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海水钝顶螺旋藻富硒及其含硒藻蓝蛋白的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了亚硒酸钠梯度浓度对海水钝顶螺旋藻Spirulina platensis生长及藻胆蛋白含量的影响,对含硒藻蓝蛋白进行分离纯化,得到含硒藻蓝蛋白纯品。结果表明,硒添加浓度小于100mg.L-1时,对藻体生长有一定的促进作用,其生物量、藻蓝蛋白和别藻蓝蛋白含量有增加,藻体硒含量及富硒系数明显高于文献报道的相似条件下的淡水螺旋藻;纯化的含硒藻蓝蛋白溶液在弱光照、低温、pH4—8的范围内稳定性较好;含硒藻蓝蛋白的光谱特性与藻蓝蛋白相比几乎没有差异,紫外与可见光吸收光谱特征吸收峰在280nm和620nm,荧光激发峰在558nm,室温条件下最大荧光发射峰在655nm,说明海水钝顶螺旋藻富集硒后及海水的胁迫对其藻蓝蛋白的光谱特性没有明显影响。  相似文献   
The physical and chemical variability of the water column at subtidal station of an estuary in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, was studied over a 24-hour period during a spring tide (tidal range ca. 2 m) in May 1995. Surface water and several depths through the water column were monitored every one and two hours, respectively. At each occasion, water temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen concentration were measured and water samples were collected for the determination of nutrients and suspended particulate matter (SPM). Disruptive changes in the physical and chemical characteristics of the water was produced by the tidal cycle and the mixing of water masses of different origin. These changes were highly significant both spatially and temporally, yet with varying effects on physical parameters, nutrients and the different components of SPM. Significant differences in nutrient concentrations were also observed when the data-set was divided into ebb and flood components, irrespective of the depth. Nitrate and nitrite rose to 1.8 times higher during the flood. Spatial differences of SPM were less marked than those of nutrients, only particulate organic carbon (POC) being significantly higher at the surface than in the intermediate and the lower layer. Both POC and pheopigment concentrations increased markedly through the water column, being highest shortly before the lower low tide. In contrast, suspended solid (SS) content increased sharply after the lower low tide (>40 mg l−1) and this coincided with a marked decrease of the C/SS content (<20 mg g−1). The lagtime between POC and SS tidal transport was caused by particle resuspension from the exposed intertidal sediments as the tidal level rose, and particle transport selection in relation to the tidal state. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
A new method for the characterization of chromophoric colloidal organic matter in seawater has been applied to samples from the Baltic Sea, Kattegatt and Skagerrak seas. Size fractionation of the sample by Flow Field-Flow Fractionation and measurement of the fluorescent and UV absorbing properties of the individual size fractions result in a relative molar mass distribution (RMM) of the optical properties. The RMM distributions have been used to estimate number and weight average relative molar masses, and polydispersity indices. At least two sources of coloured organic matter were identified from the ratio of fluorescence to UV: the Baltic surface water and the Skagerrak deep water. The dominating processes were mixing and dilution, but processes such as photo bleaching of fluorescence are also believed to be important. The RMM distribution derived from UV detection (1150–1300 Dalton) increased with increasing salinity while that derived for fluorescence (1500–1250 Dalton) decreased with increasing salinity. The specific UV absorbance taken as a proxy of the aromaticity of the chromophoric organic material showed decreasing trend with both increasing salinity and increasing UV derived weight average relative molar mass. Increasing polydispersity of the colloidal material was also observed as a function of salinity.  相似文献   
The Bungo Channel in southwestern Japan receives both warm, called Kyucho, and cold deep-water intrusions (bottom intrusion) from the Pacific Ocean. Abundances of Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and eukaryotic picophytoplankton were monitored from 18 July to 17 August 2001 to clarify whether advected picophytoplankton from the Pacific Ocean can grow in the channel or not. Synechococcus cells were further discriminated into low- and high-PUB types according to their fluorescence property in flow cytometry. From 18 to 25 July, the water temperature decreased by 3 °C at a 5-m depth at all stations, indicating the occurrence of a bottom intrusion. From 25 July to 4 August, a Kyucho occurred and the water temperature rapidly increased. From 4 to 17 August, a bottom intrusion and a Kyucho both occurred twice, although the intensities