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探索农林经济管理专业学生工作的思路和方法,认为做好农林经济与管理专业学生工作,需要把握以下环节:重视安全教育;积极进行职业规划引导,加强就业指导,提升就业能力;重视学生干部培养,发挥学生干部在校园文化建设中的积极作用;办好专业特色活动,为学生提供知识运用的平台,激发学生学习本专业知识的动力;鼓励学生参加科研活动和社会实践活动。  相似文献   
研究适度农地经营规模确定方法并合理确定河西走廊农地适度经营规模。运用生产函数模型对农户劳均经营规模和户均经营规模进行计量分析。研究结果:1)河西地区农业生产处于规模报酬递减阶段。2)在劳动力、资本和土地三大投入要素中,土地对产量的贡献最大。3)现有技术条件下,河西地区劳均最优规模和户均最优规模均远远大于现有规模。研究结论:加快土地流转和剩余劳动力转移促进农地规模经营。  相似文献   
The general role of veterinary epidemiology and economics to national animal-disease control throughout the world is considered for the four main groupings of animal diseases: zoonotic, food-borne, endemic and epidemic diseases. This is done by considering how veterinary epidemiology and economics has contributed to priority setting (which diseases come first?), decision-making (for a given disease, which strategy is best?), and disease control implementation (how can optimal delivery and adoption of selected interventions best be achieved?). Within each of these categories, progress made and future opportunities are discussed. In addition, a review is made of how veterinary epidemiology and economics has been institutionalised. We conclude that veterinary epidemiology and economics holds a unique role in the development of national policies and strategies for improved animal health world-wide. However, we consider that we must capitalise more on the unique comparative advantage of the partnership between veterinarians and agricultural economists. We believe that much remains to be done to improve the "institutionalisation" of veterinary epidemiology and economics, and the adoption and impact of the products of our unique partnership, particularly in countries of the developing world.  相似文献   
Bovine mastitis and mastitis control were investigated on smallholder farms in central Kenya. After an initial observational study, a clinical trial to assess the impact of three different mastitis control strategies – (1) improved udder hygiene, (2) treatment of subclinical cases, and (3) a combination of these – was conducted on 100 randomly selected farms with 332 lactating cows. Before the implementation of control measures, the milk yield was low (mean 6.5 kg/day; median 6 kg/day) and somatic cell counts (SCC) were high, with 80% and 43% of cows having milk with SCC greater than 250×103 cells/ml and 600×103 cells/ml, respectively. Infectious pathogens were also commonly isolated, with 63% of cows being positive for pathogenic bacteria. Neither intervention strategy alone had any effect on mastitis indicators or milk yield. In combination, the measures had some impact, lowering the prevalence of contagious pathogens by 18%, but this was not reflected in a significantly increased milk yield, lowered SCC or reduced incidence of clinical mastitis.  相似文献   
Two questionnaire surveys (2×44) were conducted among pastoral households, using three grazing management systems. The average number of Tropical Livestock Units (250 kg) was 4.0 per member of the household. Milk production was the most important source of revenue (66% of the total) followed by sale of livestock (17%) and transport (16%). High mortality rates were recorded for all livestock. About 27% of the milk was sold fresh or as butter. Sedentary and transhumant grazing management systems showed similar levels of income, but nomads had a 2.6-fold higher overall net income. The average total gross income from the entire herd amounted to US$ 6382 per household per year. The calculated costs were 29% of the gross returns. The contribution to the total gross revenues of camels, cattle and small ruminants was 58%, 25% and 17%, respectively.  相似文献   
朴世一 《森林工程》1999,15(4):24-25
本文通过对我省森工经济现状的分析.从企业的经济管理体制,经营机制,发展林业多元经济培植新的经济增长点等方面。提出振兴和繁荣龙江森工经济的措施与对策。  相似文献   
根据福建省1990-2009年森林火灾统计资料,以减少生态、经济和社会效益损失为目的,运用灾害经济学理论对相关数据进行实证研究.结果表明:福建省近20年来虽然不断提高森林防火的投入,但在减灾效益方面收到的效果却仍不理想.造成森林火灾减灾效益较低的主要原因分别是重大森林火灾发生率提高、森林单位面积综合价值提升及气候变化异常.  相似文献   
Economic profitability of Nile tilapia production in Kenya was analysed using a model that simulated individual fish growth and took fish population dynamics in the pond into account. The results suggest that the currently practiced mixed‐sex tilapia culture is economically unsustainable. It is suggested that research and extension efforts be geared towards developing monosex Nile tilapia production systems. Nile tilapia culture with African catfish predation should be viewed as an intermediate step towards all‐male Nile tilapia culture. This will allow accumulation of both physical and human capital to support all‐male tilapia culture. Under all‐male culture, economic returns are high enough to justify investment in Nile tilapia culture using borrowed capital. However, the success of monosex culture will depend on the availability and affordability of quality fingerlings and low‐cost fish feeds. The results have a wide application in Sub‐Saharan Africa where mixed‐sex Nile tilapia culture is common.  相似文献   
生态经济林经营模式   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
在我国丘陵山区开展以经济林为骨干项目的多种经营,是繁荣农村经济的一项战略措施。生态经济林业就是遵循自然规律和经济规律,按照生态学和生态经济学的原理,运用系统理论与系统工程的方法,组织经济林生产建设事业。它的任务是为制定经济林生产发展战略规划:为经济林栽培经营提供指导理论和方法。生态经济林的实施主要是通过区划和规划。生态经济林经营模式,有网络结构模式和立体经营模式之分。前者是一个地域生态系统的整体结构中,经济林作为一个子系统的位置,后者是具体林分结构的立体经营模式,两者是相关联的。  相似文献   
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