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陆表海盆地含煤地层的高分辨率层序地层研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了鲁西南煤田陆表海盆地沉积充填序列中的T-R旋回特征;划分出陆表海盆地高分辨层序,依次为构造层序、超层序、层序、小层序组、小层序及更小级别的层序单元。在研究了陆表海盆地海平面变化特点及其对煤聚积控制作用的基础上,提出了“海侵事件成煤”观点,认为海侵事件是控制陆表海盆地煤聚积的重要事件,突发性海侵事件界面、暴露土壤化事件界面和海侵事件成因的煤层均具有等时性对比意义。   相似文献   
准噶尔盆地西北缘八区下侏罗统八道湾组沉积特征及演化   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
准噶尔盆地西北缘八区下侏罗统八道湾组, 大多数人认为属于辫状河沉积。笔者通过对研究区岩石类型、特征、沉积相标志研究后认为, 八道湾组沉积属于辫状河三角洲和湖相沉积体系, 并对八道湾组沉积相展布与演化特征进行了系统研究, 论证了该区继晚三叠世末期的湖平面大幅度下降, 伴随湖盆的衰亡, 八道湾组进入早期( J1b53) 广泛的沼泽沉积环境, 随着泥沙的带入, 沼泽逐渐消亡, 而河流作用加强, 地层逐渐由东向西超覆, 主要发育辫状河沉积; 至J1b5 亚期晚时( J1b51) 湖平面开始迅速上升, 发育了大片的浅湖及辫状河三角洲沉积环境; 在J1b4 亚期湖平面又迅速下降, 导致浅湖沉积退出研究区; J1b 2+3亚期再次发生湖侵作用, 以大面积的浅湖沉积为特征; 而J1b1 亚期伴随着湖平面的再次下降, 河流作用逐渐减弱, 泥质沉积日渐增多, 在八道湾组末期重新又形成了大片的沼泽沉积环境。  相似文献   
Coastal lagoon muds were analyzed to evaluate changes in sedimentary environments by the Jomon transgression from the lower to middle Holocene age and human activities. Core samples from Lake Shinji, Southwest Japan were utilized, which cover the entire Holocene Nakaumi Formation (ca. 23-m thick), and comprise the Lower, Middle, Upper and Uppermost members. Total sulfur (TS) contents and Fe2O3/Al2O3 ratios increase from the boundary of Middle and Upper members, which is 1 m below the Kikai-Akahoya (K-Ah) volcanic ash of 6300 years BP. This change coincides to the pollen flora zone boundary of the PinusAbies and the CyclobalanopsisCastanopsis, suggesting transition to a warming climate. Chemical index of alteration (CIA) values [(ratio of Al to Al+Ca+Na+K)×100] and Rb/K ratios also show gradual increase from the middle part of the Upper member, due to its derivation from highly weathered source material probably formed under warming and rainy condition. Al2O3/TiO2 and SiO2/TiO2 show little variation from the Lower to the Upper members, probably related to consistent feldspar composition in the source rocks, and homogeneously mixed clays. In the Uppermost member (from 1500 years), sharp increases in Ti/Zr and decreases in both Nb/Y and Zr/Y occurred, suggesting heavy mineral fractionation. This change was caused by iron sand processing called Kannanagashi and charcoal-making in the most mountainous regions. Soil erosion by these processes brought changes in mud composition, shown by the enrichment in Al2O3, and depletion in Zr and Cr. Human activities thus had severe impacts on sedimentary environments compared with the natural changes since the Jomon transgression.  相似文献   
Running is a unique form of mobility because while it involves traveling over distance, it is not usually done as a means of transportation. Although running can and does take place almost anywhere, bringing together hundreds or thousands of runners at a time via an event known as a road race enables a different, transgressive occupation of space that no one runner could accomplish on his or her own. In this paper, based on participant observation, I argue that the transgressive but sanctioned nature of the mobilities that road races allow, by temporarily taking over a