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提要应用RNeasy animal mini试剂盒抽提大黄鱼total RNA,逆转录合成模板cDNA;同时综合分析从GenBank数据库查询到已报道的转铁蛋白(Tf)基因序列,先设计并合成扩增引物扩增出大黄鱼转铁蛋白部分基因序列,再应用RACE技术,克隆出大黄鱼转铁蛋白全长cDNA基因,全长2461个核苷酸,编码661个氨基酸。应用WCG软件包,采用DNADIST和NEIGHBOR分析方法,构建了转铁蛋白系统进化树。树图显示与传统的分类地位大致相符,可以看出转铁蛋白在海水鱼和淡水鱼的进化上的差异,同时也显示大黄鱼Tf与真鲷的同源性最高。  相似文献   
通过PCR扩增直接测序得到10种徐闻石珊瑚线粒体Cyt b基因部分序列,分析其碱基组成和变异频率,并采用Neighbor-Joining和Maximum Parsimony法构建系统发育树。结果显示:序列中A+T比例为61.0%,G+C比例为39.0%,前者明显高于后者,碱基替换主要发生在密码子第3位;滨珊瑚科分类与传统分类存在一定差异,揭示传统形态学分类可能受珊瑚骨骼生长可塑性限制,造成分类不准确;刺柄珊瑚属与蜂巢珊瑚科各属亲缘关系较近。  相似文献   
本文对影响南极细菌S-15-13生长和胞外多糖产量的主要环境因子进行了研究,同时采用16S rDNA序列分析及系统发育分析方法对其进行了分子鉴定。结果表明:菌株S-15-13最佳产糖条件为:培养时间,56h;培养温度,8℃;碳源,1.0%葡萄糖;NaCl浓度,3.0%;pH,6.0-7.0。16S rDNA序列分析和系统发育分析表明,菌株S-15-13属于假交替单胞菌属(Pseudoaltero- monas)。  相似文献   
张增祥  王伟  郝建华  牛瑞  孙谧 《海洋科学》2010,34(11):54-58
经过含H2O2的平板初筛和摇瓶发酵复筛,从保存的水样中筛选到一株过氧化氢酶高产菌株CE-1,其所产过氧化氢酶活性和比活分别为1 356.2 U/mL和3 401 U/mg。菌株CE-1为革兰氏阴性杆状细菌,根据其形态特征、16S rRNA基因序列系统进化树分析和生理生化特性,以及属内不同种间性状差异等因素的综合分析,将菌株CE-1鉴定为气单胞属(Aeromonas)细菌。  相似文献   
In the past two decades, many studies have focused on the classification within genus Laminaria, ultimately trying to divide it into two subgroups or genera: Laminaria and Saccharina. A significant debate still surrounds the question of its division, as the conflicting phylogenetic hypotheses that have resulted from the classification studies are based on different taxon sampling, molecular markers, or analysis methods. It is aimed at elucidate the molecular phylogeny within Laminaria and Saccharina. The nine species of Laminariales are sampled from northern Asia and Europe, and 23 new sequences in the nuclear, plastid, and mitochondrial genomes are determined to identify their taxonomic status. The phylogenetic analyses of 71 species are performed, including representatives from six of the seven families of the order Laminariales, based on three separate data sets. An evidence is provided to strongly support a clear split that maintains the two recognized genera, Laminaria and Saccharina, with Laminaria appearing to be the ancestor group. Further, analyses indicate that all taxa in Saccharina and Laminaria did not form a monophyletic lineage, instead Laminariaceae and Lessoniaceae grouped together interlacedly, and Costariaceae appeared as the sister taxon of the Lessoniaceae–Laminariaceae clade. In the phylogenetic analysis, mitochondrial c oxidase I(COI) sequences appeared to be the most credible molecular marker which was more befitting than nuclear encoded internal transcribed spacer(ITS) and plastid encoded rbcL for establishment of Laminariales systematics. It is the most comprehensive phylogeny of the order Laminariales, and contributes to an enhanced understanding and estimation of the phylogenetic relationships for the economically important seaweeds, Laminaria and Saccharina.  相似文献   
