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山茶属Camellia植物在其进化过程中,以雄蕊不定数、在某些类群中存在心皮离生至合生的中间过渡,认为是山茶科中较原始的一属,分布于亚洲东部和东南部,中国长江以南广袤的亚热带地区是该属的现代分布中心,中南半岛和我国云南、广西南部的热带地区种类虽少,却集中了本属原始或较原始的类群和种类。本属演化上的近缘属或姐妹群——核果茶属Pyrenaria(包括石笔术属Tutcheria)分布区大致与本属相似,其原始(子房5室,心皮先端多少分离,花柱离生)的种类也分布于此,它们可能同出于一个心皮离生的古老祖先,即生长于亚洲古热带森林环境中的类似千五桠果属(Dillenia)的原始山茶科植物,上述地区是该属的早期分化中心和起源地,大约在白垩纪特提斯海(古地中海)东岸的劳亚古陆和冈瓦纳古陆接触地带由原始五桠果类植物演化而来。山茶属植物自热带亚洲起源和分化发生后,向四周辐射状扩展,在亚洲大陆,类群和种类明显表现出由南向北、从热带向亚热带分化和替代的规律。在漫长的进化过程中,经历第三纪以来地史和古气候的变迁,分化发展为具花梗和花梗强烈缩短变无便的两个演化枝,分道扬镳平行发展,两枝在演化上相似地表现出雌、雄蕊数目的减少及合生水平的提高,本属最进化的类群是分布区南界的管蕊茶组 Sect.Calpandria和广布我国亚热带林下的连蕊茶组Sect.Theopsis,前一组花丝全部合生成肉质管,后一组雌、雄蕊高度合生,果通常1室发育,中轴退化。晚第三纪以来,古气候的变迂和亚洲山体的隆升,山茶组 Sect.Camellia,油茶组Sect.Paracamellia以及连蕊茶组 Sect.Theopsis在新的环境中产生进一步分化和自然杂交,出现了一些多倍体种群,细胞地理学研究表明,自中南半岛向北呈现出核型由对称到极不对称、染色体从二倍体到多倍体的变异系列,从而对山茶属中演化与分布的一致性提供了证据。  相似文献   
采用飞行模拟系统,以视觉模式为线索、热惩罚为负强化因子,对于在不同发育时期经受苯甲醛处理过的果蝇的视觉飞行定向条件化进行了检验。苯甲醛气味分别作用于果蝇幼虫和成虫阶段,将阻断果蝇成虫建立视觉联想记忆的能力;雌性果蝇在处女期对苯甲醛气味的接触,会阻断其子代建立视觉联想记忆,这种视觉联想记忆的能力可以通过对其子代连续3代的正常饲养而逐渐得到恢复。  相似文献   
Lanne于1987年提出了生物催化剂工程(Biocatalyst engimeering)和介质工程(Medium enineering)的概念[1].有机相生物催化中溶剂的选择也是介质工程的内容之一。纯酶在有机相中的催化作用已有大量报道[2],但对完整细胞研究甚少。本文以甲基单胞菌(Methylomonos)Z201完整细胞为生物催化剂,丙烯环氧化为指标反应,研究有机溶剂对活性的影响并对催化活性-溶剂疏水性进行了相关性分析。研究了水-十六烷两相体系中十六烷含量和搅拦速度对丙烯环氧化速度的影响和细胞的操作稳定性。  相似文献   
The stability properties of oxidized wild-type (wt) and site-directed mutants in surface residues of vegetative (Vfd) and heterocyst (Hfd) ferredoxins from Anabaena 7120 have been characterized by guanidine hydrochloride (Gdn-HCl) denaturation. For Vfd it was found that mutants E95K, E94Q, F65Y, F65W, and T48A are quite similar to wt in stability. E94K is somewhat less stable, whereas E94D, F65A, F65I, R42A, and R42H are substantially less stable than wt. R42H is a substitution found in all Hfds, and NMR comparison of the Anabaena 7120 Vfd and Hfd showed the latter to be much less stable on the basis of hydrogen exchange rates (Chae YK, Abildgaard F, Mooberry ES, Markley JL, 1994, Biochemistry 33:3287-3295); we also find this to be true with respect to Gdn-HCl denaturation. Strikingly, the Hfd mutant H42R is more stable than the wt Hfd by precisely the amount of stability lost in Vfd upon mutating R42 to H (2.0 kcal/mol). On the basis of comparison of the X-ray crystal structures of wt Anabaena Vfd and Hfd, the decreased stabilities of F65A and F65I can be ascribed to increased solvent exposure of interior hydrophobic groups. In the case of Vfd mutants E94K and E94D, the decreased stabilities may result from disruption of a hydrogen bond between the E94 and S47 side chains. The instability of the R42 mutants is also most probably due to decreased hydrogen bonding capabilities.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The responses of three different soil microbial communities to the experimental application of 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D) were evaluated with a variety of molecular genetic techniques. Two of the three soil communities had histories of prior direct exposure to 2, 4-D, and one had no prior direct application of any herbicide. Dominant 2, 4-D degrading strains isolated from these soils the previous year were screened for hybridization with three catabolic genes (tfdA, tfdAII, and tfdB) cloned from the well-studied 2, 4-D degradative plasmid, pJP4, revealing varying degrees of similarity with the three genes. Hybridization of total community DNA from the three soils with the tfd gene probes also indicated that pJP4-like tfd genes were not harboured by a significant percentage of the community. Community level response was evaluated by the comparison of different treatments by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprints and by community DNA cross-hybridization. No differences between treatments within the same soil were detected in any of the RAPD fingerprints generated with 17 primers. Community DNA cross-hybridization also indicated that the application of 2, 4-D at the applied rates did not quantitatively affect the structure of the soil microbial communities present in the three soils during the time-frame studied.  相似文献   
