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In this study, the role of the recently identified class of phytohormones, strigolactones, in shaping root architecture was addressed. Primary root lengths of strigolactone-deficient and -insensitive Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants were shorter than those of wild-type plants. This was accompanied by a reduction in meristem cell number, which could be rescued by application of the synthetic strigolactone analog GR24 in all genotypes except in the strigolactone-insensitive mutant. Upon GR24 treatment, cells in the transition zone showed a gradual increase in cell length, resulting in a vague transition point and an increase in transition zone size. PIN1/3/7-green fluorescent protein intensities in provascular tissue of the primary root tip were decreased, whereas PIN3-green fluorescent protein intensity in the columella was not affected. During phosphate-sufficient conditions, GR24 application to the roots suppressed lateral root primordial development and lateral root forming potential, leading to a reduction in lateral root density. Moreover, auxin levels in leaf tissue were reduced. When auxin levels were increased by exogenous application of naphthylacetic acid, GR24 application had a stimulatory effect on lateral root development instead. Similarly, under phosphate-limiting conditions, endogenous strigolactones present in wild-type plants stimulated a more rapid outgrowth of lateral root primordia when compared with strigolactone-deficient mutants. These results suggest that strigolactones are able to modulate local auxin levels and that the net result of strigolactone action is dependent on the auxin status of the plant. We postulate that the tightly balanced auxin-strigolactone interaction is the basis for the mechanism of the regulation of the plants' root-to-shoot ratio.  相似文献   
Physical activity induces favourable changes of arterial gene expression and protein activity, although little is known about its effect in venous tissue. Although our understanding of the initiating molecular signals is still incomplete, increased expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) is considered a key event. This study sought to investigate the effects of two different training protocols on the expression of eNOS and extracellular superoxide dismutase (ecSOD) in venous and lung tissue and to evaluate the underlying molecular mechanisms. C57Bl/6 mice underwent voluntary exercise or forced physical activity. Changes of vascular mRNA and protein levels and activity of eNOS, ecSOD and catalase were determined in aorta, heart, lung and vena cava. Both training protocols similarly increased relative heart weight and resulted in up-regulation of aortic and myocardial eNOS. In striking contrast, eNOS expression in vena cava and lung remained unchanged. Likewise, exercise up-regulated ecSOD in the aorta and in left ventricular tissue but remained unchanged in lung tissue. Catalase expression in lung tissue and vena cava of exercised mice exceeded that in aorta by 6.9- and 10-fold, respectively, suggesting a lack of stimulatory effects of hydrogen peroxide. In accordance, treatment of mice with the catalase inhibitor aminotriazole for 6 weeks resulted in significant up-regulation of eNOS and ecSOD in vena cava. These data suggest that physiological venous catalase activity prevents exercise-induced up-regulation of eNOS and ecSOD. Furthermore, therapeutic inhibition of vascular catalase might improve pulmonary rehabilitation.  相似文献   
The receptor-interacting protein-associated ICH-1/CED-3 homologous protein with a death domain (RAIDD/CRADD) functions as a dual adaptor and is a constituent of different multi-protein complexes implicated in the regulation of inflammation and cell death. Within the PIDDosome complex, RAIDD connects the cell death-related protease, Caspase-2, with the p53-induced protein with a death domain 1 (PIDD1). As such, RAIDD has been implicated in DNA-damage-induced apoptosis as well as in tumorigenesis. As loss of Caspase-2 leads to an acceleration of tumor onset in the Eμ-Myc mouse lymphoma model, whereas loss of Pidd1 actually delays onset of this disease, we set out to interrogate the role of Raidd in cancer in more detail. Our data obtained analyzing Eμ-Myc/Raidd−/− mice indicate that Raidd is unable to protect from c-Myc-driven lymphomagenesis. Similarly, we failed to observe a modulatory effect of Raidd deficiency on DNA-damage-driven cancer. The role of Caspase-2 as a tumor suppressor and that of Pidd1 as a tumor promoter can therefore be uncoupled from their ability to interact with the Raidd scaffold, pointing toward the existence of alternative signaling modules engaging these two proteins in this context.A number of mechanisms have evolved to trace and remove potentially dangerous cells. Deregulation of the induction of apoptosis upon oncogenic stress, for example, can facilitate the accumulation of cells prone to undergo malignant transformation. Cell death by apoptosis depends on the cascade-like activation of proteases of the Caspase family.1 Among these, the evolutionarily most conserved protease, Caspase-2, turns out to be a potent tumor suppressor in mice2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and correlative expression data support a conserved role in human cancer.8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13Early studies suggested that Caspase-2 interacts with