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The interaction of nitric oxide with Ce0.75Zr0.25O2 solid solution were investigated by means of EPR and IR spectroscopies. The influence of adsorption parameters such as adsorption temperature and pressure, presence of the O2 co-reactant on the nature and relative surface abundance of the resultant mono- and dimeric NO species was elucidated. The thermal stability of the surface nitrosyl complexes and their reactivity toward dioxygen were also examined.  相似文献   
随着多媒体技术与网络信息技术的快速发展,传统的布线系统已经不能满足人们的需求,针对传统布线系统在容量、带宽、传输距离以及信号衰减等方面的缺陷,对光纤布线系统的原理、组成、结构以及施工进行了研究,提出了一种全光纤布线系统,这种结构的布线系统从用户终端到设备端全部采用光纤进行布线,可以最大化地满足人们对网络容量、网络带宽、传输距离和保密性等方面的要求,同时易于升级、管理与维护,是未来综合布线的发展方向。  相似文献   
分析了LTE的业务特点和承载需求,详细描述了L2VPN+CE和L2VPN+L3VPN方案的实现方式,相比于L2VPN+CE方案,L2VPN+L3VPN方案在PTN设备上集成简化L3功能实现端到端的IP化LTE承载,具有明显的优势。  相似文献   
循环水泵出口液控蝶阀关系到循环水泵自身乃至整台机组的安全运行。但露天布置的液控蝶阀跟传统室内布置的液控蝶阀比,其运行环境比较恶劣,对系统的安全投运带来许多隐患。针对浙江大唐乌沙山发电厂出现的问题,本文从热控角度提出选型、安装、维护等方面的几点建议。  相似文献   
An easy process for the synthesis of poly(methyl methacrylate)/Ce(OH)3, Pr2O3/graphite nanosheet (PMMA/Ce(OH)3, Pr2O3/NanoG) composite was developed. Graphite nanosheets (NanoG) were prepared by treating the expanded graphite with sonication in aqueous alcohol solution. The PMMA/Ce(OH)3, Pr2O3/NanoG composites were prepared via in situ polymerization of MMA monomer in the presence of graphite nanosheets and Ce(OH)3, Pr2O3 through reverse micelle template, in which the methyl methacrylate was designated as the oily phase. The composites were then dispersed with chloroform and coated on glass slides to form films. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy were used to characterize the structure and dispersion of the graphite nanosheets and the composites. The results showed that the high-aspect-ratio structure of the nanosheets played an important role in forming a conducting network in the PMMA matrix. From thermogravimetric analysis, the introduction of graphite nanosheets and inorganic nanopartices exhibited a beneficial effect on the thermal stability of PMMA.  相似文献   
随着web标准化设计理念的普及,目前网站几乎均采用DIV+CSS进行网页的排版布局,用DIV布局,使用CSS层叠样式来实现页面的外观。本文就DIV布局时CSS样式表一些关键属性设置进行探讨。  相似文献   
采用高温固相法在弱还原气氛下,分别合成了单掺Ce3+、Gd3+和双掺Ce3+/Tb3+、Gd3+/Tb3+的ZnO-CdO-B2O3(ZCB)基质系列荧光体.光谱分析表明:Ce3+的5d→4f(2F7/2,2F5/2)和Gd3+的8P7/2→8S7/2跃迁的强发射分别对应于427 nm和574 nm,而Ce3+/Tb3+和Gd3+/Tb3+的强发射分别对应于546 nm和548 nm.双掺Ce3+/Tb3+、Gd3+/Tb3+的荧光体比单掺Tb3+的发射强度显著增强,这表明存在Ce3+→Tb3+、Gd3+→Tb3+的能量传递,且Ce3+和Gd3+都是Tb3+的优异敏化剂.  相似文献   
本文设计的直流放大器由直流放大模块和测试模块两部分组成。在直流放大模块中设计了稳压电源和混有200mV串模工频干扰的直流信号发生器;测试模块用来检测直流放大器的直流电压增益、输入阻抗、共模抑制比等参数。实验数据表明各性能参数都满足要求。  相似文献   
车牌定位是车牌识别系统的关键技术。定位的准确与否直接影响车牌识别的结果。本文根据车牌的颜色特征和投影特征提出了一种综合颜色特征和投影特征相结合的定位方法,算法分为粗定位和精确定位。该方法较单一特征的定位方法有较好的通用性,可适应于不同背景、不同光照下的汽车图像,能够确定出车牌区域,准确率得到了较大提高。  相似文献   
本文首先介绍了基于因特网的远程控制系统的体系结构和系统中的网络数据库关键技术,对多用户同时操作问题、Web客户端/服务器端动态交互的实现、Winsock网络实时传输通信的设计等部分进行了详细的分析设计,确定了系统使用的控制网络与信息网络融合的方法,最后介绍了远程控制系统的网络安全问题。  相似文献   
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