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Zusammenfassung Die Bauchhöhle hat ein Faszienskelett, das durch ihren permanenten veränderhchen Ruhetonus verspannt gehalten wird. Zur Bauchhöhle gehören mit der seitlichen Bauchmuskulatur auch das Zwerchfell und der Beckenboden. Willkürliche und reflektorische Tonusänderungen bedingen ihre Verformung und ihren Verschluß oder ihre Eröffnung. Am Versuchstier haben wir diesen Ruhetonus schon in der Schwanzmuskulatur nachgewiesen, von der der Beckenboden des Menschen stammesgeschichtlich abstammt. Der Beckenboden bildet mit den Sphinkteren das anorektale Kontinenzorgan. Es ist, phylogenetisch erklärbar, bei der Frau viel schwächer entwickelt als beim Mann. Diese unterschiedliche Mächtigkeit ist his zu den Kernen des Rückenmarks, die diese Muskulatur steuern, zu verfolgen. Diese Asthenie des weiblichen Kontinenzorgans wird durch das Gebären und die Obstipation noch zusätzlich belastet. Das gleiche gilt für die Bauchdecke der Frau, die, wie hier nachgewiesen wird, nach einer Gravidität die gleichen, bleibenden Denervationserscheinungen ihrer Muskulatur erkennen läß t. Es sind die gleichen Schäden, die der Beckenboden mit den Sphinkteren erleidet. In schwereren Fällen ist neben der Inkontinenz also auch ein Schlotterbauch die Folge dieser Belastungen. Der ruhetonisierte Beckenboden kann das spastische Beckenbodensyndrom, die kontinente Obstipation, zur Folge haben. Sic kann psychotherapeutisch geheilt werden. Davon muß die inkontinente Obstipation unterschieden werden, die manchmal mit einem Mastdarmvorfall einhergeht. Bei ihr liegt das Hindernis im Darm. Sic kann in schweren Fällen durch eine Sigmaresektion gebessert werden. Die Denervationsinkontinenz ist am besten durch das operative Engerstellen des ganzen Levatortrichters zu bessern. Voraussetzung ist: Der gelähmte Beckenboden muß noch eine Restruheaktivität aufweisen.
Acquired disturbances of muscles of the peritoneal cavity
The peritoneal cavity has a fascial skeleton that is kept under tension by permanent variable resting tone maintained by the abdominal muscles. The lateral abdominal muscles, the diaphragm and the pelvic floor are all components of this fasciomuscular support system. Voluntary and reflective changes in muscle tension allow the entry and exit of matter into and out of the spherical abdominal cavity by opening and closing of specialized wall segments called sphincters. We have previously demonstrated the existence of a resting tone in the tail muscles of mammals from which the human pelvic floor muscles are derived. The pelvic floor and its integrated sphincters form the anorectal organ of continence. This organ is much weaker in females than in males. The spinal centers that govern continence, contain in the female significantly fewer ganglion cells than the corresponding centers in the male. Childbirth and a commonly found tendency to develop constipation are additional stressors for the congenitally weaker female organ of continence. We explain in this paper why the abdominal wall and the pelvic floor may suffer stretch-induced denervation injuries during pregnancy and delivery. Such damage may persist in later life and can give rise to incontinence and flabby abdomen. Based on our work in this field, we found a new differentiation between continent and incontinent constipation. Continent constipation is caused by spasticity of the pelvic floor characterized by abnormally high sphincter activity. This spastic pelvic floor syndrome can be treated successfully by psychotherapeutic techniques. Incontinent constipation, in contrast, is always associated with subnormal activity of the sphincters and may be a cause of rectal prolapse. It can be treated successfully by anterior rectosigmoid resection. Incontinent constipation will also require operative approximation of the levators in many cases. Improvement cannot be expected to result from this procedure, however, unless the pelvic floor shows some residual resting activity.
