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The effects of tillage on soil organic carbon content, carbohydrate content, monosaccharide composition, aggregate stability, compactibility and plasticity were investigated in a field experiment on a gleysol and on a cambisol under winter barley in South-East Scotland. Two long-term treatments (direct drilling and conventional mouldboard ploughing for 22 years) were compared with short-term direct drilling and broadcast sowing plus rotavation for 5 years. Carbohydrate released sequentially to cold water, hot water, 1.0 M HCl and 0.5 M NaOH was determined after hydrolysis as reducing sugar equivalent to glucose in both fresh and air-dried samples. All other measurements were made on dry soils only. About 3% of the soluble carbohydrate was extracted by cold water, 10% by hot water, 12% by HCl and 75% by NaOH from both the dry and fresh soils. The total reducing sugars of the fractions were proportional to the total organic carbon determined by dichromate oxidation or C analysis. Organic carbon and carbohydrates were concentrated near the surface of the direct drilled soil, but were more uniformly distributed with depth in the ploughed soil. The surface soil under direct drilling was more stable, less compactible and had greater plasticity limits than under ploughing. However, particle size distributions were unaffected by tillage so that differences in soil properties were attributed to differences in the quantity and quality of organic matter. Differences in compactibility, structural stability and plasticity limits between depths and tillage treatments correlated with total carbon and with total carbohydrates. The hot water extractable carbohydrate fraction correlated best with aggregate stability and the NaOH fraction correlated best with compactibility and plastic limit. Both fractions were greatest in the long-term direct drilled soil. The hot water fraction had a galactose plus mannose over arabinose plus xylose ratio of 1.0–1.6 in comparison to 0.4–0.7 in the NaOH fraction indicating that the microbial contribution within the hot water-soluble fraction was the greater. The hot-water fraction was likely to contain more exocellular microbial polysaccharides involved in the stabilizing of soil aggregates. The hot-water and NaOH carbohydrate fractions may be good indicators of soil organic matter quality relevant to the preservation of good soil physical conditions.  相似文献   
硬联接双电机的变频同步驱动方案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稳定性问题是硬联接双电机同步驱动系统要解决的关键。根据某拦河坝闸门控制系统的改造方案,论证了硬联接双电机采用转矩随动方式设计变频同步驱动方案的可行性。最终的调试实验结果表明,该系统具有较强的稳定性和优良的调速性能。  相似文献   
Residue quality has been shown to influence soil water-stable aggregation (WSA) during crop residue decomposition, but there is still little information about its interactive effect with soil mineral N availability. