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For the first time, a sediment core spanning the entire Holocene has been analysed from Fiji. The 6 m core was obtained from the floor of an ancient coastal lagoon (palaeolagoon) adjacent to Bourewa, the site of the earliest known human settlement in this island group. The basal sediments, just above bedrock, date from 11 470 cal bp. A major transition occurs around 8000 cal bp where marine influences on palaeolagoon sedimentation increase sharply. Full shallow-water marine conditions are attained around 4630 cal bp and last until 3480 cal bp after which there is a regressive phase. The results agree with the area-specific predictions of sea level in the ICE-4G model, particularly in the timing of the highstand. In addition, the results support the ideas (a) that early human colonisation of Fiji occurred during the late Holocene regression, (b) that the first inhabitants of Bourewa utilised both nearshore marine (reefal) and brackish lagoon food sources, and (c) that the abrupt human abandonment of the area around 2500 cal bp could have been prompted by a reduction in these resources driven largely by sea-level fall.  相似文献   
Abstract. The Lago di Varano is situated on the north side of the Gargano National Park (southeast Italy) and covers a surface area of about 65 km2. It communicates with the Adriatic Sea through two artificial canals (Foce Capoiale and Foce Varano) located at the two ends of a long and narrow coastal dune. This work presents preliminary results of four seasonal surveys (1999–2000) carried out to measure chemical and physical parameters of the water column (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and pH) and to analyse a number of biogeochemical characteristics of surface sediments (organic matter, total phosphorus, total nitrogen and total Hg, As, Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu and Ni content). Water analysis indicated poor exchange between the coastal pond and the open sea, limited to autumn and winter. Surface sediments were rich in organic matter, whose distribution was influenced by chemical-physical and hydrodynamic variations in the water column. At the sediment level, the highest values of Cd were found in the central zone of the basin, while the highest Cr values were measured in the central and southeastern areas. With the exception of Cd and Pb, the metal content did not indicate anthropogenic pollution, in particular when compared with the Venice Lagoon and the Central Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   
The importance of transitional water ecosystems as nursery habitats and feeding grounds for fish species is well-known. Detailed studies of colonization patterns of fish guilds in response to biotic and abiotic drivers are however unevenly distributed among ecosystem types. We address here the temporal variability of fish assemblages in small non-tidal lagoons in the Mediterranean basin. The study was carried out at the Acquatina lagoon (Lecce, Italy) where four stations, situated in two habitat types along a confinement gradient, were sampled twice per month for one year with fyke nets. Forty-five taxa ranging across 20 families were collected, with the most abundant species, Atherina boyeri, accounting for more than 95% of total abundance. Pooling all species together (excluding sand smelt), the structural features of the assemblage, relative abundance of families, and abundance of individual species all showed significant temporal patterns. Mean abundance peaked in Summer and Autumn and fell in Winter, whereas taxonomic richness and diversity were highest in Summer and lowest in Spring. Within the fish assemblage, multivariate ordination showed temporal segregation of species belonging to the same family or genus and expected to be functionally similar, suggesting that they avoid competition for space and resources by timing inward migration and peak occurrence differently. Of the environmental driving forces, which also showed temporal patterns of variation, salinity was the main factor affecting the distribution of individuals and species. The catch of young individuals of several marine species confirmed the role of this small lagoon as a nursery and feeding area, and emphasized the need for further studies.  相似文献   