other proteins for its activation (e.g., after genotoxic stress), but the protease seems also able to auto-activate cell death on its own when present in sufficiently high concentration.14, 15, 16, 17, 18 The most prominent Caspase-2-containing protein complex was dubbed the ‘PIDDosome'' and described to contain the p53-induced protein with a death domain (PIDD1) and receptor-interacting protein-associated ICH-1/CED-3 homologous protein with a death domain (RAIDD, also known as CRADD).19 Although the molecular details of the pro-apoptotic potential of Caspase-2 are still discussed and alternative roles in the DNA-damage response, cell cycle arrest or sensor of metabolic stress are mechanistically poorly understood, Caspase-2 clearly limits tumorigenesis in different settings. These include aberrant expression of c-Myc in B cells3, 4 or deletion of the DNA-damage response regulator, ataxia telangiectasia mutated kinase (ATM), both driving lymphomagenesis6 as well as overexpression of the Her2/ErbB2 oncogene in breast5 or that of mutated KRAS in the lung epithelium, driving carcinoma formation.7 One of these studies, addressing also the role of Pidd1 in c-Myc-driven lymphomagenesis, revealed an unexpected oncogenic role for Pidd1, thereby questioning the physiological relevance of the PIDDosome complex in Caspase-2-mediated cell death and tumor suppression.4, 20 However, the exact role of the scaffold protein Raidd within these processes remains unaddressed so far.Raidd, a bipartite adapter containing a death domain (DD) and a caspase-recruitment domain (CARD) was first described to bind to the DD-containing kinase RIPK1 and the C. elegans caspase CED-3,21 supporting a role in cell death initiation. Subsequently, the interaction of Caspase-2 and Raidd was biochemically proven22 and proposed to be required for Caspase-2 autoprocessing preceding its activation.19 More recent studies propose an anti-inflammatory role for Raidd through suppression of nuclear factor kappa-light-chain enhancer (NF-κB) activation and cytokine production upon T-cell receptor stimulation by negatively interfering with the Carma1/Malt1/Bcl-10 signaling complex.23, 24First evidence for a potential role of RAIDD in human cancer was discovered in a biochemical screen using mantle cell lymphomas, which detected a downregulation of RAIDD by microarray analysis,10 whereas others reported on RAIDD-linked multidrug resistance in osteosarcoma cells.25 Furthermore, tumor cell apoptosis induced by inhibitors of histone de-acetylases in treatment-resistant adult T-cell leukemia lines reportedly required Caspase-2 and Raidd.26 It is also reported that the Caspase-2/Raidd axis is necessary after ER stress, for example, in the course of infection with the oncolytic maraba virus.27Taken together, these studies support a role for RAIDD in drug-induced cancer cell death as well as in tumor suppression, most likely linked to its role as a direct activator of Caspase-2. Alternatively, RAIDD may negatively interfere with PIDD- or BCL10-regulated NF-κB signaling23, 24, 28 and thereby suppress pro-tumorigenic inflammation. To address the role of Raidd in tumorigenesis in more detail, we exploited different mouse models where we induced thymic lymphomas by γ-irradiation, fibrosarcomas by 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) injection or B-cell lymphomas by aberrant expression of the c-Myc proto-oncogene. Our results suggest that Raidd is not a suppressor of tumors in the mouse models tested.  相似文献   
The aims of the present study were to assess the volume of physical activity (PA) throughout pregnancy in normal-weight vs overweight/obese women, and to investigate which factors may predict compliance to PA recommendations in these women throughout gestation. In 236 pregnant women, 177 normal-weight and 59 overweight/obese (median[IQR] BMI 21.2[19.9–22.8] vs 26.5[25.5–29.0] kg/m2, respectively), medical history, anthropometry and clinical data, including glucose tolerance, were recorded. In addition, pre-pregnancy PA was estimated by the Kaiser questionnaire, while total, walking and fitness/sport PA during pregnancy were assessed by the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE) modified questionnaire, at 14–16, 24–28 and 30–32 weeks of gestation. PA volume was very low in the first trimester of pregnancy in both groups of women. However, it increased in the second and third trimester in normal-weight, but not in overweight/obese subjects. Higher pre-pregnancy PA was a statistically significant predictor of being physically active (>150 minutes of PA per week) during all trimesters of gestation. In conclusion, physical activity volume is low in pregnant women, especially in overweight/obese subjects. PA volume increases during pregnancy only in normal-weight women. Pre-pregnancy PA is an independent predictor of achieving a PA volume of at least 150 min per week during pregnancy.  相似文献   
