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长江经济带PM_(2.5)时空特征及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大气细颗粒物(PM_(2.5))因其对空气环境质量乃至人类健康的巨大危害而逐渐引起学者们的关注。本文以我国综合实力最强、战略支撑作用最为突出的区域之一——长江经济带为研究对象,基于城市级空气质量监测数据,运用地理学时空分析与GIS可视化方法探索并呈现了2015年长江经济带PM_(2.5)的时空分布特征及其演变规律;在此基础上,结合空间回归模型考察了PM_(2.5)浓度与区域城市发展之间的内在关系。结果表明,就空间特征而言,长江中下游地区PM_(2.5)污染较长江上游地区更为严重,长江北岸地区比长江南岸地区更为严重;PM_(2.5)高浓度集聚地带主要位于鄂皖苏大部分地区,与空气质量较佳的云南及其周边地区呈"对角"分布状态。长江经济带内城市间PM_(2.5)浓度存在着显著的正向空间自相关,且自相关性随距离增大而不断减弱,其门槛尺度约为900 km;在这一范围内,PM_(2.5)空间集聚效应较为明显。就时间特征而言,冬季PM_(2.5)浓度相对较高,春秋两季次之,夏季空气质量最好;各地区浓度分布在年初相对离散,后有所趋同。此外,PM_(2.5)与其他类型的大气污染物(如SO2、NO2、O3)浓度两两之间均存在着显著的正相关性,暗示大气污染物从原发污染演变为二次污染,形成恶性循环。空间回归分析结果表明,PM_(2.5)污染随经济发展水平的提高呈现先上升后下降的趋势,在一定程度上支持了"环境库兹涅兹曲线"假说;且人口密度、公共交通运输强度均在不同程度上导致长江经济带PM_(2.5)浓度的升高。最后,从区域性联防联控、不同类型大气污染物协同治理、促进经济发展方式转型等方面为长江经济带的大气环境治理提出切实可行的政策建议。  相似文献   
结合细河沿岸地区水文地质条件及地下水有机污染特征,通过AHP法确定权重,建立DRSIC模型,将评价结果与污染源荷载评价叠加,构建研究区有机污染风险评价模型.并通过研究区有机污染特征检验模型的合理性.结果表明:区内大部分地区有机污染风险中等或低.只有细河沿岸、杨士至于洪区一带污染风险处于高水平.评价结果较好的符合研究区有机污染现状.  相似文献   
焦作市区大气污染状况与防治措施   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据“九五”期间焦作市区的大气污染监测资料,对市区大气污染状况进行了分析和评价,并对其成因进行了分析,提出了一些具体的防治措施。  相似文献   
泸沽湖特有水生生物的保护初探   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
泸沽湖有水生生物 133种。本文对其种群结构、数量作了调查 ,分析了特有种水生生物结构变化原因是不合理利用 ,应通过管理措施和工程措施保护特有水生生物  相似文献   
Changes in the dynamics of inorganic N species transformations with depth have been investigated for seven soil profiles from a nitrogen-impacted ancient grassland on a nature reserve outside York in the UK, using incubation experiments. In five of the profiles, both ammonification and nitrification are occurring below the rooting zone, probably partly in response to the low C:N ratio in the soils. This contributes to elevated nitrate concentrations found in an adjacent stream. Accumulation of ammonium during incubation in the sub-soils of these five profiles suggests a high probability of ammonium leaching down the profiles as ammonium inputs and outputs at a given depth approach equilibrium. This ammonium may also be nitrified at depth. However, in the two profiles with the most acidic surface horizons, net mineralization was negligible or negative; some initial ammonium-N and ammonium-N produced during incubation were nitrified, so the loss in ammonium-N was closely balanced by nitrate-N production.  相似文献   
The reduction of hexavalent chromium by scrap iron was investigated in continuous long-term fixed bed system. The effects of pH, empty bed contact time (EBCT), and initial Cr(VI) concentration on Cr(VI) reduction were studied. The results showed that the pH, EBCT, and initial Cr(VI) concentration significantly affected the reduction capacity of scrap iron. The reduction capacity of scrap iron were 4.56, 1.51, and 0.57 mg Cr(VI)·g-1 Fe0 at pH 3, 5, and 7 (initial Cr(VI) concentration 4 mg·L-1, EBCT 2 min, and temperature 25°C), 0.51, 1.51, and 2.85 mg Cr(VI)·g-1 Fe0 at EBCTs of 0.5, 2.0, and 6.0 min (initial Cr(VI) concentration 4 mg·L-1, pH 5, and temperature 25°C), and 2.99, 1.51, and 1.01 mg Cr(VI)·g-1 Fe0 at influent concentrations of 1, 4, and 8 mg·L-1 (EBCT 2 min, pH 5, and temperature 