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利用H2O2-H2SO4体系作为退镀液,考察硫酸浓度、双氧水浓度、液固比和反应时间等因素对丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯聚合物(ABS)电镀件退镀效果的影响。寻求使ABS塑料和金属完全分离的最优工艺条件。在硫酸质量分数为15%,双氧水质量分数7%,液固比为10,反应时间为50 min时,退镀率可达到99.45%。最后得到硫酸铜、硫酸镍和硫酸的混合溶液,经过探讨选择电积脱铜-蒸发结晶的方式得到阴极铜、海绵铜、黑铜、粗制硫酸镍、黑酸等。  相似文献   
施用不同磷肥对植烟土壤中磷的淋失和有效磷的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用土柱淋溶模拟试验和室内培养试验,研究不同磷肥施入土壤后磷的淋失和有效磷的变化.结果表明,在施磷量为35 mg/kg条件下,整个淋洗期间,钙镁磷肥、磷酸二氢钙、磷酸一氧铵、磷酸二氢铵、磷酸二氢钾5种肥料磷的淋失率很低;各处理从上而下各层土壤的Olsen-P质量比略有增加.施磷量为60 mg/kg、110 mg/kg、170mg/kg、230 mg/kg时.潮砂田肥料磷的淋失率分别为0.26%、0.74%、2.12%和3.17%;灰泥田肥料磷的淋失率分别为0.79%、1.31%、1.60%和1.94%.钙镁磷肥施人各种土壤后,随着培养时间的延长,土壤有效磷质量比逐渐增加,80 d后达到峰值并趋于稳定;磷酸二氢钾、磷酸二氧铵、磷酸一氢铵和磷酸二氢钙施人上壤后,土壤有效磷质量比逐渐降低,至培育60 d后.变化趋于平缓.不同土壤类型对磷的吸附固定率从大到小为潮砂田、灰泥田.  相似文献   
青岛市南区安全生产监督管理局按照青岛市委市政府建立健全“党委领导、政府监管、行业管理、企业负责、社会监督”安全生产格局的要求,全面推行安全生产网格化监管模式。安全生产网格化监管模式的建立和运行,有效解决了安全生产监管信息的采集、传递与处理不及时的问题,变被动监管为事前预防,变分头管理为政府合力,变粗放式管理为精细化运作,进一步强化了政府部门的监管责任,形成了科学、高效、规范的风险管理运行模式。  相似文献   
为从安全生产大数据中挖掘安全规律并最终提炼安全生产基础原理,首先在对安全生产大数据的定义及其内涵进一步阐释基础上,提出安全生产大数据采集的定义,并将其分解为3个过程;然后提出安全生产大数据的5W2H采集法,并对其内涵(采集原因,使用主体、采集者及采集对象,采集数据类型,采集边界,采集时间,采集数据量及其采集方法)进行详细分析;最后以思维路径为主、过程路径和技术路径为辅,建立安全生产大数据采集的一般模式。结果表明,安全生产大数据采集模式的研究可为安全生产大数据的存储、处理及其应用提供基础。  相似文献   
镍渣的重金属浸出特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析镍渣的矿物相组成和重金属元素含量的基础上,鉴定了镍渣样品的浸出毒性,并考察了pH、液固比和浸出时间等条件对镍渣样中铬、铅、铜和锌等重金属浸出特性的影响。结果表明,镍渣中的重金属总量约为渣样的0.9%,且铬、铜和锌的含量较高,需进行安全管理。实验所用镍渣样品为第Ⅰ类一般工业固体废物。在强酸条件下镍渣中重金属浸出浓度较大,pH3后浸出浓度显著降低;液固比40 L/kg时,镍渣中重金属不断溶出,液固比40 L/kg后,浸出达到饱和,浸出浓度趋于平衡;随着浸出时间的增加,重金属离子的浸出浓度先增加后减少,但由于各重金属性质不同,各重金属达到最大浸出浓度的时间不同。  相似文献   

Dissipation, degradation and leaching of fresh 14C coumaphos, alkylated 14C coumaphos and aged residues of 14C coumaphos from vats were studied in alkaline sandy loam soil in soil columns in the field under subtropical conditions in Delhi for a year. Dissipation, degradation and bound residue formation was more in case of alkali treated coumaphos than fresh coumaphos. After 365 days total residues of fresh coumaphos accounted for 33.25% while that of alkali treated coumaphos was 19.12%. Bound residue formation was almost double in case of alkali treated coumaphos (18.95%) than fresh coumaphos (9.53%) after 150 days followed by release of bound residue in both the cases. The proportion of metabolites 4 ‐ methylumbelliferone, chlorferon and potasan collectively was 86.05% in fresh coumaphos extractable residues while the same was 91.74% in alkali treated