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许佐龙 《人民长江》2001,32(8):15-16
三峡船闸深槽开挖与锚固工程量大,工期紧,施工强度高,施工难度大。因此,合理的施工程序有利于边坡稳定和施工,是快速和高质量施工的关键。分析了永久船闸直立墙基坑开挖与锚固施工程序的复杂性和进行研究的必要性。介绍了设计阶段研究船闸开挖与锚固的施工程序。对施工过程中研究施工程序时考虑的因素,研究的主要内容以及实际采用的施工程序作了简要的分析,归纳和总结。  相似文献   
OVM锚固体系是我国第一种采用二片四开式,锚碇1860MPa级低松弛钢绞线的预应力锚固体系。本文介绍其基本性能,与其他系列锚具的组合以及它在斜拉桥主索上的应用。  相似文献   
从分析某高架桥中异形板板底裂缝的特点及成因着手 ,对设计与施工工艺诸方面提出防止裂缝的对策和对裂缝进行加固的全过程。  相似文献   
总结了乡镇供水工程中倒虹管施工安装的成功经验,推了一种新的施工安装方法--预测镇墩沉管法,该方法经江西省万年县大港桥引水工程安装检验,是一种简单易行、经济可靠的施工安装方法。  相似文献   
隧道式锚碇的变形破坏机制涉及到结构与围岩的协同作用问题。以华丽高速公路金安金沙江悬索桥两岸隧道锚变形破坏机制为研究对象,利用工程类比法评价了其稳定性控制要素,设计了超载数值试验。根据塑性区的扩展过程确定了施工安全监测和需要采取预加固的重点部位,确定了隧道锚围岩的破坏模式。根据锚面监测点位移由mm到cm量级突变确定的两岸锚岩系统极限荷载均为6~8倍设计缆力,则锚岩系统的设计承载力取3倍设计缆力下变形安全是有保障的。丽江岸塑性区在10 P下贯通;华坪岸塑性区在14 P下贯通。设计缆力作用下,丽江岸锚碇最大位移1.5 mm、围岩1.2 mm、地表0.5 mm;华坪岸锚碇最大位移1.7 mm、围岩1.5 mm、地表0.7 mm,其响应顺序为后锚面监测点前锚面监测点锚碇中间岩体地表点,可作为后期结构及围岩安全监测布点和预警的参考,也证明当前设计缆力下变形和强度均是安全的。  相似文献   
为了研究U形与直线预应力束混合布置索塔锚固结构的受力特性,以国内某姊妹塔斜拉桥的菱形桥塔为例,采用通用有限元程序建立索塔锚固结构的节段有限元模型,分析索塔锚固结构在预应力荷载与斜拉索水平力共同作用下的受力情况。结果表明:在索塔锚固结构中采用U形与直线预应力束混合布置能较好的满足设计要求,使锚固区整体处于较为合理的压力状态之下,除局部的应力集中外,基本消除了斜拉索作用下顺桥向塔柱的拉应力;在齿块与塔柱内壁的结合处存在应力集中现象,应当引起足够的重视,施工时应严格控制施工质量。  相似文献   
According to the tensile failure of rock bolt in weakly cemented soft rock, this paper presents a new segmented anchoring style in order to weaken the cumulative effect of anchoring force associated with the large deformation. Firstly, a segmented mechanical model was established in which free and anchoring section of rock bolt were respectively arranged in different deformation zones. Then, stress and displacement in elastic non-anchoring zone, elastic anchoring zone, elastic sticking zone, softening sticking zone and broken zone were derived respectively based on neural theory and tri-linear strain softening constitutive model of soft rock. Results show that the anchoring effect can be characterized by a supporting parameter b. With its increase, the peak value of tangential stress gradually moves to the roadway wall, and the radial stress significantly increases, which means the decrease of equivalent plastic zone and improvement of confining effect provided by anchorage body. When b increases to 0.72, the equivalent plastic zone disappears, and stresses tend to be the elastic solutions. In addition, the anchoring effect on the displacement of surrounding rock can be quantified by a normalization factor δ.  相似文献   
Based on some assumptions, the dynamic analysis model of anchorage system is established. The dynamic governing equation is expressed as finite difference format and programmed by using MATLAB language. Compared with theoretical method, the finite difference method has been verified to be feasible by a case study. It is found that under seismic loading, the dynamic response of anchorage system is synchronously fluctuated with the seismic vibration. The change of displacement amplitude of material points is slight, and comparatively speaking, the displacement amplitude of the outside point is a little larger than that of the inside point, which shows amplification effect of surface. While the axial force amplitude transforms considerably from the inside to the outside. It increases first and reaches the peak value in the intersection between the anchoring section and free section, then decreases slowly in the free section. When considering damping effect of anchorage system, the finite difference method can reflect the time attenuation characteristic better, and the calculating result would be safer and more reasonable than the dynamic steady-state theoretical method. What is more, the finite difference method can be applied to the dynamic response analysis of harmonic and seismic random vibration for all kinds of anchor, and hence has a broad application prospect.  相似文献   
由于设计、施工、管理等种种原因,我国早期兴建的混凝土坝坝体渗漏问题严重,亟待加固处理.PVC复合土工膜在坝体防渗加固处理中具有施工方便、造价低、工期短、不受气候条件影响、节省工程量等优点.对混凝土坝体上游面设置土工膜防渗施工技术进行分析论述,采用PVC复合土工膜防渗处理,防渗效果良好.  相似文献   
合理的桥梁养护规划应在养护费用与失效风险之间找到一个合理的平衡.将养护费用分为检测费用,维修费用与失效费用,将线弹性断裂力学、结构可靠度理论、全寿命成本分析法结合起来,提出了基于全寿命周期成本的焊接构件疲劳养护概率优化的方法.考虑了检测概率、养护决策者的维修意愿、维修措施概率和失效概率等多种因素,把桥梁养护优化问题变为在焊接结构或构件满足在生命周期内最小允许可靠度的基础下,养护总费用最小的问题,并提出了简化计算方法.以青草背长江大桥索梁锚固区的关键疲劳细节养护为例,研究了主要参数对最优检测时刻的影响,研究结果表明,考虑了失效成本后,最优疲劳养护时刻提前,折现率对养护费用影响明显.当车辆荷载逐年增加时,索梁锚固区在设计基准期内疲劳破坏风险增大,应引起足够的重视.  相似文献   
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