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利用长江三角洲和东北平原地区大气本底站的二氧化硫(SO2)和氮氧化物(NOx)历史资料和近期取得的观测数据,探讨两个地区人为排放对这些气候相关酸性气体的不同贡献。从两种酸性气体过去和现在的浓度水平,估算了它们在两个地区的增长率,比较了NOx与SO2比值的不同变化趋势。结果表明,早在20世纪90年代中期,长江三角洲酸性气体污染水平已经较高,其后主要是NOx浓度显著升高,从而使该地区成为硫和氮污染并重的地区;东北平原酸性气体过去浓度很低,但这些气体以很高的速率增长,虽然目前浓度水平仍然比较低,但未来形势不容乐观。  相似文献   
In summer, atmospheric ozone was measured from an aircraft platform simultaneously with nitric oxide (NO), oxides of nitrogen (NO y ), and water vapor over the Pacific Ocean in east Asia from 34° N to 19° N along the longitude of 138±3°E. NO y was measured with the aid of a ferrous sulfate converter. The altitude covered was from 0.5 to 5 km. A good correlation in the smoothed meridional distributions between ozone and NO y was seen. In particular, north of 25° N, ozone and NO y mixing ratios were considerably higher than those observed in tropical marine air south of 25° N. NO y and O3 reached a minimum of 50 pptv and 4 ppbv respectively in the boundary layer at a latitude of 20° N. The NO concentration between 2 and 5 km at the same latitude was 30 pptv. The profiles of ozone and water vapor mixing ratios were highly anti-correlated between 25° N and 20° N. In contrast, it was much poorer at the latitude of 33° N, suggesting a net photochemical production of ozone there.  相似文献   

The dependence of ozone formation on the mixing ratios of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) has been widely studied. In addition to the atmospheric levels of VOCs and NOx, the extent of photochemical processing of VOCs has a strong impact on ozone levels. Although methods for measuring atmospheric mixing ratios of VOCs and NOx are well established and results of those measurements are widely available, determination of the extent of photochemical processing of VOCs, known as photochemical age (PCA), is difficult. In this article a recently developed methodology for the determination of PCA for individual compounds based on the change in their stable carbon isotope composition is used to investigate the dependence between ozone and VOC or NOx mixing ratios at a rural site in Ontario, Canada, during fall and winter. The results show that under these conditions the variability in VOC mixing ratios is predominantly a result of the varying impact of local emissions and not a result of changes in the extent of atmospheric processing. This explains why the mixing ratio of ozone shows no systematic dependence on the mixing ratios of VOCs or NOx in this environment and at this time of the year.  相似文献   
杜健  张义军  言穆弘 《高原气象》2002,21(5):433-440
利用东北、北京和广东三地的闪电定位资料,计算分析了6种不同类型雷暴中闪电产生的氮氧化物总体、季节、空间分布和雷暴的不同发展阶段等特征。结果表明:虽然中高纬地区雷暴频数较低,年总产氮(N)量低于低纬地区,但单个雷暴平均产N量并不比低纬低。三地雷暴产N量的月份分布不相同,东北和北京地区的峰值月份出现在季节交换期的6月和9月,广东地区出现在对流相对旺盛的7月。低纬区的系统雷暴产N量主要发生在成熟阶段,而发展和消散阶段产N量很低,中高纬尽管成熟阶段产N量最高,但发展和消散阶段也有一定的比例。中高纬的局地雷暴产N量主要发生在发展和消散阶段,成熟阶段很低,而广东地区,三个阶段相差不大。进一步讨论了几种雷暴闪电参数与雷暴产生N量的相关性,得到系统雷暴正负闪电总数和雷暴产生N量的回归预报方程并讨论了误差。最后与文献[1]的方法和Price的方法进行了比较。  相似文献   
The Skaergaard liquid line of descent revisited   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a fundamental conflict between the suggestion that the iron content of Skaergaard liquids increases during Fe–Ti oxide fractionation and the observation that at the same time oxygen fugacity () drops by two log-units below the fayalite-magnetite-quartz oxygen buffer (FMQ). A new petrographic study of average Skaergaard gabbros shows that the total modal content of Fe–Ti oxides is about 22% in the early LZc and markedly decreases to below 5% in the UZc. Forward modeling based on these modal constraints, as well as experimental results on Skaergaard-related dikes, predicts that fractionation of troctolitic LZa gabbros drives the derivative liquid towards a high-iron content. Strong iron enrichment continues, together with a small decline in silica, during LZb crystallization due to the appearance of augite as a fractionating phase. The fractionation of Fe–Ti oxides in the LZc initially suppresses iron enrichment and reverses the silica trend to one of slight enrichment. However, continued evolution into the UZ produces liquids with maximum UZc FeO* content of 23–25 wt.% and SiO2 content of 53 wt.