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海桑属红树植物遗传多样性和引种关系研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
周涵韬  林鹏 《海洋学报》2002,24(5):98-106
以海南东寨港红树林自然保护区内无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)、海南海桑(S.hainanensis)、拟海桑(S.paracaseolaris)、杯萼海桑(S.abla)、大叶海桑(S.ovata)、海桑(S.caseolaris)等6种海桑属红树植物为材料,对15个有效引物进行RAPD分析,共扩增出512条带,其中多态性条带为297,占总扩增条带的58.01%.Nei指数法分析和UPGMA统计分析表明,6种海桑属红树植物分为A,B,C3个组,平均遗传距离为0.38.A组包括无瓣海桑、海南海桑、大叶海桑、怀萼海桑,其中无瓣海桑、海南海桑、大叶海桑处于同一个亚组.B组包括拟海桑.C组包括海桑.对海南和福建无瓣海桑种群进行RAPD分析.对Shannon表型多样性指数统计结果表明,福建种群为0.669,海南种群为0.671,各种群遗传变异较大,这与无瓣海桑种群广泛的适应性相一致.对种群间的Shannon表型多样性指数分析表明,种群内的遗传变异占整个遗传变异的93.3%,而种群间的遗传变异仅占6.7%.这表明无瓣海桑种群的大部分遗传变异存在于种群内,而种群间的遗传变异较小.由此可见,无瓣海桑基因组丰富的多样性,是使其由海南成功引种到福建的重要因素.  相似文献   
Variation in the microbial biomass and community structure found in sediment of heavily polluted bays and the adjacent unpolluted areas were examined using phospholipid fatty acid analysis. Total microbial biomass and microbial community structure were responding to environmental determinants, sediment grain size, depth of sediment, and pollution due to petroleum hydrocarbons. The marker fatty acids of microeukaryotes and prokaryotes - aerobic, anaerobic, and sulfate-reducing bacteria -were detected in sediments of the areas studied. Analysis of the fatty acid profiles revealed wide variations in the community structure in sediments, depending on the extent of pollution, sediment depth, and sediment grain size. The abundance of specific bacterial fatty acids points to the dominance of prokaryotic organisms, whose composition differed among the stations. Fatty acid distributions in sediments suggest the high contribution of aerobic bacteria. Sediments of polluted sites were significantly enriched with anaerobic bacteria in comparison with clean areas. The contribution of this bacterial group increased with the depth of sediments. Anaerobic bacteria were predominantly present in muddy sediments, as evidenced from the fatty acid profiles. Relatively high concentrations of marker fatty acids of sulfate-reducing bacteria were associated with organic pollution in this site. Specific fatty acids of microeukaryotes were more abundant in surface sediments than in deeper sediment layers. Among the microeukaryotes, diatoms were an important component. Significant amounts of bacterial biomass, the predominance of bacterial biomarker fatty acids with abundance of anaerobic and sulfate-reducing bacteria are indicative of a prokaryotic consortium responsive to organic pollution.  相似文献   
通过1999年和2010年夏季同期7月在白令海(169°E~166°W,50°N~67°N)获取的94份浮游植物样品分析,获得了近十年的始末两个时间节点的浮游植物群落结构与时空变化,探讨了浮游植物群落动态及其与环境因素的关联。研究结果显示,共鉴定浮游植物(>10μm)5门58属153种,分为3个生态类群。硅藻是浮游植物的主体,种类多丰度高,占总种类数目的66.7%,占总丰度的95.2%。鉴于样品属性和空间范围的不同,物种组成有细微差别,丰度有较大差异且空间分布明显不同,高丰度区受控于上层营养盐供给和表层环流系统。优势种从北方温带大洋性硅藻演变为广温广盐性与冷水性硅藻,1999年以西氏新细齿状藻为第一优势种,柔弱伪菱形藻次之;2010年以丹麦细柱藻为第一优势种,冷水性的诺登海链藻次之并在陆架和陆坡占优。浮游植物群落结构较为稳定,由深水群落和浅水群落组成。深水群落分布于太平洋西北部和白令海盆,种类组成以温带大洋性的西氏新细齿状藻、长海毛藻、大西洋角毛藻和广布性的菱形海线藻、扁面角毛藻、笔尖根管藻为主,丰度低,种间丰度分配均匀,优势种多元化,物种多样性高;浅水群落分布于白令海陆坡和陆架,主要由冷水性的诺登海链藻、叉尖角毛藻、聚生角毛藻和广布性的丹麦细柱藻、旋链角毛藻组成,丰度高,种间丰度分配不均匀,优势种突出,物种多样性低。白令海夏季浮游植物种类组成及丰度变化直接受控于表层环流、营养盐、春季冰缘线等环境因素。  相似文献   
夏季辽东湾西部海域大型底栖动物群落结构与多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解夏季辽东湾西部海域大型底栖动物群落结构与多样性,作者于2009年8月对六股河口外海域15个站位进行了大型底栖动物调查。整个研究海域共采到大型底栖动物124种,其总平均丰度为(2824±1537)个/m2,总平均生物量为(22.01±38.58)g/m2。利用相对重要性指数和优势度指数所确定的前三位优势种一致,分别为二齿半尖额涟虫(Hemileucon bidentatus)、深钩毛虫(Sigambra bassi)和独指虫(Aricidea fragilis),其余优势种存在细微差异。各站位香农-维纳多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数和Margalef丰富度指数均呈现河口和中部海域低,近岸和外围海域高的分布规律。在50%相似度水平上,可将研究海域划分为4个群落。研究结果表明:研究海域底栖环境整体清洁,底层水环境因子对大型底栖动物群落的影响较弱。  相似文献   