The chloroplast and mitochondrion of red algae (Phylum Rhodophyta) may have originated from different endosymbiosis. In this study, we carried out phylogenomic analysis to distinguish their evolutionary lin-eages by using red algal RNA-seq datasets of the 1 000 Plants (1KP) Project and publicly available complete genomes of mitochondria and chloroplasts of Rhodophyta. We have found that red algae were divided into three clades of orders, Florideophyceae, Bangiophyceae and Cyanidiophyceae. Taxonomy resolution for Class Florideophyceae showed that Order Gigartinales was close to Order Halymeniales, while Order Graci-lariales was in a clade of Order Ceramials. We confirmed Prionitis divaricata (Family Halymeniaceae) was closely related to the clade of Order Gracilariales, rather than to genus Grateloupia of Order Halymeniales as reported before. Furthermore, we found both mitochondrial and chloroplastic genes in Rhodophyta under negative selection (Ka/Ks〈1), suggesting that red algae, as one primitive group of eukaryotic algae, might share joint evolutionary history with these two organelles for a long time, although we identified some dif-ferences in their phylogenetic trees. Our analysis provided the basic phylogenetic relationships of red algae, and demonstrated their potential ability to study endosymbiotic events.  相似文献   
宋艾  杨久成  丁文娜  刘佳 《冰川冻土》2021,43(3):786-797
近年来,随着DNA测序技术的发展,青藏高原及周边地区的生物地理学研究取得重大成果,从生物演化方面着手探讨了青藏高原隆升历史及其气候效应.综合近年来地质学、古生物学与生物地理学研究进展,我们发现高原及周边地区高寒生物类群的起源和分化时间以及多样性演化过程表明早在渐新世青藏高原部分地区就已经存在高寒生态系统,晚中新世以来青...  相似文献   
用非培养法获得新疆维吾尔自治区艾比湖湖底沉积物原核微生物菌群组成,并与已有盐湖原核微生物菌群数据进行比对,分析湖泊由淡水湖向盐湖演替过程中原核微生物群落结构变化规律。实验获得艾比湖原核微生物16S rRNA基因序列,并从NCBI数据库下载赛里木湖、柴窝堡湖和顿巴斯他乌盐湖3个湖泊的非培养原核微生物16S rRNA基因序列数据。用不同盐湖细菌和古菌16S rRNA序列信息构建系统发育树并与其理化指标进行典型性相关分析。同源比对及聚类结果显示,艾比湖湖底沉积物中细菌包括4个门,拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)占克隆文库的64%,变形菌门(Proteobacteria)占9.4%,厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)占3.4%,放线菌门(Actinobacteria)占2.6%,此外含有未分类类群20.6%。古菌含有两个门,广古菌门(Euryarchaeota,98.3%)和盐纳古菌门(Nanohaloarchaeota,1.7%)。不同盐湖系统发育树结果显示,随盐度增加,盐湖细菌从变形菌门向拟杆菌门演替;古菌从奇古菌门和泉古菌门向广古菌门和盐纳古菌门演替。RDA结果显示,Na+、Cl-、SO42-和矿化度对盐湖原核微生物多样性结构起到决定性的作用,K+、Mg2+和Ca2+对艾比湖菌群结构影响作用最为显著。原核微生物群落会随着湖水盐浓度的增加和盐湖化学成分的不同而发生演替。  相似文献   
为了探究Tc1/Mariner转座子超家族对褶皱臂尾轮虫(Brachionus plicatilis)基因组结构和基因表达调控的影响,本研究基于褶皱臂尾轮虫的基因组和转录组数据,对褶皱臂尾轮虫的重复序列进行了注释,并对褶皱臂尾轮虫的转座子的表达和其临近基因的表达进行了统计和富集,在基因上下游及内部区域富集到了10个转座...  相似文献   
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