唐凤鸾  赵健  赵志国  夏科  仇硕 《植物学报》1983,54(3):378-384
以走马胎(Ardisia gigantifolia)幼嫩茎段为外植体, 通过腋芽增殖的方式进行组织培养和快速繁殖研究。结果表明, 培养基MS+1.0 mg·L -1 6-BA+0.2 mg·L -1NAA和MS+0.5 mg·L -1 ZT均可用于腋芽的诱导和前期继代培养, 诱导率分别为89.3%和85.7%; 芽增殖最佳培养基为MS+0.5 mg·L -16-BA+0.1 mg·L -1ZT+0.1 mg·L -1NAA, 增殖系数为4.3倍; 根诱导最佳培养基为1/2MS+1.5 mg·L -1 IAA+1.0 mg·L -1 NAA, 生根率达92.3%, 且根系发达, 植株健壮; 生根苗在混合基质园土:泥炭:珍珠岩=3:1:1 (v/v/v )中移栽成活率为82%。该研究建立了走马胎种苗的组织培养快速繁殖技术体系, 且可应用于规模化生产。  相似文献   
Dopamine transporter mRNA levels in the rat substantia nigra were quantified using a sensitive nuclease protection assay with a highly homologous human dopamine transporter cDNA clone. The same probe was also used to visualize dopamine transporter mRNA in the substantia nigra by in situ hybridization. Repeated cocaine administration (15 mg/kg, twice a day for 6.5 days) resulted in a greater than 40% decrease in nigral dopamine transporter mRNA levels. In contrast, dopamine transporter mRNA levels were unchanged after either acute treatment (4 h before death) or repeated cocaine treatment followed by a 72-h withdrawal period. Thus, blockade of the dopamine transporter by repeated cocaine administration may result in the down-regulation of dopamine transporter gene expression in dopamine neurons.  相似文献   
A comparison of neural network methods and Bayesian statistical methods is presented for prediction of the secondary structure of proteins given their primary sequence. The Bayesian method makes the unphysical assumption that the probability of an amino acid occurring in each position in the protein is independent of the amino acids occurring elsewhere. However, we find the predictive accuracy of the Bayesian method to be only minimally less than the accuracy of the most sophisticated methods used to date. We present the relationship of neural network methods to Bayesian statistical methods and show that, in principle, neural methods offer considerable power, although apparently they are not particularly useful for this problem. In the process, we derive a neural formalism in which the output neurons directly represent the conditional probabilities of structure class. The probabilistic formalism allows introduction of a new objective function, the mutual information, which translates the notion of correlation as a measure of predictive accuracy into a useful training measure. Although a similar accuracy to other approaches (utilizing a mean-square error) is achieved using this new measure, the accuracy on the training set is significantly and tantalizingly higher, even though the number of adjustable parameters remains the same. The mutual information measure predicts a greater fraction of helix and sheet structures correctly than the mean-square error measure, at the expense of coil accuracy, precisely as it was designed to do. By combining the two objective functions, we obtain a marginally improved accuracy of 64.4%, with Matthews coefficients C alpha, C beta and Ccoil of 0.40, 0.32 and 0.42, respectively. However, since all methods to date perform only slightly better than the Bayes algorithm, which entails the drastic assumption of independence of amino acids, one is forced to conclude that little progress has been made on this problem, despite the application of a variety of sophisticated algorithms such as neural networks, and that further advances will require a better understanding of the relevant biophysics.  相似文献   
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