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Two intense quasi-linear mesoscale convective systems(QLMCSs) in northern China were simulated using the WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting) model and the 3D-Var(three-dimensional variational) analysis system of the ARPS(Advanced Regional Prediction System) model.A new method in which the lightning density is calculated using both the precipitation and non-precipitation ice mass was developed to reveal the relationship between the lightning activities and QLMCS structures.Results indicate that,compared with calculating the results using two previous methods,the lightning density calculated using the new method presented in this study is in better accordance with observations.Based on the calculated lightning densities using the new method,it was found that most lightning activity was initiated on the right side and at the front of the QLMCSs,where the surface wind field converged intensely.The CAPE was much stronger ahead of the southeastward progressing QLMCS than to the back it,and their lightning events mainly occurred in regions with a large gradient of CAPE.Comparisons between lightning and non-lightning regions indicated that lightning regions featured more intense ascending motion than non-lightning regions;the vertical ranges of maximum reflectivity between lightning and non-lightning regions were very different;and the ice mixing ratio featured no significant differences between the lightning and non-lightning regions.  相似文献   
对2005年"海棠"台风倒槽造成河南特大暴雨过程的湿位涡分析结果表明:倾斜涡度发展是暴雨产生和加强的重要机制之一,暴雨产生在eθ线陡立密集区内,湿位涡在这次暴雨过程中边界层内925hPa具有MPV1>0、MPV2<0的特征,此次暴雨产生在正的MPV1中心附近,有利的地形条件在一定程度上增加了降水量。  相似文献   
湖泊疏浚堆场淤泥污染及潜在生态风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
疏浚淤泥内通常含有不同类型的有毒有害物质,在堆场直接堆放过程中可能会对周围环境产生有害影响.本文针对太湖及巢湖相应疏浚堆场内淤泥进行研究,探讨淤泥中重金属、多环芳烃以及多氯联苯等污染物含量及潜在生态风险;根据重金属的风险指数法和持久性有机污染物的风险商法,对各污染物的潜在生态风险进行定量分析.研究结果表明,太湖白旄堆场以及孔湾堆场淤泥内重金属及多环芳烃含量较小,潜在生态风险较低;巢湖南庄堆场淤泥内各类有害物质含量较大,种类较多,对于周围环境具有较高的潜在生态威胁.多氯联苯则在各个疏浚堆场淤泥中具有很高的积累量,潜在生态风险较高,应引起管理者的重视.  相似文献   
“等熵思维”到“等熵位涡思维”回顾与讨论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周小刚  王秀明  陶祖钰 《气象》2014,40(5):521-529
等熵位涡守恒与中纬度斜压扰动发展之间的诊断关系可用于对气旋发生发展的预报,并作为理解水汽图像的动力学场而在业务上使用。"等熵位涡思维"建立在等熵面分析的"等熵思维"基础上。本文首先依据基础的动力学理论,对等熵面上物理量场的动力学解释和业务应用作回顾和讨论,内容包括:等熵面随高度分布特征、等熵坐标中的垂直速度场、等熵面上水汽输送解释、等熵面上高空急流和锋区的特征等。其次,通过与等熵面物理量场分析和斜压二层模式准地转垂直运动方程的比较,着重回顾和讨论等熵位涡面上的物理量场和业务应用,内容包括:对流层顶定义及其温压湿分布特征、对流层顶等熵位涡面上急流和锋区的特征、对流层顶等熵位涡面上的垂直速度场、"等熵位涡思维"与气旋发展及位涡、水汽图像在改进数值预报模式中的作用等。  相似文献   
雷达拼图资料上中尺度对流系统的跟踪与预报   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
杨吉  郑媛媛  夏文梅  徐芬  徐坤 《气象》2015,41(6):738-744
在中尺度对流系统(Mesoscale Convective Systems,MCSs)自动识别基础上,利用相关法跟踪雷达回波(Tracking Radar Echoes by Cross-correlation,TREC)和面积重叠法完成新的跟踪预报方法.新方法利用TREC得到MCSs移动矢量,利用该矢量外推对应MCSs雷达回波.根据外推回波与相应回波实况,采用面积重叠法完成跟踪,同时利用移动矢量完成预报.采用4次强天气过程对算法进行检验,分析结果表明:(1)新方法能够有效实现MCSs跟踪与预报;(2)新方法得到MCSs移动速度相对稳定,不因为系统合并、分裂和生消出现速度大幅度波动现象,有效减小预报误差,6~60 min预报误差相对于原方法减小20%以上;(3)新方法虽然能提取得到较为稳定的系统移动速度,但不能得到系统的传播速度.原方法能得到系统的移动速度和传播速度合成,但提取速度不稳定,容易受到质心偏移的影响,预报误差较大.新方法在系统消亡期提取移动速度不稳定,导致跟踪丢失现象的发生,而原方法在系统合并与分裂时易出现跟踪丢失现象.  相似文献   
