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The ‘Anthropocene’ is now being used as a conceptual frame by different communities and in a variety of contexts to understand the evolving human–environment relationship. However, as we argue in this paper, the notion of an Anthropos, or ‘humanity’, as global, unified ‘geological force’ threatens to mask the diversity and differences in the actual conditions and impacts of humankind, and does not do justice to the diversity of local and regional contexts. For this reason, we interpret in this article the notion of an Anthropocene in a more context-dependent, localized and social understanding. We do this through illustrating examples from four issue domains, selected for their variation in terms of spatial and temporal scale, systems of governance and functional interdependencies: nitrogen cycle distortion (in particular as it relates to food security); ocean acidification; urbanization; and wildfires. Based on this analysis, we systematically address the consequences of the lens of the Anthropocene for the governance of social-ecological systems, focusing on the multi-level, functional and sectoral organization of governance, and possible redefinitions of governance systems and policy domains. We conclude that the notion of the Anthropocene, once seen in light of social inequalities and regional differences, allows for novel analysis of issue-based problems in the context of a global understanding, in both academic and political terms. This makes it a useful concept to help leverage and (re-)focus our efforts in a more innovative and effective way to transition towards sustainability.  相似文献   
基于实时单站GPS载波相位历元差分测速模型,引入抗差最小二乘估计,并根据IGGⅢ方案选择合适的等价权因子来削弱小周跳和粗差对结果的影响,并采用一组静态数据和2011年日本"3.11"地震期间MIZU站的高频数据对算法进行测试。结果表明,在含有小周跳和粗差的情况下,抗差最小二乘估计能够明显改善解算速度,可以实时获取测站毫米级的同震速度。  相似文献   
夏季南海北部微型浮游动物群落   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
根据2014年8月至9月于珠江口至南海中部断面(18°00'~22°00'N,114°00'~116°00'E)的南海北部海域进行采样调查,并进行了微型浮游动物群落分析。共发现微型浮游动物142种,隶属于2门44属,其中砂壳纤毛虫28属78种,占所有发现物种数的54.93%;寡毛类纤毛虫14属59种,占所有发现物种数的41.55%。优势类群为:拟卡金斯急游虫(Strombidium paracalkinsi)、具沟急游虫(Strombidium sulcatum)、维尔伯特急游虫(Strombidium wilberti)和无节幼体(nauplii)。调查区微型浮游动物的丰度介于11.43~959.35 ind/L之间,平均值为264.99 ind/L。微型浮游动物垂直分布总体特点是密集区位于50 m水层,50 m水层之下丰度逐渐减少。表层微型浮游动物丰度高值区位于J5-I1站位之间。断面的香农-威纳指数范围在0.92~4.18之间,平均值为2.77;均匀度指数在0.63~1之间,平均值为0.87。应用典范对应分析(CCA)发现温度和盐度是影响微型浮游动物群落的重要因素。通过对连续追踪站位的调查发现,上层水体微型浮游动物群落丰度随着时间而发生一定的变化,下层水体相对较平缓。微型浮游动物昼夜的垂直丰度变化与叶绿素浓度昼夜变化大致相符。  相似文献   
范庆超  徐兆凯 《海洋科学》2020,44(2):138-145
系统总结了白垩纪OAEs的研究进展,重点讨论了OAE1a、OAE1b和OAE2时期的有机碳(TOC)含量、碳同位素、古温度和锶同位素特征及其古环境指示意义,综合分析了白垩纪OAEs的成因机制。结果表明白垩纪OAEs的发生可能与该时期海底大规模的火山活动以及由其引起的气温升高、碳水化合物大量分解、水文循环加快和海洋生物生产力提高等一系列变化有关。对于白垩纪OAEs演化特征和成因机制的深入研究具有重要借鉴意义。通过对白垩纪OAEs的综合分析发现,当前的研究区域主要集中在大西洋/特提斯盆地及其周边陆地,而对南半球高纬度地区的研究报道迄今未见,从而无法对白垩纪OAEs进行全球性对比和系统性研究。今后我们将重点围绕南半球高纬度地区白垩纪OAEs的演化特征、成因机制及其古气候环境效应等进行深入研究。  相似文献   
An intense deep chlorophyll layer in the Sargasso Sea was reported near the center of an anticyclonic mode-water eddy by McGillicuddy et al. [2007. Eddy–wind interactions stimulate extraordinary mid-ocean plankton blooms, Science, accepted]. The high chlorophyll was associated with anomalously high concentrations of diatoms and with a maximum in the vertical profile of 14C primary productivity. Here we report tracer measurements of the vertical advection and turbulent diffusion of deep-water nutrients into this chlorophyll layer. Tracer released in the chlorophyll layer revealed upward motion relative to isopycnal surfaces of about 0.4 m/d, due to solar heating and mixing. The density surfaces themselves shoaled by about 0.1 m/d. The upward flux of dissolved inorganic nitrogen, averaged over 36 days, was approximately 0.6 mmol/m2/d due to both upwelling and