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周惠  田玉昆  李娟  孔丽云 《地质通报》2021,40(4):557-564
中国南方页岩气勘查区块多为勘探新区,仅部署少量二维地震和地质钻井,且资料品质普遍较差,页岩气储层预测很难像成熟勘探区一样开展系统性研究工作,如何对现有数据进行充分挖掘是解决勘探新区页岩气储层预测的关键。为此,综合利用不依赖初始模型的叠后约束稀疏脉冲反演方法和多种频率类属性分析技术,开展页岩气有利储层预测。地震反演能够获得多种参数参与储层预测,属性分析能够从多种角度识别储层,通过多种信息综合应用和叠合分析以提高储层预测精确性和有效性,为新区页岩气勘探提供了一种新的思路。该项技术应用于南方某区块,圈定了页岩气的有利目标区,在该区部署的两口水平井均获得高产工业气流。  相似文献   
In this study, the climate teleconnections with meteorological droughts are analysed and used to develop ensemble drought prediction models using a support vector machine (SVM)–copula approach over Western Rajasthan (India). The meteorological droughts are identified using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). In the analysis of large‐scale climate forcing represented by climate indices such as El Niño Southern Oscillation, Indian Ocean Dipole Mode and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on regional droughts, it is found that regional droughts exhibits interannual as well as interdecadal variability. On the basis of potential teleconnections between regional droughts and climate indices, SPI‐based drought forecasting models are developed with up to 3 months' lead time. As traditional statistical forecast models are unable to capture nonlinearity and nonstationarity associated with drought forecasts, a machine learning technique, namely, support vector regression (SVR), is adopted to forecast the drought index, and the copula method is used to model the joint distribution of observed and predicted drought index. The copula‐based conditional distribution of an observed drought index conditioned on predicted drought index is utilized to simulate ensembles of drought forecasts. Two variants of drought forecast models are developed, namely a single model for all the periods in a year and separate models for each of the four seasons in a year. The performance of developed models is validated for predicting drought time series for 10 years' data. Improvement in ensemble prediction of drought indices is observed for combined seasonal model over the single model without seasonal partitions. The results show that the proposed SVM–copula approach improves the drought prediction capability and provides estimation of uncertainty associated with drought predictions. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Establishing a universal watershed‐scale erosion and sediment yield prediction model represents a frontier field in erosion and soil/water conservation. The research presented here was conducted on the Chabagou watershed, which is located in the first sub‐region of the hill‐gully area of the Loess Plateau, China. A back‐propagation artificial neural model for watershed‐scale erosion and sediment yield was established, with the accuracy of the model, then compared with that of multiple linear regression. The sensitivity degree of various factors to erosion and sediment yield was quantitatively analysed using the default factor test. On the basis of the sensitive factors and the fractal information dimension, the piecewise prediction model for erosion and sediment yield of individual rainfall events was established and further verified. The results revealed the back‐propagation artificial neural network model to perform better than the multiple linear regression model in terms of predicting the erosion modulus, with the former able to effectively characterize dynamic changes in sediment yield under comprehensive factor conditions. The sensitivity of runoff erosion power and runoff depth to the erosion and sediment yield associated with individual rainfall events was found to be related to the complexity of surface topography. The characteristics of such a hydrological response are thus closely related to topography. When the fractal information dimension is greater than the topographic threshold, the accuracy of prediction using runoff erosion power is higher than that of using runoff depth. In contrast, when the fractal information dimension is smaller than the topographic threshold, the accuracy of prediction using runoff depth is higher than that of using runoff erosion power. The developed piecewise prediction model for watershed‐scale erosion and sediment yield of individual rainfall events, which introduces runoff erosion power and runoff depth using the fractal information dimension as a boundary, can be considered feasible and reliable and has a high prediction accuracy. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
