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Geochemical analysis of dump materials from the opencast Maritsa Iztok mines, Bulgaria, was carried out based on biomarker assemblages of hydrocarbon fractions. Organic matter (OM) and secondary transformations in three representative samples (massive black claystones and materials from the Iztok and Staroselets dump sites) were studied using geochemical proxies.A number of differences were recognised in the respective OM compositions of the samples compared to both published data and between the individual dump samples themselves. The ОM of the studied samples was found to be polar, but also contains some apolar compounds. It consists mainly of resins and asphalthenes. Claystone OM is of the dispersed type, with intense oxidative-reductive interactions in a lacustrine environment resulting in its transformation into an inert material. Dump sample kerogen is of Type II and mixed Type II/III. In all samples, “odd” numbered n-alkanes are found in higher amounts. Diterpenoids (С19, С20) with pimarane, abietane and phyllocladane skeletons are preponderant. Tri- and tetracyclic terpenoids and steranes have been identified in the black claystones OM only. Hopanes are present in low amounts in extractable OM from all three samples. Biomarkers indicate that black claystone OM is formed from aqueous flora, with a minor supply of gymnosperms (mainly G. Sequoia). Iztok Dump OM is structured by higher plants with an aqueous vegetation input. The Staroselets Dump OM formation is assigned to an active microbial reworking of aqueous vegetation and bacteria with a minor coniferous supply. Different geochemical parameters admit anoxic stratified bottom waters for the black claystones with an addition of deep water stagnation for Staroselets sample in a Maritsa Iztok Basin (MIB) aqueous environment.An attempt was also made to track the effect of secondary processes (oxidation, destruction, dearomatisation), temperature, water drainage and wash-out on dump materials. Leaching and weak degradation processes in the MIB dump environment are likely for a time span of ca. 40–50 years, considering the low percentage of short-chain n-alkanes, long-chain prevalence and low Pr/nC17 and Ph/nC18 ratios, with the Iztok Dump sample experiencing more advanced transformations.  相似文献   
中国大陆流域分区TRMM降水质量评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据中国境内2 257个气象站点1998-2013年逐日降水资料,结合流域分区,采用探测准确性、相关系数以及相对误差等指标,对热带降水测量(TRMM)降水精度和一致性进行系统评价。结果表明:① TRMM日降水准确性从东南沿海向西北内陆递减;② 气象站点年均降水日数显著大于TRMM年均降水日数;③ 西北片区以外气象站点降水量和TRMM降水量在月尺度和年尺度上均具有较好的相关关系;④ 各流域年均TRMM面降水量均高于气象站点面降水量,且TRMM面降水量相对误差雨季较小,枯季较大;⑤ 各流域TRMM面降水量与气象站点面降水量演变趋势基本一致,南方各流域年降水量均呈减少趋势,北方各流域年降水量均呈增加趋势,全国尺度上年降水量呈微弱的减少趋势。  相似文献   
黑龙江饶河枕状玄武岩地质、地球化学特征及其构造属性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了确定饶河玄武岩的构造属性,在野外地质观察的基础上,对玄武岩进行岩石学研究和地球化学分析。玄武岩具有典型的枕状构造、淬冷边、中空骸晶和鬣刺结构等特征,反映其形成于海底喷发环境。化学分析样品具有高TiO_2、MgO和低Al_2O_3、CaO、P_2O_5、K_2O等特征,富集大离子亲石元素(Rb、Sr和Ba),微量元素蛛网图呈向上隆起形态,稀土元素配分曲线为右倾型(∑LREE/∑HREE为5.8~6.5),无δEu异常(0.92~0.97),表明样品具有洋岛玄武岩特征。主量和微量元素构造环境判别图指示了样品形成于洋岛或板内环境。样品与亚速尔型和夏威夷型洋岛玄武岩地球化学特征对比,表现出明显的夏威夷型洋岛玄武岩特征。岩石源区分析揭示出岩浆具有地幔热柱起源,并有先期交代地幔熔体的混入,岩浆源区还受壳幔循环的影响。研究表明,饶河枕状玄武岩为夏威夷型洋岛玄武岩,形成于洋壳消减阶段的洋中脊轴外板内喷发环境,为饶河地区存在成熟的洋盆提供直接证据。结合区域研究成果,认为饶河地区经历了古太平洋板块的扩张、洋中脊轴外板内地幔柱上涌、洋壳俯冲消减以及向佳木斯地块仰冲增生的构造演化过程。  相似文献   
Z油田主要含油层系包括白垩系-中侏罗统低幅度背斜构造油藏、中三叠统盐檐断鼻油藏和上三叠统岩性圈闭油藏3种油藏类型。通过对紧密围绕盐有关的构造和有效盐窗这两个影响Z油田油气成藏的关键因素的研究认为成藏模式为"盐下生成、盐窗沟通、盐边盐间断层输导、高点聚集、后期保存"。Z油田油源充足,盐窗大而有效,多种有效的输导体系,圈闭类型多而好,埋深适中,储盖层发育且配置良好,侧向遮挡条件具备且后期保存条件良好,可作为今后勘探首选目标区。  相似文献   
