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Up until now, many previous works have indicated us that the photoluminescence (PL) properties of phosphors sometimes can be changed with the change in the external temperature, resulting in the anomalous PL phenomena and correlated new applications that are difficult to achieve at room temperature. In this work, we report the temperature-dependent Bi3+-related PL properties in the YVO4:Bi3+ phosphor. Our findings show that increasing the temperature from 10 to 300 K enables manipulating the energy interaction from groups to Bi3+, thereby leading to the temperature-induced color tuning from blue (0.183, 0.212) to yellow (0.418, 0.490). Upon this heating process, we further reveal that the dynamic Bi3+ luminescence has experienced a regular transition from double-exponential to single-exponential decay, which results in the decrease in the average Bi3+ lifetime from 122.606 to 0.376 μs. Discussions on the PL results imply that the tunable PL observations are due to the interplay of temperature-dependent energy transfer from groups to Bi3+ and redistribution of the excited 3P0 and 3P1 states of Bi3+ upon the thermal stimulation. This work not only presents the temperature-triggered Bi3+ tunable properties in the well-studied YVO4 host lattice but also can provide new insights into revealing Bi3+-related PL mechanism in other Bi3+-doped photonic materials in the future and, in the meanwhile, gives some directive ideas for us to explore previously unnoticed applications for rare-earth (RE; eg, Eu3+, Pr3+, Tb3+, Eu2+, Er3+, etc) and other non-RE (eg, Bi3+, Mn4+, Mn2+, Cr3+, etc) doped phosphors.  相似文献   
LD抽运Nd:YVO_4腔内倍频连续波8.8W绿光激光器   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:17  
报道了用 LD双向抽运 Nd:YVO4晶体 ,KTP作腔内倍频的大功率绿光激光器。通过对大功率抽运情况下所产生的热透镜效应进行分析和估算 ,优化了热稳腔参数 ,获得了较稳定的功率输出。在抽运功率为 2 8W时 ,获得最大连续波绿光输出 8.8W,光 -光转换效率达 31 .5%。  相似文献   
研究了激光二极管(LD)抽运Nd:YVO4连续波1.34 μm激光器在不同腔长时的输出特性,通过计算晶体中的振荡光光斑大小随泵浦功率的变化,分析了1.34 μm激光输出的热透镜效应对腔稳定性和激光输出特性的影响,为1.34 μm激光谐振腔的优化设计提供了基本的理论依据.实验中采用简单的平-凹腔结构,泵浦功率为7.56 W时,得到2.39 W的连续波1.34 μm激光输出,最大斜效率为36.5%,光-光转换效率为31.7%.  相似文献   
全固化单频Nd:YVO4环形激光器   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
用激光二极管 L D 抽运 Nd:YVO4 晶体 ,采用四镜环形腔 ,腔内放置 TGG晶体和λ/ 2波片 ,组成光学单向器 ,利用 KTP内腔倍频技术 ,实现稳定的单频绿光输出 ,最大单频绿光输出 4 0m W,光 -光转换效率为 6 % .  相似文献   
用ANSYS对吸收15 W 808 nm泵浦光的端泵Nd:YVO4晶体进行了温度场和变形量模拟.计算了Nd:YVO4晶体单端有腔镜和两端都无腔镜情况下的热透镜解,得到了在Nd:YVO4晶体上镀制腔镜会显著增大其热透镜的结论.用马赫-泽德干涉仪实测了Nd:YVO4晶体热透镜解,该解与有限元模拟解相符,证明结论可靠,对大功率LD端泵的Nd:YVO4激光器的腔型设计具有指导意义.  相似文献   
报道了利用LD泵浦Nd∶YVO4激光器,用半导体可饱和吸收镜(SESAM)做被动锁模元件,实现了高效的连续锁模运转,输入功率7.5W时得到2.45W的激光输出,光-光转换效率达32.7%,锁模脉冲的重复频率为108MHz.  相似文献   
报道了全固态激光器连续抽运高重复率电光调Q的实验和理论分析结果。用LGS(La3Ga5SiO14)晶体作电光调Q元件,在激光二极管(LD)端面抽运Nd:YVO4激光器中实现了较高重复率的电光调Q输出。实验中在10^4Hz重复率下,抽运功率为28w时,平均功率超过5W,脉冲宽度为7ns,峰值功率为70kW,并对不同重复率时的脉冲输出进行了比较,在低重复率下,脉宽〈6.5ns,峰值功率超过100kW。在理论上,通过对连续抽运时的电光调Q速率方程进行修正,并考虑放大自发辐射(ASE)的影响,对调Q激光器的储能过程和脉冲输出特性进行了模拟,所得结果和实验数据能够很好地吻合。最后,利用LasCad软件对晶体的热效应进行了模拟,并利用临界稳定腔方法对热焦距进行了测量,测量和模拟结果基本一致。  相似文献   
A diode-pumped acousto-optical(A-O) Q-switched extra-cavity frequency-doubled Nd: YVO4/KTP (KTiOPO4) green laser formed with a simple plane-plane cavity has been demonstrated. With the incident pump power of 12. 7 W, A-O Q-switched average output power at 1 064 nm was 3.81 W with a duration of 25 ns at a repetition rate of 20 kHz, extra-cavity frequency doubling with KTP as the nonlinear crystal yielded the maximum output power of 1. 92 W at 532 nm, the corresponding optical conversion efficiency from 1 064 nm to 532 nm light is 50.4%. The continuous-wave(CW) laser properties of diodepumped Nd: YVO4 crystal operating at 1 064 nm have been studied. With the incident pump power of 25 W,the maximum CW output power of 13.81 W was obtained with the corresponding optical conversion efficiency of 55.24%.  相似文献   
Tm^3+离子在YVO4晶体中的光谱特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文应用Judd-Ofelt理论计算了Tm3+离子在YVO4晶体中的辐射跃迁几率AJJ′、无辐射跃迁几率WJJ′,振子强度fJJ′,荧光寿命τJ,辐射跃迁截面σe和吸收截面σA等光谱特征参量.从速率方程得出在不同泵浦几率(102~105s-1)下,荧光强度最大的掺杂浓度为4.5%~6.6at.%,并将这些结果与Tm3+离子在YAG晶体中的特征参量、最佳掺杂浓度进行了比较.  相似文献   
输出高重复频率脉冲列的全固态激光器   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
报道了利用声光振幅调制锁模的方法,在激光二极管端面抽运Nd∶YVO4激光器上获得320MHz高重复频率脉冲列的实验结果。实验采用平平腔结构,腔长452mm,耦合输出镜透过率为3.6%。所用声光介质为熔融石英晶体,以铌酸锂作换能器,在驱动功率4.5W时,对1064nm波长衍射效率为5%,相应的调制深度为0.31。在最佳锁模状态下,激光二极管抽运功率为3.5W,此时激光平均输出功率为15mW,示波器记录脉冲宽度680ps,实测光束质量因子M2小于1.5。并在实验基础上对激光器工作的稳定性进行了分析,结果表明在腔长变化不超过±100μm时,输出波形仍是稳定的。  相似文献   
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