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曾祥亮  刘树根  黄文明  张长俊 《地质通报》2011,30(0203):372-384
从沉积学、地球化学、生烃演化、构造演化等方面,对美国Fort Worth盆地石炭系Barnett页岩和四川盆地下志留统龙马溪组页岩进行了对比性研究,发现四川盆地志留系,特别是川南志留系页岩气具有较好的勘探前景。2套烃源岩共性与个性共存,具有相似的沉积背景、厚度、有机质类型(Ⅰ~Ⅱ1)和生烃演化史。但是,Barnett页岩TOC值较高(3%~13%)、相对富集脆性矿物、页岩的微孔隙发育;龙马溪组页岩埋藏较深(一般2000~4000m)、相对富集粘土矿物,且具有较高的成熟度(普遍Ro>2%)、较大的隆升幅度和较快的隆升速率(3000m/80Ma)。  相似文献   
Abstract: The Balfour Formation has a pronounced lithological variation that is characterized by alternating sandstone- and mudstone-dominated members. The sandstone-dominated Oudeberg and Barberskrans Members are composed of lithofacies that range from intraformational conglomerates to fine-grained sediments, whereas the mudstone-dominated members (Daggaboersnek, Elandsberg, and Palingkloof) are dominated by the facies Fm and Fl. Petrography, geochemistry, and a paleocurrent analysis indicated that the source rock of the Balfour Formation was to south east and the rocks had a transitional/dissected magmatic arc signature. The sandstones-rich members were deposited by seasonal and ephemeral high-energy, low-sinuous streams, and the fine-grained-rich members were formed by ephemeral meandering streams. The paleoclimates have been equated to present temperate climates; they were semiarid becoming arid towards the top of the Balfour Formation. This has been determined by reconstructing the paleolatitude of the Karoo Basin, geochemistry, paleontology, sedimentary structures, and other rock properties, like color.  相似文献   
陕西镇坪地区唐家垭子钼钒多金属矿床是近年来新发现的钼钒矿床,含矿地层及矿化带延伸情况显示其具有达到大型规模的潜力。矿体产于寒武系下统鲁家坪组黑色岩系,与地层展布方向一致,受黑色岩系控制;矿石类型有含炭板岩型、粉砂质板岩型及含炭硅质岩型3种;矿石含钼矿物主要有铁钼华、钼华、胶硫钼矿等,钒主要存在于钒云母中,其次为高岭土、电气石等;矿石化学成分以Mo、V2O5为主,主成矿元素为Mo、V,伴生金属元素有Ag等。矿床地球化学综合分析认为,寒武系下统鲁家坪组为(较封闭的)浅海盆地相;含矿地层鲁家坪组的Mo、Cu、Ni、Pb含量分析表明,沉积的深度可能大于250m;w(Ni)/w(Ti)、w(Cu)/w(Ti)值表明,沉积的离岸距离为100~300km;w(V)/w(Ni)、w(V)/(w(V)+w(Ni))值反映成矿期处于缺氧—强缺氧的还原沉积环境;矿床地质地球化学分析表明,该矿床为明显的深海冷水沉积型矿床。  相似文献   
在介绍鄂尔多斯盆地吴堡地区延长组长6段沉积特征的基础上,探讨了该储层物性特征、浊积岩特征、浊积岩分布规律及其对油藏的影响,明确了浊流沉积的石油地质意义.结果表明:鄂尔多斯盆地吴堡地区长6段以发育长石砂岩为主,填隙物成分有方解石、绿泥石、白云母以及少量的石英加大、长石加大等,砂岩储集层孔隙结构具有很强的非均质性;吴堡地区长6期湖盆沉降趋于稳定,是三角洲的高建设时期;多水系、多物源的三角洲前缘沉积为深湖浊积扇沉积提供了充足的物质基础;在吴堡地区东北部三角洲前缘水下分流河道前端发育深湖浊积扇沉积,可区分出中心微相和边缘微相两个沉积微相带,其中浊积扇中心微相以细砂岩、粉砂岩与暗色泥岩呈砂泥互层;从平面上看,浊积岩砂体非均质性在侧向上逐渐变弱,砂体底部发育厚度较大、成熟度较高的暗色湖相沉积的烃源岩,深湖相的暗色泥岩含有丰富的烃源岩,而浊积岩砂体是由深湖相的暗色泥岩构成,孔渗物性好的区域易于形成良好的上倾尖灭的透镜状岩性油藏.  相似文献   
Based on the anatomical study of leaf cuticles of Cordaites from the Lower Permian Shanxi Formation in Baode of Shanxi, the author analysed the epidermal characters of Cordaites in this area. On the base of the abundant compressions and laboratory studies, the author complemented some new data of the cuticular characters of the species Cordaites baodeensis Sun for its study of taxonomy. Meanwhile, the author newly discovered a number of sporopollen fossils associated with the mega-plants of Cordaitales, described 9 species of 6 genera. The palynological data can provide a supp lement evidence for defining the age of C. baodeensis and its associated plants to be Early Permian.  相似文献   