2009年作者对中国黄东海海域夏季(7月20日至9月1日)与冬季(12月23日至2月5日)的两个季度月的颗石藻群落与分布进行调查研究。2009年夏季,中国黄东海海域调查区共发现21种颗石藻,其优势物种分别为赫氏艾密里藻(Emiliania huxleyi)、大洋桥石藻(Gephyrocapsa oceanica)、纤细伞球藻(Umbellosphaera tenuis)和深水花球藻(Florisphaera profunda)。颗石藻细胞丰度为0.23×103~17.62×103个/L,平均值为2.84×103个/L。2009年冬季,中国黄东海海域调查区共发现20种颗石藻,其优势物种分别为赫氏艾密里藻(E.huxleyi)、大洋桥石藻(G.oceanica)、深水花球藻(F.profunda)和纤细伞球藻(U.tenuis)。颗石藻的细胞丰度为0.12×103~35.35×103个/L,平均值为3.84×103个/L。本文系统地研究了颗石藻在我国黄、东海陆架海域的分布(特别是垂直分布),并对其作出了描述与分析,以期为关于中国海颗石藻群落分布等基础性研究提供可靠资料。  相似文献   
Biomass distribution and trophodynamics in the oceanic ecosystem in the Oyashio region are presented and analyzed, combining the seasonal data for plankton and micronekton collected at Site H since 1996 with data for nekton and other animals at higher trophic levels from various sources. The total biomass of biological components including bacteria, phytoplankton, microzooplankton, mesozooplankton, micronekton, fishes/squids and marine birds/mammals was 23 g C m−2, among which the most dominant component was mesozooplankton (34% of the total), followed by phytoplankton (28%), bacteria (15%) and microzooplankton (protozoans) (14%). The remainder (9%) was largely composed of micronekton and fish/squid. Marine mammals/birds are only a small fraction (0.14%) of the total biomass. Large/medium grazing copepods (Neocalaus spp., Eucalanus bungii and Metridia spp.) accounted for 77% of the mesozooplankton biomass. Based on information about diet composition, predators were assigned broadly into mean trophic level 3–4, and carbon flow through the grazing food chain was established based on the estimated annual production/food consumption balance of each trophic level. From the food chain scheme, ecological efficiencies as high as 24% were calculated for the primary/secondary production and 21% for the secondary/tertiary production. Biomass and production of bacteria were estimated as 1/10 of the respective values for phytoplankton at Site H, but the role of the microbial food chain remains unresolved in the present analysis. As keystone species in the oceanic Oyashio region, Neocalanus spp. are suggested as a vital link between primary production and production of pelagic fishes, mammals and birds.  相似文献   
The intertidal zone of an exposed sandy beach on the French coast of the English Channel was sampled with a 1.5 m beam-trawl over five years (2000 and 2003–2006) at weekly intervals. The fish and macrocrustacean catches were analysed to determine the inter-season and interannual variation in community structure and relate these variations to changes in the major environmental variables. Only six species (plaice Pleuronectes platessa, common goby Pomatoschistus microps, sprat Sprattus sprattus, sand eel Ammodytes tobianus, brown shrimp Crangon crangon and shore crab Carcinus maenas) from the 27 species captured can be considered as dominant species of the intertidal zone, and they accounted for >90% of total numbers. Most individuals caught were young-of-the-year or juvenile. Analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) and similarities percentage (SIMPER) indicated that inter-season variability of community structure (mean average similarity = 47%) was more pronounced than interannual variability (mean average similarity = 65%). Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicates that a substantial component (32.2%) of the measured inter-season variation in community structure can be explained by environmental factors (mainly water temperature). The main inter-season changes in the abundance and community structure were due to the variation of the six key species and reflect the different times of their recruitment. During the five years of the study, the structure of the fish and macrocrustacean spring community persisted from year to year, with the dominant species reappearing consistently even though their abundances fluctuated from year to year. This interannual variation probably reflects variable recruitment success influenced by physico-chemical conditions. In spite of the considerable interannual variation (40 times) in the spring bloom of the prymnesiophyte alga Phaeocystis globosa we found no effect of this bloom on either fish and macrocrustacean species densities or diversity index.  相似文献   
The seasonal variability in fouling community recruitment on submerged artificial substratum was studied in Kudankulam coastal water, Gulf of Mannar, East coast of India for a period of two years, from May 2003 to April 2005. The results indicated that the fouling community recruitment occurred throughout the year with varying intensities. Barnacles, ascidians, polychaetes, bivalves and seaweeds were the major fouling groups observed from the test panels. Maximum fouling biomass of 9.17 g dm−2 was observed during August 2004 and a minimum value of 0.233 g dm−2 in February 2004. The biomass build-up on test panels was relatively high during the premonsoon season and low during the postmonsoon months. The number of barnacles settled on the panels varied from 1 to 4460 no. dm−2. The maximum percentage of the ascidian coverage (72%) on test panels was observed during March 2005. In general, July–December was the period of intense recruitment for barnacles and March–May was the period for ascidians.  相似文献   
The inter-annual variability in phytoplankton summer blooms in the upper reaches of the Schelde estuary was investigated between 1996 and 2005 by monthly sampling at 10 stations. The large inter-annual variations of the chlorophyll a concentration in the freshwater tidal reaches were independent from variations in chlorophyll a in the tributary river Schelde. Summer mean chlorophyll a concentrations were significantly negatively correlated with flushing rate (Spearman correlation: r = −0.67, p = 0.05, n = 9) but not with temperature, irradiance and suspended particulate matter or dissolved silica (DSi) concentrations. During dry summers, low flushing rates permitted the development of dense phytoplankton populations in the upper part of the estuary, while during wet summers high flushing rates prevented the development of dense phytoplankton blooms. Flushing rate was also found to be important for the phytoplankton community composition. At low flushing rates, the community was dominated by diatoms that developed within the upper estuary. At high flushing rates, chlorophytes imported from the tributary river Schelde became more important in the phytoplankton community. The position of the chlorophyll a maximum shifted from the head of the estuary when flushing rates were low, to more downstream when flushing rates were high. Although DSi concentrations tended to be lower during years of high phytoplankton (mainly diatom) biomass, the relation with flushing rate was not significant.  相似文献   
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