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针对集成自训练算法随机初始化有标记样本容易在迭代中局部过拟合,不能很好地泛化到样本原始空间结构和集成自训练算法用WKNN分类器做数据剪辑时没有考虑到无标记样本对待测样本类别判定有影响的问题,提出结合近邻密度和半监督KNN的集成自训练算法。该算法用近邻密度方法选取初始化的已标注样本,避免已标注样本周围[k]个近邻样本成为已标注候选集。这样使初始化的已标注样本间的距离尽量分散,以更好地反应样本原始空间结构。同时在已标注样本候选集中选取密度最大的样本作为已标注样本。为了提高数据剪辑的性能,用半监督KNN代替WKNN,弥补WKNN做数据剪辑的时候只考虑到了有标记样本对待测样本类别的影响,而没有利用待测样本周围的无标记样本的问题,在UCI数据集上的对比实验验证了提出算法的有效性。  相似文献   
旋翼桨叶的损坏可能会导致直升机坠落损毁,开展桨叶健康状态的在线监测评估对保障飞行安全至关重要。提出一种将小波包变换(WPT)与t-分布随机近邻嵌入(t-SNE)相结合的桨叶损伤识别方法。首先利用振动台模拟直升机服役时的真实振动,用传感器获取不同故障桨叶模型在振动环境下的输出响应。然后对信号进行小波包分解,提取小波包能量作为原始特征向量,接着用流形学习对特征向量进行维数约简,最后输入到K近邻分类器进行故障识别。实验结果表明:首先,在原始特征选取方面,小波包能量特征优于时域特征与小波包能量组合成的混合特征;其次,t-SNE的降维效果优于PCA、Sammon映射、LTSA、HLLE、SNE这5种方法,且不受嵌入维数的制约。研究结果证明了所提出的方法能提高桨叶损伤评估的准确性。  相似文献   
在二维的时频域网格结构中,相邻点上语音信号的存在与否是相关的,传统的马尔可夫链不能对二维的时频相关性进行自适应的建模.基于语音信号在时频域中的相关性,提出了一种利用二维的相关模型估计语音掩模的方法.该方法将时频域中带噪语音信号的对数功率谱划分为语音和非语音类,利用时域中的状态转移概率和前向因子描述语音信号的时域相关性,同时利用频域中的状态转移概率和邻域因子描述语音信号的频域相关性.通过全局的统计最优化,该模型将时域相关性和频域相关性相结合.给出了该模型的序贯化更新方法,逐帧更新模型并估计语音出现概率.在当前已知对数功率谱和模型参数的条件下,通过最大化后验概率得到的语音信号状态矩阵可以作为语音掩模的最优估计.将该方法与几种现有的语音掩模在线估计方法进行比较,实验结果显示出了该方法的优越性.  相似文献   
程昊翔  王坚 《控制与决策》2016,31(4):755-758
为了使数据集的内在分布更好地影响训练模型,提出一种密度加权孪生支持向量回归机算法.该算法通过k近邻算法计算获得每个数据点基于数据密度分布的密度加权值,并将密度加权值引入到标准孪生支持向量回归机算法中.算法能够很好地反映训练数据集的内在分布,使数据点准确影响训练模型.通过6个UCI数据集上的实验结果分析验证了所提出算法的有效性.  相似文献   
手势识别的快速发展及体感设备的不断更新为三维手势交互提供了灵感,基于Leap Motion 手势识别和最邻近算法,建立了一种三维手势交互系统。首先对手势设计理论和交互手 势设计原则进行研究,基于此设计手势功能和建立手势库,并将手势库分为 8 种手势;其次进 行手势特征提取,建立手指关键点模型,获取手势特征的角度特征;然后计算 KNN 算法和 SVM 算法的手势识别效率,KNN 改进算法取得较好的识别效率;最后,设计三维交互系统,手势分 类为 4 个模块,每个模块有 2 个手势任务;20 名测试者中提取 1 600 组手势数据,并进行总采 集样本关节点均值的数据分析;设计三维交互系统模块,在 Unity3D 中创建的三维交互系统中 导入 1 600 组手势数据,根据自定义的 8 种手势驱动虚拟手完成交互设计过程,完成用户体验 分析和手势识别效率统计。通过研究发现,基于 Leap Motion 手势识别具有较高的识别效率, 三维手势交互系统富有创新性。  相似文献   
术语是由一个到多个单词按照某种语义角色组合而成的,传统的基于统计的相似度计算方法,将术语看作一个基本单元来进行计算,忽略了术语内部的语义角色,且对于上下文信息不丰富的术语,无法利用统计的方法取得理想的效果;基于语义资源的相似度计算方法,所涵盖的词语有限,因此不包含在语义资源中的术语便无法计算相似度。针对这些问题,该文针对专利提出了基于语义角色的术语相似度计算方法,该方法弥补了传统方法的不足。该文对术语内部的单词进行语义角色标注,通过共享最近邻方法计算单词的相似度,然后根据不同的语义角色,利用单词相似度来计算术语相似度。实验表明,该方法与传统方法相比,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
在当今的网络中存在三种形式的数据流,连续型数据流,标称型数据流和混合属性数据流。由于目前在数据挖掘中大部分算法只能处理一种属性的数据流,而处理混合属性数据流的算法却很少,但在数据挖掘的实际应用中常常需要将不同属性的数据流进行相互区分。事实上研究人员在区分不同属性数据流时,首先是将不同属性的流进行聚类,其次是对不同属性的流进行识别。在查阅有了有关资料和参考文献后,本文提出了一种对混合属性数据流的聚类算法,该算法的聚类思想是:①提取混合属性数据流的分类属性,②使用k-近邻算法计算数据流分类属性的相似性,③根据k-近邻算法对数据流相似度的计算结果,使用k-均值聚类算法对混合属性数据流进行聚类,④给出聚类的算法。  相似文献   
针对现有的时间序列分析和预测算法中主观性太强的缺点,借助分形理论对时间序列作有效的分析。改进了分形理论中的GP算法和复自相关法的计算方式,从而使之更适合相空间的重构和预测,然后在重构后的相空间中选择累积采样轨迹的最近邻点作一次性的序列预测。提出的算法避免了人工过多的干预调整,通过在两个具体时间序列数据集上的验证,与其他预测算法相比,该算法的分析结果稳定而准确、预测精度高、运行时间比较短。  相似文献   
One of the most important queries in spatio-temporal databases that aim at managing moving objects efficiently is the continuous K-nearest neighbor (CKNN) query. A CKNN query is to retrieve the K-nearest neighbors (KNNs) of a moving user at each time instant within a user-given time interval [t s , t e ]. In this paper, we investigate how to process a CKNN query efficiently. Different from the previous related works, our work relieves the past assumption, that an object moves with a fixed velocity, by allowing that the velocity of the object can vary within a known range. Due to the introduction of this uncertainty on the velocity of each object, processing a CKNN query becomes much more complicated. We will discuss the complications incurred by this uncertainty and propose a cost-effective P2 KNN algorithm to find the objects that could be the KNNs at each time instant within the given query time interval. Besides, a probability-based model is designed to quantify the possibility of each object being one of the KNNs. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate the efficiency and the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Chiang Lee (Corresponding author)Email:
As Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies have evolved, more and more GIS applications and geospatial data are available on the web. Spatial objects in a given query range can be retrieved using spatial range query − one of the most widely used query types in GIS and spatial databases. However, it can be challenging to retrieve these data from various web applications where access to the data is only possible through restrictive web interfaces that support certain types of queries. A typical scenario is the existence of numerous business web sites that provide their branch locations through a limited “nearest location” web interface. For example, a chain restaurant’s web site such as McDonalds can be queried to find some of the closest locations of its branches to the user’s home address. However, even though the site has the location data of all restaurants in, for example, the state of California, it is difficult to retrieve the entire data set efficiently due to its restrictive web interface. Considering that k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) search is one of the most popular web interfaces in accessing spatial data on the web, this paper investigates the problem of retrieving geospatial data from the web for a given spatial range query using only k-NN searches. Based on the classification of k-NN interfaces on the web, we propose a set of range query algorithms to completely cover the rectangular shape of the query range (completeness) while minimizing the number of k-NN searches as possible (efficiency). We evaluated the efficiency of the proposed algorithms through statistical analysis and empirical experiments using both synthetic and real data sets.
Cyrus ShahabiEmail:

Wan D. Bae   is currently an assistant professor in the Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science Department at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Denver in 2007. Dr. Bae’s current research interests include online query processing, Geographic Information Systems, digital mapping, multidimensional data analysis and data mining in spatial and spatiotemporal databases. Shayma Alkobaisi   is currently an assistant professor at the College of Information Technology in the United Arab Emirates University. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Denver in 2008. Dr. Alkobaisi’s research interests include uncertainty management in spatiotemporal databases, online query processing in spatial databases, Geographic Information Systems and computational geometry. Seon Ho Kim   is currently an associate professor in the Computer Science & Information Technology Department at the University of District of Columbia. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Southern California in 1999. Dr. Kim’s primary research interests include design and implementation of multimedia storage systems, and databases, spatiotemporal databases, and GIS. He co-chaired the 2004 ACM Workshop on Next Generation Residential Broadband Challenges in conjunction with the ACM Multimedia Conference. Sada Narayanappa   is currently an advanced computing technologist at Jeppesen. He received his Ph.D. in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Denver in 2006. Dr. Narayanappa’s primary research interests include computational geometry, graph theory, algorithms, design and implementation of databases. Cyrus Shahabi   is currently an Associate Professor and the Director of the Information Laboratory (InfoLAB) at the Computer Science Department and also a Research Area Director at the NSF’s Integrated Media Systems Center (IMSC) at the University of Southern California. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Southern California in August 1996. Dr. Shahabi’s current research interests include Peer-to-Peer Systems, Streaming Architectures, Geospatial Data Integration and Multidimensional Data Analysis. He is currently on the editorial board of ACM Computers in Entertainment magazine. He is also serving on many conference program committees such as ICDE, SSTD, ACM SIGMOD, ACM GIS. Dr. Shahabi is the recipient of the 2002 National Science Foundation CAREER Award and 2003 Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). In 2001, he also received an award from the Okawa Foundations.   相似文献   
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