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Attachment theory is a useful lens through which to examine both perceptions and selection of companion animals. Study 1 compared perceptions of dogs and cats, and found that dogs were perceived as having more positive relationship qualities and secure attachment-related characteristics, whereas cats were perceived as having more negative relationship qualities and avoidant attachment-related characteristics. In addition, people perceived relationships with dogs to involve less avoidance and less anxiety relative to relationships with people. In study 2, which built on the findings of study 1, attachment avoidance was negatively associated with wanting to own a pet, whereas attachment anxiety was positive associated with wanting to own a pet. These attachment dimensions were not associated with wanting to own a dog, but lower avoidance and higher anxiety were associated with wanting to own a cat. Study 3 was a longitudinal study of SPCA-type shelter visitors (510 participants, with 169 reporting a recent pet adoption). Lower attachment anxiety predicted recently adopting a dog rather than a cat, though neither anxiety nor avoidance predicted adopting a cat. Individuals who wanted a pet in order to facilitate human relationships were more likely to adopt a dog than a cat. Those high in attachment avoidance reported turning to their pet as a replacement for human companionship, and those high in attachment anxiety reported feeling more concern about their pets requiring more attention. Attachment anxiety and avoidance may influence the decision whether or not to adopt a pet, as well as the motivation underlying the adoption choice. Attachment also may influence the type of pet chosen (i.e., dog versus cat). In addition, attachment may influence the nature of the human–animal relationship, such as the time spent together, and the security felt regarding the relationship.  相似文献   
Adverse life experiences increase the lifetime risk to several stress‐related psychopathologies, such as anxiety or depressive‐like symptoms following stress in adulthood. However, the neurochemical modulations triggered by stress have not been fully characterized. Neuropeptides play an important role as signaling molecules that contribute to physiological regulation and have been linked to neurological and psychiatric diseases. However, little is known about the influence of stress on neuropeptide regulation in the brain. Here, we have performed an exploratory study of how neuropeptide expression at adulthood is modulated by experiencing a period of multiple stressful experiences. We have targeted hippocampus and prefrontal cortex (PFC) brain areas, which have previously been shown to be modulated by stressors, employing a targeted liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry (LC‐MS) based approach that permits broad peptide coverage with high sensitivity. We found that in the hippocampus, Met‐enkephalin, Met‐enkephalin‐Arg‐Phe, and Met‐enkephalin‐Arg‐Gly‐Leu were upregulated, while Leu‐enkephalin and Little SAAS were downregulated after stress. In the PFC area, Met‐enkephalin‐Arg‐Phe, Met‐enkephalin‐Arg‐Gly‐Leu, peptide PHI‐27, somatostatin‐28 (AA1‐12), and Little SAAS were all downregulated. This systematic evaluation of neuropeptide alterations in the hippocampus and PFC suggests that stressors impact neuropeptides and that neuropeptide regulation is brain‐area specific. These findings suggest several potential peptide candidates, which warrant further investigations in terms of correlation with depression‐associated behaviors.  相似文献   
Thai jasmine rice, KDML 105, is known as the best quality rice.It is known not only for its aroma but also for its good cookingand eating qualities. Amylose content (AC), gel consistency(GC) and gelatinization temperature (GT) are important traitsdetermining rice quality. A population of recombinant inbredlines (RIL) derived from KDML105 x CT9993 cross was used tostudy the genetic control of AC, GC and GT traits. A total of191 markers were used in the linkage map construction. The 1605.3cM linkage map covering nearly the whole rice genome was usedfor QTL (define QTL) analysis. Four QTLs for AC were detectedon chromosomes 3, 4, 6 and 7. These QTLs accounted for 80% ofphenotypic variation explained (PVE) in AC. The presence ofone major gene as well as several modifiers was responsiblefor the expression of the trait. Two QTLs on chromosome 6 andone on chromosome 7 were detected for GC, which accounts for57% of PVE. A single gene of major effect along with modifiergenes controls GC from this cross. The QTLs in the vicinityof waxy locus were major contributors in the expression of ACand GC. The finding that the position of QTLs for AC and GCwere near each other may reflect tight linkage or pleiotropy.Three QTLs were detected, one on chromosome 2 and two on chromosome6, which accounted for 67% of PVE in GT. Just like AC and GC,one major gene and modifier genes governed the variation inGT resulting from the KDML105 x CT9993 cross. Breeding for cookingand eating qualities will largely rely on the preferences ofthe end users.  相似文献   
A deficit in the serotonin 5-HT(1A) receptor has been found in panic and post-traumatic stress disorders, and genetic inactivation of the receptor results in an anxiety-like phenotype in mice on both the C57Bl6 and Swiss-Webster genetic backgrounds. Anxiety is associated with increased neuronal activity in the prefrontal cortex and here we describe changes in glutamate and GABA uptake of C57Bl6 receptor null mice. Although these alterations were not present in Swiss-Webster null mice, we have previously reported reductions in GABA(A) receptor expression in these but not in C57Bl6 null mice. This demonstrates that inactivation of the 5-HT(1A) receptor elicits different and genetic background-dependent perturbations in the prefrontal cortex GABA/glutamate system. These perturbations can result in a change in the balance between excitation and inhibition, and indeed both C57Bl6 and Swiss-Webster null mice show signs of increased neuronal excitability. Because neuronal activity in the prefrontal cortex controls the extent of response to anxiogenic stimuli, the genetic background-specific perturbations in glutamate and GABA neurotransmission in C57Bl6 and Swiss-Webster 5-HT(1A) receptor null mice may contribute to their shared anxiety phenotype. Our study shows that multiple strains of genetically altered mice could help us to understand the common and individual features of anxiety.  相似文献   
