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Summary Isozyme analyses have been used for the definitive identification of many plant cultivars, but not for cultivated tomatoes. Six isozyme systems, namely alcohol dehydrogenase, acid phosphatase, phosphoglucomutase, esterase, phosphoglucoisomerase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase of tomato seed extracts were resolved by isoelectric focusing on polyacrylamide gels with a narrow pH gradient. Nine alcohol dehydrogenase phenotypes were distinguished which, with three acid phosphatase phenotypes, identified twelve of the seventeen cultivars. Fewer differences were found for the other isozymes. Since this method could differentiate between breeding parents and their progeny it is concluded that further investigations are warranted.Abbreviations APS acid phosphatase - ADH alcohol dehydrogenase - EST esterase - IEF isoelectric focusing - PGI phosphoglucoisomerase - PGM phosphoglucomutase - 6-PGDH 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism - VOPRI Vegetable and Ornamental Plant Research Institute  相似文献   
The effects of acid extracts of tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and carrot ( Daucus carota L.) juice wastes from the food industry on the growth of five species of crops and four weeds were examined. The acid extract of the tomato juice waste promoted the shoot and root growth of tomato, Chinese cabbage, corn, and radish, but not the growth of oat seedlings. The extract did not promote the shoot growth of weeds tested, and it inhibited the root growth of the weeds that included barnyardgrass ( Echinochloa oryzicola Ohwi), southern crabgrass ( Digitaria ciliaris Koel.) and Japanese barnyard millet ( Echinochloa utilis Ohwi). The carrot juice waste was also examined as another waste from the food industry. The effect of the acid extract of carrot juice waste showed significant promoting effects on the root growth of Chinese cabbage; however, the effects on other plants were lower than that of tomato juice waste. It also did not inhibit the growth of weeds. These results suggested that the acid extract from tomato juice waste is useful as plant-growth substances because they have a promoting effect on the shoot and root growth of crops, and an inhibitory effect on the root growth of some weeds.  相似文献   
为实施‘冬枣’遗传改良方案,以采自山西柳林自然授粉获得的‘冬枣’子代种子为材料,测量种子横、纵径、种仁率等基本形态指标,并进一步研究种子萌发最适条件和下胚轴诱导愈伤组织适宜培养基。结果表明:(1)‘冬枣’子代种子横径为(8.62±0.05) mm,纵径为(17.95±0.05) mm,千粒重为(54.27±4.62) g,种仁率为(64.17±3.82)%,‘冬枣’属于种仁率较高的枣树品种。(2)种仁在含有GA3 0.4 g/L的萌发培养基中预处理24 h后接种到萌发培养基上,最有利于种仁萌发,萌发率可达100%;液体萌发培养基稍好于固体萌发培养基,但未达显著水平。(3)下胚轴诱导愈伤组织的适宜培养基为1/2MS+ TDZ 1.0 mg/L+蔗糖30 g/L,诱导率为(60.00±3.02)%。  相似文献   
