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分析了我国农村公共产品供给中存在的供给不足与供给过剩的矛盾及其产生的原因,并进而提出了完善农村公共产品供给的基本思路:(1)坚持城乡一体化的政策导向,向城乡提供均衡的公共产品与公共服务;(2)实现农村公共产品供给决策程序由“自上而下”向“自下而上”转变。  相似文献   
This study was motivated by the key role university degree holders play in Malaysia's vision for the future and by concerns expressed about the drift of university degree holders from one sector to another. A questionnaire was mailed to a sample of 400 Malaysian families that had at least one member who held a university degree. The objective was to elicit details of the household economic situation of respondents, with special reference to the differences in expenditure patterns between families whose degree holder worked in higher education, government, or the private sector.Results of tobit analysis of expenditures show that there are some differences between the sectors regarding expenditure patterns, but the differences are not as great as expected. Nevertheless, university-educated persons in the private sector seem to have somewhat different expenditure patterns than their counterparts in other sectors.  相似文献   
Efforts to explain why some people incorporate ethical concerns into everyday shopping for food and household goods, while many do not, have so far left significant variation in “ethical consumption” unexplained. Seeking to move beyond explanations that rely mainly on differences in consumers' social class, gender, and political engagement, I draw on concepts associated with “practice theory” to argue that ethical consumption is closely tied to people's willingness and ability to spend time, while shopping, on distinct activities associated with breaking old routines and establishing new ones. The central insight of practice theory is that most consumption is the product of unconscious routine. And it is precisely because consciously departing from routine is, according to my study, a fundamentally time‐consuming process, that lack of time emerges as a crucial obstacle to translating abstract ethical concerns into concrete action as a consumer.  相似文献   
The current investigation examined our prediction that sexual objectification decreases women’s experiential consumption but not material consumption. Three experiments provided converging support for this prediction. In particular, female participants reported lower tendency to engage in experiential consumption after recalling a past experience of objectification (Studies 1 and 3) and chose a material product over an experiential one after receiving objectifying comments (Study 2). Furthermore, Study 3 found that sexual objectification reduced purchase inclination of experiential products, and this effect did not emerge for material products. These findings contribute to the literature on sexual objectification by showing the impact of sexual objectification on women’s economic decisions and behaviors.  相似文献   
以消费供给来促进消费需求的上扬有着深厚的理论与实践基础,仅从需求侧探求消费需求的增长无法对现实问题给出全面解释,秉承需求侧与供给侧对接的理念才能共同拉动经济进步,从根本上推动消费需求的上涨。中国目前的消费供给面临着有效供给的不足,主要体现在高质量供给不足、高端消费供给不足、个性化消费供给不足三个方面。要提振中国消费需求,需要重视供给侧的重要作用,从提升产品质量、提高消费层次、增加个性化供给等方面进行努力。  相似文献   
在移动电商高速发展和移动支付日益便捷的时代,线上线下融合商务模式正日益成为传统零售、电子商务甚至快递物流企业转型升级的重要方向,影响着供应链运营管理及其优化决策。线上线下融合模式下的战略顾客行为不同于传统模式,其对于供应链运营管理及其优化决策的影响也不同于传统模式。基于O2O运作模式特征,运用战略顾客行为理论、供应链优化与协调理论,本文分别构建了"线上下单+线下体验+线下支付+自行提货"O2O模式1、"线上浏览+线下体验+线上购买+线下配送"O2O模式2、纯线下模式和纯线上模式下考虑战略顾客行为的供应链集中决策模型和契约协调模型,并进行了相应的数值分析,在此基础上,提出了相应的管理启示。研究结果表明:(1)无论是"线上下单+线下体验+线下支付+自行提货"O2O模式1还是"线上浏览+线下体验+线上购买+线下配送"O2O模式2,收益分享契约机制可以有效地实现战略顾客行为下的供应链协调。(2)对比两种O2O模式和两种非O2O模式,O2O模式1和O2O模式2能给供应链及其成员带来更多的利润,而纯线上模式和纯线下模式能给战略顾客带来更高的效用。(3)O2O模式下,制定较高的自提补贴和较低的折扣价格,有利于提高供应链及其成员的运营绩效。(4)O2O模式下,增强产品及其相关服务的实际体验效用,有利于提高供应链整体及其成员的运营绩效,有利于提高战略顾客的净效用。  相似文献   
基于季节性易逝品短销售期和短保质期的“双短”特性,其高额利润通常伴随着较大需求不确定性,而且一旦错过销售季节,其极低的残值将导致巨大经济损失与资源浪费.折价预售策略将鼓励消费者提前购买,经销商也可通过预售产品数量的获知来提升市场需求预测的准确性.但消费者在享受预购折价优惠的同时,也可能承担未见到实物产品即进行购买的期望价值损失.此时,经销商若采取回购,则是对消费者利益的直接保障,而在产生回购成本的同时,也可以通过提高预售价格与降低实物订货量等方式带来新增利润.考虑策略型消费者行为,对预售与回购联合策略和单一预售策略进行对比,构建两种策略下的经销商收益模型,并得出相应的最优预售价格与最优订购量.研究发现,当商品单位成本较大或回购价格较低时,预售与回购联合策略的实施能够使经销商获得更优收益,且最优预售价格高于单一预售策略,最优订货量则低于单一预售策略,从而为经销商营销策略选择进行决策支持.  相似文献   
基于消费者对互补品消费习性存在的异质性,对互补品消费市场进行细分,并在上游两个制造商分别提供具有互补特性的产品,下游一个销售商同时销售这两种产品的供应链环境下研究定价均衡。根据不同目标市场选择,识别出全市场覆盖以及聚焦细分市场两种销售策略,分别对两种营销策略下的供应链产品定价进行讨论,并通过模型求解分别得到两种策略下的均衡,讨论了两个均衡解存在的条件,讨论了均衡定价随产品互补程度以及互补品相对效用比的变化情况,以及销售商在不同情形下选择的定价策略。结果表明,当互补品相对效用差异不大,且互补程度不大的时候,渠道内形成第一个定价均衡;当产品间相对效用差异大,且互补程度足够大的时候,渠道内形成第二个定价均衡。  相似文献   
农村剩余劳动力的合理转移问题已成为当前农村工作的重中之重,如何解决我市农村剩余劳动 力转移问题,成为当前农村工作的关键之一。文章提出了我市解决此问题的总体思路及具体措施。  相似文献   
Bisphenol A (BPA) is an endocrine disrupting chemical that is found in human urine throughout industrial societies around the globe. Consumer exposure pathways to BPA include packaged food, household dust, air, and dental fillings. To date, information on the relative contribution of the different pathways to total consumer exposure is lacking, but is key for managing substance‐associated risks. We investigated the relative contributions of the pathways known to be most relevant for nine different consumer groups. Our results suggest that the most important pathways for infants and children are the use of polycarbonate (PC) baby bottles and for adults and teenagers the consumption of canned food. Dental surgery can also considerably contribute over a short time directly after the surgery. For infants fed with PC baby bottles with mean dose rates of 0.8 μg/kgbw/d the highest exposure dose rate was calculated. This dose rate is far below the tolerable daily intake of 50 μg/kgbw/d. However, it is of the same order of magnitude as recently reported concentrations that caused low‐dose health effects in rodents. We find a pattern of falling exposure levels with rising age that is supported by urinary concentrations of BPA available for selected consumer groups. Similarly, the exposure levels we predict are confirmed by the levels reported in these studies.  相似文献   
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