coumaphos after 365 days. Aged residues from vats containing copper sulphate and buffer were found to be more persistent in soil as total residues remained were 95.58% in comparison with 83.09% total residues of aged residues from vats containing only buffer after 150 days of treatment. Copper sulphate seems to inhibit the degradatiion of coumaphos in soil by microorganisms. Chlorferon was the major metabolite in generally all the samples. Coumaphos did not leach below 10 cm in all the cases.  相似文献   
Oxyfluorfen, a diphenyl-ether herbicide is being used to control annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds and sedges in a variety of field crops including onion. The present study was aimed to investigate the dynamics and field persistence of oxyfluorfen in onion plant, bulb and soil under Indian tropical conditions. Application of four rates of oxyfluorfen viz., 200, 250, 300 and 400 g AI ha?1 as pre-emergence gave good weed control in field experiment with onion. The oxyfluorfen residue dissipated faster in plant than in soil respectively, with a mean half-life of 6.1 and 11.2 days. Dissipation followed first-order kinetics. In laboratory column leaching experiments, 17 percent of the applied oxyfluorfen was recovered from the soil and indicates its solubility in water and mobility in sandy clay loam soil was low. A sorption study revealed that the adsorption of oxyfluorfen to the soil was highly influenced by the soil organic carbon with the Koc value of 5450. The study concludes that the dissipation of oxyfluorfen in soil and onion was dependent on the physico-chemical properties of the soil and environmental conditions.  相似文献   
为探究冻融循环影响下不同岩性岩石的物理力学性质的差异化响应,对青砂岩、灰砂岩2种砂岩,白色大理岩、麻粒岩2种变质岩开展冻融循环试验和相关力学试验。研究结果表明:在冻融循环过程中,2种砂岩的质量变化幅度明显高于2种变质岩。相较于青砂岩与麻粒岩,大理岩的单轴压缩强度及弹性模量劣化速率最快。冻融前后青砂岩、大理岩的单轴压缩破坏模式发生明显变化。灰砂岩抗拉强度劣化速率显著低于青砂岩。基于单轴抗压强度、抗拉强度的脆性指数表明冻融作用提高青砂岩的脆性。研究结果可为冻融影响下工程岩体的稳定性与安全性评价提供参考。  相似文献   
通过向黏土中添加重金属试剂,模拟煅烧试验制作烧结砖.采用酸消解试验研究烧结砖中重金属的总量,采用欧盟NEN7371方法测试烧结砖中重金属的有效释放量,采用NEN7375方法进行块状烧结砖浸出试验,研究烧结砖样品中Cr、Ni、As、Cd和Pb的释放特性.结果表明:烧结砖中重金属的有效释放量低于总量,释放率从大到小为Cd、As、Pb、Ni、Cr;在块状浸出过程中,Cr、Ni、As累积释放量达到平衡的时间为16 d,Pb为4d,而Cd的累积释放量一直有上升的趋势;Cr、Ni、As的释放机理主要为扩散控制,Cd为溶解作用,Pb为表面冲刷作用;5种重金属释放速率从大到小为Ni、Cr、Pb、As、Cd.  相似文献   
应急照明是现代建筑安全保障的重要设施之一,它同人身安全和建筑物安全紧密相关。根据建筑电气设计规范对应急照明的具体规定,对应急照明的设计要求做了进一步探讨和归纳总结,并结合具体问题对应急照明设置场所、供电时间、电源供电方式、控制方式、施工设计及设计要点等方面进行了阐述,对应急照明的设计和实践应用中出现的问题进行了分析,并提出了整改措施。  相似文献   
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