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刑事案件中警察出庭作证的理论探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前警察出庭作证的相关研究主要侧重于制度建设方面,而对于警察出庭作证尤其是刑事案件中公安机关警察出庭作证的理论依据即法律依据、证据学依据及现实必要性的分析还欠充分,这样就使得关于警察出庭作证的制度研究脚跟不稳。“工欲善其事,必先利其器”。只有把这几个原则性问题研究清楚、透彻、明白.才能为以后的制度建设和发展立好根本。  相似文献   
文章运用语言学、文字学的知识、原理和方法,对案件的语言材料进行仔细推敲、系统分析,研究言语人的语言特征规律,并以各类文件物证的言语特征为基础,判断言语人的民族、性别、籍贯、年龄、文化程度、职业、经历、居住地点、主要活动范围,以及有无精神病、是否聋哑等,为在侦查破案时分析画像提供依据。  相似文献   
涉毒案件中毒品的数量和含量是决定犯罪行为社会危害性大小的一个十分重要的因素,也是司法机关对犯罪分子课以刑罚的重要依据。毒品数量和含量认定的正确与否,关系到犯罪嫌疑人的犯罪的主观故意与案件量刑。当前,司法机关在办理的许多毒品犯罪(特别是可能判处15年以上刑罚)案件缺乏毒品定量鉴定结论,影响案件审理。笔者从法律和公平公正等方面探讨毒品含量分析的重要性。  相似文献   
干部教育培训采用案例教学方法的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
案例教学是MBA教育中普遍采用的方法,它在干部教育中也具有重要的地位。MBA的案例教学与干部教育中案例教学有所区别,应该借鉴MBA案例教学的优势和经验,在干部教育培训过程中灵活适当地运用好案例教学方法来提高培训质量。干部培训中的案例教学要因材施教,不能拘泥于案例教学形式;要加强各种教学案例的编写;要构筑起教学案例的交流与共享平台,建立案例库的补充更新机制;要注重从事案例教学教师的背景选择,建立起案例教学的名师培养机制。  相似文献   
Samples collected for forensic case work may be of varying quality and quantity. The sample DNA is often quantified prior to short tandem repeats (STR) profile analysis with methods such as Quantifiler™Trio (QFT). The QFT measures the quantity of DNA as well as an internal PCR control (IPC) and a degradation index (DI).The aim of this study was to use IPC and DI measurements to identify samples, which would benefit from a modified PCR amplification set-up when generating the STR profiles. The sample quality of 6287 single source case work samples were categorized as 'Good’, ‘Partly degraded’, ‘Highly degraded’, ‘Inhibited’ and ‘Degraded and Inhibited’ based on the peak height ratios in the electropherogram data. The DI and IPC were correlated with the assigned quality categories of the samples. Samples categorized into the degraded and/or inhibited categories were found to have statistically significantly different DI and IPC compared to samples categorized as ‘Good’. This indicates that the additional information gained from the QFT can be useful to identify degraded and/or inhibited samples prior to the STR-profile analysis. Future work will re-evaluate the criteria of inclusion in the sample quality groups and implement multi source samples.  相似文献   
Personal identification in mass disasters and in crimes is essential for humanitarian, ethical and legal reasons. In these contexts, when individuals cannot be identified by standard forensic DNA analysis, the Forensic DNA Phenotyping and the analysis of the biogeographical ancestry could help. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of a new panel of 891 SNPs in predicting phenotypic traits and biogeographical origin to create a “biological identikit”. In addition to fresh biological material, old evidence found at the crime scene or extracted and long-term stored DNA were tested with 41 SNPs for phenotyping and 850 SNPs for ancestry. All the SNPs were successfully incorporated into a single two-step multiplex PCR reaction using the IonAmpliSeq ™ Library Plus and applied for massive parallel sequencing with the Ion S5 platform using up to 0.05 ng/µL of DNA. The analysis of the results was carried out with an in-house predictive algorithm and consulting 20 population databases. By comparing the results obtained with identikit or video-photographic surveys, it was possible to predict phenotype and ancestry with an accuracy greater than 90%. While these new markers cannot identify a specific individual, they can be a valuable investigative tool.  相似文献   
张榕 《法律科学》2007,25(5):42-51
司法过程中法官在法律适用中的自由裁量权体现了司法能动性.我国主要是由最高人民法院发布大量抽象性司法解释的方式来指引法官在个案审理中的法律适用,这种司法能动性的行使方式在理论界和实务界引发了一定的争议.我们应当客观地看待我国最高法院的司法解释权,而在未来的发展中,我国应当在纯化现有司法解释体制和审级制度改革的基础上,辅以判例,并逐步扩大法官在个案审理中的法律解释权.  相似文献   
诱惑侦查是当今世界许多国家侦查非法买卖枪支案件的重要措施和手段 ,我国也在不同程度地适用这一有效方法。由于缺乏必要的指导 ,实践中存在不少问题 ,影响了其效能的充分发挥 ,也极易侵害公民合法权益。鉴于此 ,本文分析了非法买卖枪支案件运用诱惑侦查的条件 ,提出了非法买卖枪支犯罪案件诱惑侦查中诱饵的设计方案 ,以及非法买卖枪支犯罪案件诱惑侦查的策略和方法 ,以期能对我国当前的缉枪实践提供理论指导。  相似文献   
立案是侦查的开始,具有程序和实体上的双重意义.对于贪污贿赂犯罪来说,立案制度直接影响侦查的力度.世界各国贪污贿赂犯罪立案的法律地位、程序、范围及条件的规定各不相同,其中不乏合理之处.比较世界主要法治国家和地区的立案制度,对照我国的情况,揭示现阶段我国对贪污贿赂犯罪遏止不力在立案环节上的症结.  相似文献   
金光明 《政法学刊》2005,22(3):90-93
公安行政处罚要受《公安机关办理行政案件程序规定》的规制。《公安机关办理行政案件程序规定》第一百二十二条规定应当体现了案卷排他性原则,即将听证笔录作为公安机关作出行政处理决定的唯一依据。这是对行政处罚法有关行政听证程序规定的新发展。  相似文献   
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