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高血压鼠局部脑梗塞后脑超微结构改变动态观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文选用肾血管性高血压鼠(RHR)复制大脑中动脉闭塞(MCAO)模型,其后2h至7d分8次取不同区域脑组织进行透射电镜动态观察超微结构的改变。显示局部脑梗塞后发生全脑性改变,其损害程度和出现时间梗塞区最早,以坏死为主,呈完全不可逆性损害;边缘区稍后,主要是微血管塌陷和微血栓形成及部分脑细胞坏死,呈部分可逆性损害,远隔区和镜区最迟,以内皮和星形细胞水肿为主,呈可逆性损害,认为用RHR复制MCAO,更接近于高血压性脑血管损害基础上发生脑梗塞的临床病理改变,全脑超微结构的动态性改变中微血管损害起着重要作用。  相似文献   
目的观察左心室舒张功能新指标测定的意义。方法应用脉冲多普勒技术测定高血压病Ⅰ期(20例)、高血压病伴左心室肥厚(22例)、高血压病伴有房颤(14例)及25例正常人二尖瓣口及瓣下1cm、2cm、3cm左心室内不同部位的舒张早期充盈速度(E0、E1、E2、E3),计算E1/E0、E2/E0、E3/E0比值。结果高血压病人E3显著降低,E3/E0与自身E2/E0相比有显著差异(P<0.01),且E3/E0与常规测定舒张功能指标E/A法有良好的相关性。高血压病Ⅱ组与高血压病Ⅰ组相比,舒张功能障碍更为明显。结论高血压病早期即有左心室舒张功能减退,并出现于心室功能障碍之前,且左心室舒张功能减退随心肌受损加重而明显。E3/E0法是反映左心室舒张功能障碍的良好指标,可弥补E/A法的不足。  相似文献   
Three-dimensional (3D) phase-contrast magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and velocity-encoded cine magnetic resonance (VEC-MR) imaging were performed in 23 subjects to assess the severity of renal artery stenosis. MRA was used for detection of stenosis, demonstrating a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 80%; the severity of stenosis was overestimated in 33%. VEC-MR was used to quantify the renal flow oattern and was successful in 11 subjects. Mean blood flow of normal renal arteries (420 +- 107 ml/min) was significantly higher (P < 0.01) than mean blood flow of stenotic arteries (131 +- 46ml/min). The flow profile displayed both systolic and diastolic peaks in 75% of the normal arteries, while the flow in stenotic arteries showed only a single systolic peak in all cases. The systolic peak in stenotic arteries occurred significantly later (32 +- 3% of the period of one cardiac cycle) than in normal subjects (21 +- 7%) (P < 0.05). Phase-contrast MR is likely to gain considerable importance in the noninvasive aetection and quantification of renal artery stenosis. Correspondence to: C. S. Richter  相似文献   
背景 流行病学研究表明,绝经后女性的高血压患病率高于老年男性。近年来,有关绝经后高血压的临床表现、病理特征、发病机制、治疗方法等受到越来越多的关注,但由于受到研究设计、样本量、人群特征、资源不足等因素的影响,其危险因素的研究结果不一致且缺乏全面报道。目的 运用系统评价方式探讨女性绝经后高血压的危险因素,为更好地预防和管理绝经后高血压提供循证证据。方法 于2022年1—5月,计算机检索中国知网、万方数据知识服务平台、中国生物医学文献服务系统、PubMed、EmBase、the Cochrane Library、Web of Science电子数据库,获取与绝经后高血压危险因素相关的队列及病例对照研究。检索时限为建库起至2022-05-20。由2名研究者独立根据纳入和排除标准筛选文献、提取资料,采用纽卡斯尔-渥太华量表(NOS)对所提取的文献进行偏倚风险评估,将得分≥6分(高质量)的文献纳入研究,最后采用RevMan 5.3对其进行Meta分析。结果 共纳入10篇文献,5篇为队列研究,5篇为病例对照研究,共涉及16个危险因素,总样本量为34 864,且均为高质量文献。Meta分析结果显示,...  相似文献   
随着我国老龄化进程的进一步加剧,衰弱作为常见的老年综合征已成为备受关注的公共卫生问题。高血压与衰弱常共存于老年人,导致出现多种不良健康结局。本文分析了老年高血压相关性衰弱的流行现状及发病机制,包括炎性反应、氧化应激反应、胰岛素抵抗及激素代谢紊乱等,总结了运动干预改善高血压相关性衰弱的可能作用途径,并发现目前关于高血压相关性衰弱的运动作用机制类研究仍然缺乏,而且不同类型的运动干预形式对机体的作用机制也存在一定差异性,未来可以进一步探讨不同的运动干预形式对高血压相关性衰弱的作用靶点及干预效果的不同。  相似文献   
田梅香  张正义 《中国全科医学》2023,26(18):2190-2194
近年来由于生活压力的增加,我国越来越多的育龄期男女罹患高血压,因此如何规范管理备孕期高血压已成为当前的焦点。本文从备孕期间血压的监测与评估和降压药的使用两方面分别对育龄期男性和女性备孕期间的血压规范管理进行阐述,强调女性备孕期间的高血压管理应同时考虑母体和胎儿的安全性,选择相对安全的降压药,如甲基多巴、拉贝洛尔、硝苯地平等;男性备孕期间的高血压管理应同时考虑降压药的疗效及其对性功能和精子的影响,推荐奈必洛尔、血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(ACEI)/血管紧张素Ⅱ受体拮抗剂(ARB)和钙离子通道阻滞剂(CCB)类药物,旨在为临床备孕期高血压的管理提供指导并为未来研究提供参考方向。  相似文献   
背景 随着人口老龄化进程的加快,同时患有多种慢病已成为老年人的常态,老年多重慢病相关研究也不断丰富,但鲜有对其研究进展及热点进行分析。目的 分析国内外老年多重慢病的研究热点,揭示近十年来(2010—2021年)老年多重慢病领域研究前沿的热点主题,为相关研究者追踪前沿信息提供参考。方法 基于文本挖掘技术和文献计量学等方法,检索Web of Science核心合集、Scopus、中国知网、万方数据知识服务平台、维普网、PubMed、中华医学会期刊全文数据库、APA-PsycINFO美国心理学会数据库中老年多重慢病领域的相关文献,检索时间为2010—2021年。使用CiteSpace 6.1.3、PASW 18、BICOMB 2.04等软件对文献的发文量趋势、来源、作者、机构、关键词等方面进行分析及可视化,并绘制战略坐标图对领域研究热点进行分析。结果 最终纳入老年多重慢病相关文献9 392篇,其中外文文献5 776篇,中文文献3 616篇。2010—2021年老年多重慢病领域中外文献发文量均呈指数型增长,中文文献年增长率为13.27%,外文文献年增长率为15.84%,该领域正处于发展阶段。中...  相似文献   