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of soil mineral N on WSA during the decomposition of two high-C/N crop residues (wheat straw with C/N = 125.6 and miscanthus straw with C/N = 311.3). The two crop residues were combined with three mineral N addition rates (0, 60, and 120 mg N kg−1 dry soil). Respiration, soil mineral N content, and WSA (expressed as mean-weight diameter, MWD) were measured on several dates during a 56-d incubation. The effect of decomposing crop residues on WSA followed two phases. (i) Between 0 and 7 d, the increase in WSA was related to intrinsic residue quality with higher decomposability of the wheat straw resulting in higher WSA. (ii) Thereafter, and until the end of the experiment, mineral N addition rates had a predominant but negative influence on WSA. In this second phase, the average MWD of residue-treated soils was 0.92, 0.55, and 0.44 mm for the 0, 60 and 120 mg N kg−1 dry soil addition rates, respectively. Mineral N addition which did result in higher crop residue decomposition did not lead to higher WSA. WSA during crop residue decomposition is therefore not simply positively related to the induced microbial activity, and changes in microbial community composition with differential effects on WSA must be involved. The impact of high-C/N crop residues inputs on WSA, initially assumed to be low, could actually be strong and long-lasting in situations with low soil mineral N content.  相似文献   
甜玉米品种稳定性的AMMI模型分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
采用方差分析和AMMI模型分析,对不同地点随机区组试验中甜玉米株高,穗长和产量的品种差异显著性。试验精确度和品种稳定性进行研究。结果表明,在单年单点随机区组试验中除了呈贡和石林的穗长以外,其余各点性状的品种差异都是极显著的,同一性状不同地点的品种间差异表现不一致,这是基因型与环境互作所致,石林点试验精确度最高,其余两点的次之,超甜20号在3个性状上的表现最稳定。黑甜糯产量最不稳定,白甜糯株高和穗长最不稳定。株高,穗长,产量的互作效应主成分(IPCA)的平方和分别占交互作用平方的93.2%,90.9%和80.3%。解释了大部分基因型与环境交互作用。由此计算获得的稳定性参数(Di)是可靠的。  相似文献   
双马来海松酸酯多元醇的合成研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用马来海松酸中酸酐和羧基反应活性的差异,合成了两种类型的双马来海松酸酯多元醇.测试了酯化产物的分子量、聚合度、粘度、羟值和官能度等理化参数;并对各产物的耐热性和红外光谱进行了讨论.研究结果表明,所有酯化产物均可作为耐热的多元醇原料使用.  相似文献   
采用从头算Hartree-Fock和密度泛函DFT方法对松香枞酸分子的几何构型进行理论计算,按最低能量原理确定其最稳定的构型.对该稳定构型的结构参数与文献报道的理论计算值和试验测定值进行分析比较,发现3种理论方法中DFT-B3LYP算法更加精确,与实际测量值的误差更小,更加适合用于对此类化合物的分析与预测.同时用B3LYP泛函在6-31+G**机组水平对松香的几种主要树脂酸进行能量分析,预测其稳定性并得到相应的热力学参数.结果表明:计算化学方法也是科学研究的一种有用工具,精确的理论计算能够获得实验室难于得到的重要的化学与物理信息,理论计算也可作为研究该类体系的一种新方法.  相似文献   
中试系统制备了杨木碱性过氧化氢机械浆。分别在水相 /有机溶剂相 /气相等条件下 ,使用乙酐处理杨木化机浆 (原浆及硼氢化钠还原后纸浆 ) ,分别抄造成 60g/m2 纸片 ,测定了不同时间紫外线照射后试样白度。运用返色值 (PCno .)和白度稳定效果 (BSE)等指标评价处理后浆料的光学稳定性。研究结果表明 ,有机溶剂相和气相乙酰化后的纸浆 ,光学稳定性的提高程度取决于乙酐用量和反应时间即乙酰化程度。通过乙酰化 ,可以获取光学完全稳定的杨木化机浆。紫外漫射反射光谱表明 ,杨木APMP机械浆光诱导返色的主要原因是纸浆木质素中羰基和酚羟基团吸收紫外光后变化形成发色结构所致。还原配合纸浆乙酰化处理 ,可能成为防止高得率纸浆返色的工业应用方法  相似文献   
对同一厂家生产的8种不同类型竹地板的物理力学性能进行了对比分析。结果表明:本色平压竹地板的物理力学性能最好;本色竹地板的物理力学性能优于炭化竹地板;平压竹地板的物理力学性能优于侧压竹地板、重竹地板及3 mm重竹贴面竹木复合地板;重竹地板密度最大,吸水率最低,在提高竹材利用率的同时,仍具有优良的物理力学性能,3 mm重竹贴面竹木复合地板可以有效降低重竹地板密度;重竹地板和3 mm重竹贴面竹木复合地板尺寸稳定性较差,炭化侧压竹地板更易使用受环境温湿度的影响。  相似文献   
通过静态容量瓶法研究了不同钙碱水质条件下,磺酸盐共聚物对Zn2+的稳定性及Zn2+、Ca2-和碱度之间的关系。结果发现:钙碱浓度的变化对磺酸盐共聚物稳定Zn2+的性能影响较大,Ca2+浓度为600~800mg/L是磺酸盐共聚物对Zn2+稳定性的拐点,Ca2+浓度低于600mg/L时,磺酸盐共聚物对Zn2+稳定性较好,此时碱度为主要影响因素,应重点控制水中的碱度;Ca2-浓度高于800mg/L时,磺酸盐共聚物对Zn2+稳定性较差,应该开发高钙条件下专用的稳锌聚合物。  相似文献   
利用地下盐穴作为油气储库是一种常见的方法。但由于中国地下盐矿层状盐岩居多,特点是单层厚度薄,不溶物含量高,因此单井造腔腔型控制难度大,造腔速度慢。根据双井对流建库方法,通过实验模拟建造的水平盐穴为模型基础,依据湖北云应地区盐矿地质条件和盐岩的物理力学性质,数值模拟其在不同埋深情况下建造后腔体长期运行体积收缩情况。通过实验发现采用双井对流造腔方法建设储气库是可行的,腔体的形状可以通过流量和油液分界面来控制。对地下盐岩水平储气库的岩石长期蠕变模拟发现,水平储气库随着埋深越大相同蠕变期内条件下腔体的体积收缩率和腔体周边塑性变形区体积也越大,同时使用寿命也越短。  相似文献   
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