The consequences of artificially opening lagoon entrances on the fish assemblages of coastal lagoons in south-eastern Australia were investigated. Impacts of lagoon opening were assessed by comparing changes in the fish assemblages of Werri and Shellharbour Lagoons, both of which intermittently opened to the sea with that of Lake Illawarra, a third coastal lagoon which remained closed during the study period. Numbers of fish species and individuals did not differ significantly after lagoon openings at Werri Lagoon and Shellharbour Lagoon. However, higher numbers of species and individuals were found in Lake Illawarra before the other lagoons had opened. Abundances of some economically significant species (namelyMugil cephalus, Myxus elongatus andLiza argentea) significantly increased after openings, mainly due to small juveniles (<40 mm FL) recruiting to the seagrass beds. In contrast, these species were caught as larger juveniles (>70 mm FL) in Lake Illawarra. Furthermore, their abundance in Lake Illawarra declined during successive months, coinciding with declining salinity. Abundances of resident species (such asPseudomugil olorum andAfurcagobius tamarensis) remained largely unchanged after openings. Although it was clear that marine-spawning species must benefit from lagoon openings, the number and composition of species able to move into lagoons from adjacent waters may be dependent upon the frequency, duration and time of year that the entrance is connected to the sea. The present study thus provides data which may be useful for fisheries management in intermittently open lagoons. However, these results should not be cited as reason to artificially open lagoon entrances as further detailed studies of other aspects of lagoon biota, such as their invertebrate and avian faunas, are also needed to provide sufficient basis for broader management frameworks.  相似文献   
Land/ocean boundaries constitute complex systems with active physical and biogeochemical processes that affect the global carbon cycle. An example of such a system is the mesotidal lagoon named Ria de Aveiro (Portugal, 40°38′N, 08°45′W), which is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by a single channel, 350 m wide. The objective of this study was to estimate the seasonal and inter-tidal variability of organic carbon fluxes between the coastal lagoon and the Ocean, and to assess the contribution of the organic carbon fractions (i.e. dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC)) to the export of organic carbon to the Ria de Aveiro plume zone. The organic carbon fractions fluxes were estimated as the product of the appropriate fractional organic carbon concentrations and the water fluxes calculated by a two-dimensional vertically integrated hydrodynamic model (2DH). Results showed that the higher exchanges of DOC and POC fractions at the system cross-section occurred during spring tides but only resulted in a net export of organic carbon in winter, totalling 85 t per tidal cycle. Derived from the winter and summer campaigns, the annual carbon mass balance estimated corresponded to a net export of organic carbon (7957 = 6585 t yr−1 POC + 1372 t yr−1 DOC). On the basis of the spring tidal drainage area, it corresponds to an annual flux of 79 g m−2 of POC and 17 g m−2 of DOC out of the estuary.  相似文献   
中国南海珊瑚岛礁泻湖砂层钻探取心技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋继伟 《地质与勘探》2020,56(6):1251-1257
中国南海珊瑚岛礁拥有巨大的资源潜力和科研价值。科学钻探是珊瑚岛礁研究工作中获取地层资料的重要技术手段。南海珊瑚岛礁地下普遍存在多层厚层泻湖砂层,主要结构为无胶结或轻微胶结的细粒珊瑚砂,这种层位钻探取心极端困难,是影响钻探成果的主要难题之一。南海两个岛礁所实施的3口千米以上深井施工过程中,为解决泻湖砂层钻探取心难题,在分析泻湖砂层性状的基础上,综合研究钻具合理选用、钻进参数控制、钻井液性能控制等钻探工程核心内容,形成了较完整的适用于泻湖砂层钻探取心的“多要素组合钻探取心技术”。使用该技术能确保珊瑚岛礁泻湖砂层岩心采取率达到95%以上,并基本保持岩心原状性。该研究成果对于珊瑚岛礁钻探具有重要的借鉴作用。  相似文献   
热带气旋活动以及由此产生的风暴潮和强降雨对南海及周边沿海地区社会经济构成巨大威胁。对器测记录之前全新世热带气旋的研究有助于准确预测全球变暖背景下热带气旋活动的变化趋势。本文利用南沙群岛安乐礁潟湖沉积物重建了小冰期以来准年分辨率的热带气旋活动,共识别28个风暴事件层。研究表明,小冰期以来,南沙群岛安乐礁热带气旋活动在年代际到百年尺度上频繁变化,发育两个主要的风暴活跃期。在小冰期早期(AD1471—1620)经历了最为强烈的风暴活跃期,另一个风暴活跃期位于现代暖期的AD 1930—1960,风暴活动虽有所加强,但明显低于小冰期早期。与同期永暑礁重建结果的对比表明,热带气旋活动存在明显的时空差异性,更多来自相近区域的高分辨率风暴记录可有效降低古风暴活动重建的不确定性,提高重建记录的准确度。  相似文献   
泻湖是全新世海侵以来发育的以淤积为主的海岸地貌,其沉积地层蕴含了丰富的古环境演变信息.对朝阳港泻湖SO4钻孔岩芯样品作粒度、软体动物、孢粉和14C等项目的测试分析,将该孔地层自下而上划分成陆相、滨浅海相、泻湖相、泻湖-沼泽相等四层和Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ个孢粉组合带.基于对地层和孢粉组合特点的深入剖析,结果表明朝阳港泻湖自全新世海侵以来经历了海湾、沙坝-泻湖和泻湖-沼泽等3个环境演化阶段,同时存在明显的沉积环境和气候变化事件,包括8~7 ka B.P.海陆相之间的不整合沉积间断事件、7~6 ka B.P.的气候暖湿事件和5~4 ka B.P.的明显降温事件.  相似文献   
平塑露天矿的露采煤层,即11^#和9^#煤层是上石炭统太原组Ⅱ-Ⅲ层段扇三角洲-泻湖及扇三角洲-潮坪环境的产物。厚4m的11^#煤层形成于扇三角洲-潮坪环境中,厚15m的9^#煤层形成了扇三角洲平原,扇三角洲前缘(北西部)以及覆水较深的泻湖(中南部)环境中。  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of a 3-year-long (November 2004–November 2007) study based on the use of acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) to estimate the solid transport through the three inlets of Venice lagoon. In each of the three inlets instruments were mounted both on survey boats and deployed on the channel bed. The three bottom-mounted ADCPs were positioned in the central part of the inlets, continuously monitoring vertical profiles in the water column. Periodic transects along the investigated sections were collected by the boat-mounted ADCP. Both installations measured current speed and acoustic backscatter intensity. The latter expresses the attenuation of acoustic energy due to material in the water column.  相似文献   
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