重大工程建设一般会有定期的沉降和变形监测,本研究利用具有规律变化的Logistic和Gompertz曲线模型进行拟合,并以某大型发电厂为研究对象,利用近15年的监测数据,建立预测模型并进行精度评估。研究结果表明,若监测数据具有一定程度的稳定性,并对计算时监测数据进行合理取舍,对采取的全区、分区平均值或单一点高度值的检测数据,运用Logistic和Gompertz曲线模型来预测大型建筑物的沉降情况是可行的。  相似文献   
针对危岩变形预测问题,本文以非齐次指数序列的灰色模型(NGM)作为危岩变形预测的基本模型,通过对望霞危岩变形的分析结果显示,NGM(1,1,k,c)模型拟合效果明显优于GM(1,1)模型,说明危岩变形趋势更接近于非齐次指数序列。利用NGM(1,1,k,c)模型结合改进切线角可对危岩变形趋势进行分析预测,可作为危岩稳定性和发展趋势的评估依据。  相似文献   
卫星导航系统中星载原子钟的钟差预报对于导航、定位及授时具有重要的作用。为了提高卫星钟差预报的精度,设计了一种两步确定卫星钟噪声协方差矩阵的Kalman滤波钟差预报模型。该方法首先基于Hadamard总方差确定卫星钟噪声协方差矩阵的初值,然后,使用方差递推法得到滤波过程中卫星钟的噪声协方差矩阵。使用GPS系统的星载铷钟数据进行短期预报,并与常用的二次多项式模型、灰色模型进行对比,结果表明:本文中提出的方法可以实现高精度的卫星钟差预报且预报效果优于两种常用模型,同时,该方法能够在一定程度上弥补预报误差随预报时间增加而不断变大的不足。  相似文献   
The potential of the load-unload response ratio (LURR) method for medium-term earthquake prediction is studied for Sakhalin Island as an example. An approach to the generation of predicted conditions and assessment of their implementation in real time is considered. The results of a retrospective analysis of other large Sakhalin earthquakes are used for generalization. It is shown that deviations of prediction parameters from specified values are satisfactory for this method. It is recommended that this method be used to compile summaries of medium-term predictions for Sakhalin provided that catalogs are filled as soon as possible.  相似文献   
刘艳鹏  朱立新  周永章 《岩石学报》2018,34(11):3217-3224
大数据人工智能地质学刚刚起步,基于大数据智能算法的地质研究是非常有意义的探索性实验。利用大数据和机器学习解决矿产预测问题,有助于人们克服不能全面考虑地质变量的困难及评估当前模型在已有数据中的可靠性。元素地表分布特征量主要受原岩成分、成矿作用影响和地表过程的影响,它们携带某些指示矿体就位的信息,即矿体在地下空间就位时在地表的响应,且未在地表过程中消失。以往的地球化学勘查工作仅仅识别异常,但未能发现矿体在地表响应的成矿特征量。本文以安徽省兆吉口铅锌矿床为例,通过机器学习,利用卷积神经网络算法,不断挖掘元素Pb分布特征与矿体地下就位空间的耦合相关性。经过1000次训练后,可以得到准确率0. 93,损失率0. 28的卷积神经网络模型。这种神经网络模型就是矿体在地下就位时元素在地表分布的响应,可以用来进行矿产资源预测。应用该模型对未知区进行预测,结果显示第53号区域具有很大概率存在尚未发现的矿体。  相似文献   
The capability of accurately predicting mineralogical brittleness index(BI)from basic suites of well logs is desir-able as it provides a useful indicator of the fracability of tight formations.Measuring mineralogical components in rocks is expensive and time consuming.However,the basic well log curves are not well correlated with BI so correlation-based,machine-learning methods are not able to derive highly accurate BI predictions using such data.A correlation-free,optimized data-matching algorithm is configured to predict BI on a supervised basis from well log and core data available from two published wells in the Lower Barnett Shale Formation(Texas).This transparent open box(TOB)algorithm matches data records by calculating the sum of squared errors be-tween their variables and selecting the best matches as those with the minimum squared errors.It then applies optimizers to adjust weights applied to individual variable errors to minimize the root mean square error(RMSE)between calculated and predicted(BI).The prediction accuracy achieved by TOB using just five well logs(Gr,pb,Ns,Rs,Dt)to predict BI is dependent on the density of data records sampled.At a sampling density of about one sample per 0.5 ft BI is predicted with RMSE~0.056 and R2~0.790.At a sampling density of about one sample per 0.1 ft BI is predicted with RMSE~0.008 and R2~0.995.Adding a stratigraphic height index as an additional(sixth)input variable method improves BI prediction accuracy to RMSE~0.003 and R2~0.999 for the two wells with only 1 record in 10,000 yielding a BI prediction error of>±0.1.The model has the potential to be applied in an unsupervised basis to predict BI from basic well log data in surrounding wells lacking mineralogical measure-ments but with similar lithofacies and burial histories.The method could also be extended to predict elastic rock properties in and seismic attributes from wells and seismic data to improve the precision of brittleness index and fracability mapping spatially.  相似文献   
新疆乌什6.2级地震的中期预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了利用地倾斜资料和中国地壳运动网络工程GPS复测资料对新疆地区震情进行跟踪研究的基本依据、方法和过程,对2005年2月15日发生的乌什Ms6.2地震给出了较好的年度预测意见。  相似文献   
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