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In this study,a persistent heavy rainfall event(PHRE) that lasted for around 9 days(from 0000 UTC 17 to0000 UTC 26 June 2010) and caused accumulated precipitation above 600 mm over the Yangtze River valley,was reasonably reproduced by the advanced research WRF model.Based on the simulation,a set of energy budget equations that divided the real meteorological field into the mean and eddy flows were calculated so as to understand the interactions between the precipitation-related eddy flows and their background circulations(BCs).The results indicated that the precipitation-related eddy flows interacted with their BCs intensely during the PHRE.At different layers,the energy cycles showed distinct characteristics.In the upper troposphere,downscaled energy cascade processes appeared,which favored the maintenance of upper-level eddy flows;whereas,a baroclinic energy conversion,which reduced the upper-level jet,also occurred.In the middle troposphere,significant upscaled energy cascade processes,which reflect the eddy flows’ reactionary effects on their BCs,appeared.These effects cannot be ignored with respect to the BCs’ evolution,and the reactionary effects were stronger in the dynamical field than in the thermodynamical field.In the lower troposphere,a long-lived quasi-stationary lower-level shear line was the direct trigger for the PHRE.The corresponding eddy flows were sustained mainly through the baroclinic energy conversion associated with convection activities.Alongside this,the downscaled energy cascade processes of kinetic energy,which reflect the direct influences of BCs on the precipitation-related eddy flows,were also favorable.A downscaled energy cascade of exergy also appeared in the lower troposphere,which favored the precipitation-related eddy flow indirectly via the baroclinic energy conversion.  相似文献   
基于前期逐小时黑体温度(Temperature of Black Body,TBB)资料对16个暖季高原中尺度对流系统(Meso-scale Convective System,MCS)的统计结果,文章首先利用客观标准选取了同类的11个长生命史高原东移MCS个例,然后,利用这些MCS个例的合成来驱动中尺度数值模式WRF...  相似文献   
Current oil saturation in the Moxizhuang (莫西庄) Oil Field in central Janggar (准噶尔) basin was evaluated by logging interpretation and measured on core samples, and the paleo-oil saturation in both the pay zones and water zones was investigated by graln-containing-oil inclusion (GOI) analysis.The pay zones in this field have low oil saturation and display low resistivity and small contrast between pay zones and water zones, and are classified as low-porosity, low oil saturation, and low resistivity reservoirs. Both the current low oil-saturation pay zones and the water zones above 4 365 m have high GOI values (up to 38%), suggesting high paleo-oil saturation. The significant difference between current oil saturation from both logging interpretation and core sample measurement and paleo-oil saturation indicated by GOI analysis suggests that this low oil-saturation field evolved from a high oil-saturation pool. Lateral re-migration and spill of formally trapped oil owing to changes in structural configuration since Neogene was the most plausible mechanism for oil loss in the Moxizhuang Oil Field.The combined effects of differential accumulation in the charge phase and the differential re-migration and spill of accumulated oil in Neogene are responsible for the complicated correlation between residual oil saturation and porosity/permeability of the reservoir sandstones and the distribution of low oil-saturation pay zones and paleo-oil zones (current water zones).  相似文献   