This study investigates the effects of partial exhalation to feelings of anxiety. Thirty five volunteer subjects (14 male, 21 female, mean age 40.6) were first trained in slow diaphragmatic breathing (SDB). Then subjects rated their anxiety levels on a scale from 1 (none) to 5 (extreme) in sequential conditions of SDB, 70% subjective exhalation, and SDB. During the 70% subjective exhalation phase, subjects were instructed to breathe and limit their exhalation to 70% of the inhaled volume during each consecutive breath. The 70% subjective condition significantly (P<.0005) increased=" subjects'=" anxiety=" levels=" as=" compared=" to=" the=" initial=" sdb=" baseline,=" while=" a=" return=" to=" sdb=" significantly=" reduced=" the=" anxiety=" levels.=" the=" 70%=" approach=" appears=" useful=" in=" demonstrating=" to=" the=" client=" that=" possible=" changes=" in=" breathing=" patterns=" can=" affect=">We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Richard Steiner, Ph.D. for his comments and help with the statistical analysis in this article. The preliminary findings of this article were presented at the Twenty-first Annual Meeting of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback.  相似文献   
The field of psychiatry is hampered by a lack of robust, reliable and valid biomarkers that can aid in objectively diagnosing patients and providing individualized treatment recommendations. Here we review and critically evaluate the evidence for the most promising biomarkers in the psychiatric neuroscience literature for autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder, major depression and bipolar disorder, and substance use disorders. Candidate biomarkers reviewed include various neuroimaging, genetic, molecular and peripheral assays, for the purposes of determining susceptibility or presence of illness, and predicting treatment response or safety. This review highlights a critical gap in the biomarker validation process. An enormous societal investment over the past 50 years has identified numerous candidate biomarkers. However, to date, the overwhelming majority of these measures have not been proven sufficiently reliable, valid and useful to be adopted clinically. It is time to consider whether strategic investments might break this impasse, focusing on a limited number of promising candidates to advance through a process of definitive testing for a specific indication. Some promising candidates for definitive testing include the N170 signal, an event-related brain potential measured using electroencephalography, for subgroup identification within autism spectrum disorder; striatal resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) measures, such as the striatal connectivity index (SCI) and the functional striatal abnormalities (FSA) index, for prediction of treatment response in schizophrenia; error-related negativity (ERN), an electrophysiological index, for prediction of first onset of generalized anxiety disorder, and resting-state and structural brain connectomic measures for prediction of treatment response in social anxiety disorder. Alternate forms of classification may be useful for conceptualizing and testing potential biomarkers. Collaborative efforts allowing the inclusion of biosystems beyond genetics and neuroimaging are needed, and online remote acquisition of selected measures in a naturalistic setting using mobile health tools may significantly advance the field. Setting specific benchmarks for well-defined target application, along with development of appropriate funding and partnership mechanisms, would also be crucial. Finally, it should never be forgotten that, for a biomarker to be actionable, it will need to be clinically predictive at the individual level and viable in clinical settings.  相似文献   
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by cognitive disorders and alterations of behavioral traits such as anhedonia and anxiety. Contribution of nonphysiological forms of amyloid and tau peptides to the onset of neurological dysfunctions remains unclear because most preclinical models only present one of those pathological AD-related biomarkers. A more recently developed model, the TgF344-AD rat has the advantage of overexpressing amyloid and naturally developing tauopathy, thus making it close to human familial forms of AD. We showed the presence of a learning dysfunction in a reference memory test, without spatial working memory impairment but with an increase in anxiety levels and a decrease in motivation to participate in the test. In the sucrose preference test, TgF344-AD rats did not show signs of anhedonia but did not increase the volume of liquid consumed when the water was replaced by sucrose solution. These behavioral phenomena were observed at an age when tau accumulation are absent, and where amyloid deposits are predominant in the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex. Within the hippocampus itself, amyloid accumulation is heterogenous between the subiculum, the dorsal hippocampus and the ventral hippocampus. Thus, our data demonstrated heterogeneity in the appearance of various behavioral and neurochemical markers in the TgF344-AD rat. This multivariate analysis will therefore make it possible to define the stage of the pathology, to measure its evolution and the effects of future therapeutic treatments.  相似文献   
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