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水源涵养是评价陆地生态系统服务功能的重要指标,然而学界对水源涵养功能概念和计算方法仍存在诸多争论。这一方面说明水源涵养功能评估具有重要的现实意义,同时也说明其概念的复杂性和模糊性,亟需从生态学和水文学的基本理论出发,厘清水源涵养功能概念的内涵和评估方法,促进科学决策和有效管理。研究水源涵养功能时,生态学家更关注陆地生态系统的蓄水能力(Smax),而水文学家更关注流域的产流量(Q),两者均具有合理性,但各有侧重,若不分别辨析,极易造成概念混淆。理论和数据分析表明,蓄水能力和产流量虽然联系紧密,但概念完全不同。陆地生态系统的Smax决定了流域对降水的分配:即蒸散发(绿水)和Q(蓝水),Smax和Q在降水量一定的情况下往往存在此消彼长的关系。研究发现生态系统的根区蓄水能力(SRmax)是联系绿水和蓝水的核心要素,是水源涵养功能评估的关键变量。大尺度根区蓄水能力主要由气候决定,可借鉴工程水文中设计水库的累积曲线法,根据生态系统用水的生存策略通过气候反演。最后,本文提出3点建议:(1)在实践中分别评估生态系统的绿水和蓝水涵养功能;(2)进一步全面考虑冰川积雪、地下水等多要素的水源涵养功能;(3)...  相似文献   
多孔介质中聚合物溶液的流变特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究多孔介质中高剪切条件下聚合物溶液流变性能的影响,利用驱 替装置和 R S6000 流变仪 测试不同 的注入速度、 渗流距离和孔喉比条件下, 聚合物溶液经过多孔介质 剪切前后 流变性的 变化. 结果 表明: 聚合物 的剪切应 力、表观黏度、 储能模量、 损耗模量等参数随着注入速度、 渗流距离和孔喉比增加而减小, 且在低剪切速率 和低角频率下 表观黏度、 储能模量、 损耗模量下降更为明显, 剪切应力下降幅度较小, 而在高剪切 速率下剪 切应力下 降幅度最 大; 渗流距 离对聚合物黏弹性作用的影响最大, 其次为注入速度, 孔喉比对聚合物黏弹性作用的影响较小.  相似文献   
运用系统分析的方法和优势结构面理论,提出了岩土优势结构面的储运水效应的概念,并对它的几个应用方面进行了探讨,结果表明:①岩土体中存在各种类型的结构面,实际岩土工程中的稳定、渗透和突水问题一般是由优势结构面所引起;②在找出优势结构面即富水优势断裂的基础上,确定优势井位、优势井深,可确保缺水地区找水的成功;③地下突水与优势结构面关系密切,但只有具备了多种储运水优势指标的优势结构面才是富水的,才有可能导致突水事故;④在降水和其它地表水的作用下,水将优先向边坡中优势结构面发生渗漏,而水的浸入又加速了土体的软化及结构面的生成,水与结构面相互促进,形成了恶性循环,最后导致滑坡的产生;⑤堤、坝及其地基中的优势面和优势层的存在是内在因素,而水是外在因素。内外因素的联合作用下可能导致堤坝的渗透、变形和破坏。  相似文献   
Arsenic-contaminated mine tailings that were discharged into Whitewood Creek at Lead, South Dakota, from 1876 to 1978, were deposited along the floodplains of Whitewood Creek and the Belle Fourche River. The resulting arsenic-contaminated floodplain deposit consists mostly of overbank sediments and filled abandoned meanders along White-wood Creek, and overbank and point-bar sediments along the Belle Fourche River. Arsenic concentrations of the contaminated sediments indicate the degree of dilution of mine tailings by uncontaminated alluvium. About 13 per cent of the 110 × 106 Mg of mine tailings that were discharged at Lead were deposited along the Whitewood Creek floodplain. Deposition of mine tailings near the mouth of Whitewood Creek was augmented by an engineered structure. About 29 per cent of the mine tailings delivered by Whitewood Creek were deposited along the Belle Fourche River floodplain. About 60 per cent of that sediment is contained in overbank deposits. Deposition along a segment of the Belle Fourche River was augmented by rapid channel migration. The proportions of contaminated sediment stored along Whitewood Creek and the Belle Fourche River are consistent with sediment storage along the floodplains of perennial streams in other, similar sized watersheds.  相似文献   
大型地下水封石油洞库渗流场时空演化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下水封石油洞库是利用饱水岩体密封性进行石油储存的方式。在地下水封石油洞库的建设中,由于工程体的出现,改变了区域地下水的补给、径流和排泄条件,干扰了原来平衡的地下水渗流场,为保证地下石油洞库的水封效果,需进行裂隙岩体渗透特性及地下水渗流场时空演化研究。以国内首个在建的大型地下水封石油储库为工程背景,结合现场试验数据分析,运用等效连续介质的方法,采用裂隙岩体各向异性渗透张量,建立三维地下水数值模拟模型,预测不同施工进程时地下水位的变化。分析预测结果表明:在地下洞室开挖过程中,无水幕条件下地下水位逐渐降低,主洞室部分区域出现零水头压力区,无法保证水封性;模拟运营期水幕巷道施加定水压力,地下水位上升至设计高度35 m且趋于稳定,可以满足水封效果要求。研究结果对地下石油洞库的水封性评价具有一定的工程意义和理论价值。  相似文献   
Increased accuracy in measuring temporal variations in the Earth's gravity field allow inprinciple the use of gravity observations to deduce subsurface water-mass changes. This canbe with respect to a small area, or as a larger spatial average of water mass change usinggravity observations from low-altitude satellites, such as the forthcoming GRACE mission.At both scales, there is a need to validate gravity-based estimates against field recordings ofactual subsurface water-mass variations. In practice, this could prove difficult because thespatial integral of all water-storage change components can be subject to considerable fieldmeasurement error. An alternative approach to the validation process is proposed by