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大气本底观测是指对全球或区域尺度范围内大气成分及其相关特性的平均状态及变化特征的长期观测,根据世界气象组织(WMO)的定义,大气本底观测"以有效的质量控制和质量保障,开展全球性的大气化学组成及相关物理特性的长期观测,为用户提供综合性产品服务,以满足了解和控制人类活动对全球大气日益增加的影响的需求".当前与大气成分变化相...  相似文献   
流-固耦合模型试验用的新型相似材料研制及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究隧道突水、突泥过程中断层及围岩各物理场变化规律,根据地质力学模型试验相似原理,通过大量多组别配比试验,研制出适用于流-固耦合模型试验的新型断层及围岩相似材料。其中,断层相似材料以砂为粗骨料,滑石粉为细骨料,石膏、膨润土作为胶结剂,液态石蜡作为调节剂;围岩相似材料以砂为粗骨料,重晶石粉、滑石粉为细骨料,白水泥及乳胶作为胶结剂。通过大量室内试验,对比分析原岩及相似材料变形特征及强度破坏特性,重点对单轴抗压强度、渗透系数、重度、泊松比、弹性模量等重要变形及水理特性参量进行调控,系统研究不同配比对材料参数的影响规律。试验结果表明:该材料力学参数变化范围广、性能稳定、操作工艺简单,可用来模拟不同渗透系数的低、中等强度岩体材料。将该相似材料应用于吉莲高速公路永莲隧道断层突水、突泥三维地质力学模型试验中,力学性能及水理特性均达到试验要求,能够有效地模拟突水、突泥的发展演变过程,真实反映断层灾变过程中各物理场响应规律。  相似文献   
本文以z坐标下的三维斜压海洋动力学数值模式为基本模式原型 ,在整理渤海基本数据并诊断计算风生环流和热盐环流作为背景环流场基础上 ,初步建立了渤海海域动力环境数值模式。模式采用了经校正的Bagnold型方程来计算渤海底移质沉积物输运 ,悬移质计算则是取二维深度平均悬移质输运方程和河床变形方程 ,计算含沙量分布以及由悬移物引起的冲淤厚度。利用这种方法建立的沉积物输运模式 ,定量模拟了渤海沿岸和海底的沉积物输运方向和冲淤分布。模拟结果与通过多年实测水深估算获得的渤海海底沉积物的冲淤变化分布相比较 ,两者之间在基本结论上是比较一致的  相似文献   
江苏溧水盆在晚中生代活化为地洼,受燕山期岩浆作用的影响形成火山盆地。本区的矿床严格受火山旋回、构造控制。地震勘探资料显示:不同地质体的地震波场特征各具特点,测区盆地构造清晰,火山岩系总厚约3 700m,火山旋回界面明显,前火山岩沉积地层中断裂发育,次火山岩体分布于盆地边缘隆起带。按成矿构造法观点,结合本区成矿背景、相关矿床类型和MT剖面异常分析,对盆地相关控矿因素进行了定位预测。  相似文献   
基于非全张量卫星重力梯度数据的张量不变量法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
吴星  王凯  冯炜  汪涛 《地球物理学报》2011,54(4):966-976
在非全张量卫星重力梯度观测数据的处理过程中,由于卫星姿态角误差、梯度观测数据误差和非全张量观测等原因,重力梯度值从卫星重力梯度仪系转换到地固系后,精度损失严重.本文研究了张量不变量法以解决上述问题.首先在重力梯度张量不变量线性化的基础上,建立了基于卫星轨道面的不变量观测模型,完整地推导了两类重力梯度张量不变量的球近似和顾及地球扁率影响的球面边值问题的求解公式.针对GOCE卫星任务非全张量观测数据类型,分析了张量不变量的计算误差;结果表明,重力梯度观测误差在不变量的计算中并没有被放大.最后运用广义轮胎调和分析方法进行了模拟试验,数值试验证明,在卫星姿态误差较大时,处理张量不变量比处理张量分量更具优势,并且张量不变量法能有效地解决非全张量观测的问题.  相似文献   
街景地图作为一种新的地理信息成果表现方式,逐渐应用在多个领域,目前百度、腾讯等各大主流地图网站中都已提供了街景地图服务,“天地图?陕西”也集成了西安市街景地图。随着移动互联技术的发展,为了扩展“天地图?陕西”的成果形式,针对“天地图?陕西”移动端全景地图的应用需求,对移动端街景技术进行了研究,并研发了基于Android平台的“天地图?陕西”街景地图系统。  相似文献   
Anthropogenic nutrient discharge poses widespread threats to coastal ecosystems and has increased environmental gradients from coast to sea. Bacterioplankton play crucial roles in coastal biogeochemical cycling, and a variety of factors af fect bacterial community diversity and structure. We used 16 S r RNA gene pyrosequencing to investigate the spatial variation in bacterial community composition(BCC) across five sites on a coast-of fshore gradient in the East China Sea. Overall, bacterial alpha-diversity did not diff er across sites, except that richness and phylogenetic diversity were lower in the of fshore sites, and the highest alpha-diversity was found in the most landward site, with Chl-abeing the main factor. BCCs generally clustered into coastal and of fshore groups. Chl-a explained 12.3% of the variation in BCCs, more than that explained by either the physicochemical(5.7%) or spatial(8.5%) variables. Nutrients(particularly nitrate and phosphate), along