Polyamines (PAs) are ubiquitous, polycationic biogenic amines that are implicated in many biological processes, including plant growth and development, but their precise roles remain to be determined. Most of the previous studies have involved three biogenic amines: putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd) and spermine (Spm), and their derivatives. We have expressed a yeast spermidine synthase (ySpdSyn) gene under constitutive (CaMV35S) and fruit‐ripening specific (E8) promoters in Solanum lycopersicum (tomato), and determined alterations in tomato vegetative and fruit physiology in transformed lines compared with the control. Constitutive expression of ySpdSyn enhanced intracellular levels of Spd in the leaf, and transiently during fruit development, whereas E8ySpdSyn expression led to Spd accumulation early and transiently during fruit ripening. The ySpdSyn transgenic fruits had a longer shelf life, reduced shriveling and delayed decay symptom development in comparison with the wild‐type (WT) fruits. An increase in shelf life of ySpdSyn transgenic fruits was not facilitated by changes in the rate of water loss or ethylene evolution. Additionally, the expression of several cell wall and membrane degradation‐related genes in ySpdSyn transgenic fruits was not correlated with an extension of shelf life, indicating that the Spd‐mediated increase in fruit shelf life is independent of the above factors. Crop maturity, indicated by the percentage of ripening fruits on the vine, was delayed in a CaMV35SySpdSyn genotype, with fruits accumulating higher levels of the antioxidant lycopene. Notably, whole‐plant senescence in the transgenic plants was also delayed compared with WT plants. Together, these results provide evidence for a role of PAs, particularly Spd, in increasing fruit shelf life, probably by reducing post‐harvest senescence and decay.  相似文献   
c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinases (JNKs) are essential during brain development, when they regulate morphogenic changes involving cell movement and migration. In the adult, JNK determines neuronal cytoarchitecture. To help uncover the molecular effectors for JNKs in these events, we affinity purified JNK-interacting proteins from brain. This revealed that the stathmin family microtubule-destabilizing proteins SCG10, SCLIP, RB3, and RB3' interact tightly with JNK. Furthermore, SCG10 is also phosphorylated by JNK in vivo on sites that regulate its microtubule depolymerizing activity, serines 62 and 73. SCG10-S73 phosphorylation is significantly decreased in JNK1-/- cortex, indicating that JNK1 phosphorylates SCG10 in developing forebrain. JNK phosphorylation of SCG10 determines axodendritic length in cerebrocortical cultures, and JNK site-phosphorylated SCG10 colocalizes with active JNK in embryonic brain regions undergoing neurite elongation and migration. We demonstrate that inhibition of cytoplasmic JNK and expression of SCG10-62A/73A both inhibited fluorescent tubulin recovery after photobleaching. These data suggest that JNK1 is responsible for regulation of SCG10 depolymerizing activity and neurite elongation during brain development.  相似文献   
Many cell types, including neurons and epithelial cells, express a variety of annexins. Although the overall function has only been partially unravelled, a dominant feature is the formation of two-dimensional assemblies under the plasma membrane in a calcium-dependent manner. Here we show that fluorescently tagged annexins A1, A2, A4, A5, and A6 translocate and assemble at the plasma membrane and the nuclear envelope, except annexin A2, which only attaches to the plasma membrane. All annexins have different response times to elevated calcium levels as was shown by the translocation of co-expressed proteins. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching revealed the static nature of all annexin assemblies. Analysis of the assemblies by Foerster resonance energy transfer (FRET) using acceptor bleaching demonstrated mostly annexin-specific self-assembly. Heterogeneous assembly formation was shown between annexins A5 and A1, and A5 and A2. The formation of homo- and heterogeneous annexin assemblies may play an important role when high increases in calcium occur, such as after disruption of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   
Queuosine is a modified pyrrolopyrimidine nucleoside found in the anticodon loop of transfer RNA acceptors for the amino acids tyrosine, asparagine, aspartic acid, and histidine. Because it is exclusively synthesized by bacteria, higher eukaryotes must salvage queuosine or its nucleobase queuine from food and the gut microflora. Previously, animals made deficient in queuine died within 18 days of withdrawing tyrosine, a nonessential amino acid, from the diet (Marks, T., and Farkas, W. R. (1997) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 230, 233-237). Here, we show that human HepG2 cells deficient in queuine and mice made deficient in queuosine-modified transfer RNA, by disruption of the tRNA guanine transglycosylase enzyme, are compromised in their ability to produce tyrosine from phenylalanine. This has similarities to the disease phenylketonuria, which arises from mutation in the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase or from a decrease in the supply of its cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4). Immunoblot and kinetic analysis of liver from tRNA guanine transglycosylase-deficient animals indicates normal expression and activity of phenylalanine hydroxylase. By contrast, BH4 levels are significantly decreased in the plasma, and both plasma and urine show a clear elevation in dihydrobiopterin, an oxidation product of BH4, despite normal activity of the salvage enzyme dihydrofolate reductase. Our data suggest that queuosine modification limits BH4 oxidation in vivo and thereby potentially impacts on numerous physiological processes in eukaryotes.  相似文献   
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