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北桐柏地区镁铁质麻粒岩锆石U-Pb年代学及变质作用   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
对北桐柏地区镁铁质麻粒岩变质锆石进行LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年,获得了418.7±3.2Ma的谐和年龄。详细的岩石学、矿物学研究表明,桐柏地区镁铁质麻粒岩遭受过较强的部份熔融,其变质峰期温压条件为~845℃,~0.85GPa。根据Zr的溶解度模型进行部分熔融模拟计算,发现在峰期变质条件下,熔体中Zr不饱和,在冷却到750~800℃时Zr才达到饱和;同时锆石Ti含量温度计也给出了750℃左右的结晶温度。这些表明418.7Ma记录的并不是麻粒岩峰期变质年龄,而是峰期后冷却到750~800℃左右的年龄,麻粒岩的峰期变质年龄可能为430~445Ma左右。部分锆石边部具明显增生边,相对核部的变质锆石区域CL发光性强,且普通Pb含量高,U-Pb定年结果为404.7±6.5Ma,该年龄反映了404Ma左右的一次退变质作用。大量研究表明,沿中央造山带存在一次十分强烈的加里东期板块构造事件,期间的大陆俯冲碰撞或岛弧-大陆碰撞导致大陆壳充分加厚,北桐柏地区的高温麻粒岩相变质作用很可能发生在碰撞加厚的地壳基底。  相似文献   
The Mary granite, in the East Athabasca mylonite triangle, northern Saskatchewan, provides an example and a model for the development of non-migmatitic gneissic texture. Gneissic compositional layering developed through the simultaneous evolution of three microdomains corresponding to original plagioclase, orthopyroxene and matrix in the igneous rocks. Plagioclase phenocrysts were progressively deformed and recrystallized, first into core and mantle structures, and ultimately into plagioclase-rich layers or ribbons. Garnet preferentially developed in the outer portions of recrystallized mantles, and, with further deformation, produced garnet-rich sub-layers within the plagioclase-rich gneissic domains. Orthopyroxene was replaced by clinopyroxene and garnet (and hornblende if sufficient water was present), which were, in turn, drawn into layers with new garnet growth along the boundaries. The igneous matrix evolved through a number of transient fabric stages involving S-C fabrics, S-C-C' fabrics, and ultramylonitic domains. In addition, quartz veins were emplaced and subsequently deformed into quartz-rich gneissic layers. Moderate to highly strained samples display extreme mineralogical (compositional) segregation, yet most domains can be directly related to the original igneous precursors. The Mary granite was emplaced at approximately 900 °C and 1.0 GPa and was metamorphosed at approximately 750 °C and 1.0 GPa. The igneous rocks crystallized in the medium-pressure granulite field (Opx–Pl) but were metamorphosed on cooling into the high-pressure (Grt–Cpx–Pl) granulite field. The compositional segregation resulted from a dynamic, mutually reinforcing interaction between deformation, metamorphic and igneous processes in the deep crust. The production of gneissic texture by processes such as these may be the inevitable result of isobaric cooling of igneous rocks within a tectonically active deep crust.  相似文献   
中国东南新生代玄武岩中麻粒岩相捕虏体的新发现及其意义   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文报道了在中国东南地区女山、桂子山、西垄和麒麟等地新生代玄武岩中新发现的麻粒岩相捕虏体。研究显示女山存在多种岩石类型的捕虏体,其中本次研究新发现的石榴子石麻粒岩与二辉麻粒岩在矿物化学和形成条件上明显不同。石榴子石麻粒岩的次透辉石(富Al2O3,Na2O)、紫苏辉石(富Al2O3) 形成于较深(>40km)的下地壳,厚的地壳和较低的地温梯度(20-24℃/km)表明当时女山处于相对稳定的克拉通环境;女山二辉麻粒岩的次透辉石和紫苏辉石(贫Al2O3,Na2O)形成于较高地温梯度(31-34℃/km)的构造背景,指示当时女山处于活动大陆边缘或裂谷环境。复杂的岩石类型和不同的形成条件表明女山的下地壳是由多期岩浆活动的产物组成。广东麒麟和雷州的二辉麻粒岩的次透辉石以低Al2O3和低Na2O为特征,温压估算显示它们形成于较浅部(23-27km)和高地温梯度的地质背景,指示当时华南处在强烈的拉张减薄的构造环境。浙江西垄和新昌的麻粒岩捕虏体的矿物学特征和形成条件介于女山和广东的麻粒岩捕虏体之间。女山麻粒岩捕虏体的岩石组合和形成条件与华北太古代麻粒岩地体和汉诺坝麻粒岩捕虏体相似,而与华南的明显不同,表明女山的下地壳隶属于华北板块。在华南沿海从北到南基性麻粒岩的发现,显示中生代基性岩浆的底侵作用普遍存在。  相似文献   
何凡  宋述光 《岩石学报》2020,36(4):1030-1040
格林威尔期构造事件是了解罗迪尼亚超大陆形成的关键。本文报道了东昆仑造山带东段金水口地区古生代花岗岩中新发现二辉麻粒岩包体,其峰期变质矿物组合为单斜辉石+紫苏辉石+钙长石+石英+磁铁矿。通过锆石U-Pb测年,我们确定二辉麻粒岩样品的峰期变质年龄为995±34Ma,并受到泥盆纪(~417Ma)构造热事件的叠加改造。利用单斜辉石-斜方辉石温压计估算出该区二辉麻粒岩变质峰期温度867~1079℃,压力46~89kbar,属于低压超高温变质的温压范围,可能形成于高地温梯度的岛弧环境。该二辉麻粒岩是首次在东昆仑地区发现的格林威尔期超高温麻粒岩,代表罗迪尼亚超大陆汇聚过程中低压高温变质的产物。该发现对了解东昆仑造山带前寒武纪基底的构造属性和起源有重要意义。  相似文献   
South Indian granulite terrain had witnessed significant part of Precambrian mafic igneous activity in the form of episodic mafic dyke intrusions of the Palaeoproterozoic period. Strike trends of these dykes are not uniform over the region and the dykes are generally fresh, massive, black dolerites except in the Bhavani shear zone bordering the southern fringes of Nilgiri massif. In Agali-Coimbatore area of our study in the western Bhavani shear zone, the dykes appear to be penecontemporaneous with shearing. Isotopic data place age of Agali-Coimbatore dyke intrusions at about 2.1 Ga. The age of these dykes is significant to constrain an early