Two near-isogenic lines of the processing tomato cv. ‘IPA-5’, pheno-typically distinct from each other only in terms of the presence or absence of a jointless fruit pedicel, were used to estimate pleiotropic effects of the recessive gene j-2 on 15 processing and agronomic parameters. Total yield, total yield of mature fruit, total yield of green fruit, total number of fruit, total number of mature fruit, total number of green fruit, mean weight of mature fruit, mean weight of green fruit, mean weight of mature plus green fruit, soluble solids, fruit colour, pH, titratable acidity, sugar: acid ratio, and fruit firmness were compared in jointed (J-2/J-2) and jointless pedicel (J-2/J-2) lines. Statistically significant differences were detected between both isolines for the following parameters: total number of fruit, total yield, total yield of green fruit, and total number of green fruit. In all cases, smaller values were observed in the isoline with the genetic constitution J-2/J-2. These data reinforce the view that they j-2 gene may cause, in some specific tomato backgrounds, significant yield constraints. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that this gene cannot exert any important pleiotropic influence on any of the processing characteristics evaluated.  相似文献   
通过分析和提炼加工番茄养分需求和肥料管理的最新研究资料, 在综合考虑土壤理化性质、产量目标、品种特性等影响因子的基础上, 根据养分平衡原理和养分需求规律, 建立了具有系统性和时空适用性的加工番茄养分运筹动态知识模型。该模型可用于精确定量不同环境条件和产量目标下的氮磷钾养分需求总量及其在不同生育时期的分配比例。利用不同生态点、品种、土壤类型和产量目标等资料对养分运筹知识模型进行了验证, 结果表明模型具有较好的决策性和适用性。  相似文献   
木立芦荟叶片愈伤组织诱导过程中防褐化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以木立芦荟叶片作外植体,培养于附加6-BA 2.0 mg/L 2,4-D 0.5 mg/L的MS培养基上。添加不同浓度的活性炭及维生素C附加物成分,研究木立芦荟在叶片愈伤组织诱导过程中,各种附加物成分对防止褐化的影响。结果表明:活性炭和维生素C均可有效防止褐化,2.0 g/L的活性炭或0.2 g/L的维生素C能不同程度的减轻褐化,效果最好,活性炭和维生素C配合使用时,以2.0 g/L活性炭与0.1 g/L维生素C配合使用时最理想。  相似文献   
熊蜂授粉技术在早春大棚番茄生产中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为改善早春大棚番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)的品质,并达到增产增收、省工、省力、省成本的目的,开展了早春大棚番茄生产应用熊蜂(Bombus sp.)授粉技术试验。结果表明,熊蜂授粉处理比激素点花处理增产937 kg/667m2,单果重增加11.2 g,单株坐果数增加3.8个,畸形果率下降17个百分点,节省人工投入185元/667m2,共节本增收2 621元/667m2。同时熊蜂授粉技术比激素点花技术的番茄果形周正、果实饱满多汁,改善了番茄的风味与口感,提高了果实硬度;在生产过程中还减少了农药使用次数和激素残留。  相似文献   
单杆芦荟离体快速繁殖,芽增殖培养基以MS+BA2.5mg/L NAA0.2-0.3mg/L,生根培养基以1/2MS+NAA 2.0mg/L 活性炭0.2%-0.3%,壮苗培养基以1/2MS+IBA2.0mg/L为好。培养温度以28℃最佳。快速繁殖方法用分叶法比常用的分株、分芽方法,繁殖系数高。培养出的壮苗移栽于河沙中,成活率一般在80%以上。  相似文献   
微生物菌剂对番茄生长发育及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究微生物菌剂对番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)生长发育和产量的影响,采用田间试验的方法,研究了不同浓度微生物菌剂对番茄幼苗的生长发育、营养生长、病虫害、产量及品质的影响。结果表明,稀释200倍的微生物菌剂处理对番茄生长发育、产量和品质的促进效果最好,幼苗的出苗率、主根长度、鲜重分别比对照提高了42.81%、20.20%、26.23%,株高、果实横径、果实纵径、叶片相对叶绿素含量分别比对照提高了46.84%、49.76%、53.37%、44.03%,显著降低了病虫害的发生率,产量比对照增加16.16%,果实品质明显高于对照。实际应用可采用稀释200倍的微生物菌剂处理。  相似文献   
为探讨冬枣叶龄、叶片解剖结构与锈病侵染和发病程度的关系,对冬枣3种不同叶龄的叶片进行锈病接种试验,并对叶片组织解剖结构进行了测定。结果表明:3种叶龄叶片感病程度由低到高依次为:成熟叶< 长成叶<嫩叶,由此可见,成熟叶对锈病的抵抗力最强;3种叶龄叶解剖性状在角质层厚度、上表皮厚度、下表皮厚度、叶片厚度、栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度、栅海比、叶片结构紧密度、叶片结构疏松度、气孔密度和气孔大小等指标有显著差异,但气孔开张结构性状差异不显著。文章筛选出了与冬枣锈病发生有关的叶片形态结构指标,为合理的控制冬枣锈病和筛选抗锈病冬枣优良单株的提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
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