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Changes in the concentration of total lipid and fatty acids (FAs) during the decomposition of mangrove leaves were investigated by field experiments using yellow leaves of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.) Lamk. and Kandelia candel (L.) Druce, in order to quantify mangrove contribution to lipid and fatty acid inputs to marine sediments. Total lipid and total FA in the fresh (green and yellow) and decomposing leaves of both species were significantly higher during winter than summer. During decomposition, total lipid content and FA concentration, in particular branched chain fatty acids (BrFAs) and bacterial fatty acids (BFAs), increased to a maximum concentration in 45 days during winter and in 17 days during summer. Lipids were lost faster in K. candel leaf detritus than in B. gymnorrhiza leaf detritus in which >90% of the total lipid original weight was lost during the summer experiment and <60% during the winter experiment. The changes in the concentrations of total lipids and FAs in the decomposing leaves also indicate that mangrove leaves are significant sources of fatty acids and probably other lipid compounds to estuarine ecosystems and that tidal waters transport the lipids and FAs adsorbed to particulate matter from mangroves to adjacent estuarine sediments and the ocean.  相似文献   
The Ianapera emerald deposit is located in the Neoproterozoic Vohibory Block of southern Madagascar. The local geology consists of intercalated migmatitic gneissic units and calcareous metasedimentary rocks, containing boudinaged metamorphosed mafic/ultramafic lenses, all intruded by pegmatite veins. These units occur near the hinge of the tightly folded Ianapera antiform, within a few kilometers of the Ampanihy shear zone. Emerald mineralization is hosted by metasomatic phlogopite veins, and bodies developed within the mafic/ultramafic rocks. Based on field and textural relationships, we distinguish proximal and distal styles of mineralization. Proximal mineralization occurs at the contact of pegmatite veins with mafic/ultramafic units; in the distal style, pegmatites are not observed. Three types of emeralds could be distinguished, mainly on the basis of color and mineral zoning. Some of these emeralds have the most Al-depleted and Cr-rich composition ever recorded. Another characteristic feature to the Ianapera deposit and, to our knowledge, yet unreported, is the association of some emeralds with scapolite in metasomatised mafic rocks. Mineral inclusions are common in most emeralds and include phlogopite, carbonates, barite, K-feldspar, quartz, pyrite, zircon, monazite, bastnaesite, phenakite, plus Fe and Cr oxides. However, feldspar and rare earth element-bearing minerals occur predominantly in proximal emeralds, which also have a more incompatible trace-element signature than distal emeralds. We propose a model related to syn- to post-tectonic magmatic-hydrothermal activity. Pegmatitic bodies intruded units of the Ianapera antiform probably during tectonic relaxation. Exsolution of fluids rich in halogens and incompatible elements from the cooling pegmatites caused hydrothermal metasomatism of Cr-bearing mafic/ultramafic rocks in direct contact with the pegmatites. Local fracturing favored fluid infiltration, permitting the formation of distal mineralization. Emerald composition was controlled by the chemistry of the host rock. The presence of carbonate mineral inclusions in the emeralds and the high F-activity indicated by elevated F-contents in newly formed minerals suggest transport of Be as a fluoride-carbonate complex. It seems likely that beryl formation was triggered by precipitation of F-rich phlogopite, which removed the complexing ligand from the fluid.  相似文献   
Groundwater resources play a pivotal role in the rural water delivery system in Ghana. The hydrogeological system of Middle Voltaian terrain was simulated using available data on hydraulic heads and boundary conditions. The objective was to characterize the general groundwater flow pattern and provide local estimates of the distribution of hydraulic conductivity and recharge fields. The results suggest a predominant NE–SW flow direction, which ties in with the general regional structural trend and indicates that the hydrogeological conditions of the rocks are controlled by structural entities created in the wake of fracturing and/or weathering of the rocks whose primary permeabilities are considerably reduced because of high compaction and low‐grade metamorphism. Calibrated hydraulic conductivities range between 1.90 and 10.81 m/d. The spatial distribution appears to reflect the intensity of fracturing and/or weathering of the rock and the proportion of the clay fraction of the weathered zone. Vertical groundwater recharge has been estimated to range between 0.3% and 4.1% of the annual rainfall. This recharge rate is quite low and reflects the imperviousness of the thick overburden because of high clay content in some places and high compaction in others. Despite this apparently low recharge rate, groundwater resources potential in the area appear to be high, and increased abstraction from existing abstraction wells by up to 50% does not appear to register significant effects on groundwater budgets at the simulated recharge rates. This suggests that the well yields are much lower than the potential of the aquifer system. The apparently low yields might be associated with poor well development and the choice of inappropriate well completion materials. This study recommends a monitoring system to be developed for a much more regional groundwater flow simulation under transient conditions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This research uses empirical data to explore the link between spatial plans and ‘actual development’ occurring in Kumasi, Ghana. The research found that urban development is determined by both spatial plans and spontaneous informal development patterns (i.e. self-organisation). However, self-organisation is more widespread compared to spatially planned neighbourhoods. This phenomenon was expressed in a context of uncertainty created by weak institutional planning system which promote and reinforce haphazard development disregarding urban planning requirements. These findings provide a perspective on urban development that differs from that occurring in cities of developed countries, where planning institutions in consultation with urban residents determine the patterns of urban development. Unfortunately in Kumasi, self-organisation is not viewed as important in mainstream planning system. The paper concludes that more needs to be done in terms of understanding self-organisation processes, and the way they could be integrated into mainstream planning process to respond more fully to the urban development challenges in Kumasi.  相似文献   