Palaeoproterozoic age for major shearing event in the Bhavani shear zone. Other dyke emplacement ages are placed at about 1.8 Ga and 1.65 Ga based on the Ar/Ar and K-Ar isotopic results of dykes in Dharmapuri and Tiruvannamalai areas. Older ages comparable to those of the Dharwar craton are not known and in this respect future isotopic dating is vital. Geochemically, these dykes are quartz/hypersthene normative subalkalic tholeiites. An attempt is made here to provide insights into the general petrogenetic history of the Precambrian dykes. Compositional trends are explained by the fractional crystallization of ferromagnesian phases and plagioclase control is conspicuous at the advanced stages of fractionation. Geochemical characteristics suggest that the dykes have tapped Fe-rich non-pyrolite mantle sources with LIL and LREE enrichment as in many continental basalts. The data suggest that role of crustal contamination is limited in petrogenesis; crustal signatures are noticed in the more mafic end members formed in early stage of evolution suggesting that contamination was temperature controlled with most primitive high temperature magmas being most vulnerable to the process. Nd-Sr isotopic data, at present restricted to Agali-Coimbatore dykes, suggest that Palaeoproterozoic magmas tapped subcontinental lithosphere that may have stabilized in the Archaean times at about 3 Ga during the major crustal building activity in the shield region. Further work coupled with isotopic and mineral chemistry will improve our knowledge on the petrological evolution of the dyke magmas and mafic magmatism in general.  相似文献   
The O'okiep Copper District is underlain by voluminous 1035–1210Ma granite gneiss and granite with remnants of metamorphosedsupracrustal rocks. This assemblage was intruded by the 1030Ma copper-bearing Koperberg Suite that includes jotunite, anorthosite,biotite diorite and hypersthene-bearing rocks ranging from leuconoriteto hypersthenite. New sensitive high-resolution ion microprobeage data demonstrate the presence of 1700–2000 Ma zirconas xenocrysts in all of the intrusive rocks, and as detritalzircon in the metasediments of the Khurisberg Subgroup. Thesedata are consistent with published Sm–Nd model ages ofc. 1700 Ma (TCHUR) and c. 2000 Ma (TDM) of many of the intrusivesthat support a major crust-forming event in Eburnian (Hudsonian)times. In addition, U–Th–Pb analyses of zirconsfrom all major rock units define two tectono-magmatic episodesof the Namaquan Orogeny: (1) the O'okiepian Episode (1180–1210Ma), represented by regional granite plutonism, notably theNababeep and Modderfontein Granite Gneisses and the Concordiaand Kweekfontein Granites that accompanied and outlasted (e.g.Kweekfontein Granite) regional tectonism [F2(D2)] and granulite-faciesmetamorphism (M2); (2) the Klondikean Episode (1020–1040Ma), which includes the intrusion of the porphyritic RietbergGranite and of the Koperberg Suite that are devoid of regionalplanar or linear fabrics. Klondikean tectonism (D3) is reflectedby major east–west-trending open folds [F3(D3a)], andby localized east–west-trending near-vertical ductilefolds [‘steep structures’; F4(D3b)] whose formationwas broadly coeval with the intrusion of the Koperberg Suite.A regional, largely thermal, amphibolite- to granulite-faciesmetamorphism (M3) accompanied D3. This study demonstrates, interalia, that the complete spectrum of rock-types of the KoperbergSuite, together with the Rietberg Granite, was intruded in ashort time-interval (<10 Myr) at c. 1030 Ma, and that therewere lengthy periods of about 150 Myr of tectonic quiescencewithin the Namaquan Orogeny: (1) between the O'okiepian andKlondikean Episodes; (2) from the end of the latter to the formalend of Namaquan Orogenesis 800–850 Ma ago. KEY WORDS: U–Pb, zircon; O'okiep, Namaqualand; granite plutonism; granulite facies; Koperberg Suite; Namaquan (Grenville) Orogeny  相似文献   
