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Water vapor, cloud, and surface rainfall budgets associated with the landfall of Typhoon Krosa on 6--8 October 2007 are analyzed based on a two-dimensional cloud-resolving model simulation. The model is integrated with imposed zonally-uniform vertical velocity, zonal wind, horizontal temperature, and vapor advection from NCEP/Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) data. The simulation data that are validated with observations are examined to study physical causes associated with surface rainfall processes during the landfall. The time- and domain-mean analysis shows that when Krosa approached the eastern coast of China on 6 October, the water vapor convergence over land caused a local atmospheric moistening and a net condensation that further produced surface rainfall and an increase of cloud hydrometeor concentration. Meanwhile, latent heating was balanced by advective cooling and a local atmospheric warming. One day later, the enhancement of net condensation led to an increase of surface rainfall and a local atmospheric drying, while the water vapor convergence weakened as a result of the landfall-induced deprivation of water vapor flux. At the same time, the latent heating is mainly compensated the advective cooling. Further weakening of vapor convergence on 8 October enhanced the local atmospheric drying while the net condensation and associated surface rainfall was maintained. The latent heating is balanced by advective cooling and a local atmospheric cooling.  相似文献   
近日,自治区财政厅、国土资源厅联合下达2009年新增建设用地有偿使用费专项资金预算指标12亿元,其中:中央资金5亿元,自治区资金7亿元,专项用于各盟市土地整理项目及耕地保护、地籍信息、监督系统建设等相关支出。  相似文献   
华蓥山矿区龙滩煤矿开采系统涌水量分析比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
龙滩煤矿位于华蓥山背斜中段,水文地质条件较为复杂,在井巷开拓过程中发生过多起突水事故,严重影响了煤矿生产。在分析矿区水文地质条件及矿井充水因素的基础上,认为长兴组含水层是矿井的间接充水含水层,龙谭组含水层是煤层顶板直接充水含水层,茅口组含水层是煤层的底板直接充水含水层,运用大井法、水平廊道法和比拟法.对矿井开采系统涌水量进行了预算,并对结果进行分析对比,最后建议采用比拟法的计算结果作为矿井涌水量的评价结果.为矿井建设提供了依据。  相似文献   
日前,菏泽市组织编制上报的2005年第一批省投资土地开发整理项日规划设计报告和预算书,顺利通过省厅评审。根据山东省国土资源厅、山东省财政厅《关于下达年度第一批省投资土地开发整理复垦项目计划的通知》文件要求,菏泽市积极组织编制了东明县城关镇、巨野县大义等镇、郓城县武安等镇土地开发整理项目的规划设计和预算书。项目建设规模1669.67公顷,新增耕地153.29公顷,项目总投资3350.56万元。项目严格按照《土地开发整理标准》等规定进行编制,井采用了省最新的水利水电定额标准。省整理中心组织有关专家进行科学论证、审查,一致认为:项目规划设计和预算编制符合当地实际,依据充分,内容齐全,资金投向合理,具有较强的科学性、实用性、操作性。  相似文献   
1预算编制中存在的主要问题 土地开发整理项目预算是按照客观实际要求,根据项目规划设计和预算定额标准等,为完成土地开发整理项目,制定所需人、财、物的经济方案,其编制质量很大程度上取决于项目规划设计的质量,但编制过程中还存在一些问题有待解决。  相似文献   
高校预算管理体系构建的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
预算管理作为高校财务管理的一部位,是实施高校发展战略目标的重要手段,确立全新的预算管理理念,构建科学的预算管理体系,不仅有助于强化高校内部控制,提高办学效益,而且有利于高校办学目标的实现,从分析预算管理在高校内部管理的作用出发,提出了构建高校预算管理体系应有的理念和思路,为高校预算管理的实施提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   
This study deals with contribution of artificial food pellet and natural food to Chinese prawn (Penaeus orientalis) growth in a semiintensive culture pond. The prawn carbon consumption, budget, and the effects of some factors on the budget were investigated. The results showed that 26.2% of P. orientalis growth carbon came from formulated feed at the initial culture stage (when the prawns were 0.06±0.01 g in wet weight), and was 62.5% when the prawns were 9.56±1.04 g. The remaining part of the growth carbon was derived from organic fertilizer and natural food. The highest growth rate occurred at 20×10-3 salinity. Suitable salinity for culturing Chinese prawn was (20-28)×10-3.  相似文献   
<正>今年,新疆维吾尔自治区有6.5万套廉租住房建设项目获得国家预算内投资补助16.2亿元,比去年增加了7亿元。  相似文献   
胡世彬 《探矿工程》1992,(1):8-10,14
明确探矿工程生产、技术管理的基本任务和内容,探矿处切实做好各项工作。“七五”期间,全局优质高效低耗地完成了虎内为地质找矿服务的任务,开拓地质市场创收4820万元,技术进步较快,特别是受控定向钻探技术的成果喜人,创建部级文明机台24台次。  相似文献   
2012年1月,我国新的土地开发整理预算定额标准颁布,标志着我国土地开发整理研究的深入和土地管理水平的提高,为促进其更好地实施应用,论文对该标准进行了解读.在介绍土地开发整理预算定额标准的同时,将新的标准与原有标准进行了比较分析,指出了新旧标准的不同之处以及新标准的优点,以便读者能够更好地理解和运用新标准.  相似文献   
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