Korrespondenz an: em. Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. F. Stelzner  相似文献   
目的 :建立套式聚合酶链反应 ( n PCR)检测人巨细胞病毒 ( HCMV)。方法 :建立套式 PCR检测 HCMV DNA,同时结合病毒分离检测临床标本。结果 :在 2 3例新生儿肝炎综合征患儿中 ,10例病毒分离及套式 PCR均阳性 ;1例病毒分离阴性 ,但套式 PCR阳性。对 58例妊娠早期孕妇血标本进行检测 ,套式 PCR阳性率为 9% ,病毒分离阳性率则为 7%。结论 :套式 PCR是一种临床检测HCMV的快速有效手段。  相似文献   
正常妊娠和产褥期妇女肝肾功能的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :调查正常妊娠和产褥期妇女不同时期肝肾功能的主要指标变化 :方法 :采用TBA 40FR全自动生化分析仪对 2 0 1例不同孕期的正常孕妇和 189例不同产褥期的正常产妇及 6 9例健康非孕妇女进行肝肾功能检测。结果 :妊娠期 :碱性磷酸酶 (ALP)、乳酸脱氢酶 (LDH)、总蛋白 (TP)、白蛋白 (AIB)、尿素氮 (BUN)、肌酐 (CRF)等与正常对照组相比有显著性差异 ,其它指标虽在不同孕期有不同程度的改变 ,但未显著偏离正常人参考值。产褥期 :变化主要体现在初期 ,各项指标与妊娠晚期相近 ,但LDH升高更为明显。产褥末期各项指标基本恢复正常。结论 :正常妊娠和产褥期妇女不同时期肝肾功能多项指标与正常人参考值有差异 ,医生在诊断有关孕产妇肝肾等疾病时应充分考虑其特殊性。  相似文献   
刘悠南  刘义  李幕军  陈悦  秦雪 《广西医学》2000,22(5):947-948
目的:探讨妊高征母亲早产儿的IL-6和GM-CSF变化.方法:用ELISA方法检测11例妊高征母亲娩出早产儿的IL-6和GM-CSF并与11例正常新生儿对照组比较.结果:妊高征母亲早产儿的IL-6(1084±113pg/m1)和GM-CSF(144士20.1pg/ml)均较正常对照组增高(P<0.01).结论:IL-6和GM-CSF可能在妊高征及早产中发挥重要作用.  相似文献   
肿瘤坏死因子α与妊娠高血压综合征发病关系的研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
探讨肿瘤坏死因子α在妊娠高血压综合征发病中的作用。方法对41例妊高征患者(妊高征组)和17例正常妊娠妇女(正常妊娠组)进行了下列研究:(1)测定血浆中TNFα水平,观察胎盘血管内皮细胞的形态学变化;(2)利用其血清对离体培养的脐血管内皮细胞作用,观察其损情表现;(3)利用400U/ml的人重组TNFα对离体培养的脐血管内皮细胞作用,比较TNFα和妊娠高征孕妇血清对内皮细胞的损伤作用。结果(1)妊娠  相似文献   
1994年初我校妇产科学教研室引进了体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)术,1995年1月5日山东省首例“试管婴儿”在山东省立医院出生。作者详述了实施IVF-ET的经过。此项技术的应用成功为开展生殖生理学、遗传学和优生学研究及临床应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   
The objective of this chapter is to trace the evolution of intraventricular hemorrhage in the premature infant highlighting the importance of the germinal matrix, a critical role for cerebral blood flow changes in the genesis of hemorrhage, clinical factors that increase the bleeding risk, and potential preventative strategies. In 1976, neuropathological studies demonstrated capillary rupture within the germinal matrix as the precursor of hemorrhage. In 1980, introduction of cranial ultrasound facilitated diagnosis of intraventricular hemorrhage. In 1979, loss of cerebral autoregulation in sick newborn infants was demonstrated. In the 1980’s, studies demonstrated the importance of intravascular factors in provoking hemorrhage. In 1983, the association of cerebral blood flow velocity fluctuations and subsequent hemorrhage was demonstrated. In 1994, antenatal steroids use to accelerate lung development was recommended. This was associated with an unanticipated reduction in hemorrhage. In the mid 1990’s early indomethacin administration was associated with a reduction of severe hemorrhage.  相似文献   
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is raising great concern all over the world. The recent introduction of vaccines has offered reason for optimism, however, new issues have arisen, such as vaccine reluctance. The safety of vaccines for pregnant women is one of the most serious of these concerns. The purpose of this review article is to provide updated international vaccine recommendations, results of ongoing studies and clinical trials, and the role of gynecologists in counseling the women to understand the risks versus benefits as well as form an informed decision towards vaccine acceptance for COVID-19.Although COVID-19 infection increases the risk of severe morbidity and mortality in pregnant women, pregnant women were not included in the initial vaccine trials. As a result, safety information is scarce. Nations have differing recommendations, though many have recently approved the COVID-19 immunization in pregnancy following a risk-benefit analysis. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) of the United Kingdom recently approved an mRNA vaccination for pregnant women. Vaccination is recommended by the CDC, ACOG, ARFM, and WHO. India recently took a stand, with the ICMR and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare recommending vaccination during pregnancy and lactation.  相似文献   
研究了不同冷冻与复苏方法以及不同移植周期法对人类胚胎冻存结果的影响。共复苏了149 个胚胎,89 个(59.7% )得以存活。在20 个移植周期中,5 例(25.0% )获得临床妊娠,2 例已经分娩健康的婴儿。结果表明,采用缓慢降温至- 120℃再浸入液氮中冷冻及快速升温、逐步置换冷冻保护剂的方法复苏,胚胎的存活率(72.7% )较高,但不同移植周期对冻胚移植的临床妊娠情况影响不大  相似文献   
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