mixing. This flux is about 40% of the basin wide, annually averaged, nitrogen flux required to drive the annual new production in the Sargasso Sea, estimated from the oxygen cycle in the euphotic zone, the oxygen demand below the euphotic zone, and from the 3He excess in the mixed layer. The observed upwelling of the fluid was consistent with theoretical models [Dewar, W.K., Flierl, G.R., 1987. Some effects of wind on rings. Journal of Physical Oceanography 17, 1653–1667; Martin, A.P., Richards, K.J., 2001. Mechanisms for vertical nutrient transport within a North Atlantic mesoscale eddy. Deep-Sea Research II 48, 757–773] in which eddy surface currents cause spatial variations in surface stress. The diapycnal diffusivity at the base of the euphotic zone was 3.5±0.5×10−5 m2/s. Diapycnal mixing was probably enhanced over more typical values by the series of storms passing over the eddy during the experiment and may have been enhanced further by the trapping of near-inertial waves generated within the eddy.  相似文献   
对西太平洋暖池核心区MD01—2386柱状样最上部5m进行了高分辨率的浮游有孔虫Globigerinoides ruber和Pulleniatina obliquiloculata的氧、碳稳定同位素分析,结合AMS^14C测年,研究表明其属于末次盛冰期-全新世的沉积。赤道西太平洋海区末次盛冰期以来δ^18O值显著降低,但有几次回返事件。表层浮游有孔虫G.ruber比次表层温跃层属种P.obliquiloculata对于环境变化的响应要快,但后者变化的幅度较大。这两个种的氧、碳同位素差值反映出温跃层深度自末次盛冰期以来逐渐加深,并存在周期性的回返事件,说明西太平洋暖池晚第四纪冰期旋回存在气候不稳定性。  相似文献   
Three third-order sequences and about one hundred high-frequency cycles or Milankovitchcycles within the Late Permian Changxingian to Early Triassic Griesbachian are identified in theMeishan Section of Changxing, Zhejiang Province, southern China, the candidate stratotype sec-tion of the global Permo-Triassic boundary, based on a detailed study of the biological,ecological and high-resolution allochthonous cyclic events, microfacies and depositional systems.Furthermore, the stacking pattern of the depositional systems across various Changxingian andGriesbachian sedimentary facies of the Lower Yangtze and the sequence stratigraphic frameworkare outlined with the Meishan section as the principal section. In this paper the habitat types offossil biota are applied to semiquantitative palaeobathymetry and the study of relative sea levelchanges.  相似文献   
中国北方超大型热水沉积硫化物矿床成矿模式   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国北方超大型热水沉积硫化物矿床成矿模式李英祁思敬(西安地质学院,西安710054)关键词超大型矿床热水沉积作用大陆边缘盆地热旋回中国北方超大型热水沉积硫化物矿床(SEDEX)集中产出于华北地台北缘西段与扬子地台北缘西段,即秦岭与狼山两区。可确定的矿...  相似文献   
The warm pool in the Indian Ocean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The structure of the warm pool (region with temperature greater than 28°C) in the equatorial Indian Ocean is examined and compared with its counterpart in the Pacific Ocean using the climatology of Levitus. Though the Pacific warm pool is larger and warmer, a peculiarity of the pool in the Indian Ocean is its seasonal variation. The surface area of the pool changes from 24 × 106 km2 in April to 8 × 106 km2 in September due to interaction with the southwest monsoon. The annual cycles of sea surface temperature at locations covered by the pool during at least a part of the year show the following modes: (i) a cycle with no significant variation (observed in the western equatorial Pacific and central and eastern equatorial Indian Ocean), (ii) a single maximum/minimum (northern and southern part of the Pacific warm pool and the south Indian Ocean), (iii) two maxima/minima (Arabian Sea, western equatorial Indian Ocean and southern Bay of Bengal), and (iv) a rapid rise, a steady phase and a rapid fall (northern Bay of Bengal).  相似文献   
孔隙型热储层的回灌过程中,由于物理堵塞、生物化学堵塞、悬浮物堵塞和气体堵塞,热储层的渗透性下降,回灌能力变弱.为了定量查明渗透系数的衰减,以辽南地区某回灌试验为例,使用Origin软件计算出研究区渗透系数衰减方程,在此基础上计算了回灌井灌压-时间关系曲线和回扬周期.研究表明,利用Origin软件求取渗透系数衰减方程具有...  相似文献   
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