An integrated Markov Chain and Cellular Automata modelling (CA MARKOV), multicriteria evaluation techniques have been applied to produce transition probability. The unsupervised method was employed to classify the satellite images of year 1985, 1995, 2005 and 2015 to meet the magnitude of LULC change. Results showing the spatial pattern of the sub-basin is largely influenced by the biophysical and socio-economic drivers leading to growth of agricultural lands and built-up area in the basin. Simulated plausible future LULC changes for 2025 which is based on a CA MARKOV that integrates Markovian transition probabilities computed from satellite-derived LULC maps and a CA contiguity spatial filter (5 × 5). Further, the fragmentation analysis was performed to check the fragmentation scenario in the year 2025. The result for year 2025 with reasonably good accuracy will be useful to the planners, policy- and decision-makers.  相似文献   
This study assessed the levels of selected inorganic contaminants in streams and stream sediments in the effluent areas relating to the pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical treatment of gold ores in the Obuasi gold mine, Ghana. Water and stream sediment samples were taken from specific locations during the consecutive rainy and dry seasons, and concentrations of phosphate (PO4 3−), nitrate (NO3 ), chloride (Cl), sulphate (SO4 2−), sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), arsenic (As), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) and lead (Pb), were determined. Alkalinity, pH, temperature and specific electrical conductivity were also measured. In the water samples, the average pH range for both the seasons is 6.9–7.4, most anions and metals have relatively higher concentrations in the wet season than in the dry season at both the metallurgical sites. Trace metals concentrations were comparatively low (<0.01–5.00 mg/l), higher in the dry season at the pyrometallurgical sites. Irrespective of seasons, SO4 2− (0.80–949.50 mg/l) and PO4 3− (<0.01–6.30 mg/l) were pronounced at the pyrometallurgical sites, while NO3 (0.01–98.45 mg/l) and Cl (1.88-49.05 mg/l) were higher at the hydrometallurgical sites. In water samples, Ca2+ and SO4 2+ were the dominant cation and anion, respectively. In the stream sediments, except pH, NO3 , Cl, Na+ and Mg2+, all other parameter values were relatively higher at the hydrometallurgical areas. The average concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, As and Fe are remarkably high at both metallurgical sites (3,217–46,026 mg/kg). Overall, the level of parameters in the water samples are pronounced at pyrometallurgical sites, whereas the levels in sediments are higher at the hydrometallurgical sites.  相似文献   
More recently, driven by rapid and unguided urbanisation and climate change, Ghanaian cities are increasingly becoming hotspots for severe flood-related events. This paper reviews urbanisation dynamics in Ghanaian cities, and maps flood hazard zones and access to flood relief services in Kumasi, drawing insight from multi-criteria analysis and spatial network analysis using ArcGIS 10.2. Findings indicate that flood hazard zones in Kumasi have been created by natural (e.g., climate change) and anthropogenic (e.g., urbanisation) factors, and the interaction thereof. While one would have expected the natural factors to guide, direct and steer the patterns of urban development from flood hazard zones, the GIS analysis shows that anthropogenic factors, particularly urbanisation, are increasingly concentrating population and physical structures in areas liable to flooding in the urban environment. This situation is compounded by rapid land cover/use changes and widespread haphazard development across the city. Regrettably, findings show that urban residents living in flood hazard zones in Kumasi are also geographically disadvantaged in terms of access to emergency services compared to those living in well-planned neighbourhoods.  相似文献   
Conventional stream sediment sampling in which sediments are taken from the active channels during reconnaissance regional geochemical surveys in gold exploration has over the years failed to delineate prospective target zones in northern Ghana, where the relict is flat. Whereas the technique has been successful in the south western Ghana, which is characterised by moderate to high relief, generally the savannah north is associated with low relief, commonly with flat topographies and generally decoupled stream channels. Geochemical comparison of active stream and overbank sediments in this study demonstrate that active stream channels may contain contaminated materials of recent origin, but overbank sediments, except for the uppermost horizons, represent alluvial regolith of earlier depositional cycles over time. Based on gold value repeatability, composite samples taken from the overbank sediment layers were relatively less erratic and are considered to be an appropriate geochemical medium in delineating potential regional gold targets for follow up. The results show that overbank sediment sampling can be used as a cost-effective method to define broad anomalous zones; and the technique must be considered useful during reconnaissance geochemical surveys in the savannah regions.  相似文献   
Spontaneous displacement of the non-wetting phase by a wetting phase in a porous medium, known as spontaneous imbibition, is an important mechanism of oil recovery from fractured reservoirs. In this paper, we consider the nonequilibrium model, proposed by Aryana and Kovscek, where consitutive relationships for multiphase flow in porous media are functions of a locally moving time-average saturation, and allow relaxation time to be an explicit function of local saturation. We obtain asymptotic self-similar solutions for early and late times. At very early stages, the time-scale of the process characterizing the cumulative volume of displaced fluid is a power function with an exponent of \(\frac {1}{2}+\frac {1}{2r+1}\) where r is the inverse of pore size distribution index of the medium in question. Additionally, the cumulative volume of displaced fluid at late times is independent of relaxation time, and this volume approaches the square root of time asymptotically. Finally, the late-time solution for recovery is compared with experimental observations.  相似文献   
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