were smaller than those occurring until 4 August. From 18 to 30 July, the abundance of both Prochlorococcus and a high-PUB type of Synechococcus drastically decreased because of a bottom intrusion; however, the abundances rapidly increased due to the advection by a Kyucho. These advected cells increased from 4 to 17 August in the channel and Kitanada Bay. Changes in the abundance of low-PUB type of Synechococcus and eukaryotic picophytoplankton were less noticeable than those in the abundance of Prochlorococcus and high-PUB type. The present study demonstrated that oceanic picophytoplankton advected by the Kyucho could grow in the channel. However, abundances of low-PUB type and eukaryotic picophytoplankton increased higher than those of Prochlorococcus and high-PUB type did. Thus, these oceanic phytoplankters will be excluded when Kyucho does not occur for a long time. The co-occurrence of various types of picophytoplankton found in the channel is probably achieved by both Kyucho event and their growth capability in the channel.  相似文献   
Based on measurements of the 18O isotope composition of 247 samples collected over a 3-year period we have assessed the oxygen isotope composition of water masses in the North Sea. This is the first δ18O data set that covers the entire North Sea basin. The waters lie on a mixing line: δ18O (‰VSMOW) = −9.300 + 0.274(S) with North Atlantic sub-polar mode water (SPMW) and surface waters, and Baltic Sea water representing the saline and freshwater end members respectively. Patterns exhibited in surface and bottom water δ18O distributions are representative of the general circulation of the North Sea. Oxygen-18 enriched waters from the North Atlantic enter the North Sea between Scotland and Norway and to a lesser extent through the English Channel. In contrast, oxygen-18 depleted waters mainly inflow from the Baltic Sea, the rivers Rhine and Elbe, and to a lesser degree, the Norwegian Fjords and other river sources. Locally the δ18O–salinity relationship will be controlled by the isotopic composition of the freshwater inputs. However, the range of local freshwater compositions around the North Sea basin is too narrow to characterise the relative contributions of individual sources to the overall seawater composition. This dataset provides important information for a number of related disciplines including biogeochemical research and oceanographic studies.  相似文献   
用磁力浮沉子密度测量装置,在15 ~25 ℃之间的三个温度下测定了珠江口20 个水样的密度。结果表明,测定值皆高于相应条件下国际标准海水状态方程的计算值,在海水盐度范围0.08~33 .446 ,密度平均偏差范围为2 .4 ~54.0 ×10 - 3kg/m3 。测定密度和计算密度的偏差随盐度的降低而增大,与盐度的变化成直线相关:与(Ca2 + )/S、SO42 - /S比和比碱度之间皆呈指数曲线相关。珠江口水样(Ca2 + )/C1 、SO42 - /C1 和比碱度平均值分别超出大洋水平均值17 .8 % 、8 .21 % 和152 % ,其余的Na + /C1、K+ /C1 和Sr2 + /C1 比值与大洋水无明显差别,基本类同。珠江口海水的高碱度、高(Ca2 + )/C1 和高SO42 - /C1 是造成其海水密度正偏差的主要因素。经计算机拟合,首次导出了珠江口海水密度的状态方程,该方程计算值与实验值的平均标准偏差为±2.5×10- 3kg/m3 。  相似文献   
海水养殖池海洋原甲藻水华前后水化条件的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了海水养殖池塘实验围隔中海洋原甲藻水华暴发前、后水化条件的变化,得出了如下结果:海洋原甲藻水华一般多发生在连续晴朗的天气,而常在阴雨天气崩溃;从水化条件方面来说,该藻水华也常发生于NO3-N浓度以及N/P比较大时。在扁灌等绿藻类与海洋原甲藻交替成为优势种时,可以利用水体中Ch1。总量及Ch1.b、Ch1.c之间 的波动情况来反映该水华的发生与崩溃。  相似文献   
离线固相萃取螯合富集分离-ICP-MS测定海水中的稀土元素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过测定条件优化、方法比对等实验建立了一种固相萃取小柱离线螯合富集分离电感耦合等离子体质谱仪测定海水中稀土元素的方法。海水样品通过调节p H后,进入VAC ELUT SPS24 Agilent圆形固相萃取装置,其主要基体物质的去除率高于97%;萃取富集的优化条件是海水样品p H 4.0~7.0,海水进入萃取柱速率2 m L/min,硝酸洗脱液浓度为1 mol/L;方法对稀土元素的加标回收率为83%~108%,14种稀土元素的检出限为0.057~0.613 ng/L,RSD10%;该方法与氢氧化铁共沉淀法富集稀土元素比对测定结果一致,方法具有准确度与精密度高、操作简便快速等优点,可用于海水样品中稀土元素的定量精确测量。  相似文献   
天津港南部海区水体富营养化水平评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2006年3月和7月的调查数据,对天津港南部海区海水的营养水平及动态变化进行了评价。考虑到水质状况和水体营养水平是水体中多项指标分析评价的综合结果.本文先通过单项指标评价法和营养指数法进行评价。然后又通过集对分析方法,选择化学需氧量(COD)、无机磷(DIP)、无机氮(DIN)、叶绿素a(Ch1—a)等作为评价指标,对该区海水富营养化水平进行了综合评价。评价结果表明集对分析方法更能反映海水的实际富营养化状况,计算结果显示天津港南部海域两期调查中除21,26.27和29站位在7月呈富营养化状态其余站位海水均在中营养(Ⅳ)及以下水平状况,未达到富营养化水平,水质状况较好。  相似文献   
High-resolution measurements of velocity and physio-chemistry were conducted before, during and after the passage of a transient front in a small subtropical system about 2.1 km upstream of the river mouth. Detailed acoustic Doppler velocimetry measurements, conducted continuously at 25 Hz, showed the existence of transverse turbulent shear between 300 s prior to the front passage and 1300 s after. This was associated with an increased level of suspended sediment concentration fluctuations, some transverse shear next to the bed and some surface temperature anomaly.  相似文献   
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