space devoted to motorized vehicles and turning it into a space for pedestrians, defines these events as unique moments that are only possible through the collective nature of this usually solitary form of mobility and that allow for the pleasure of being transgressive without the risks that transgression normally entails. The paper further argues for considering ‘event mobilities’ as more than traveling in order to participate in an event, because some kinds of mobility are only possible in the context of an event.  相似文献   
随着社会主义市场经济体制的确立和加入WTO ,我国的经济结构呈现出利益主体多元化。破产不可避免地导致主体之间的利益冲突。为此 ,新修订的破产法应最大限度地满足与破产案件有关的各主体的利益 ,将实现均衡利益作为其价值目标。相应地 ,破产法应增设重整、监督和惩治破产犯罪的规定  相似文献   
学界对四川盆地晚三叠世须家河期沉积相的认识一直存在较大分歧,观点颇多。为此,基于露头剖面观察、取心井精细描述、单井剖面分析、实验室薄片鉴定,结合大量测井资料的研究应用成果,综合研究后认为:四川盆地大川中地区须二段砂体为滨浅湖砂体,河流相砂体分布在龙岗-旺苍以北、广安以东的区域,川中西部-川西北部地区有海侵影响,形成质纯的石英砂岩;须四段、须六段沉积期,除营山-八角场、广安-河包场地区须四段及须六段下部发育三角洲分支河道外,其余大部分地区为河流入湖砂体在湖岸线不断进退、湖面总体扩张的背景下经湖流、波浪再改造、再分配形成的滨浅湖滩坝砂体。结论表明:①在川中南部地区由于受雷口坡期古凸起的影响,在该凸起区缺失须一-须二段下部地层;②受湖流运动方向影响,湖盆中的砂体在川中南部地区呈北东向展布,而在川中北部地区则呈近东西向展布;③滩坝砂体主体分布区是优质孔隙性储层的发育区。  相似文献   
Summary In a field trial, F3 winter wheat lines from plants selected for Fusarium head blight resistance in F2 generations of a set of crosses, composing a 10×10 half diallel, were tested with their parental lines for resistance to Fusarium culmorum. Selection responses averaged 3.7% on the head blight percentage scale and ranged from –22.0% to 27.1%. Realized heritabilities averaged 0.23 and ranged from 0 to 0.96. Significant transgression for resistance was observed which was suggested to be genetically fixed. It was estimated that resistant parents differed in one or two resistance genes. The possibility of accumulation of resistance genes was shown. The level of head blight resistance of the parental line appeared to be a good indicator of the potential resistance level of its crosses.  相似文献   
为了从实证角度评估我国证券行政处罚的工作绩效,本文对中国证监会2010年的全部证券行政处罚案件(含市场禁入案件),根据不同的统计维度进行了专项统计分析。首先,对2010年证券案件处理方式、行政处罚具体类型、处罚对象数和处罚金额、年度收案结案比率等进行了总体的比较分析。其次,根据2010年证券行政处罚案件的数据信息,从违法行为、违法主体、处罚金额分布、深沪公司处罚数据对比、深市主板中小板处罚数据对比等维度展开专项统计分析。再次,分析了相关国家和地区2010年证券行政处罚案件的基本概况,并与我国相关数据进行了初步对比分析。从总体情况来看,我国证券执法的水平与我国资本市场在国际上所处的地位是相符合的。最后,本文对2010年被查处的内幕交易案件进行了专项统计分析,并与相关国家和地区证券监管机构查处内幕交易案件的情况进行了比较。总体上看,中国证监会内幕交易案件执法的力度和效率都取得了显著提高。  相似文献   
塔里木板块古城4井中奥陶统一间房组的海进序列   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塔里木板块中央隆起区奥陶系碳酸盐岩台地东南缘的古城4井钻遇约130m厚的中奥陶统达瑞威尔阶一间房组灰岩。该组下部为表附藻-肾形钙藻-瓶筐石礁丘群落,间夹有薄层砂屑滩,海水深度推测位于10-30m的潮下带至正常波浪带之间;上部为中-低能带藻屑砂屑组合,灰泥含量增高,大致指示正常波浪带之下到最大浪基面之间30-60m的深度。古城4井与中央隆起区西北部巴楚露头区同期沉积均显示海水逐渐加深的过程,到上奥陶统桑比阶吐木休克组沉积期两地都达到了奥陶系的最大海泛面。  相似文献   
黔西南地区早-中三叠世沉积岩相与Ladinian-Carnian期大海侵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扬子地块主体在中三叠世晚期出现了一次大规模的海退(即著名的拉丁期大海退),但是位于扬子地块西南缘的黔西南地区在同期却出现了一次大规模的海侵,与之对应的沉积岩相也由以杨柳井组为代表的浅水碳酸盐岩沉积变为以竹竿坡组为代表的一套富含大量浮游生物和游泳生物的深水瘤状暗色灰泥岩和代表最大海泛面的瓦窑组黑色页岩和深海灰岩沉积。之后,扬子台地被一套深水陆源硅质碎屑浊积岩和一套巨厚的陆相含煤碎屑沉积岩覆盖,从此结束了其自晚元古代以来长达630Ma的碳酸盐岩台地生长演化历史。对比分析表明,黔西南地区这次大规模海侵与全球海平面变化同步,相当于全球海平面变化曲线的一级旋回UpperAbsaroka旋回(megacycle)的第三个二级超级旋回中的第一个三级旋回,具有全球对比性。  相似文献   
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