whichsuitable geological formations are utilized as giant weighing devices to directly measure area-integratedwater-mass changes. The existence of such natural geological weighing lysimetersis demonstrated using observations from a replicated experimental site in New Zealand. Sitesof this type could be used to verify water-storage change estimates derived from sensitiveground surface gravity instrumentation. In addition, geological lysimeters could be used tomake local checks on the accuracy of any estimated regional water-mass time series, whichis proposed for satellite calibration. The land area weighed by a geological lysimeter increaseswith formation depth and it is speculated that recordings made at oil well depth may allowdirect monitoring of subsurface water mass changes at the regional scale.  相似文献   
介绍了煤矿地质信息、系统的构成、各模块的性能、功能、自动绘图中各个技术难点的解决方法和途径以及系统的运行环境。该系统是地质测量信息系统中的地质子系统。它是在现有微机环境下开发的集数据管理、统计计算、制表、绘图、辅助决策于一体的计算机地质信息管理系统。  相似文献   
1 IntroductionHuman activitieshavebeen stronglyaffecting theworld river sedimentsupply to the oceans since the19thor20thcentury(StanleyandW arne,1993;Fanos,1995;Sm ithandW inkley,1996;Stanley,1996;Yang,Shi,etal.,2004;Yang,Zhao,etal.,2002).Thesedi-m enttra…  相似文献   
Geomorphological controls and catchment sediment characteristics control the formation of floodplains and affect their capacity to sequester carbon. Organic carbon stored in floodplains is typically a product of pedogenic development between periods of mineral sediment deposition. However, in organically-dominated upland catchments with a high sediment load, eroded particulate organics may also be fluvially deposited with potential for storage and/or oxidation. Understanding the redistribution of terrestrial carbon laterally, beyond the bounds of river channels is important, especially in eroding peatland systems where fluvial particulate organic carbon exports are often assumed to be oxidised. Floodplains have the potential to be both carbon cycling hotspots and areas of sequestration. Understanding of the interaction of carbon cycling and the sediment cascade through floodplain systems is limited. This paper examines the formation of highly organic floodplains downstream of heavily eroded peatlands in the Peak District, UK. Reconstruction of the history of the floodplains suggests that they have formed in response to periods of erosion of organic soils upstream. We present a novel approach to calculating a carbon stock within a floodplain, using XRF and radiograph data recorded during Itrax core scanning of sediment cores. This carbon stock is extrapolated to the catchment scale, to assess the importance of these floodplains in the storage and cycling of organic carbon in this area. The carbon stock estimate for the floodplains across the contributing catchments is between 3482-13460 tonnes, equating on an annualised basis to 0.8-4.5% of the modern-day POC flux. Radiocarbon analyses of bulk organic matter in floodplain sediments revealed that a substantial proportion of organic carbon was associated with re-deposited peat and has been used as a tool for organic matter source determination. The average age of these samples (3010 years BP) is substantially older than Infrared Stimulated Luminesence dating which demonstrated that the floodplains formed between 430 and 1060 years ago. Our data suggest that floodplains are an integral part of eroding peatland systems, acting as both significant stores of aged and eroded organic carbon and as hotspots of carbon turnover. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
全国第二次土地调查是一项重大的国情国力调查,在此次调查中笔者负责德城区调查成果数据入库。该文基于在第二次土地调查中的工作经验,就扫描档案文件、宗地权属信息和宗地界址信息快速整理入库提出几点方法,供广大一线工作者参考。  相似文献   
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