基于地基微波辐射计资料对咸宁两次冰雹天气的观测分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用地基微波辐射计观测资料,对两次冰雹过程进行观测分析。结果表明:中低层暖湿气流输送、中层干冷空气侵入,在0~10 km形成"上干、下湿"2层垂直分布结构。低层的感热和潜热随上升气流向上输送,2~3 km层明显增温,0、-5和-20℃层略微上升。同时,低层水汽也随上升气流向上输送,降雹前大气液态水总含量(ILW,下同)和大气水汽总含量(IWV,下同)及过冷水含量快速增长。水汽经过冷层后,冰晶增多增大。当冰晶增大落入0℃以上区融化层时,冰晶融化导致液态水增加,一部分形成冰雹或地面降水,导致降雹之后ILW、IWV及0℃以下液态水含量减小。上述结论对冰雹的预警有一定指示意义。  相似文献   
采用NCEP1&#176;&#215;1&#176;客观再分析资料和常规观测资料,对2008年1月25—29日发生在长江中下游地区的强雨雪过程进行诊断分析,结果表明,低空急流与强雨雪有着密切关系,强雨雪的发生需具备一定的温度条件以及水汽场与动力场的耦合机制。对强雨雪过程的湿Q矢量诊断分析表明,700hPa湿Q矢量辐合区以及850hPa锋生函数正值区与强雨雪区对应较好,对雨雪天气的发生有着很好的指示意义。湿位涡特征分析表明,此次强雨雪过程发生在层结稳定的大气中且垂直涡度发展较强。  相似文献   
梅雨锋云系的结构特征及其成因分析   总被引:7,自引:9,他引:7  
姚秀萍  于玉斌  赵兵科 《高原气象》2005,24(6):1002-1011
利用逐时卫星遥感观测资料和地面测站的降水资料,分析了江淮流域2003年6月22~26日暴雨过程中梅雨锋云系的演变、结构特征和形成原因。结果表明,梅雨锋云系为一条TBB的低值带,稳定少动,其上分布着中尺度对流系统(MCS),而中尺度对流系统是由不同尺度、不同强度.的对流单体(包括中β和中γ尺度对流单体)组成的,从而使得梅雨锋云系产生不均匀的降水分布(包括时间上和空间上)。在该暴雨过程中,梅雨锋云系充分体现了中尺度对流系统中所包括的3类组织结构形式。梅雨锋云系与中高纬度云系或热带辐合带云系之间的相互作用与暴雨过程关系密切,梅雨锋云系的维持和发展与强大的黄淮气旋云系直接相关,它是江淮流域上空冷暖气流交汇的结果。  相似文献   
A cumulonimbus cloud may ascend and spawn its anvil cloud, precipitation, and downdrafts within an hour or so. This paper inquires why a similar progression of events (life cycle) is observed for tropical weather fluctuations with time scales of hours, days, and even weeks. Regressions using point data illustrate the characteristic unit of rain production: the mesoscale convective system (MCS), covering tens of kilometers and lasting several hours, with embedded convective rain cells. Meanwhile, averages over larger spatial areas indicate a self-similar progression from shallow to deep convection to stratiform anvils on many time scales.Synthetic data exercises indicate that simple superpositions of fixed-structure MCS life cycles (the Building Block hypothesis) cannot explain why longer period life cycles are similar. Rather, it appears that an MCS may be a small analogue or prototype of larger scale waves. Multiscale structure is hypothesized to occur via a Stretched Building Block conceptual model, in which the widths (durations) of zones of shallow, deep, and stratiform anvil clouds in MCSs are modulated by larger scale waves.Temperature (T) and humidity (q) data are examined and fed into an entraining plume model, in an attempt to elucidate their relative roles in these large-scale convection zone variations. T profile variations, with wavelengths shorter than troposphere depth, appear important for high-frequency ( 2–5-day period) convectively coupled waves, as density directly links convection (via buoyancy) and large-scale wave dynamics (via restoring force). Still, the associated q anomalies are several times greater than adiabatic, suggesting a strong amplification by shallow convective feedbacks. For lower frequency (intraseasonal) variability, q anomalies are considerably larger compared to T, and may be dominant.  相似文献   
为了探讨绥中一次暴雪伴雷电天气过程的成因,利用常规观测资料、NCEP每6h间隔的1°×1°的再分析资料和营口多普勒雷达的资料,分析此过程的天气形势特点、高低空急流的作用、雷达回波的特征及反映动力、热力和水汽条件的相关物理量场的特征。结果发现:雷电发生在对流层中层的西南风急流和底层偏东风均处在最强的时刻,当对流云团发展到-20℃温度层时,温差起电产生雷电;雷电发生在低层850hPa附近存在的逆温层消失之后,同时配合低层水汽的辐合,产生了暴雪天气;雷电和强降雪发生在大气底层南风和北风转换的过程中,强降雪的时间与冷空气扩散加强的时间比较一致,当冷空气扩散到整个大气底层时强降雪结束;引起雷电和强降雪的对流不稳定层结主要处在对流层中层,并为上升运动的发生提供了动力和热力条件,促使雷电发生和强降雪的维持。  相似文献   
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