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耕地资源是一种稀缺的公共资源,耕地保护是社会主义新农村建设的要务,是经济社会可持续发展的关键,是我国粮食安全的重要保障。在介绍我国耕地保护问题理论和现状的基础上,将耕地保护问题产生的原因归结为市场失灵,政府失败,法律制度的不完善及与经济发展、生态建设等的矛盾,并从制度层面提出了相应的对策建议。认为我国耕地保护应建立一个多元的管理体系,需要在耕地保护时引入公共管理的理念,利用“第三部门”来保护耕地。  相似文献   
诸城市恐龙化石资源非常丰富,全市共发现恐龙化石产地30多处,其中典型的化石产地有"库沟化石长廊"、"恐龙涧隆起带"、"臧家庄化石层叠区"和"黄龙沟足迹化石群"。当地政府为了保护这些珍贵的化石资源,采取了许多行之有效的保护措施,但在保护过程中发现仍然存在一些不足之处。该文根据目前保护现状,针对保护中存在的主要问题,进行深入分析查找原因,提出可行性措施。  相似文献   
由于社会经济的发展,气象观测场周边植物生长、城市建设等影响气象探测环境的现象时有发生。此外,观测仪器被人为损坏的现象也屡禁不止。为加强探测环境和观测仪器保护,提出了地面气象观测场实景监控系统的设计思路。系统主体框架基于C/S体系架构,整体分为监控中心、管理平台和测场监控3个部分。管理员通过管理平台的认证,在监控中心调取测场监控画面,实现对全省观测场的探测环境变化进行实时监控和及时跟踪,保护探测环境不会受到人为因素的破坏。通过系统实践证明,实景监控是确保实现长期安全、稳定、可靠的获取观测数据的有效途径。  相似文献   
青州取得国家地质公园建设资格后,按照国土资源部的要求,成立了专门的保护管理机构,发布实施了公园规划,重点建设和打造了公园的解说标识系统、地质博物馆、信息系统等保护建设工程。公园建设顺利通过了国土资源部的验收并获正式命名。该文全面介绍了青州国家地质公园在建设保护方面的做法,为其他地质公园的保护建设提供参考。  相似文献   
山体保护对集"山-泉-湖-河-城"为一体的济南市在泉水保护、水源涵养、空气净化、生态环境改善方面具有重要意义。但随着城市建设的不断加快,山体被侵占、景观遭到破坏等问题日益突出。本文在野外调查的基础上,结合《济南市山体保护办法》,提出山体保护线划定的山体完整性、生态景观保护、地质灾害防治、建筑物退让等原则。采用野外调查测量与遥感影像解译相结合的手段确定山脚线,初步划定山体保护区范围,与规划、管理信息对接核定、调整确定最终的山体保护红线。以济南中心城市建设区外山体为研究对象,应用山体保护线划定方法,划定了济南市260座山体的保护控制线,建立了济南市山体保护数据库,通过实地勘测定界,埋设了山体保护界桩,明确了山体保护范围,为《山体保护规划(2018—2025)》提供参考,为济南市山体保护工作奠定基础。  相似文献   
地质遗迹是国家的宝贵财富。如何保护好这笔财富资源,是各级政府和有关科研单位、专家学者长期关注的一个重要课题。该文详细论述了地质遗迹保护项目的规划设计、工程施工及监管机制,对如何增强项目实施的可行性,提高保护的实际效果,增加综合效益提出了切实有效的措施。  相似文献   
为改善临高县海岸带生态环境、提升海岸带生态价值及保障海岸带生态安全,文章在实地考察、文献查阅和资料梳理的基础上,概述了当前临高县海岸带面临的典型生态环境问题,分析生态环境退化的主要原因,提出了海岸带保护修复的对策建议。研究结果表明:临高海岸带地区砂质海岸、红树林、珊瑚礁和白蝶贝等面临较严重的海岸侵蚀、生态环境退化和生物资源枯竭等问题;砂质海岸侵蚀主要受海平面上升、风暴潮等自然因素影响,红树林生态系统主要受围海养殖、环境污染影响,珊瑚礁、白蝶贝等海洋生态系统则主要受渔业捕捞、水体污染等人为活动影响;基于海岸生态退化现状及原因分析,提出文澜河口、抱吴港等岸段开展沙滩喂养及生态堤建设,新盈湾、黄龙湾、金牌湾等重点区实施红树林修复,珊瑚礁、白蝶贝保育区加强自然封育、严防人工干扰等建议措施。  相似文献   
The hydrodynamic performance of vertical and sloped plane, dentated and serrated seawalls were investigated using physical model studies. Regular and random waves of wide range of heights and periods were used. Tests were carried out for different inclinations of the seawall (i.e. θ=30, 40, 50, 60 and 90°) and for a constant water depth of 0.7 m. The wave reflection was measured to assess the dissipation character of the seawalls. It was observed that the serrated seawall was superior to the plane and dentated seawall in reducing the wave reflection. Even for the vertical case, the coefficient of reflection due to regular waves for dentated seawall ranged from 0.6–0.99 and for the vertical serrated seawall it was 0.45–0.98, whereas for the vertical plane wall, it was almost 1.0. It was found that the characteristic dimension of the seawall (i.e. L/W) and the relative water depth (i.e. d/L) were better influencing parameters compared to the conventionally used surf similarity parameter ‘ξ’ (ξ=tan θ/(Hi/L)0.5) in predicting the reflection from the dentated and serrated