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借助GIS强大的三维建模及可视化分析功能,以湖北省崇阳地区1:50 000区域地质成果为例,基于地理矢量数据、地质矢量数据和遥感影像数据,利用地形数据构建数字高程模型(DEM),将DEM与遥感图像叠合生成三维影像图,建立集地形、地质、遥感等数据为一体的三维可视化模型,解决传统二维地质图件用于表示三维地质不直观等问题,提...  相似文献   
在全球化和区域经济一体化的背景下,区域之间的竞争已经演变成以中心城市及其周边紧密结合所形成的城市群之间的竞争.城市群已经成为区域参与全球分工、竞争和合作的重要经济实体.本文构建了城市群经济发展水平综合评价指标体系,利用AHP法确定了各指标的权重,提出了综合评价模型.以中原城市群为例,利用2004年和2007年两个发展时...  相似文献   
月面形貌的3维可视化算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于大范围地形可视化算法研究的基础上,对平面geometry clipmaps算法进行改进,利用GPU的顶点着色器实现平面地形向球面地形的投影变换,并综合利用球面视域裁剪、球面视点控制等技术,使geometry clipmaps算法适用于球面海量地形数据的3维可视化;收集处理月球全球影像和形貌高程数据,对算法进行验证,实现月球表面形貌的实时动态3维可视化.试验表明:绘制算法可不受数据量大小的限制、绘制效率高、效果逼真,但存在两极变形较大的缺点.
Based on the study of visualization arithmetic of large area terrain, plane geometry clipmaps algorithm is improved. Projection transformation from plane landform to sphere landform was realized by using GPU vertex shader. In that improved algorithm, methods such as sphere vision field culling and sphere viewpoint control are used.That makes geometry clipmops algorithm more effective in 3D visualization of massive sphere terrain data. The whole moon image and DEM data are collected and disposed, which are used to verify the capability of that algorithm, realizing dynamic and real time 3D visualization of moon surface. The experiments show that the graphic algorithm isn't limited by data quantity, which is of high efficiency and reality simulation, but the two-pole distortion is serious.  相似文献   
主要介绍了数字城市中地上、地下数据的管理以及3维可视化技术,对地上地下场景进行了综合比较,讨论了地上地下3维一体化的表现思想,精确的表现地形地貌、地上建筑、地下管线分布,让设计人员和决策者可以在宏观层面把握城市空间形态的要点和亮点,体现城市特色.  相似文献   
现实世界的复杂性决定了其在计算机中表达的复杂性,三维模型的构建成为3DGIS中亟待解决的一个核心问题。探讨了三维建模思想以及建模方法,并以ArcGIS和SketchUp交互建模方法为例,论述了三维建模流程以及注意事项,通过模型库的构建,提高了该方法在小区域内景观的三维快速构建效率,所得的模型为3DGIS提供了数据源。实践表明,在有限的经济、技术等条件下,该方法具有较强的可行性和实用性。  相似文献   
针对实现雷电数据可视化的关键技术,采用Flex技术结合Google Map构建了雷电数据可视化平台,重点研究了闪电定位数据、地面电场探测数据以及雷达栅格数据的可视化方法。由于GoogleMapAPI无法满足一些业务需求,设计了自定义类实现信息窗口交互和绘制圆的功能。通过对比传统平台的展现效率可知,采用Flex技术能有效地优化雷电数据的可视化效果,平衡系统运行负载,为雷电数据可视化提供了新的平台支持,对雷电WebGIS进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   
基于NetCDF数据模型的海洋环境数据三维可视化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对海洋环境数据多维、多格式及动态性等特点,本文在全面分析NetCDF数据模型的原理、数据组织及其调度方法的基础上,基于大范围三维虚拟场景,设计了符合NetCDF标准典型海洋环境要素的三维动态渲染模型,实现了海洋环境要素数据的三维动态可视化表达与分析。实验表明,本文方法为复杂海洋现象的表达、变化规律分析以及趋势预测等研究提供强有力的可视化辅助工具。  相似文献   
童晓冲  贲进  张永生  汪滢 《测绘学报》2013,42(3):374-382,403
针对全球六边形离散格网的三维显示化方法开展研究,设计了一种六边形格网的空间层次结构(hexagonalquaternary balanced structure,HQBS),采用四位码元对格网单元进行编码,定义并实现了格网向量的基本运算,利用这些运算可以方便地实现格网单元的空间索引。在此基础上还研究了全球离散格网的动态生成与显示算法、可视化区域裁剪等相关内容。试验表明:全球格网动态生成的效率110~370单元/ms之间,加载空间数据后,格网数据和空间数据逐层加载的时间在300 ms左右,能够保证加载空间数据后的显示刷新率在20帧/s左右。  相似文献   
Data acquisition and modeling are the two important, difficult and costful aspects in a Cybercity project. 2D-GIS is mature and can manage a lot of spatial data. Thus 3D-GIS should make the best of data and technology of 2D-GIS. Construction of a useful synthetic environment requires integration of multiple types of information like DEM, texture images and 3D representation of objects such as buildings. In this paper, the method for 3D city landscape data model and visualization based on integrated databases is presented. Since, the data volume of raster are very huge, special strategies (for example, pyramid gridded method) must be adopted in order to manage raster data efficiently. Three different methods of data acquisition, the proper data structure and a simple modeling method are presented as well. At last, a pilot project of Shanghai Cybercity is illustrated.  相似文献   
3D spatial data model and simulating are the core of 3D GIS can be adopted in different domains. A data model based on Quasi Tri-Prism Volume (QTPV) has been proposed. QTPV definition and its special cases have been discussed. Using QTPV and its special cases, irregular natural geological bodies and regular subsurface engineering can be described efficiently. The proposed model is composed of five primitives and six objects. Data structures and topological relationship of the fives primitives and three objects describing stratigraphy are designed in detail. Some schemes are designed for the QTPV modelling of stratigraphy and subsurface engineering according to modelling data. The model manipulation method of QTPV cutting by an arbitrary plane is discussed. Using VC++ 6.0 programming language integrated with SQL database and OpenGL graphic library under windows environment, a system prototype 3DGeoMV has been developed. The experiment result shows that the QTPV model is feasible and efficient in modelling subsurface engineering.  相似文献   
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