Controversy over the plate tectonic affinity and evolution of the Saxon granulites in a two‐ or multi‐plate setting during inter‐ or intracontinental collision makes the Saxon Granulite Massif a key area for the understanding of the Palaeozoic Variscan orogeny. The massif is a large dome structure in which tectonic slivers of metapelite and metaophiolite units occur along a shear zone separating a diapir‐like body of high‐P granulite below from low‐P metasedimentary rocks above. Each of the upper structural units records a different metamorphic evolution until its assembly with the exhuming granulite body. New age and petrologic data suggest that the metaophiolites developed from early Cambrian protoliths during high‐P amphibolite facies metamorphism in the mid‐ to late‐Devonian and thermal overprinting by the exhuming hot granulite body in the early Carboniferous. A correlation of new Ar–Ar biotite ages with published PTt data for the granulites implies that exhumation and cooling of the granulite body occurred at average rates of ~8 mm/year and ~80°C/Ma, with a drop in exhumation rate from ~20 to ~2.5 mm/year and a slight rise in cooling rate between early and late stages of exhumation. A time lag of c. 2 Ma between cooling through the closure temperatures for argon diffusion in hornblende and biotite indicates a cooling rate of 90°C/Ma when all units had assembled into the massif. A two‐plate model of the Variscan orogeny in which the above evolution is related to a short‐lived intra‐Gondwana subduction zone conflicts with the oceanic affinity of the metaophiolites and the timescale of c. 50 Ma for the metamorphism. Alternative models focusing on the internal Variscan belt assume distinctly different material paths through the lower or upper crust for strikingly similar granulite massifs. An earlier proposed model of bilateral subduction below the internal Variscan belt may solve this problem.  相似文献   
南天山北缘麻粒岩残迹与辉石相韧性变形研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
舒良树  王赐银 《地质科学》1996,31(4):375-383
对新疆北部南天山北缘蛇绿混杂岩带中麻粒岩的岩石学、矿物学、岩石化学、矿物化学、稀土元素地球化学特征及辉石相韧性变形构造的研究表明,榆树沟麻粒岩的共生矿物组合为透辉石-次透辉石-紫苏辉石-石榴石-斜长石,属基性岩类暗色麻粒岩,以低硅高钙为特征,稀土总量低,轻稀土与铕弱亏损,反映高温高压熔融环境和岩浆分异差的特点。麻粒岩及超镁铁岩中的辉石经历了强烈的韧性剪切变形作用,不对称辉石残斑系、动态重结晶辉石亚颗粒集合体、辉石变形双晶纹、鱼尾构造、核幔构造等显微韧变构造广泛发育。宏观和微观运动学分析揭示了一期从南向北的推覆构造。麻粒岩的形成与早古生代大陆地壳拉伸作用有关,辉石相韧性变形则与早古生代末南天山边缘海的挤压关闭和推覆逆冲有关。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONAsaresultoftectonicprocesses,rocksexposedexten-sivelyfromdeepcrusttosurfaceprovideawindowofunder-standingvariatio...  相似文献   
We report here U–Pb electron microprobe ages from zircon and monazite associated with corundum- and sapphirine-bearing granulite facies rocks of Lachmanapatti, Sengal, Sakkarakkottai and Mettanganam in the Palghat–Cauvery shear zone system and Ganguvarpatti in the northern Madurai Block of southern India. Mineral assemblages and petrologic characteristics of granulite facies assemblages in all these localities indicate extreme crustal metamorphism under ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) conditions. Zircon cores from Lachmanapatti range from 3200 to 2300 Ma with a peak at 2420 Ma, while those from Mettanganam show 2300 Ma peak. Younger zircons with peak ages of 2100 and 830 Ma are displayed by the UHT granulites of Sengal and Ganguvarpatti, although detrital grains with 2000 Ma ages are also present. The Late Archaean-aged cores are mantled by variable rims of Palaeo- to Mesoproterozoic ages in most cases. Zircon cores from Ganguvarpatti range from 2279 to 749 Ma and are interpreted to reflect multiple age sources. The oldest cores are surrounded by Palaeoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic rims, and finally mantled by Neoproterozoic overgrowths. In contrast, monazites from these localities define peak ages of between 550 and 520 Ma, with an exception of a peak at 590 Ma for the Lachmanapatti rocks. The outermost rims of monazite grains show spot ages in the range of 510–450 Ma.While the zircon populations in these rocks suggest multiple sources of Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic age, the monazite data are interpreted to date the timing of ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism in southern India as latest Neoproterozoic to Cambrian in both the Palghat–Cauvery shear zone system and the northern Madurai Block. The data illustrate the extent of Neoproterozoic/Cambrian metamorphism as India joined the Gondwana amalgam at the dawn of the Cambrian.  相似文献   
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