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基于TM遥感数据的汶川地震极重灾区生态恢复研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以地震极重灾区2006、2008和2011年3期Landsat TM遥感影像为数据源,利用GIS提取灾区土地利用信息,结合坡度和高程等地形因子对灾区主要生态系统面积的变化进行综合分析.结果表明:2008年地震对灾区生态环境造成严重破坏,使研究区农田、森林和草地生态系统分别减少了124.6km2、461.6km2和9...  相似文献   
在卫星遥感大气研究中,已有的精确反演海洋表面反射率和其上空气溶胶光学厚度分布的算法,由于陆地地表像元反射率的不均一性,使得这些方法在应用于陆地表面反射率的反演中具有一定的局限性。而利用三步校正法可以去除地表邻近像元的影响,从而消除这种局限性。文中介绍了三步校正的算法,并对日本千叶地区ASTER卫星数据进行了大气和地表邻近像元的影响校正,精确地反演了该地区的地表反射率,通过地表反射率和气溶胶光学厚度之间的关系计算得到了气溶胶光学厚度的分布。同时证明了在洁净天反演的地表反射率可以应用于反演同一季节中非洁净天的气溶胶光学厚度分布,这样不但减小了气溶胶模式选择的影响,而且实现了在缺少太阳辐射计数据情况下获得气溶胶光学厚度分布的目的。  相似文献   
资源一号02C与Landsat8影像融合方法对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对以往关于资源一号02C和Landsat8卫星影像数据融合的研究不足的问题,该文利用前者在空间分辨率上高于后者、后者具有前者所不具有的光谱信息这一特性,选取主成分变换法、比值变换法、色彩变换法、高通滤波法和超分辨率贝叶斯法5种融合方法,分别对两种数据本身及数据间进行融合,并利用定性与定量的方法对融合结果进行评价,得出:资源一号02C星全色波段与多光谱波段数据融合结果中高通滤波法与超分辨率贝叶斯法效果较好,Landsat8OLI全色波段与多光谱数据融合结果中高通滤波法效果最好,资源一号02C星全色波段与Landsat8OLI多光谱数据融合结果中高通滤波法效果最好。  相似文献   
Image compositing is a multi-objective optimization process. Its goal is to produce a seamless cloud and artefact-free artificial image. This is achieved by aggregating image observations and by replacing poor and cloudy data with good observations from imagery acquired within the timeframe of interest. This compositing process aims to minimise the visual artefacts which could result from different radiometric properties, caused by atmospheric conditions, phenologic patterns and land cover changes. It has the following requirements: (1) image compositing must be cloud free, which requires the detection of clouds and shadows, and (2) the image composite must be seamless, minimizing artefacts and visible across inter image seams. This study proposes a new rule-based compositing technique (RBC) that combines the strengths of several existing methods. A quantitative and qualitative evaluation is made of the RBC technique by comparing it to the maximum NDVI (MaxNDVI), minimum red (MinRed) and maximum ratio (MaxRatio) compositing techniques. A total of 174 Landsat TM and ETM+ images, covering three study sites and three different timeframes for each site, are used in the evaluation. A new set of quantitative/qualitative evaluation techniques for compositing quality measurement was developed and showed that the RBC technique outperformed all other techniques, with MaxRatio, MaxNDVI, and MinRed techniques in order of performance from best to worst.  相似文献   
四川甲基卡矿田是中国乃至于世界上锂矿资源最集中的地区之一,目前运用遥感技术开展甲基卡型锂矿的研究工作尚较为薄弱,文章运用遥感技术在甲基卡特殊地貌区开展找矿填图应用研究,建立了研究区典型岩石及矿物的波谱数据库,总结了研究区黑云母片岩、十字石片岩、十字石堇青石片岩、角岩、二云母花岗岩、含锂辉石伟晶岩、无矿伟晶岩、石英脉、长石斑晶、锂辉石单晶、云母、绿柱石的波谱特征;之后分别基于中等分辨率遥感数据Landsat 8和高空间分辨率遥感数据Geoeye-1进行图像处理和信息提取,开展了地质填图应用初步研究。研究结果表明遥感技术作为一种新兴的技术手段,对甲基卡型锂矿的填图及找矿具有重要的指导意义,可以作为今后地质找矿工作的"先头兵"。  相似文献   
Land cover change is increasingly affecting the biophysics, biogeochemistry, and biogeography of the Earth's surface and the atmosphere, with far-reaching consequences to human well-being. However, our scientific understanding of the distribution and dynamics of land cover and land cover change (LCLCC) is limited. Previous global land cover assessments performed using coarse spatial resolution (300 m–1 km) satellite data did not provide enough thematic detail or change information for global change studies and for resource management. High resolution (∼30 m) land cover characterization and monitoring is needed that permits detection of land change at the scale of most human activity and offers the increased flexibility of environmental model parameterization needed for global change studies. However, there are a number of challenges to overcome before producing such data sets including unavailability of consistent global coverage of satellite data, sheer volume of data, unavailability of timely and accurate training and validation data, difficulties in preparing image mosaics, and high performance computing requirements. Integration of remote sensing and information technology is needed for process automation and high-performance computing needs. Recent developments in these areas have created an opportunity for operational high resolution land cover mapping, and monitoring of the world. Here, we report and discuss these advancements and opportunities in producing the next generations of global land cover characterization, mapping, and monitoring at 30-m spatial resolution primarily in the context of United States, Group on Earth Observations Global 30 m land cover initiative (UGLC).  相似文献   
