228Ra/226Ra)A.R.的空间分布均呈现由西南部中心海盆向东北部陆架区增加的趋势。由228Ra/226Ra)A.R.和盐度的关系揭示出白令海环流、白令海陆坡流和阿拉斯加沿岸流对228Ra和228Ra/226Ra)A.R.分布有明显影响。运用一维稳态扩散模型计算出白令海由中心海盆向东北部陆架方向上水体混合的水平涡动扩散系数为1.9×108 m2/d。结合海盆-陆架界面营养盐的水平浓度梯度,估算得硝酸盐、活性磷酸盐和活性硅酸盐由白令海中心海盆向东北部陆架区的水平输送通量,该通量对白令海东北部陆架区新生产力的贡献很小,其他途径输送的营养盐更为重要。  相似文献   
In the present paper, iodine(I), iron(Fe), manganese(Mn), cobalt(Co), phosphorus(P) and calcium(Ca)contents in three ferromanganese crusts from the Pacific Ocean are measured by spectrophotometric method and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometers(ICP-AES) to investigate the contents and distribution of iodine in ferromanganese crusts. The results show that iodine contents in three crusts vary between 27.1 and 836 mg/kg, with an average of 172 mg/kg, and the profile of iodine in the three crusts all exhibits a two-stage distribution zone: a young non-phosphatized zone and an old phosphatized zone that is rich in I, P and Ca. The iodine content ratios of old to young zone in MP5D44, CXD62–1 and CXD08–1 are 2.3, 3.4 and 13.7, respectively.The boundary depths of two-stage zone in MP5D44, CXD62–1 and CXD08–1 locate at 4.0 cm, 2.5 cm and 3.75 cm,respectively, and the time of iodine mutation in three crusts ranges from 17–37 Ma derived from 129 I dating and Co empirical formula, which is consistent with the times of Cenozoic phosphatization events. The present study shows that the intensity of phosphatization is the main responsible for the distribution pattern of iodine in the crusts on the basis of the correlation analysis. Consequently, iodine is a sensitive indicator for phosphatization.  相似文献   
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