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When compared to virgin land (forest and grassland), croplands store significantly lower amounts of organic carbon (OC), mainly as a result of soil tillage, and decreased plant inputs to the soil over the whole year. Doubts have been expressed over how much reduced and zero tillage agriculture can increase OC in soils when the whole soil profile is considered. Consequently, cover-crops that are grown in-between crops instead of leaving soils bare appear as the “last man standing” in our quest to enhance cropland OC stocks. Despite the claim by numerous meta-analyses of a mean carbon sequestration rate by cover crops to be as high as 0.32 ± 0.08 ton C ha−1 year−1, the present analysis showed that all of the 37 existing field studies worldwide only sampled to a depth of 30 cm or less and did not compare treatments on the basis of equivalent soil mass. Thirteen studies presented information on OC content only and not on OC stocks, had inappropriate controls (n = 14), had durations of 3 years or lower (n = 5), considered only one to two data points per treatment (n = 4), or used cover crops as cash crops (i.e., grown longer that in-between two crops) instead of catch crops (n = 2), which in all cases constitutes shortcomings. Of the remaining six trials, four showed non-significant trends, one study displayed a negative impact of cover crops, and one study displayed a positive impact, resulting in a mean OC storage of 0.03 ton ha−1 year−1. Models and policies should urgently adapt to such new figure. Finally, more is to be done not only to improve the design of cover-crop studies for reaching sound conclusions but also to understand the underlying reasons of the low efficiency of cover crops for improved carbon sequestration into soils, with possible strategies being suggested.  相似文献   
-Chymotrypsin was modified with cyanuric chloride activated monomethoxypolyethylene glycol (MPEG) with molecular weights 1900 and 5000. Using the higher molecular weight MPEG a product that was soluble in benzene at moderate levels of modification was obtained, whereas with MPEG 1900 almost all the enzyme's amino groups had to be modified for dissolving the conjugate. The catalytic activity decreased with increasing degree of substitution. Apparent Vmax was considerably higher for the less modified enzyme preparation than for the more modified one, while Km,app stayed almost constant. The modified enzyme was used for peptide synthesis. The reaction was dependent on the content of dissolved water. Both Vmax,app and Km,app increased with increasing water content. It was possible to achieve a process with complete conversion of substrate to dipeptide.  相似文献   
Mineralization of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in thermokarst lakes plays a non-negligible role in the permafrost carbon (C) cycle, but remains poorly understood due to its complex interactions with external C and nutrient inputs (i.e., aquatic priming and nutrient effects). Based on large-scale lake sampling and laboratory incubations, in combination with 13C-stable-isotope labeling, optical spectroscopy, and high-throughput sequencing, we examined large-scale patterns and dominant drivers of priming and nutrient effects of DOM biodegradation across 30 thermokarst lakes along a 1100-km transect on the Tibetan Plateau. We observed that labile C and phosphorus (P) rather than nitrogen (N) inputs stimulated DOM biodegradation, with the priming and P effects being 172% and 451% over unamended control, respectively. We also detected significant interactive effects of labile C and nutrient supply on DOM biodegradation, with the combined labile C and nutrient additions inducing stronger microbial mineralization than C or nutrient treatment alone, illustrating that microbial activity in alpine thermokarst lakes is co-limited by both C and nutrients. We further found that the aquatic priming was mainly driven by DOM quality, with the priming intensity increasing with DOM recalcitrance, reflecting the limitation of external C as energy sources for microbial activity. Greater priming intensity was also associated with higher community-level ribosomal RNA gene operon (rrn) copy number and bacterial diversity as well as increased background soluble reactive P concentration. In contrast, the P effect decreased with DOM recalcitrance as well as with background soluble reactive P and ammonium concentrations, revealing the declining importance of P availability in mediating DOM biodegradation with enhanced C limitation but reduced nutrient limitation. Overall, the stimulation of external C and P inputs on DOM biodegradation in thermokarst lakes would amplify C-climate feedback in this alpine permafrost region.  相似文献   
The behaviour of organic matter has been approached in two fluvio-marine areas of the Gulf of Lions in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea: deltas of the Rhône and Têt rivers. Elemental analysis, pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (main classes of organic compounds) and high performance liquid chromatography (phenolic compounds) enabled to show the fractioning processes and the differentiation of water layers from the river mouth to the open sea. Transitory horizontal and vertical geochemical gradients appeared in the water column. They were more marked in surficial sediments. They underlined the effects of the river inputs which were characterized by high phenol contents. The increase of the marine character towards the open sea was shown by increasing nitrogen-containing compounds. In the Rhône delta, the distribution of the suspended material and organic compounds emphasized the occurrence of a multi-layered water system. In the surficial layers the suspended organic matter was in a little degraded state. On the contrary, the bottom nepheloid contained altered organo-mineral complexes enriched in resistant organic compounds. In the deeper areas of the Lacaze-Duthiers Canyon, in front of the Têt prodelta, the abundance of phytoplanktonic material in the euphotic zone was emphasized by the increase of both nitrogen-containing compounds and aminosugars. In the deeper layers, the suspended material transported by advective currents showed a detrital characteri.e. enriched in clays and in degraded organic matter. The observations carried out in the Rhône delta, the Têt prodelta and the Lacaze-Duthiers Canyon underlined the importance of the general transfer system of suspended material from East to West enhanced by the Liguro-Provençal current.  相似文献   
