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儿童习得第一语言是语言学习最成功的范例,外语学习能否采用习得的方式历来是一个引起争议的问题.本文以第一语言习得的内外部条件为切入点,来探究外语学习习得化的可行性.  相似文献   
导学群新概念的提出是我省电大开放教育新模式的教学服务理念,它的运行机制是围绕学生自主学习服务体系而构建的技术环节在导学群服务体系中起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   
Researchers have identified assessment as a very crucial influence on the learning strategies adopted by students. The present study carried out on Secondary 2, Secondary 4, and Junior College 2/Pre-University 3 students shows that the Singapore students did not favour the Surface Approach in their learning of English and Mathematics. The nature of the discipline and the cognitive demands of the examinations carried considerable importance for students in their choice of learning strategies. Despite the heavy emphasis on excelling in examinations, students did not rely solely on surface and achieving strategies to attain their goals.  相似文献   
This article explores drawings of learning in the classroom made by a class of 6 to 7-year-olds in a UK primary school. The drawings were analysed by considering the choices that children made in their drawings in terms of four themes: self and social relations in learning, the physical environment, learning activities, and learning and behaviour. These are discussed using five drawings as examples. A wide range of images was used by the children, although some drew common views of learning. The article warns against assuming that we know how a young person views their learning, or that a class of children share a common view of it. It is also suggested that talk about such drawings can make a contribution to a joint exploration of understandings of learning by teachers and children.  相似文献   
针对asp或jsp的客户端数据过滤程序代码由手工编写,编程效率低的缺点,提出了用脚本代码生成器实现自动生成数据过滤代码的方法。生成器的主要组件是Javabean,它可以连接到不同的数据库并操作数据表,在提取数据表的字段结构信息后,由用户选择需要过滤的字段,生成器能根据数据表的结构参数匹配bean中的相关过滤函数,最后生成具有数据过滤能力的客户端脚本代码文档。将生成器用于Web程序的开发,不仅能减少开发人员在编写、测试和修改代码工作量,而且能及时跟踪数据库(表)设计的改变,脚本代码生成高效、自动、准确。  相似文献   
Most distance learning institutions collect vast amounts of learning data. Making sense of this ‘Big Data’ can be a challenge, in particular when data are stored at different data warehouses and require advanced statistical skills to interpret complex patterns of data. As a leading institute on learning analytics, the Open University UK instigated in 2012 a Data Wrangling initiative. This provided every Faculty with a dedicated academic with expertise data analysis and whose task is to provide strategic, pedagogical and sense-making advice to staff and senior management. Given substantial changes within the OU (e.g. new Faculty structure, real-time dashboards, two large-scale adoptions of predictive analytics approaches, increased reliance on analytics), this embedded case study provides an in-depth review of lessons learned of five years of data wrangling. We will elaborate on the design of the new structure, its strengths and potential weaknesses, and affordances to be adopted by other institutions.  相似文献   
混合式学习能够整合课堂面授学习方式与在线学习方式的优势,被认为是高等教育机构应对未来挑战和实现教育创新的有效而风险较低的策略。以北京大学一门通选课作为研究案例,针对混合式教学环境下学生网上讨论的成效及影响因素进行的实证研究发现:混合式教学中的网上讨论确实可以为教学提供帮助,总体来看,学生在"知识"和"理解"这两个低阶思维能力方面获得了较大的提高,而在"分析"、"综合"、"评价"等高阶思维能力方面并没有得到普遍的提高;"讨论话题设置"和"个体对网上讨论的态度"是影响网上讨论成效的最显著因素,"对讨论的激励机制"对网上讨论成效也有较大影响。  相似文献   
2011年4月第6届"Learning Futures Festival"在线国际会议召开。会议采用英国、美国、澳大利亚三个时区国家接力的方式完成。与会专家学者特别关注开放教育资源及Web2.0背景下的教育创新。未来10年全球高等教育面临巨大的增长需求,开放教育资源运动的推进,将可能出现开放教育资源大学。开放共享理念逐步深入人心,Web2.0在教育和企业领域的广泛应用将改变人们的学习和工作环境,学习者和企业员工应当提升自我的数字素养技能以激发自身的创新潜能。我国远程教育面临资源可重用性较低和开放性不足等问题,在今后的发展中应借鉴发展中国家远程教育院校和企业学习的成功经验,加强教育资源开放共享的程度,整合电子学习技术在远程教育中的创新应用,以满足学习者个性化的学习需求。  相似文献   
国际理解教育是一种引进与输出相统一的教育,其目标是通过对人才的国际化培养,最终在全球建立一种"和平文化"。我国当前高等教育的人才培养模式,已经不能满足社会对国际化人才数量和质量的需求,而开展国际理解教育正是实现此目标的重要培养途径之一。中国东北师范大学现代教育技术研究所与日本冈山理科大学研究所采用视频会议系统和社会性软件为中日两国学生提供了实时交流和非实时交流的远程协作平台,历时5年的项目研究表明,中方学生在知识视野、认知技能、情感态度及价值观三个层面的国际理解能力都有明显的提高。我国高等教育院校和机构在培养国际化人才的过程中,应进一步强调开放式学习的理念,创新高等教育教学模式,强化国际理解教育的人才培养目标,构建稳定的国际交流体系。  相似文献   
数字化资源和学习服务的质量是影响信息化教学效果的关键。采用评估或者评优的方式对数字化资源和学习服务进行评价是一种关注事物结果、事后的、教育系统内部的自我评价。目前国际上越来越流行的质量认证,从第三方角度,关注事物发展过程,能通过对资源开发和服务过程的规范和改进,促进优质数字化资源的建设和应用,间接达到提高信息化教学质量的效果。开展数字化资源开发与服务质量认证,要在正确认识认证的基础上,建立科学、合理、统一、与时俱进的指标体系,成立可持续发展、针对性强、良性竞争的第三方认证机构。  相似文献   
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