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采用野外定点试验方法,分析除草剂乙草胺、2,4滴丁酯、噻吩磺隆对农田中小型土壤动物群落结构的影响。结果表明,3次取样共获得中小型土壤动物2 748只,隶属于2门,4纲,10目,其中占优势的类群有甲螨亚目、中气门亚目,分别占总个体数量的51.16%和26.82%,常见类群包括前气门亚目、弹尾目、膜翅目和鞘翅目,占总个体数量的20.27%,稀有类群占总个体数量的1.75%。喷施除草剂使中小型土壤动物个体数量明显减少,尤其是使优势类群个体数量减少最大,使群落多样性指数和均匀度指数增高,优势度指数降低,但没有使土壤动物类群数发生明显变化;3种除草剂影响下的土壤动物个体数量、类群数量、群落特征指数没有很大的差异,在不同层次的表现也没有明显的规律性。  相似文献   
乙氧氟草醚、乙草胺和盖草能在苗圃中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨乙氧氟草醚、乙草胺和盖草能在森林苗圃中的应用效果,进行马尾松Pinusmassoniana、火力楠Micheliamacclurei和乳源木莲Manglietiayuyuanensis苗圃化学除草正交试验。试验结果表明,乙氧氟草醚和乙草胺在苗圃播种后芽前期使用和苗期使用乙氧氟草醚、乙草胺和盖草能除草率达90%以上,持效期45~63d,同时对种子发芽出苗和苗木生长安全。采用20%乙氧氟草醚、90%乙草胺和10 8%盖草能,使用剂量为0 105mL·m-2进行化学除草,比人工除草减少除草用工59 1%~66 7%,降低除草成本46 8%~62 9%。表3参4  相似文献   
在调查出宾川县亚麻田杂草种类,分析出亚麻田杂草发生规律的基础上,研究出亚麻化学除草的药剂和配方以及相应的施用技术。3年累计示范推广亚麻化学除草5701.7hm^2,节约生产费用846.5万元,新增总产值836.1万元,新增纯收益797.1万元,科技投资收益率1:20.44,经济效益非常显著。  相似文献   
阐述了对海伦市农业生产影响较大的长残效除草剂品种及使用现状、长残效除草剂使用造成直接、间接损失及隐性减产程度的评估,并提出了控制长残效除草剂使用的措施与对策。  相似文献   
Impact of crop rotation, fertilizer treatments and herbicidal applications on the long term maintenance of soil fertility
V. Comparative studies regarding chemical and physical factors of the yield potential of a soil over a ten year experimental period
In order to examine the influence of different crop management practices such as crop rotation, fertilizer treatments and herbicide applications on the yield potential of a soil, the Crop Science Department of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) conducted a long term field experiment commencing 1973. The experimental location was at the Swiss Federal Research Station for Farm Management and Agricultural Engeneering at Tanikon/TG (northeastern Switzerland).
After the ten year period, chemical and physical soil properties were not found to be substantially affected by the various experimental treatments. Organic carbon and total nitrogen were more influenced by fertilizer treatments than by crop rotation and herbicide applications. Both cation exchange capacity and pH proved to be fairly stable values.
Aggregate stability and organic matter exhibited similar profiles, although soil bulk density was affected by crop rotation. The volume of large and medium sized pores was similarly affected in that the corn-dominated crop rotation resulted in a quantifiable impact upon soil compaction.
Depending upon weed control efficiency, the grain yields of the winter wheat test crop clearly exhibited the effects of crop rotation whereas the lowest yields resulted from the corn-dominated crop rotation.  相似文献   
Variety-specific reaction of Lolium perenne L. on selective systemic herbicides
The investigation intended to show the specific reaction of different varieties of Lolium perenne on selective systemic herbicides. These results can be regarded as the base for advanced explorations to the described topic. The results may be summarized as follows:
Independent of the stage of growth, the date of application, the dosage and the droplet size there were effects on the forage yield in correlation to the variety and the active ingredient. Measurable yield reductions were presented after CMPP application on the varieties of the late and after the treatment with Asulam on the varieties of the early maturity group. Compared to the maturity group the varietal attribute growthhabit demonstrated no significant effects. The active ingredients MCPB and MCPA presented not any measurable influence on the forage yield of the different varieties. In the main harvest year the yield depressions were manifested clearer than in the seeding year. In the same way the described secondary actions were larger after the treatment in an advanced stage.