% (FeO* is total iron as FeO). The maximum in FeO* is dependent on several factors of which the Fe–Ti oxide mode has the strongest effect. The during crystallization of the LZc is widely thought to have been at, or slightly below, the fayalite-magnetite-quartz oxygen buffer (FMQ). Under closed system evolution, incorporation of ferric iron into augite during formation of the LZb restricts the increase in to about 0.1 log-units above FMQ (=0.1 ΔFMQ). Likewise, crystallization of the LZc through the UZa, involving Fe–Ti oxide minerals, leads to a decline in of less than 0.1 ΔFMQ. Crystallization of the UZb-c gabbros results in oxidation to a maximum of 0.5 ΔFMQ. This behavior can account for the iron-rich character of the UZ gabbros, as well as, the low modal content of Fe–Ti oxides. Thus, evolved Skaergaard liquids are high in iron and contain a modest amount of SiO2. Our modeling result do not account for a strong drop in through the layered series. Such a drop would require an unacceptably high proportion of Fe–Ti oxides and high-magnetite content in the fractionating assemblage. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Traditional core-logging methods in conjunction with spectral scanning techniques have been used to log volcanic successions of the lower Gawler Range Volcanics. The open-file drill core Myall Creek RC 1 was re-logged and scanned using HyLogger? core scanning technologies as a part of the Geological Survey of South Australia's Southern Gawler Rangers mapping program and the Mineral System Drilling Program. Myall Creek RC 1 is one of the key stratigraphic drill cores for the region, owing to the intersection of a large section of the Gawler Range Volcanics. Spectral characterisation of the Eucarro Rhyolite revealed differential weathering of plagioclase phenocrysts, while high-resolution imagery and spectral results were used to log new basaltic flows and small flow features in the Roopena Basalt. The composition and distribution of feldspars in the unnamed lower Gawler Range Volcanic units were used to aid traditional logging of visually similar lithologies. A spectral scalar, the felsic–mafic index, was used to identify unusual features in the unnamed sequence and was found to identify iron oxides as either fracture coatings or finely disseminated in the matrix of the sample. Iron oxides were also used to identify features within lithological units, which were difficult to discern visually, especially the layers in the deepest layered ignimbrite at the end of the drill core.  相似文献   
The Borborema Pegmatitic Province (BPP), northeastern Brazil, is historically important for tantalum mining and also famous for top-quality specimens of exotic Nb–Ta oxides and, more recently, for the production of gem quality, turquoise blue, ‘Paraíba Elbaite.’ With more than 750 registered mineralized rare-element granitic pegmatites, the BPP extends over an area of about 75 by 150 km in the eastern part of the Neoproterozoic Seridó Belt. The Late Cambrian pegmatites are mostly hosted by a sequence of Neoproterozoic cordierite–sillimanite biotite schists of the Seridó Formation and quartzites and metaconglomerates of the Equador Formation. The trace-element ratios in feldspar and micas allow to classify most pegmatites as belonging to the beryl–columbite phosphate subtype. Electron microprobe analyses (EMPA) of columbite, tapiolite, niobian–tantalian rutile, ixiolite and wodginite group minerals from 28 pegmatites in the BPP are used to evaluate the effectiveness of Nb–Ta oxide chemistry as a possible exploration tool, to trace the degree of pegmatite fractionation and to classify the pegmatites. The columbite group mineral composition allows to establish a compositional trend from manganoan ferrocolumbite to manganocolumbite and on to manganotantalite. This trend is typical of complex spodumene- and/or lepidolite-subtype pegmatites. It clearly contrasts with another trend, from ferrocolumbite through ferrotantalite to ferrowodginite and ferrotapiolite compositions, typical of pegmatites of the beryl–columbite phosphate subtype. Large scatter and anomalous trends in zoned crystals partially overlap and conceal the two main evolution patterns. This indicates that a large representative data set of heavy mineral concentrate samples, collected systematically along cross-sections, would be necessary to predict the metallogenetic potential of individual pegmatites. Other mineral species, e.g. garnets and/or tourmaline, with a more regular distribution than Nb–Ta oxides, would be more appropriate and less expensive for routine exploration purposes. The currently available Nb–Ta oxide chemistry data suggest the potential for highly fractionated Ta–Li–Cs pegmatites in the BPP, so far undiscovered, and encourages further, more detailed research.  相似文献   