This study applies modern seismic geomorphology techniques to deep-water collapse features in the Orange Basin (Namibian margin, Southwest Africa) in order to provide unprecedented insights into the segmentation and degradation processes of gravity-driven linked systems. The seismic analysis was carried out using a high-quality, depth-migrated 3D volume that images the Upper Cretaceous post-rift succession of the basin, where two buried collapse features with strongly contrasting seismic expression are observed. The lower Megaslide Complex is a typical margin-scale, extensional-contractional gravity-driven linked system that deformed at least 2 km of post-rift section. The complex is laterally segmented into scoop-shaped megaslides up to 20 km wide that extend downdip for distances in excess of 30 km. The megaslides comprise extensional headwall fault systems with associated 3D rollover structures and thrust imbricates at their toes. Lateral segmentation occurs along sidewall fault systems which, in the proximal part of the megaslides, exhibit oblique extensional motion and define horst structures up to 6 km wide between individual megaslides. In the toe areas, reverse slip along these same sidewall faults, creates lateral ramps with hanging wall thrust-related folds up to 2 km wide. Headwall rollover anticlines, sidewall horsts and ramp anticlines may represent novel traps for hydrocarbon exploration on the Namibian margin.The Megaslide Complex is unconformably overlain by few hundreds of metres of highly contorted strata which define an upper Slump Complex. Combined seismic attributes and detailed seismic facies analysis allowed mapping of headscarps, thrust imbrications and longitudinal shear zones within the Slump Complex that indicate a dominantly downslope movement of a number of coalesced collapse systems. Spatial and stratal relationships between these shallow failures and the underlying megaslides suggest that the Slump Complex was likely triggered by the development of topography created by the activation of the main structural elements of the lower Megaslide Complex.This study reveals that gravity-driven linked systems undergo lateral segmentation during their evolution, and that their upper section can become unstable, favouring the initiation of a number of shallow failures that produce widespread degradation of the underlying megaslide structures. Gravity-driven linked systems along other margins are likely to share similar processes of segmentation and degradation, implying that the megaslide-related, hydrocarbon trapping structures discovered in the Namibian margin may be common elsewhere, making megaslides an attractive element of deep-water exploration along other gravitationally unstable margins.  相似文献   
Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation(RUSLE) model coupled with transport limited sediment delivery(TLSD) function was used to predict the longtime average annual soil loss, and to identify the critical erosion-/deposition-prone areas in a tropical mountain river basin, viz., Muthirapuzha River Basin(MRB; area=271.75 km~2), in the southern Western Ghats, India. Mean gross soil erosion in MRB is 14.36 t ha~(-1) yr~(-1), whereas mean net soil erosion(i.e., gross erosion-deposition) is only 3.60 t ha~(-1) yr~(-1)(i.e., roughly 25% of the gross erosion). Majority of the basin area(~86%) experiences only slight erosion(5 t ha~(-1) yr~(-1)), and nearly 3% of the area functions as depositional environment for the eroded sediments(e.g., the terraces of stream reaches, the gentle plains as well as the foot slopes of the plateau scarps and the terrain with concordant summits). Although mean gross soil erosion rates in the natural vegetation belts are relatively higher, compared to agriculture, settlement/built-up areas and tea plantation, the sediment transport efficiency in agricultural areas and tea plantation is significantly high,reflecting the role of human activities on accelerated soil erosion. In MRB, on a mean basis, 0.42 t of soil organic carbon(SOC) content is being eroded per hectare annually, and SOC loss from the 4th order subbasins shows considerable differences, mainly due to the spatial variability in the gross soil erosion rates among the sub-basins. The quantitative results, on soil erosion and deposition, modelled using RUSLE and TLSD, are expected to be beneficial while formulating comprehensive land management strategies for reducing the extent of soil degradation in tropical mountain river basins.  相似文献   