Extended investigations should inquire to the causes and secondary effects on the forage quality. Beyond this for variety testings of species with a large distribution and volume it seems remunerative to include questions of herbicides tolerance.  相似文献   
This review considers the distribution, weed problems, biology and control of Oxalis stricta, O. latifolia and O. pes-caprae. The rhizomatous O. stricta is a persistent seed-producing weed which invades horticultural crops in North America. Chemical control is generally most effective in situations where soil-applied residual herbicides can be used; in turfgrass however, foliage-applied herbicides provide suppression only. O. latifolia is widely distributed in a range of annual and perennial crops growing in temperate and tropical locations. This pernicious perennial weed reproduces exclusively by asexual structures, underground bulbs, stolons and tubers. The complexities of the perennating system have rendered ineffective a wide range of herbicide families as a means of restricting the spread of O. latifolia. Similarly, cultural methods of control have not been successful. O. pes-caprae also grows and perennates from bulbs. This weed is essentially a problem in cereal crops in Southern Australia and Mediterranean fruit orchards. Cultural and chemical control difficulties and inadequacies are similar to those in O. latifolia. Future research strategies involving weed physiology, herbicide action and cultural control including biological control are discussed in relation to obtaining improved control methods for the selected Oxalis species.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: In Chile, rice is cultivated under water‐seeded and continuously flooded conditions. Because herbicide dynamics in paddy fields and non‐flooded fields is different, 3 year experiments were performed to study the dissipation of molinate and penoxsulam in water and sediment. RESULTS: In field experiments, both herbicides dissipated by 45–55% from the initial applied amounts during the first 6 h after application in all crop seasons; in lysimeter experiments, dissipation amounts were approximately 10% for penoxsulam and 16% for molinate. Penoxsulam field water DT50 values varied from 1.28 to 1.96 days during the three study seasons, and DT90 values from 4.07 to 6.22 days. Molinate field water DT50 values varied from 0.89 to 1.73 days, and DT90 values from 2.82 to 5.48 days. Sediment residues were determined 2 days after herbicide application into the paddy water, and maximum concentrations were found 4–8 days after application. In sediment, DT50 values varied from 20.20 to 27.66 days for penoxsulam and from 15.02 to 29.83 days for molinate. CONCLUSIONS: Results showed that penoxsulam and molinate losses under paddy conditions are dissipated rapidly from the water and then dissipate slowly from the sediment. Penoxsulam and molinate field water dissipation was facilitated by paddy water motion created by the wind. Sediment adsorption and degradation are considered to have a secondary effect on the dissipation of both herbicides in paddy fields. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Clomazone is a popular herbicide used on California rice fields and exhibits rapid anaerobic microbial degradation (t1/2 = 7.9 days). To test the potential of direct and indirect photolytic degradation as a cofactor in the overall degradation rate, sacrificial time‐series microcosms were amended with water, non‐sterilized soil + water and sterilized soil + water. Clomazone was added to each microcosm, which was then exposed to natural and artificial sunlight over 35 days. Water and acetonitrile extracts were analyzed for clomazone and metabolites via LC/MS/MS. RESULTS: The calculated pseudo‐first‐order degradation rate constants (k) were kwater = 0–0.005 ± 0.003 day?1, ksterile = 0–0.005 ± 0.003 day?1 and knon?sterile = 0.010 ± 0.002–0.044 ± 0.007 day?1, depending on light type. The formation of ring‐open clomazone, a microbial metabolite, correlated with clomazone degradation. Trace amounts of 5‐hydroxyclomazone (m/z = 256 → 125), aromatic hydroxyclomazone (m/z = 256 → 141) and an unknown product (m/z = 268 → 125) were observed. CONCLUSIONS: The photolytic degradation rate depends on both light type and the quality of the chromophores that induce indirect photolysis. Microbial degradation was found to be sensitive to temperature fluctuations. Overall, microbes are shown to be more detrimental to the environmental fate of clomazone than photolysis. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
An immunoassay (ELISA) for analysis of metsulfuron‐methyl was evaluated as a method for quantifying residues in soil. Soil samples were extracted with phosphate buffered saline (PBS), PBS + acetone (80 + 20 by volume) or ammonium carbonate and were analyzed with both ELISA and LC‐MS. A tendency for the ELISA to overstimate the metsulfuron‐methyl content was noted and matrix effects were pronounced, particularly in PBS + acetone or ammonium carbonate extracts. Dilution of extracts before analysis improved the situation but reduced the sensitivity of the assay. Using light standard concentrations it was shown that the extracts in PBS on dilutions exhibited a curve parallel with the standard curve, indicating no significant interference due to matrix effects. A working range of 10–250 ng litre−1 was found for ELISA on this type of extracts. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
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