The Puguang (普光) gas field is the largest gas field found in marine carbonate in China.The Puguang gas field experienced complicated evolution history from paleo-oil pool to gas pool.The purpose of this article is to reveal the evolution history of Puguang gas field through systematic study on the relationship between paleo-oil-water contact (POWC) and present-day gas-water contact (PGWC).POWC was recognized by observing the change of relative content of residual solid bitumen in the cores,and PGWC was observed using log and drilling stem test data.Two types of relationship between POWC and PGWC were observed in the Puguang gas field:POWC is above PGWC,and POWC is below PGWC.The former is normal as oil cracking may cause gas-water contact to move downward.The latter can be interpreted by lateral gas re-migration and re-accumulation caused by changes in structural configuration.The relationship between POWC and PGWC suggests that during oil charge,the southwestern and northwestern parts of the Puguang gas field were structurally lower than the northeastern and southeastern parts.Thrusting from Xuefengshan (雪峰山) since Yanshanian movement and from Dabashan (大巴山) since Himalayan movement resulted in the relative uplift of the southwestern and northwestern parts of the Puguang structure,which significantly changed the structural configuration.Based on the paleo-structure discussed in this article,the most probable migration directions of paleo-oil were from the northwest to the southeast and from the southwest to the northeast.Consequently,the evolution history of the Puguang gas field can be divided into three stages,namely,oil charging (200-170 Ma),cracking oil to gas (155-120 Ma),and gas pool adjustment (1200-0Ma).  相似文献   
通过对四川盆地西部一次持续性暴雨过程的半理想数值模拟,研究了青藏高原热力作用对四川盆地持续性暴雨过程的影响。研究表明,高原的热力作用对于下游地区有着显著的影响,主要表现为:(1)关闭高原地面感热和潜热后,高原地区和四川盆地西部的降水明显减弱,而盆地中东部降水却有所加强,且四川盆地降水的日变化特征稍有减弱;(2)500 hPa青藏高原上的短波槽减弱,位于四川盆地中西部的背风槽强度、范围有所减弱,但低层盆地东部的气旋性涡旋加强;(3)涡度收支的定量分析发现,关闭高原热力作用后,盆地东部对流层低层垂直风切变的增强使得夜间倾斜项的正贡献增强,从而使该区域涡旋发展加强,盆地东部降水增强。  相似文献   
中国暴雨的科学与预报:改革开放40年研究成果   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
总结了改革开放以来中国学者在暴雨科学与预报领域取得的重要研究进展和主要成果。其中,暴雨机理研究成果从重要天气系统、中国主要区域的暴雨、台风暴雨等3个方面分别进行综述,而暴雨预报技术研发与应用则从中国数值天气预报发展和暴雨预报客观方法两方面进行归纳。  相似文献   
冬季一次引发华北暴雪的低涡涡度分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用NCEP FNL 1°×1°再分析资料和WRF模式,模拟了2010年1月2~3日我国华北地区的一次由涡旋造成的冬季降雪过程,并采用位涡和涡度方程对引发暴雪的涡旋发展机制进行了诊断分析。结果表明,这次降雪过程中,对流层中层高空浅槽东移、加深及发展,并引导低空和地面系统自西向东移动,高空位涡的下传强迫加强了对流层中低层涡旋的发展。平均通量和涡旋区域的辐合、辐散作用对涡旋涡度的增长贡献最大,扰动通量和类倾斜项的作用较小。在中层涡旋成熟期,环境场的风速小于中层涡旋的移动速度时,环境场相对于涡旋区域为辐散,涡旋涡度减小;当环境场风速大于涡旋的移动速度时,环境场相对于涡旋区域为辐合,涡旋涡度增加。在涡旋衰减期,向涡旋外输送的绝对涡度通量使得涡旋涡度逐渐减弱。这次过程中,高空位涡强迫、低空辐合和涡旋边界平均气流对扰动涡度的输送是涡旋发展的主要机制。  相似文献   
本文对江淮流域持续性暴雨事件(PHREs)的多尺度物理模型和能量转换特征以及青藏高原东部对流系统东移影响下游地区降水的研究成果进行了总结。从欧亚大陆Rossby波列能量频散的角度揭示了江淮流域PHREs中纬度系统槽脊稳定的机制,定量分析了冷暖空气的源地和输送路径,提出了江南型和江北型PHREs的多尺度物理模型。从天气尺度和次天气尺度之间的能量转换角度呈现了不同尺度系统相互作用的物理图像,指出背景场的能量供给是直接触发暴雨的次天气尺度系统维持的最重要因子,尤其是在对流层的低层,动能的降尺度级串(即能量由背景场传递给次天气尺度系统)最强。研究表明青藏高原东部对流系统东移影响江淮流域的降水是一系列天气系统配合和活跃的结果,主要由青藏高原和四川盆地、二级地形和东部平原之间的热力环流、西南涡、二级地形以东中尺度涡旋和对流系统的共同影响。除了本文总结的内容,还有一些影响PHREs的因子值得深入研究,多尺度相互作用中的Rossby波源及其波列如何影响天气系统,中尺度系统对其背景场的能量反馈等。  相似文献   
夏季长江流域两类中尺度涡旋的统计与合成研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用2000~2013年夏季6 h一次、水平分辨率为0.5°(纬度)×0.5°(经度)的CFSR(Climate Forecast System Reanalysis)再分析资料,对产生于四川盆地的西南涡和产生于大别山地区的大别山低涡进行了识别,统计出西南涡和大别山低涡的发生频数、初生时段、移动路径、三维结构等气候特征;在此基础上根据涡旋生成前的地面气压场和降水特征,对西南涡和大别山低涡分别进行了分类与合成研究,并细致对比了两类涡旋的异同点,主要结论如下:(1)西南涡在7月上旬最活跃,而大别山低涡则在6月上旬发生频数最高。凌晨时段是两类涡旋的高发期;西南涡日间的生成数目多于夜间,而大别山低涡则与之相反。(2)绝大多数西南涡和大别山低涡维持时间少于12 h;绝大多数西南涡维持准静止,而大别山低涡则主要向东北方向和偏东方向移动。(3)两类涡旋均为对流层中低层的低压系统,其中大别山低涡的垂直伸展层次较西南涡更低。相比于西南涡,由于水汽条件更优,大别山低涡所引发的降水更强,强降水的凝结潜热释放使得大别山低涡的平均生命史比西南涡更长。(4)产生前有降水的西南涡/大别山低涡相比于产生前无降水的西南涡/大别山低涡而言,对流层高层南亚高压的强度更强、辐散更显著;对流层中层与500 h Pa西风带短波槽的配置条件更好;对流层低层涡旋中心附近的辐合更显著、切变更强;并且对流层中低层的上升运动更强。这些都是有利于降水发生与维持的有利条件,而与降水凝结潜热密切相关的热力强迫使得产生前有降水的西南涡/大别山低涡相比于产生前无降水的西南涡/大别山低涡拥有更长的生命史长度,更大的水平半径和更大的涡旋生命史内降水量。  相似文献   
江淮流域两次中尺度对流涡旋的结构特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对2003、2007年江淮梅雨期的中尺度对流涡旋(MCV)进行了统计分析,结果表明我国梅雨锋上MCV活跃,这些MCV与强降水有关。2003、2007年江淮梅雨期有9个MCV发生,大多数的MCV发生在32°N~35°N之间的江苏境内。采用ARPS(Advanced Regional Prediction System)的资料分析系统(ADAS)和WRF模式模拟了2个MCV的发展过程,并使用数值模拟结果分析了它们的结构特征。MCV一般发生在强对流系统的北侧,其涡旋环流一般在600 hPa以下,对应涡旋区域对流层高层为强辐散,涡度最强的中心在对流层中层,但正涡度区可伸展到300 hPa。初始阶段MCV的中心为上升运动和中性层结,成熟阶段MCV的中心转为下沉运动,同时其南侧有新的对流发生。发展型和不发展型的MCV对比发现,涡旋对流层高层有涡度增加以及二次对流的潜热释放多,可能是发展型MCV维持时间较长的原因。此外,MCV发展过程中南侧急流的增强对MCV中对流的触发和维持有一定作用。  相似文献   
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