25°C), respectively. Fe(total) concentration in the column effluent continuously decreased in time, due to a decrease in time of the iron corrosion rate. The fixed bed reactor can be readily used for the treatment of drinking water containing low amounts of Cr(VI) ions, although the hardness and humic acid in water may shorten the lifetime of the reactor, the reduction capacity of scrap iron still achieved 1.98 mg Cr6+·g-1 Fe. Scanning electron microscope equipped with energy dispersion spectrometer and X-ray diffraction were conducted to examine the surface species of the scrap iron before and after its use. In addition to iron oxides and hydroxide species, iron-chromium complex was also observed on the reacted scrap iron.  相似文献   
Kasur is one of the hubs of leather industry in the Punjab, Pakistan, where chrome tanning method of leather processing is extensively being used. Chromium (Cr) accumulation levels in the irrigation water, soil, and seasonal vegetables were studied in three villages located in the vicinity of wastewater treatment plant and solid waste dumping site operated by the Kasur Tanneries Waste Management Agency (KTWMA). The data was interpreted using analysis of variance (ANOVA), clustering analysis (CA), and principal component analysis (PCA). Interpolated surface maps for Cr were generated using the actual data obtained for the 30 sampling sites in each of the three villages for irrigation water, soil, and seasonal vegetables. The level of contamination in the three villages was directly proportional to their distance from KTWMA wastewater treatment plant and the direction of water runoff. The highest level of Cr contamination in soil (mg kg?1) was observed at Faqeeria Wala (37.67), intermediate at Dollay Wala (30.33), and the least in Maan (25.16). A gradational variation in Cr accumulation was observed in the three villages from contaminated wastewater having the least contamination level (2.02–4.40 mg L?1), to soil (25.16–37.67 mg kg?1), and ultimately in the seasonal vegetable crops (156.67–248.33 mg kg?1) cultivated in the region, having the highest level of Cr contamination above the permissible limit. The model used not only predicted the current situation of Cr contamination in the three villages but also indicated the trend of magnification of Cr contamination from irrigation water to soil and to the base of the food chain. Among the multiple causes of Cr contamination of vegetables, soil irrigation with contaminated groundwater was observed to be the dominant one.  相似文献   
利用合肥市臭氧和VOCs连续观测数据分析了合肥市臭氧及其前体物污染特征,并使用NAQPMS模型研究了合肥市不同季节臭氧来源情况。结果表明:O3已经成为影响合肥市环境质量的主要污染因子,O3高值区主要集中在5—6月和9月。合肥市大气VOCs中烷烃含量最丰富,其次是烯烃、芳香烃和炔烃;主要物种为乙烷、丙烷、乙炔、正戊烷、乙烯、环戊烷、异戊烷、正丁烷、异丁烷和甲苯。合肥市O3生成主要受VOCs控制,其中,烯烃是合肥市O3生成贡献最大的关键活性组分,乙烯的OFP贡献率居首位。合肥市不同季节O3来源差异较大,其中,本地排放是主要来源,夏季占比为50%,其余季节占比为30%~45%,O3存在跨省长距离输送特征,主导风向的变化是造成合肥市臭氧来源季节性变化的重要因素。  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Owing to the rising concerns about environmental degradation worldwide, firms in several developed and developing countries are pursuing carbon...  相似文献   
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