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以一字形竖缝耗能预制剪力墙作为研究对象,设计了3个装配式剪力墙试件及1个现浇剪力墙对比试件,进行低周往复荷载试验,并对破坏墙体进行CFRP加固,再次进行拟静力试验。试件变化参数包括轴压比、混凝土强度等级及配筋率,对比分析加固前后试件滞回性能、刚度退化、承载力和耗能能力等性能。试验结果表明,与现浇剪力墙相比,一字形竖缝耗能预制剪力墙工作性能良好,阻尼器屈服耗能提高了试件整体工作性能;CFRP加固可有效抑制墙体斜裂缝的发展,对墙体承载力及耗能能力均有显著改善作用;各试件均满足剪力墙弹塑性层间位移角限值要求,延性较好;试件整体表现出良好的抗震性能。  相似文献   
An energy-based liquefaction potential evaluation method (EBM) previously developed was applied to a uniform sand model shaken by seismic motions recorded at different sites during different magnitude earthquakes. It was also applied to actual liquefaction case histories in Urayasu city during the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku earthquake and in Tanno-cho during the 2003 M8.0 Tokachi-oki earthquake. In all these evaluations, the results were compared with those by the currently used stress-based method (SBM) under exactly the same seismic and geotechnical conditions. It was found that EBM yields similar results with SBM for several ground motions of recent earthquakes but has easier applicability without considering associated parameters. In Urayasu city, the two methods yielded nearly consistent results by using an appropriate coefficient in SBM for the M9.0 earthquake, though both overestimated the actual liquefaction performance, probably because effects of plasticity and aging on in situ liquefaction strength were not taken into account. In Tanno-cho, EBM could evaluate actual liquefaction performance due to a small-acceleration motion during a far-field large magnitude earthquake while SBM could not.  相似文献   
Slopes consisting of saturated sand have recently moved down-slope tens or hundreds of meters under the action of earthquakes. This paper presents a simplified but accurate method predicting the triggering and displacement of such landslides. For this purpose, a simplified constitutive model simulating soil response of saturated sands along slip surfaces is proposed and validated. Then, this constitutive model is coupled with the multi-block sliding system model to predict the triggering and displacement of such slides. The multi-block model considers a general mass sliding on a trajectory which consists of n linear segments. The steps needed to apply this method are described in detail. The method was applied successfully to predict the triggering, the motion and the final configuration of the well-documented (a) Higashi Takezawa, (b) Donghekou and (c) Nikawa earthquake-induced slides.  相似文献   
东昆仑造山带中地壳存在古洋壳俯冲的深反射地震证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INDEPTH Ⅳ深反射地震测线横跨可可西里-巴颜喀拉地块和东昆仑-柴达木地块,为揭示青藏高原东昆仑造山带深部构造提供了直接地球物理证据。针对地表和地下"双复杂"地质构造条件,地震数据处理中通过剩余折射波静校正技术、异常振幅噪声衰减技术和CRS优化叠加技术,获得了较高信噪比的地震反射叠加剖面。INDEPTH Ⅳ深反射地震剖面揭示,在东昆仑造山带岩石圈上、下地壳之间存在不连续的古洋壳反射同相轴,该反射界面应属古特提斯域松潘-甘孜洋壳向北俯冲遗迹,不连续特征反映中生代东昆仑-柴达木地块南缘属于被动大陆边缘碰撞带。利用INDEPTH Ⅳ深反射地震单炮、速度和叠加剖面等成果,综合解译数据,提出东昆仑造山带隆升过程的另一种模式,以助于深化东昆仑造山模式认识。  相似文献   
In the present study, locomotion of a real longfin inshore squid (Doryteuthis pealeii) was numerically investigated. Geometry of a real squid was obtained using computed tomography (CT) images. In addition to a two-dimensional axisymmetric squid model, a modified squid model with no cavities around her head and an ellipse shaped model were generated with a fineness ratio (the ratio of body length to maximum body diameter) of 7.56. These numerical models were exposed to an acceleration with two different velocity programs. Added mass and basset forces on bodies were calculated during acceleration of the squid models starting from rest. Pressure and viscous drag forces were also calculated due to pressure variation along the squid models and friction on the surface of the models. The effect of a nozzle diameter on jet velocities and propulsive efficiency at all bodies were evaluated when time dependent velocity profiles (from 0 to 10 m/s in 0.5 and 1 s time durations) were set for the inlet of computational domain. The modified squid model required least thrust force during acceleration phase of time dependent velocity profile compared to the other models while the 0.02 m nozzle diameter provided largest propulsive efficiency for all models.  相似文献   
