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以苯氧乙醇为起始剂合成了两种新型氮支套索冠醚:N-苯氧乙基单氮杂-18-冠-6(18CE)与N-苯氧乙基单氮杂-15-冠-5(15CE).通过红外光谱、核磁共振氢谱、紫外光谱和元素分析表征了新冠醚及其中间体的结构.测试了18CE与15CE络合阳离子对溶液电导率的影响.  相似文献   
文章提出三个问题:一是认为《中国哲学大纲》是张岱年先生心目中的中国哲学体系,是他研究综合出来的中国哲学的基本框架;二是根据此书,可以知道张先生心目中的中国哲学的一些特点,并有一些不足之处;最后肯定张先生是哲学家,才可能写出这样优秀的中国哲学史著作。  相似文献   
利用Schlenk技术,以C_6H_5NCS和Fe3(CO)_12为原料,在室温下反应,合成出了新的标题簇合物Fe_3(CO)_8(CN)(μ_3-S)_2.通过IR、13 ̄CNMR及X-ray四圆衍射等结构表征手段证实,标题簇合物中单取代配体(CN)是在畸变四方锥Fe_3S_2骨架的端基Fe(3)原子上。  相似文献   
本文提出的新型的共用曲柄双滑块机构,不仅精确地复演了椭圆轨迹,而且保持了执行构件的姿态在任何一点都与该点的切线垂直,因而有可能发展成一种新型的椭面加工机械,使加工出的工件的壳体表面成为真正的椭圆面。  相似文献   
十六大以来,中国新一轮农村改革发展进程中的一条主线是“多予、少取、放活”。目前,农村税费改革已取得了阶段性的巨大成功,国民收入分配结构和财政支出结构正向农村地区倾斜,“三农”问题初步得到缓解,我国在总体上进入了“后农业税时代”和“工业反哺农业、城市支持农村”新的发展阶段。下一步深化农村改革的重点、难点是,进一步消除城乡二元体制对经济社会协调发展所造成的瓶颈制约,从根本上解决“三农”问题的深层次矛盾和体制障碍。  相似文献   

We introduce four papers comprising a Themed Section for this issue of the International Journal of Social Research Methodology, which together ‘Make the Case for Qualitative Interviews’. Here our aim is to show how this collection provides a timely contribution to key debates concerning the value of qualitative interviews, particularly as these are employed and analysed in much recent social scientific thinking. We explore ways to move beyond recent, sometimes constraining and occasionally dismissive, approaches to interviews in the social sciences through reframing and reconfiguring central questions germane to these debates. We also seek to challenge a broader neo-liberal trend towards valuing quantitative over depth qualitative research. Through this Introduction, and the collection of papers that follows, we seek to re-establish the value of qualitative interviews by shifting the focus from a preoccupation with what interviews can be said to do, towards questions centring on what can be done with interviews.  相似文献   
“身体”是英国文化研究的扛鼎之作《识字的用途》中的重要隐喻。理查德·霍加特通过这一隐喻描述了二战后英国社会的文化生活,尤其是大众文化对工人阶级传统文化的腐蚀以及通过奖学金男孩“有感觉的男性身体”所实现的文化反抗。“有感觉的男性身体”,复合了更为古老的“身体”:它扬弃了利维斯文学批评中的“感觉”话语,整合了奥威尔登左派批评传统对“身体”的再现。作为三种身体形态之一,“有感觉的男性身体”囊括并超越了大众文化被性化、支离破碎的女性身体和永恒的母性身体,体现了变化—拒绝变化的二律背反;它既是社会瘀伤的症候,又通过特有的感觉能力为治愈社会提供了药方。  相似文献   
由于汉语与欧洲语言具有很大的文化差异和不同的"精神面貌",早在20世纪上半叶,就不断有学者呼吁汉语语法研究走独立于英语语法的道路,真正的汉语语法应该以汉语不同于西方语言的特殊规律为主体,同时也反映人类语言的某些共同规律。从文化比较的角度看,汉语的思维、表达和语法与欧洲语言的基本对立表现为灵活与精确、综合与分析、具象与抽象、动态与静态的基本对立。  相似文献   
企业管理成功的关键在于"执行",衡量企业管理成功与否的标准在于"执行的结果"。因此,执行文化的建设就成为企业管理工作的重中之重。文章以企业执行文化的构建为中心,从刚柔相济管理模式的内涵入手,以煤炭企业为例,着重从刚性管理与执行力的养成、柔性管理与执行意识的提升、刚柔相济与企业执行文化的形成等方面展开企业执行文化的构建过程。  相似文献   
Genomic analyses have shown that only 1.2 per cent of the genome is devoted to protein coding sequences (the most commonly invoked definition of genes), and that much of the remaining sequences are employed in regulation – that is, in responding to signals, first, from the immediate environment of the DNA, but ultimately from the distal environment – from the cytoplasm, from the environment outside the cell, and finally, from the environment beyond the organism. Such signals are not restricted to the simple physical and chemical stimuli that impinge directly on the DNA, on the surface of the cell, or even on the body as a whole: organisms with central nervous systems have receptors for forms of perception that are not only more complex but far longer range. Humans have especially sophisticated perceptual capacities, enabling them to respond to a wide range of complex visual, auditory, linguistic and behavioural/emotional signals in their extended environment. Research has recently begun to show that responses to such signals can extend all the way down to the level of gene expression. The question is this: to what extent are we witnessing (at last) a rapprochement between the natural science of biology and the human sciences of sociology and anthropology, and to what extent do the new promises of synthesis merely reflect an expansion of older reductionist aims, threatening once again to marginalize rather than incorporate the insights of cultural analysis? As in my earlier discussion of the nature/nurture debate (2010), my focus will be restricted to the Anglo-American context.  相似文献   
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