seawall, where L is the local wave length, W the width of the dent along the length of the seawall slope, d the water depth at the toe and Hi is the incident wave height. A similar trend was observed for the random waves too. The reduction in the wave reflection due to random waves for the dentated seawall as compared to the plane seawall was about 18% and for the serrated seawall, it was 20%. It was observed that the reflection due to random waves was lesser for all the three different walls than the regular waves, due to the mutual interaction of random waves. Multiple regression analysis on the measured data points was carried out and predictive equations for the reflection coefficient were obtained for both regular and random waves. This study will be useful in the design of energy dissipating type vertical quay walls in ports and harbours, sloped seawalls for shore protection from erosion and sloped caisson as breakwaters. Comparison of predictive formulae with the experimental results revealed that the prediction methods were good enough for practical purposes.  相似文献   
Bacterin was prepared by formalin-inactivating the virulent strain of Vibrio hollisae isolated from diseased Seriola dumerili (amberjack) suffering from vibriosis. Healthy S. dumeriIi were vaccinated by respective procedures of intramuscular injection, immersion, and orally administration. Results of the three different vaccinations were compared. Blood was drawn from the vaccinated fish every 7 days, and the antibody titers and lysozyme activities of the sera were determined. The antibody titer of injected fish was 1:40 at 7 d, and reached its peak of 1:320 at 28 d, while the fish vaccinated by immersion and orally administration exhibited weak antibody responses, the antibody titres of 〈1:10, 1:20, 1:160 were observed at 7 d, 14 d, 35 d respectively. Compared with the control, the vaccinated fish exhibited significantly higher lysozyme activities (P〈0.05). Upon challenge with virulent strain, the relative percent survival (RPS) of injected, immersed and oral administrated fish were 75%, 45%, and 40% respectively, and the injected fish showed significantly higher RPS than immersed and oral administrated fish. The results suggested that vaccination of S. dumerili by the injection would be the best strategy to prevent the vibriosis in S. dumerili farm.  相似文献   
-The effect of wave group on wave run-up on a slope dike is mainly discussed in this paper. Two simulating methods of wave group and their applications in laboratory are introduced. Synthesizing the research results of wave run-up on a slope dike, the effect of wave group on wave run-up on a slope dike in coastal protection engineering is studied as the main point.  相似文献   
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