In humans, electrical, bipolar, bilateral carotid sinus nerve stimulation (CSNS; impulse duration 0.35 ms) was applied, using frequencies between 10 and 110 Hz and voltages between individual thresholds and maximal amplitudes of stimulation. Ten anginal patients and two hypertensive patients were studied at an interval of up to 12 years after implantation of electrodes and a radiofrequency receiver for chronic therapeutic CSNS. In search of combinations of frequency and voltage of CSNS, eliciting largest ("optimal") depressor responses of blood pressure and heart rate in the individual patient, Rechenberg's evolution strategy was applied. This strategy simulates mutation and selection of biological evolution. In each patient and on each test stimulation, a value of quality was computed from actual heart rate and blood pressure values as a selection criterion for the strategy. Either responses to uninterrupted CSNS were investigated, while stimulation parameters were adjusted every 3 min, according to the strategy, or responses to 3 min of CSNS after a change in stimulation parameters were compared to intercalated 3-min control periods. In each patient, one or more combined settings of frequency and voltage elicited "optimal" responses. In principle, "optimal" CSNS frequencies ranged between 35 and 105 Hz with large interindividual differences. Due to chronic implantation of electrodes and technical features of radiofrequency transmitted stimulation energy, interindividually different voltages led to an optimal response to CSNS. Also according to the present results, the frequency of CSNS has to be determined individually. It is concluded that the evolution strategy was applied successfully, because voltage and frequency settings leading to "optimal" responses were found within 90-180 min, whereas intraindividual systematic investigations would not be feasible due to their necessarily very long duration. So far, only short-term responses have been evaluated. A broader use of the strategy in other applications is encouraged, as for example in pacemaker optimization and especially in functional electrostimulation.  相似文献   
目的 :通过测定妊高征 (PIH)患者红细胞免疫粘附 (RCIA)调节因子活性 ,探讨PIH患者红细胞免疫功能改变的原因。方法 :测定 40例PIH患者和 30例正常孕妇的RCIA促进因子活性和抑制因子活性及红细胞补体受体花环率(RBCC3bRR% )、红细胞免疫复合物花环率 (RBCICR % )。结果 :与正常孕妇相比 ,PIH患者RCIA抑制因子活性明显升高 ,RBCC3bRR%及RBCICR %明显降低 (P <0 .0 1) ,RCIA促进因子活性无明显变化 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 :PIH患者红细胞免疫功能原发低下 ,其原因可能与RCIA抑制因子活性增高有关  相似文献   
Renal transplantation experiments have shown that the kidney contributes to chronic sympathectomy-induced arterial pressure reduction in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). The underlying mechanisms are currently unclear but may include alterations in the function of small renal arteries. Neonatal SHR were sympathectomized by intraperitoneal guanethidine injections and removal of adrenal medullary tissue. Controls were sham- or hydralazine-treated. At 12 weeks of age, distal interlobar artery segments were investigated using small-vessel wire myography. Vessels from sympathectomized animals showed increased sensitivity to noradrenaline (NE). Vasopressin- and endothelin-1-induced vasoconstriction was similar in all groups (as reflected by the pD2, i.e. –logEC50, where EC50 is the molar concentration of agonist eliciting a half-maximal response). Maximum vasopressin-induced tension was similar in all groups while endothelin-1-induced maximum tension was significantly higher in sympathectomized than in sham-treated SHR. The sensitivity of NE-induced vasoconstriction to extracellular Ca2+ did not differ between groups while sensitivity to L-type Ca2+ channel activation was significantly higher in both sympathectomized and hydralazine-treated animals than in sham-treated animals. Endothelium-dependent and independent vasodilation were similar in all groups. Sequential blockade of NO-synthase and cyclooxygenase had similar effects in all groups. In conclusion, neonatal sympathectomy does not induce any changes in the function of isolated proximal renal resistance arteries from SHR that could explain the blood pressure lowering effect of a kidney graft from sympathectomized SHR.  相似文献   
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