有机酸是含有一种或多种低分子量酸性基团(如羧基、磺酸基)的可生物合成的有机化合物,广泛应用于食品、农业、医药、生物基材料工业等领域。酵母菌具有生物安全、抗逆性强、底物谱广泛、方便遗传改造,以及大规模培养技术成熟等独特优点,因此利用酵母菌生产有机酸的研究日益受到国内外学者的关注。目前利用酵母生产有机酸还存在浓度低、副产物多,以及发酵效率低等缺陷。随着酵母菌代谢工程和合成生物学技术的发展,利用酵母菌生产有机酸取得了快速进展。本文总结了利用酵母合成11种有机酸的研究,包括内源和异源合成的大宗羧酸和高价值有机酸,并对该领域的未来研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   
Rational design of high-efficiency N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) palladium catalyst is of great importance to modern organic synthesis, especially in chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Herein, we fabricate a polymer network containing N-heterocyclic carbene palladium (PNNHC-Pd) catalytic active sites via an immobilization process. The N-heterocyclic carbene palladium can serve as a promising linkage of polymer network as well as an effective catalytic active site owing to its structural preference and strong σ-donating ability with palladium species. The results display that N-heterocyclic carbene palladium disperses homogeneously in polymer network, thus rendering PNNHC-Pd excellent catalytic activity, high stability and superior reusability in palladium-catalyzed Suzuki–Miyaura coupling reaction in aqueous medium. This work provides a new insight into the development of heterogenization of homogeneous catalysts based on polymer network.  相似文献   
The progress of aqueous zinc batteries (AZBs) is limited by the poor cycling life due to Zn anode instability, including dendrite growth, surface corrosion, and passivation. Inspired by the anti-corrosion strategy of steel industry, a compounding corrosion inhibitor (CCI) is employed as the electrolyte additive for Zn metal anode protection. It is shown that CCI can spontaneously generate a uniform and ≈30 nm thick solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer on Zn anode with a strong adhesion via Zn O bonding. This SEI layer efficiently prohibits water corrosion and guides homogeneous Zn deposition without obvious dendrite formation. This enables reversible Zn deposition and dissolution for over 1100 h under the condition of 1 mA cm−2 and 1 mAh cm−2 in symmetric cells. The Zn-MnO2 full cells with CCI-modified electrolyte deliver an ultralow capacity decay rate (0.013% per cycle) at 0.5 A g−1 over 1000 cycles. Such an innovative strategy paves a low-cost way to achieve AZBs with long lifespan.  相似文献   
Most biominerals appear to be composites of organic material and mineral. Whether biosilica is such a composite is unresolved because of a lack of evidence for such organic components. We present evidence that organic material exists within diatom biosilica and can be extracted using HF/NH4F solutions from frustules isolated from Cyclotella meneghiniana Kütz and diatomaceous earth. To eliminate organic casing on the silicified frustules as a source of organic materials, the casing was removed by oxidation of frustules with NaOCl before extraction. The removal of the casing was confirmed in that oxidized frustules no longer displayed the ability to be stained with ruthenium red and fluorescamine. Frustules examined with EDXA showed an emission peak from sulfur before treatment but no peak following treatment, indicating that oxidation removed organic sulfur. The organic material obtained from extracts of fresh frustules contained both soluble and insoluble components. Only soluble material was evident in extracts from diatomaceous earth. The soluble material appears to contain glycoproteins with relatively high levels of serine and glycine. The soluble proteins from fresh frustules also appear to be phosphorylated. Indirect evidence is presented that suggests the soluble proteins may contain regions of primary structure enriched in anionic amino acids. The soluble extracts differ from general cell contents when the two fractions are compared, suggesting that frustules contain specialized organic material. The identification of silica-specific organic material suggests that mineralization in diatoms may be in part matrix-mediated.  相似文献   
Land use induced changes of organic carbon storage in soils of China   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Using the data compiled from China's second national soil survey and an improved method of soil carbon bulk density, we have estimated the changes of soil organic carbon due to land use, and compared the spatial distribution and storage of soil organic carbon (SOC) in cultivated soils and noncultivated soils in China. The results reveal that ~ 57% of the cultivated soil subgroups ( ~ 31% of the total soil surface) have experienced a significant carbon loss, ranging from 40% to 10% relative to their noncultivated counterparts. The most significant carbon loss is observed for the non‐irrigated soils (dry farmland) within a semiarid/semihumid belt from northeastern to southwestern China, with the maximum loss occurring in northeast China. On the contrary, SOC has increased in the paddy and irrigated soils in northwest China. No significant change is observed for forest soils in southern China, grassland and desert soils in northwest China, as well as irrigated soils in eastern China. The SOC storage and density under noncultivated conditions in China are estimated to ~ 77.4 Pg (1015 g) and ~ 8.8 kg C m?2, respectively, compared to a SOC storage of ~ 70.3 Pg and an average SOC density of ~ 8.0 kg C m?2 under the present‐day conditions. This suggests a loss of ~ 7.1 Pg SOC and a decrease of ~ 0.8 kg C m?2 SOC density due to increasing human activities, in which the loss in organic horizons has contributed to ~ 77%. This total loss of SOC in China induced by land use represents ~ 9.5% of the world's SOC decrease. This amount is equivalent to ~ 3.5 ppmv of the atmospheric CO2 increase. Since ~ 78% of the currently cultivated soils in China have been degraded to a low/medium productivities and are responsible for most of the SOC loss, an improved land management, such as the development of irrigated and paddy land uses, would have a considerable potential in restoring the SOC storage. Assuming a restoration of ~ 50% of the lost SOC during the next 20–50 years, the soils in China would absorb ~ 3.5 Pg of carbon from the atmosphere.  相似文献   
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