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基于时序NDVI的昭觉植被覆盖度变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
归一化植被指数(NDVI)能精确地反映植被绿度、光合作用强度,在一定程度上反映着植被的演化信息,是评价生态环境状况的重要指标之一。本文利用Landsat TM数据分别对昭觉地区2009年和2014年的NDVI进行计算,并分别利用均值法、像元二分模型及NDVI差值植被指数对研究区域植被覆盖变化进行定量分析,结果表明:昭觉县NDVI均值上升了11.6%,植被覆盖度中极度改善的面积比例约占38%,昭觉县整体NDVI植被覆盖度显著提高,并对其变化原因进行简要分析,为生态环境建设提供决策依据。  相似文献   
利用重庆数字地震台网2010年1月至2017年12月的地震波形资料和观测报告,选出5个研究区1 251个ML≥1.5地震进行波形互相关计算,识别出358对同时被2个地震台站记录且各台波形互相关系数(cc)不小于0.8的重复地震对,涉及342个地震事件,约占地震总数的27%。将筛选出的重复地震对用于定量判断地震目录中震相拾取误差及评估台网定位精度,结果显示:重庆数字地震台网的垂直定位误差约为3 km,水平定位误差约为5 km,Pg、Sg震相拾取误差分别为0.5 s和0.7 s;其中武隆区地震定位和震相拾取精度最高,綦江区最低。  相似文献   
S盒的互相关测试算法设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S盒是构成分组密码算法重要的非线性部件,其密码学性质直接影响整个密码算法的安全性,因此对S盒的安全性检测十分重要。以往对S盒的安全性评估大多数集中在检测分量函数的安全性上,本文考虑了分量函数之间的关系,并利用Shannon在对称密码系统设计中所提出的混淆和扩散的思想,提出了S盒的互相关测试指标,设计了测试算法,更好地评价了S盒的安全性能。对DES和AES的S盒分别进行了实验,给出了测试结果。  相似文献   
估算剩余静校正量可看作是以激发点及接收点剩余静校正量为模型参数的、以叠加能量为目标函数的全局最优值的搜索问题.当地震记录的剩余静校正量大而信噪比较低时,应用相关统计法不能有效地拾取静校正量.本文分别采用了CMP道集内道间互相关法、图像边缘提取的Laplacian算法及DFP算法,三种不同算法联合迭代反演可求取最佳的模型参数,使目标函数值达到或接近于全局最优.理论试算及实际资料处理效果表明,这种方法能够解决低信噪比及大静校正量造成的周期跳跃等静校正问题.  相似文献   
对绝对差分算法检测太阳边缘的起伏测量白日视宁度的方法进行了研究,并对绝对差分的结果进行二阶拟合使之可以达到亚像素的检测精度。对可能的影响因素如噪声和像差等进行了分析和数值模拟,算法的精度优于0.1”。模拟结果表明,采用绝对差分算法可以对白日视宁度进行高精度的测量,最后用绝对差分算法对实际数据进行了处理,给出了初步结果。  相似文献   
Detecting temporal changes in fault zone properties at seismogenic depth have been a long-sought goal in the seismological community for many decades.Recent studies based on waveform analysis of repeating earthquakes have found clear temporal changes in the shallow crust and around active fault zones associated with the occurrences of large nearby and teleseismic earthquakes.However,repeating earthquakes only occur in certain locations and their occurrence times cannot be controlled,which may result in inadequate sampling of the interested regions or time periods.Recent developments in passive imaging via auto-and cross-correlation of ambient seismic wavefields (e.g.,seismic noise,earthquake coda waves) provide an ideal source for continuous monitoring of temporal changes around active fault zones.Here we conduct a systematic search of temporal changes along the Parkfield section of the San Andreas fault by cross-correlating relatively high-frequency (0.4-1.3 Hz) ambient noise signals recorded by 10 borehole stations in the High Resolution Seismic Network.After using stretch/compressed method to measure the delay time and the decorrelation-index between the daily noise cross-correlation functions (NCCFs),we find clear temporal changes in the median seismic velocity and decorrelation-index associated with the 2004 M6.0 Parkfield earthquake.We also apply the same procedure to the seismic data around five regional/teleseismic events that have triggered non-volcanic tremor in the same region,but failed to find any clear temporal changes in the daily NCCFs.The fact that our current technique can detect temporal changes from the nearby but not regional and teleseismic events,suggests that temporal changes associated with distance sources are very subtle or localized so that they could not be detected within the resolution of the current technique (~0.2%).  相似文献   
利用图像亚像元互相关分析方法处理了Landsat-8卫星获取的时间序列影像数据,得到中国青藏高原西北部地区西昆仑峰区冰川匀速滑移的时空演化过程。利用亚像元影像互相关技术对Landsat-8光学影像精确配准,配准精度达到0.01像元,即该光学影像的水平形变监测精度达到0.15 m。通过对2013-07~2014-08的15景Landsat-8影像进行互相关和形变时间序列反演分析,获得了西昆仑峰区两条冰川的滑动位移场和速度场。研究表明,该区域的冰川基本处于匀速滑移状态(无明显加速和减速现象);同时也验证了Landsat-8光学影像在监测较大地表位移和地壳形变事件(如沙丘移动、地震、滑坡、火山等)上的应用潜力。  相似文献   

With the help of CCD images, the realization of high precision positioning and measurement has become the basic standard for machine vision and real time photogrammetry systems. However, deformation and other sorts of degradation occurring during transmission are major limiting factors of the precision attainable with most current CCD cameras and frame grabbers. So a precise radiometric and geometric transmission of images from CCD sensor to memory is a fundamental aspect of CCD camera calibration. The geometric calibration system, which uses some image processing algorithms of the CCD camera based on the researched and developed system is discussed. The reliability and validity are also discussed. The experimental results for the calibration of the CCD array will be taken as an important quality index for CCD evaluation.  相似文献   
地震干涉技术可以将任意2个检波器接收到的数据合成为在若干检波器之间传播的波,就好像其中的一个检波器作为一个虚拟震源来发挥作用。它可以从混沌无序的地震信号中发现有用信息,从地震噪声中提取有用信号以此推断地震波穿过介质的地质构造。基于反褶积算法,对其理论公式进行了较详细的推导,实现被动源地震干涉成像,证明了反褶积算法的可行性;并将其结果与互相关算法的结果进行对比,分析了2种方法在信噪比和分辨率方面的差异。数值计算表明,反褶积算法的纵向分辨率比互相关算法的高。对其进行的加噪试算表明,震源叠加后的反褶积算法呈现出高信噪比的特点。  相似文献   
Morlet 小波用于环境激励下的模态参数识别研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分别从卷积和Parseval定理的角度推导了非正交小波变换系数的实用计算方法。在环境激励下以互相关函数代替系统的自由响应数据,给出了基于Morlet小波变换的频率、阻尼比的参数识别方法,重点介绍了基于最小二乘法的振型识别技术。采用2层楼仿真算例和潮白河桥应用实例验证本算法,识别结果表明基于Morlet小波变换的模态参数识别技术能够有效地识别出环境激励下系统的模态参数。  相似文献   
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