丹东地区小岭组植物化石共9属12种。动物化石腹足类4属6种,叶肢介1属2种。均为首次发现。这些化石的发现为小岭组应属早白垩世而不属侏罗纪,提出了令人信服的证据。同时,阐述了古地理环境和地层特征,并与邻区进行了对比。  相似文献   
针对惠民凹陷大芦家地区各断块地层单元划分不一致,沉积相认识存在分歧等问题,依据旋回级次、旋回性质等,将馆陶组三段划分出2个四级旋回、4个五级旋回、16个六级旋回;并以岩芯及室内分析资料、测井资料等为主要依据,综合分析岩石类型、粒度及结构特征、垂向粒序变化、层理构造类型及自然电位曲线形态等。结果表明:惠民凹陷大芦家地区馆陶组三段主要发育冲积扇及辫状河;冲积扇主要发育辫流砂岛、辫流沟道、辫流带、漫流席状砂、远端砂丘等微相;辫状河主要发育心滩,辫状河道充填,天然堤、漫滩和道间洼地沉积,泛滥平原沉积,废弃河道等微相;2个四级旋回的沉积相类型及空间展布特征相似;第Ⅰ五级旋回在研究区中偏西部属冲积扇沉积,主要发育辫流砂岛、辫流沟道、辫流带微相,在东部属扇前平原沉积;第Ⅱ五级旋回早期以辫状河沉积为主,河道规模较大,仅在第Ⅱ1六级旋回的东北部位见冲积扇的辫流砂岛及辫流沟道微相;第Ⅱ五级旋回中期属辫状河沉积,河道规模减小,2个河道群自NW向SE方向流动;第Ⅱ五级旋回晚期河道规模更小,逐渐向曲流河沉积过渡。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地西南部西峰地区三叠系延长组烃源岩检出丰富的两环烷烃,主要为C12~C14和C15、C16两组两环烷烃。其相对丰度表现出3种源岩模式:1以低碳数两环烷烃为主,出现于长71和长81段非烃源岩;2两组两环烷烃都很丰富,出现于长73段富有机质烃源岩;3以高碳数两环烷烃为主,主要发现于长73段烃源岩,也见于长72和长81段。尽管长7段热演化程度基本一致,但补身烷异构化指数变化明显,表明补身烷重排不仅受热演化的影响,而且受有机质来源和沉积环境的控制。延长组烃源岩具有明显的高补身烷优势,反映了烃源岩的还原性沉积环境。烃源岩高丰度C15、C16两环烷烃的检出则指示该地区晚三叠世发育淡水湖泊。葡萄藻不仅是该地区中生界石油的重要母质来源,而且可能是这些两环类标志物的直接生源。  相似文献   
Debris flows and landslides, extensively developing and frequently occurring along Parlung Zangbo, seriously damage the Highway from Sichuan to Tiebt(G318) at Bomi County. The disastrous debris flows of the Tianmo Watershed on Sept. 4, 2007, July 25, 2010 and Sept. 4, 2010, blocked Parlung Zangbo River and produced dammed lakes, whose outburst flow made 50 m high terrace collapse at the opposite bank due to intense scouring on the foot of the terrace. As a result, the traffic was interrupted for 16 days in 2010 because that 900 m highway base was destructed and 430 m ruined. These debris flows were initiated by the glacial melting which was induced by continuous higher temperature and the following intensive rainfall, and expanded by moraines along channels and then blocked Parlung Zangbo. At the outlet of watershed,the density, velocity and peak discharge of debris flow was 2.06 t/m3, 12.7 m/s and 3334 m3/s, respectively. When the discharge at the outlet and the deposition volume into river exceeds 2125 m3/s and 126×103 m3, respectively, debris flow will completely blocked Parlung Zangbo. Moreover,if the shear stress of river flow on the foot of terrace and the inclination angel of terrace overruns 0. 377 N/m2 and 26°, respectively, the unconsolidated terrace will be eroded by outburst flow and collapse. It was strongly recommended for mitigation that identify and evade disastrous debris flows, reduce the junction angel of channels between river and watershed, build protecting wall for highway base and keep appropriate distance between highway and the edge of unconsolidated terrace.  相似文献   
松辽盆地深层断陷沙河子组烃源岩分布预测与生气潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
松辽盆地下白垩统沙河子组是深层断陷的主要烃源岩发育层系,目前钻井揭示其厚度大(>700 m),埋藏深(>3500 m),但钻井大都分布于深层断陷的边部,断陷内部烃源岩层揭示少。根据断陷结构样式及地震反射特征,总结出单断箕状断陷和双断地堑式断陷两种沙河子组烃源岩发育模式,并确定深层烃源岩主要有五种存在形式。断陷中部席状平行结构、成层性、连续性好的地震反射特征的烃源岩最为落实,主要为深湖-半深湖相,暗色泥岩厚度大,暗地比高(45%~70%)。深层沙河子组烃源岩总生气量约148.38×1012 m3,天然气资源潜力巨大。  相似文献   
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