with phytoplankton abundance, were more important than other physicochemical factors, co-explaining 20.0% of the variation in BCCs. Additionally, a series of discriminant families(primarily affiliated with Gammaproteobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria), whose relative abundances correlated with Chl-a, DIN, and phosphate concentrations, were identified, implying their potential to indicate phytoplankton blooms and nutrient enrichment in this marine ecosystem. This study provides insight into bacterioplankton response patterns along a coast-of fshore gradient, with phytoplankton abundance increasing in the of fshore sites. Time-series sampling across multiple transects should be performed to determine the seasonal and spatial patterns in bacterial diversity and community structure along this gradient.  相似文献   
近期, Sloan数字巡天(Sloan Digital Sky Survey, SDSS)对一个天区成功进行了反响映射观测,目的在于检验已被广泛应用的R-L关系. R为宽线区的响应权重半径, L为5100?A处的单色光度.在第1年的数据中获得了两方面结果:(1)高吸积率AGN(Active Galactic Nucleus)具有远远短于R-L关系的时间延迟,证实了丽江2.4 m望远镜反响映射观测结果;(2)一些较低吸积率的AGN也具有很短的时间延迟.较低吸积率AGN的时间延迟变短是由于黑洞反向吸积过程导致.这个结果从观测上证实了Wang等人2014年的理论预言.反向吸积黑洞的发现具有重要意义,这表明类星体中黑洞的宇宙学演化是通过随机吸积而进行的.  相似文献   
长江口外海域三维水动力模拟结果及与观测的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Base on ECOMSED model, a theree-dimensional hydrodynamic model is developed in the offshore area near the Changjing Estuary in the East China Sea. This model in driven by tide and wind,as well as inflow and outflowcurrents such as Kuroshio,Changjing runoff. The horizontal resolution is 1/20°. There have 11 layers on the verticaldirection. The numerical results of 4 main constituents of tide(M2,S2,K1,O1)and currents are in good agreement with observation data. Compared with 20 gauge stations,the mean absolute erroe between the caluclated M2 tidal amplitude and the observed oned is only 6.72cm; the mean absolute error of phased-lag is 5.23°.For S2,the mean absolute errors of amplitude and phased-lag are 3.67cm and 7.21°,respectively. The mean absolute errors of amplitude and phased-lag for K1 are 3.25cm and 6.63° For O1,the mean absolute error of calculation and observation is relatively small, amwith observation data measured during Aug., 2006 in the East China Sea.The correlation coeffiients of current between simulation and observation are greater than 0.75 generally. The three-dimensional hydrodynamic model develiped by this paper can well describe the characters of elevation and current in the offshore near the Changjiang Estuary and can be used as hydrodynamic background to simulate the suspend sediment transport in this sea area.  相似文献   
针对目前国内区域旅游资源整体优劣势定量评价不足的情况,该文选择有代表性的基础指标,主要从区域旅游资源的丰度、组合状况以及整体优势度等方面进行定量综合评价和区域间的横向比较,阐述我国旅游资源空间分布的基本状况和旅游业的区域发展重点。  相似文献   
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