The North China Plain (NCP) has recently faced serious air quality problems as a result of enhanced gas pollutant emissions due to the process of urbanization and rapid economic growth. To explore regional air pollu- tion in the NCP, measurements of surface ozone (O3), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulfur dioxide (SO2) were car- ried out from May to November 2013 at a rural site (Xianghe) between the twin megacities of Beijing and Tianjin. The highest hourly ozone average was close to 240 ppbv in May, followed by around 160 ppbv in June and July. High ozone episodes were more notable than in 2005 and were mainly associated with air parcels from the city cluster in the hinterland of the polluted NCP to the southwest of the site. For NOx, an important ozone precur- sor, the concentrations ranged from several ppbv to nearly 180 ppbv in the summer and over 400 ppbv in the fall. The occurrence of high NOx concentrations under calm condi- tions indicated that local emissions were dominant in Xianghe. The double-peak diurnal pattern found in NOx concentrations and NO/NOx ratios was probably shaped by local emissions, photochemical removal, and dilution re- sulting from diurnal variations of surface wind speed and the boundary layer height. A pronounced SO2 daytime peak was noted and attributed to downward mixing from an SO2-rich layer above, while the SO2-polluted air mass transported from possible emission sources, which differed between the non-heating (September and October) and heating (November) periods, was thought to be responsible for night-time high concentrations.  相似文献   
Using a laboratory wagon traveling along the Trans-Siberian railroad, O3, NO, NO2, CO, CH4, SF6 and black carbon aerosol have been measured during the summer of 1996. The expedition from Niznij Novgorod (500 km east of Moscow) to Vladivostok (and back to Moscow) has shown the great potential of the train method; here the first results are presented and discussed. A wealth of boundary layer air data was obtained during the over 18000 km travel without serious contamination problems from the electric train itself. The diurnal O3 cycle peaked generally below 50 nmole/mole, showed the effects of changes in J(NO2), and often dropped to a few nmole/mole at night time during inversions. Over the vast Siberian lowlands situated between the Ural mountains and the river Yenisey, CH4 levels were consistently elevated at around 1.95 µmole/mole, which we mainly attribute to wetland emissions. Over eastern Siberia, however, CH4 levels were generally lower at 1.85 µmole/mole. In contrast, over the west Siberian lowlands, CO levels were relatively low, often reaching values of only 110 nmole/mole, whereas over eastern Siberia CO levels were higher. Very high CO levels were detected over a 2000 km section east of Chita, along the river Amur, which represented an enormous polluted air mass. 14C analysis performed on several CO samples confirms that the origin was biomass burning. SF6, which was measured as a general conserved tracer, showed an eastward attenuation from 4.0 to 3.9 pmole/mole, with peaks in a number of places due to local Russian emissions.  相似文献   
Physico-chemical parameters of the acidic mining lake (ML) 111 in the Lusatian region (Germany) were determined in April and August 1997 using a multiparameter probe for the water column and punch-in pH and Eh electrodes for the sediment, respectively. Samples of the sediment profile were taken by a gravity corer. Besides determination of the physico-chemical parameters, grain size and water contents were determined after sediment slicing.Differences in the redox state of the water body, deduced from oxygen saturation between April and August, could not be inferred. However, a shift in pH to lower values was apparent. Data support the conclusion that the enhanced oxygen content was consumed for oxidation of ferrous iron to ferric iron (oxides/hydroxides) coupled with the release of protons.In the sediment, different buffer systems of iron compounds could be detected within separate zones with values below and above pH 3. At higher pH values, the redox conditions are controlled and stabilized by the presence of Fe-oxide-hydroxides and possibly Fe-sulfates.  相似文献   
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