The frequency attenuation gradient method can provide important information for hydrocarbon detection. In this paper, a method using Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (CEEMD), Hilbert transform and the least-squares curve-fitting is proposed for seismic attenuation estimation as an effective frequency attenuation gradient estimation approach. We first use CEEMD to obtain the different Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs), which have a narrow band and can enhance the physical meaning of instantaneous attributes trace by trace. The time-frequency spectrum, which is computed using a Hilbert transform of each IMF, is represented as a spectrum with a single-peak that has narrow side lobes, which is conducive to frequency attenuation gradient estimation. Second, for each time sample, the frequency-amplitude spectrum of each IMF trace is extracted from the time-frequency spectrum to conduct the attenuation gradient computation. Then, the logarithm operation is performed for each IMF trace. Due to the very narrow bands of some IMFs in some seismic traces, a variable frequency window is adopted along the IMF trace according to the local data characteristics. Finally, the attenuation gradient for each IMF in a seismic trace can be computed using least-squares fitting. A different IMF reflects a seismic trace with a different spatiotemporal scale and can highlight different geologic and stratigraphic information. The correlation weighted average operation is used to highlight some useful details in seismic trace and obtains the attenuation gradient for each seismic trace. Field data examples demonstrate our method and its effectiveness. The proposed method can stably estimate the frequency attenuation gradient.  相似文献   
PET(正电子发射成像)是当今高层次的核医学技术。它综合了核技术、核电子学、计算机、数据处理等领域中的尖端技术,是当前医学界最先进的大型医疗诊断成像设备之一,在肿瘤、心血管疾病和神经系统疾病的临床诊断中发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文以国产32环高档临床PET为例,较详细地介绍了PET设备的工作原理、总体基本结构及各子系统基本功能,对PET整机性能及其临床应用也做了简述。  相似文献   
钱晓东  秦嘉政 《地震》2006,26(2):113-121
利川判断地震序列能蕈释放衰减是否异常的Ec—k量板,汁算了云南及附近地区39次巾强地震序列的能量衰减系数k值。结果显示:①当判别指标k〉1时,地震序列能量衰减处于正常状态;当k≤1时,判断地震序列能量衰减出现异常,其后发生更大地震或强余震的町能什较大。②对云南地区中强地震序列的榆验表明,有74%的地震序列符合上述判别指标。③用相同的地震进行了地震序列频度衰减系数^值的计算,发现符合h值判别指标的地震序列占统计际本的锄%。④对日常地震跟踪临视中遇到的二次典型地震序列详细分析,发现用k值力。法无论对中小地震序列还是巨震序列,预测效果均较好。  相似文献   
地震前兆数据监视与管理系统   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周克昌  李志雄  王松  岳鑫雨  李杰飞 《地震》2006,26(1):115-122
在北京十三陵地震台建设了一个高度集成的地震观测监控系统, 将原来分散的观测项目(如测震、 GPS、 气氡、 气汞、 电磁波、 地电场等测项), 改造为集中到一台服务器管理, 在一个监控平台上统一实现了对台站数据的收集、 入库、 管理、 处理、 监控等业务; 对这些观测项目可以在控制台上直接取数并将数据入库; 初步实现了观测数据的收集、 数据处理、 数据管理、 数据监控的软件管理系统, 减少了系统维护工作量, 方便台站工作人员操控。 监控系统的地震前兆数据监管软件系统DataMonitor可准实时监视数据, 检查数据的异常和到达情况, 并向台站数据管理人员告警; 可对数据库数据进行统计, 包括数据到达情况统计、 缺数统计、 数据连续率统计等, 并可按用户定制的测项分类进行统计。 该系统还提供多种前兆数据处理方法, 实现对前兆数据的各种常规分析处理。 地震前兆数据监视与管理系统已在北京十三陵地震台应用, 满足了数据管理人员日常工作需要, 可及时方便地掌握数据的情况并对观测系统进行维护。  相似文献   
中国隧道及井巷地震波法超前探测技术研究分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张平松  吴健生 《地球科学进展》2006,21(10):1033-1038
自20世纪90年代以来,反射地震波法作为一种主要的超前探测技术在我国国内隧道及井巷工程中取得了诸多成功应用的探测实例,同时在应用中不同探测方法也存在不少问题。文章结合国内外超前探测中应用较为广泛的TSP法、负视速度法、HSP法、TRT法、ISIS系统等反射波探测技术加以阐明,分析了国内超前探测技术应用与研究的现状,指出隧道及井巷超前探测数据采集与处理过程中存在的不足,并进一步提出超前探测研究在正反演理论、数据采集、偏移成像技术等方面应该注意的问题,超前探测的目标是要建立和完善一套实时的巷道前方地质体的动态监测与预报系统。  相似文献   
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