TerraSAR-X satellite acquires very high spatial resolution data with potential for detailed land cover mapping. A known problem with synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data is the lack of spectral information. Fusion of SAR and multispectral data provides opportunities for better image interpretation and information extraction. The aim of this study was to investigate the fusion between TerraSAR-X and Landsat ETM+ for protected area mapping using high pass filtering (HPF), principal component analysis with band substitution (PCA) and principal component with wavelet transform (WPCA). A total of thirteen land cover classes were identified for classification using a non-parametric C 4.5 decision tree classifier. Overall classification accuracies of 74.99%, 83.12% and 85.38% and kappa indices of 0.7220, 0.8100 and 0.8369 were obtained for HPF, PCA and WPCA fusion approaches respectively. These results indicate a high potential for a combined use of TerraSAR-X and Landsat ETM+ data for protected area mapping in Uganda.  相似文献   
Advanced site-specific knowledge of grain protein content of winter wheat from remote sensing data would provide opportunities to manage grain harvest differently, and to maximize output by adjusting input in fields. In this study, remote sensing data were utilized to predict grain protein content. Firstly, the leaf nitrogen content at winter wheat anthesis stage was proved to be significantly correlated with grain protein content (R2 = 0.36), and spectral indices significantly correlated to leaf nitrogen content at anthesis stage were potential indicators for grain protein content. The vegetation index, VIgreen, derived from the canopy spectral reflectance at green and red bands, was significantly correlated to the leaf nitrogen content at anthesis stage, and also highly significantly correlated to the final grain protein content (R2 = 0.46). Secondly, the external conditions, such as irrigation, fertilization and temperature, had important influence on grain quality. Water stress at grain filling stage can increase grain protein content, and leaf water content is closely related to irrigation levels, therefore, the spectral indices correlated to leaf water content can be potential indicators for grain protein content. The spectral reflectance of TM channel 5 derived from canopy spectra or image data at grain filling stage was all significantly correlated to grain protein content (R2 = 0.31 and 0.37, respectively). Finally, not only this study proved the feasibility of using remote sensing data to predict grain protein content, but it also provided a tentative prediction of the grain protein content in Beijing area using the reflectance image of TM channel 5.  相似文献   
及时获取凌汛期河冰和水体的空间分布特征,对于预测冰凌灾害、提高防凌信息化管理水平有重要意义。遥感技术是当前获取河冰和水体空间分布的最主要手段之一。但是,黄河水体有大量悬浮泥沙,这给基于遥感技术的高精度冰-水分类带来了挑战。以黄河内蒙古段为例,基于Landsat 8 OLI遥感影像数据,在利用归一化积雪指数(NDSI)及河道矢量数据排除无关地物的基础上,对比了近红外波段反射率值、归一化差异水体指数(NDWI)、归一化积雪指数(NDSI)、改进的归一化积雪指数(MNDSI)以及归一化差异未封冻水体指数(NDUWI)在黄河内蒙古段典型河道河冰、水体分类中的表现,计算各指标总体分类精度及Kappa系数并进行阈值稳定性分析。结果表明:在利用NDSI和高清历史影像排除河道外无关地物后,NDUWI在各子段影像中的总体分类精度和Kappa系数均达到90.00%及0.90以上,其河冰、水体最优区分阈值大体分布于阈值中值附近。研究结果可为凌汛期黄河冰凌监测方法的选取以及冰上爆破位置的拟定提供依据。  相似文献   
珊瑚礁地貌单元的空间分布对于理解珊瑚礁生态系统的地质构造过程具有重要作用。然而,基于像素的影像分析方法往往获取不到较高精度的分类结果。本文基于面向对象的影像分析方法,利用Landsat 8卫星影像数据对我国西沙地区的珊瑚环礁进行了地貌单元的遥感信息提取。借鉴于美国千年珊瑚礁测绘项目的工作成果,本文首先针对研究区特点定义了十类珊瑚礁地貌单元类型。然后,基于对象的多层次关系特点,并综合利用对象的光谱、形状、上下文关系等特征,建立合适的分类规则集,获取了研究区较大尺度的珊瑚环礁地貌分区图,其分类精度普遍高于80%。虽然研究结果表明基于面向对象的影像分析方法可以有效的进行珊瑚礁遥感信息提取,但其规则集的可移植性仍需要今后的工作加以改善。  相似文献   
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