The water resource and its change of mountainous area are very important to the oasis economic system and ecosystem in the arid areas of northwest China. Accurately understanding the water transfer and circulation process among vegetation, soil, and atmosphere over different hydrological units in mountainous areas such as snow and ice, cold desert, forest and grassland is the basic scientific issue of water research in cold and arid regions, which is also the basis of water resource delicacy management and regulation. There are many research results on the hydrological function of different land covers in mountain areas, basin hydrological processes, however, there are only very limited studies on the water internal recycle at basin scale. The quantitative study on the mechanism of water internal recycle is still at the starting stage, which faces many challenges. The key project “Study on water internal recycle processes and mechanism in typical mountain areas of inland basins, Northwest China” funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China will select the Aksu River and Shule River Basin, which have better observation basis, as study area. The internal mechanism of moisture transfer and exchange process of different land cover and atmosphere, the internal mechanism of water cycle in the basin, and water transfer paths in atmosphere will be studied through enhancing runoff plot experiments on different land cover, analyzing the mechanism of water vapor transfer and exchange between different land covers in the watershed by isotope tracing on the water vapor flux of vegetation water, soil moisture and atmospheric moisture, improving the algorithms of remote sensing inversion and ground verification on land surface evapotranspiration on different land cover, and analyzing the water vapor flux from reanalysis data, and the coupling modeling of regional climate model and land surface process model. At last, the effect of different land cover in hydrological process of mountain area, and the impact of land cover on downstream oasis will be systematically analyzed.  相似文献   
The stratigraphy of marine Plio-Pleistocene sediments from northeast Rhodes (Dodecanese islands, Greece) is revised in the light of facies mapping and the recognition of three major transgression–regression cycles. Before late Pliocene submergence, metamorphosed Mesozoic limestones formed a high-relief karstic landscape. During subsequent transgressions, subsiding basins with spectacular cliffed and bioeroded margins were infilled by a mosaic of carbonate-dominated sediments, sourced by high rates of carbonate productivity on narrow shelves rimming the basins and their drowning islands. Periods of relative sea-level fall superimposed a complex series of ‘fossil’ coastal geomorphological features such as cliffs, abrasion platforms, surf caves, notches, boulder beaches and palaeokarsts. These created the rugged present day topography of the island's northeast coast. Three main lithostratigraphic units, the Kritika, Rhodes and Lindos Acropolis Formations, are defined. The Rhodes and Lindos Acropolis Formations are subdivided into mappable facies groups rather than members, as the lithofacies are strongly diachronous. The Kritika and Rhodes Formations were each subaerially exposed and partly eroded before re-transgression. Although there is a general pattern of lithological succession, details vary across the study area and some facies groups are restricted in development, indicating differences in tectonic behaviour and palaeo-geomorphology between neighbouring basins. A preliminary process-response model is presented for the sedimentation history of the Rhodes and Lindos Acropolis Formations, using sedimentological, palaeontological, palaeoecological and ichnological data.  相似文献   
鹦歌岭白垩纪红盆中的韧性剪切带由糜棱岩系列岩石组成,发育线理、面理和褶皱构造,具有拆离活动的运动学特征。变形差应力变化在27.2~66.2 MPa之间,变形温度高于500℃.近垂直的挤压和近水平的伸展显示剪切带的形成与深部岩浆上侵作用有关,对进一步认识海南岛燕山期构造岩浆作用以及岩浆侵位机制具有重要的地质意义。   相似文献   
基于GM(1,1)模型的塔里木盆地南缘孤立绿洲降水灾变预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们选取了具有一定代表性的塔里木盆地南缘的孤立绿洲民丰县作为研究区,在对数据有效性的验证之后,利用研究区1980~1999年的降水资料,运用灰色系统理论的季节灾变预测方法,对该地区未来年份的降水量进行预测,并建立灰色季节灾变GM(1,1)预测模型,预测未来旱季到来的年份,为预测未来降水趋势提供了信息。结果表明:该研究区下一个旱灾灾变年大致指向2006年至2007年左右。这对合理利用本地气候资源具有实际意义,并且能够为研究干旱区气候变化提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   
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